2013-06-26 10:53:22 UTC
I am diabetic (type 2) so not allowed high carbs or sugars.
I also need a lot of calcium due to starting the menopause at 28.
I have been looking through all the superfoods and I cannot tell which to use together.
Can anyone tell me if this would work?
Chlorella Powder
Spirulina Powder
Yacon Powder
Hemp Powder
Soy Powder
Psyllium Powder
Raw Cocoa Powder
Skimmed Milk Powder
Would this make a shake which I could live on and be healthy?
Oh and please do not tell me to eat a balanced diet, my diet consists of chicken, tuna, salad and fruit and I STILL have high cholesterol and a fat belly (the rest is fine). I never drink soda or alcohol, I do not smoke or take drugs and I am still obese and very annoyed. I can tell the doctors do not believe me when I tell them what I eat. I eat very little and still I am fat!
So I want to try this out for a while and see if anything good happens.
Thank you for your time :o)