I want to lose weight? 15 female?
2016-02-20 09:06:40 UTC
I weigh about 130-140 pounds or 58-60 kg, somewhere in that range. I want to be skinnier without drastic measures. I'm also 5'4", so what would be a good weight for that?
Six answers:
2016-02-20 09:19:43 UTC
Your BMI (body mass index) is 23.1. This means you are a bit on the large size, but not abnormally so. Exercise for at least one hour a day, at a pace from moderate to vigorous intensity. Try to avoid sweets and sweetened drinks (like soda or candy), and add fruits and vegetables into your diet. Don't do it all at once- that is not sustainable. Just slowly replace unhealthy foods with healthier options. A weight loss beginner should not jump right in and eat things like kale every day. Also, if you find yourself craving sugar, try eating a sweet fruit like an orange or a few raspberries. This will satisfy your craving with healthier sugars, and eventually you'll crave sugar less. For foods with more fat, like fried chicken, hamburgers, chips, french fries, etc., use little techniques to cut down on fat. For example, instead of deep frying french fries, get oven baked ones. Instead of fried chicken, try grilled. Remember to STAY HYDRATED. If your urine is yellow, you need more water. It should be clear if you are properly hydrated. This is very important. Little lifestyle changes will add up! It won't be easy and it won't happen overnight, but you'll be glad you did it! :)
2016-02-20 09:31:24 UTC
ok...this is a diet that is EASY to stick to and ENJOY it. i have been doing this myself and have lost weight easily.

I call it the "Campbell's Vegetable & Bean Soup Diet (Drinking only Spring Water, Fruit Juice & Milk)"

. First you need to have a stove to use and a 6 quart pot (get an iron pot if possible) to cook soup in and buy some (pack of 6 at least) of Rubbermaid tupperware (3 qt. size) (BOTH ITEMS CAN BE ORDERED ON AMAZON, JUST TYPE IN SEARCH BAR) . NEXT, Go to the store and buy a month's supply of a variety of Campbell's soup. (about 24 cans), and 24 cans of a different variety Beans (Chick Peas, Kidney Beans, Black Beans, Garbonzo Beans, Cannatelli Beans, Navy Beans, Pinto Beans, Etc) , plenty of SPRING water...make sure to get the spring water as it is the best and healthiest..., about 24 small bags of Frozen Vegetables...(spinach, Lima Beans, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Carrots, "Stir Fry Mixed Vegetables", Etc. Etc.)...and buy some extra carrots, Onions & Garlic (real garlic).. also buy some unsalted dry roasted peanuts (since they are very healthy and can snack on them in moderation )...and you will need a bottle of vegetable oil too.

To cook the soup I am referring put the a table spoon of vegetable oil on the bottom of the pot on medium heat and stir it around......and then you add small pieces of cut up garlic cloves (garlic is extremely healthy and is also a natural appetite suppressant) and put on top of the oil and have an onion cut up and spread i on top next...then you open up 2 of your Campbellls soups (can mix them up Green pea, Brocolli Cream, etc, mushroom cream, etc)...and then you spoon them into the pot and then you open up a can of beans and spill just some of the juice out...but pour most of it into the pot..and then you stir it up good..add some black pepper or curry powder or other spices too if you wish...and then you open up a bag of frozen vegetables (can mix these too...spinach with cauliflower, etc.)....and then you pour enough vegetables into the pot to make it to the top..and fill one of the empty Campbell soup cans with milk and pour it in to the pot too. mix everything really good...and then put top on (again cooking on medium heat) and keep an eye on it and stir it every few minutes until it starts to slightly boil. Then you take the soup off the stove and let it cool down a bit and then spoon it out with a ladle or big spoon and evenly distribute it to (2) 3 qt. size of the rubbermaide tupperware. and 1 6 qt pot of above soup should fit into (2) of the 3 qt. size tupperware. You can make 2 or 3 of these pots if you want to cook for the entire week , which makes it easy. You put the rest you dont eat into the refridgerator and can keep for 1 week. (1) 3 qt size of soup should last you an entire day. (if even that depending on how hungry you are)...this soup is EXTREMELY HEALTHY and you wont even feel hungry because it is so full of nutrients...and you WILL lose weight. Drink NO cokes or sweetened drinks..just water and 8 oz. of milk per day and 8 oz. of Fruit juice or eat fruit. I like juice myself as it is tastier and just as healthy if get the juice wiht no sugar added. (look on label)


2016-02-20 09:13:04 UTC
120 ish
2016-02-20 09:36:28 UTC
First of all - depends on your age . Second of all by saying weight i assume you mean ''fat''. Loosing weight is easy, loosing fat and only fat is harder. Fat is energy, which is measured by calories. Everyday person expends calories on chemical activity on their body(males more, females less, teenages more, grown ups less) and on physical activity that you do. Average 140 pound female would burn around 1400 kcal for chemical-biological body activity and around 350 on daily activity(walking to job, moving around). That means that on average 1750 kcal per day would be used by you. To loose weight you have to expend more calories than you take. However when you are in calorie deficit and you start loosing calories your body thinks that you are starving and uses muscle as energy as well, so the weight lost is not only fat, so you will get weaker if you wont go to gym and wont have enough protein in your diet( which helps to keep your muscles alive when loosing weight or helps to grow muscles when you gain weight). It is way easier to loose weight by eating healthy food than adding bonus physical activity:

For example - 1 hours walking at 6km/h you would burn around 320 kcal. same amount would be burned running 30 minutes 10 km/h. You can save 300-400 calories by not eating 1 slice of pizza.(Thats how hard it is to burn calories)

How to lower your calorie intake:

1. Eat healthy, low caloric food: eggs, beans, broccolli and similar food. Read nutrients information when buying food and calculate how much calories you expend.

2.Drink ONLY WATER. NO JUICE, NO SODA, ONLY and Only water, you can drink tea without sugar as well. If your goal is to loose weight any drink is bad for you, even milk(unless you want to balance protein intake which would be rare)

3. Add physical activity/cardio to your daily routine if possible. Go for a run or for a walk. I'd say go for a 1 hour walk, because most people would stop running after 2-3 weeks. and walking burns almost same amount of calories in terms of distance(you waste almost same amount of energy to put object from point A to point B).

4. Dont CHEAT

Thats how to loose weight overall.

Now few important things as well:

- Dont loose more than 400-500 calories per day. If you start loosing more your body will start burning more muscles which is bad - you might end up looking skinny-fat(worst possible scenario)

- Go to gym(if possible) this way you will stimulate muscles, you will loose less muscles when you are dieting, because your body tries to adjust to new circumstances(body resistance)

- Have some protein in your diet, at least 50g if you wont go to gym and around 90g if you would go to gym.

- Stay hidrated

-Loosing too much weight too fast might make your body shrink, your body will turn into starvation mode and will start saving calories which would make it even harder to keep loosing weight, you will start loosing more muscles and not so much fat, you will feel tired and your face wont look healthy.

400kcal deficit per day with NO CHEAT MEALS equals 12000kcal per month which is almost 2 kg. Perfect weight for 5'4 female is around 125pounds. But.. every person is different, you have to have a muscular physique to make your body look nice(not guy-muscular, but girly muscular - when you get little bigger, but you have enough body fat so your muscles wont show up). and most important - your body has memory - if you start loosing weight fast, you will gain weight fast.

You can find online calculators for daily calorie intake, please keep in mind that most articles on loosing weight are for loosing weight, not loosing fat :D

I am talking from technical perpective to make you understand how loosing weight works, so you can adjust what to eat, whether or not to exercise by yourself

EDIT: Most women who are dieting , they don't have any knowledge how and why they loose weight.
2016-02-20 09:08:31 UTC
Then go to the Gym fatty!
2016-02-20 09:11:51 UTC
A rule of thumb for weight is this - 100 lbs for 5', and then 5 lbs for every inch after that - so 5'4" = 120 lbs APPROX. This really is just a guideline - go by your looks, more than the reading on the scale - if you are large boned, you can weigh more but look thinner..

First, don't listen to people who say 'eat less' - what are you gonna do if you are only eating 1200 calories, and still overweight - go down to 1000 calories? And then what - 800? Never do this - it isn't about the amount of food you eat, it is about the TYPE of food you eat. I eat TONS. I eat all I want to eat, and I lost 20lbs this summer (and it hasn't come back) - so what I am going to tell you WORKS!

- give up sugar. Before you groan and say that is too difficult, hear me out - it only takes 3 days for your taste buds to adapt to a change, and you can use Stevia as a sugar substitute. Stevia is all natural - it is the leaf of a plant that is ground up. It's been used for thousands of years with no side effects. It is healthy for you, doesn't raise blood sugar, and isn't man made.. you can get it at the health food store. I use it all the time in coffee, tea, iced tea, on fruit.. you can't really bake with it, but it can be added to a lot of things. For me, it is a great alternative to sugar.

But, the major way to get over sugar cravings is to eat fruit.. Fruit is healthy, full of vitamins and minerals (this is what your body needs!), and it totally kills a sugar craving.. so you feel like a cookie, eat a banana instead.. and you will find that the sugar craving is gone. People will say 'fruit is bad for you - it has too much sugar in it' - that is just not true - again, look at the weight I lost - that is my proof! God made fruit on this planet for us to eat! God did not make fruit JUICE though - and that is the difference. When you separate the pulp from the juice you 1) lose a lot of the nutrients, making it less healthy, and 2) you get rid of the fiber - which we need for digestion, and which slow down the sugar - juice without pulp is just like drinking soda - all the sugar goes straight to the blood stream, whereas a piece of fruit in it's whole form, must go to the stomach and be digested. The sugar then metabolizes very slowly. Our bodies LOVE sugar. Our muscles run on glucose, and we have a 'sweet' taste bud - showing that we need sugars (cats have a protein taste bud - they need meat, as a comparison).. but the KIND of sugar we need is what is important! Fruit in its whole form is healthy and no one ever got fat from eating oranges, bananas etc..

I start my day with a huge smoothie - I take a bunch of whole fruits, and throw them in the blender - I start with 2 bananas (they give a nice smooth consistency to the smoothie), then I add something sweet, like pears or pineapple or mango, I also add some kale or spinach - cause these are super healthy and you never taste them in the smoothie because of all the fruit! then I add enough water to make it puree.. and if it isn't sweet enough, I add a bit of stevia.. Also for breakfast I have about 6 almonds, or 4 walnuts.. if you google 'nuts and weightloss' you will find that the thinnest people in the world eat nuts regularly (again, we are told nuts are fattening, don't eat them! but it turns out we don't digest the fat in nuts in the same way as we do in meat etc.. nuts are a healthy fat, and that fat helps deliver the nutrients we eat to the cells.. another really good fat is avocado - I eat 1/2 avocado almost every day for lunch and that is 15g of fat - which sounds high, but I am telling you, if it is natural, it is healthy! Stay away from oils when you can.. Lastly for breakfast I have toast with a bit of butter and a cup of coffee - this is a huge breakfast of probably 500 calories - but look at it - butter is natural, nuts are natural, fruit is natural, the stevia in my coffee is natural.. no chemicals, no additives, no artificial ingredients, no added oils, no processed foods, no white sugar! Just real food..

I want to explain to you what white sugar does to your body - it makes it impossible to lose weight.. Your blood system can only have about 1 tablespoon of sugar in it at any given time or you go into diabetic coma. So, when you drink a coke, or have some fruit juice, or eat a candy bar, a cookie, cake etc.. the body immediately sends out insulin to 'sweep' that sugar out of the bloodstream - it HAS to.. so where to put the sugar? The insulin shoves the sugar into the fat cells - remember this really is life or death for the body - the sugar must be removed from the blood stream, and it is easy to put in the fat cells.. where the sugar then TURNS TO FAT!! You can google this, but what I am telling you is true.. and so, let's say you eat a candy bar, then feel guilty and decide to go for a good long exercise session to burn it off.. did you know you will not lose weight?! Remember that sugar you just ate has just been REMOVED from the bloodstream, to keep you alive.. now that sugar must stay there, and be metabolized, and turned into fat - this takes about 5 hours. For those 5 hours, insulin 'locks the door' on your fat cells.. the sugar is in there, so the fat cells must stay locked, until it is no longer dangerous.. during that 5 hours, your body will resist with all the power it has, not to open those fat cells/ burn fat - because it doesn't want that sugar flooding your blood stream again.. you can see then, if you have a danish at breakfast, a coke at lunch, a cookie for dinner - you have gone the ENTIRE DAY with your fat cells on lock down.. you can exercise FOREVER, and lose very little fat.. but if you don't eat sugar, your fat cells are open and even the littlest exercise is gonna make you burn fat..

- so, when you want sugar, eat fruit in its whole form. Eat it as a snack, as a dessert, eat it breakfast lunch and dinner!

- stay away from highly processed foods - the body has been dealing with natural foods for thousands of years, and knows what to do with those, but artificial ingredients are a new thing and the body doesn't know what to do with them. Some of these artificial 'foods' trigger the appetite, make you eat more, and bottom line, they do nothing to nourish the body! They really shouldn't be allowed to be called 'food'.. they are edible, that's all..

Next - eat starchy foods - whole grain bread, oatmeal, popcorn, brown rice, potatoes, non GMO organic corn - again we are told that starchy foods make us fat - not true - watch the video on youtube "the starch solution" - starchy foods are low fat, fill us up, are healthy and look at ancient cultures - Chinese people on their traditional diet eat rice 3x a day with a bit of veggies, and a tiny bit of meat.. chinese people are not normally fat..

So, for lunch, I usually have a big bowl of rice, with some veggies, and maybe a little meat - I try never to add oil - I eat 1/2 avocado for fat.. sometimes I eat a baked potato with a little butter, or a huge plate of mashed potatoes.. dinner is much the same - I do eat pasta occasionally, but now we are getting into the not so good processed wheat - so I try not to eat too much of that.. For lunch and dinner, I probably eat another 1000 calories - so 1500 for the day - I am NOT gaining weight, and I barely exercise. You are much younger than me, and probably more active, so you can definitely eat more than me, and not gain - don't worry about calories so much - concentrate on eating REAL foods, and staying away from sugar - do not use artificial sweeteners - they make you gain weight!

Weightloss is 85% diet - exercise is great for toning the body, but it doesn't cause a significant loss in fat..

Last tip - watch the video 'the 5 - 2 diet' on youtube.. basically, you limit calories 2 days a week - this works.. I do this occasionally when I want to lose a bit more..

hope this helps

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.