Okay I'm 15 and very overweight! My BMI says I am obese! and my friend guessed my weight at 140lbs.!! I don't wanna tell you how much I do weigh though.Just know I am not some dramatic teen obsessed with being stick skinny, I really want to be healthy, If I eat right, do 1 hour of walking on a treadmill split into 30 minutes and before I go to sleep do 100 sit ups split into 50, will I lose weight? PLEASE HELP! and if you can around how much do you think I could possibly lose per week. I'm going to be doing this exercise 6-7 days a week, So pleas give me a range of how much I can lose per week. I want to be healthy! and since I play basketball, there is a lot of running and I used to get tired quickly, plus we had to do suicides and 8 laps of running around the gym split up into 3 and 5. so please help as much as you can. THANKS!!