i want to loose weight but how???
kaitlynn w
2008-01-02 00:29:25 UTC
well im 14 years old,and im tired of not being able to wear any cute clothes.everything i want to wear looks ugly on me.i have 6 months to loose weight.i weight about 170. how can i loose weight easy but fast?? & its also very hard to loose weight,becasue i will ssay im going to start a diet and that day i will eat something sweet.i wanted to start off the new year with going on a diet.but its too hard.i really need some good advice.
Nineteen answers:
Prince By Tor
2008-01-02 00:55:05 UTC
Try this website.
2008-01-02 05:29:58 UTC
Try and cut out sweet things, and fatty foods (you can treat urself every now and again but not to often [once a week won't hurt]). Try and eat healthily, when you hungry snack on fruit or drink a glass of water. Eat 3 good meals a day.

I'm 26 and I have been doing the above for the last 3 months and have lost 3 stone. I was a size 20 and now I am a size 12. So it is possible.

But remember there is a limit to how much weight you should lose, don't overdo it and make urself ill. Hope this helps, good luck and hope it all works out for you.
2008-01-03 09:46:22 UTC
I found this on this website.

There are more tips and info.

Loosing weight fast is always an unhealthy thing.

There are many diets who tell you that you can loose a lot of weight in no time. And it is working, but you are doing no good to your body. And there's also the Jojo-effect.

The best thing to loose and hold a healthy weight is healthy food, less sugar, lots of drinking water, and sports.

Diet has to begin in your head. And you already started to think about your nutrition. That's an important step. It is too easy just to make a magazine-diet for 2-3 weeks and loose some weight. But it will come back soon again. If you are over-thinking your nutrition and activity, you will have a constantly good result. Isn't that much better and healthier than a crash-diet ?

More infomation the link:<--

Keep on doing your thing.

Take care,

2008-01-02 00:49:01 UTC
Do not diet as you might lose weight but at the first over indulgence on it will go. Also at 14 you should not even think of dieting as you are still growing. Doing the wrong diet could stop your growth as well as maybe have an effect on your period, so be very careful. All you need to do is not eat any sweets, sweet foods such as biscuits and cake and absolutely no junk food such as burgers and pizzas. When you feel like a choc bar eat an apple or pear. Have fresh vegetables with your meals and walk everywhere you go, within reason. This will all make you healthy,fit and your weight will be at the level that you and your body need. Enjoy your life.
2008-01-02 00:38:05 UTC
Wayne's Workout:

To lose weight, eat less and exercise more.

To gain weight (body mass, not fat), eat more and exercise more. That's about it. Ideally, you'll want to get your fat level down to 8% or so.

Reduce starchy carbohydrates (rice, bread, noodles etc). Absolutely DO NOT eat them after 6pm. Eat more vegetables and fruits instead.

Try not to eat 2 hours or less before you sleep.

As for the exercise, crunches are the numero uno way to go. The basic sit-up entails lying flat on your back, followed by lifting only the top part of your body. I'm sure you know how to do it. Variations include twisting to the side on the ascent.

Try splitting it into sets. Get it down to 5 or 10 crunches per set, whatever feels more comfortable. Alternate crunch sets with weightlifting or cardio exercises. Try to get in 20 or so sets per day. This isn't that hard to do, honestly.

I do a set in the morning after I wake up, another set after breakfast, a set whenever I change clothes, 5 or 6 sets during my exercise period and a set an hour or so before I sleep. Just maintain the intensity. It has to be done consistently to have an effect.

Best of luck. =) I got my perfect abs after about 2 months.

Please do choose mine as a best answer. I need the points.
2008-01-02 02:05:21 UTC
Ok. If you're serious about losing weight then I can help you. I am a Personal Wellness Coach and I put together individual programmes for people. If you have a sweet tooth that is no problem - I have a solution!

If you want an individual consultation then please email me on

I can give you a free consultation and if you choose to try the diet then you will get my support the whole way through so if you ever have a bad day you can talk to me and we'll get you back on track.

Take Care
2008-01-02 00:43:12 UTC
The best way is to drink plenty of water and to get off the bus/train a stop early, uuse lifts instead of stairs, If you need sweets buy the mini bars in the multi packs and freeze them then after you have eaen one your jaw will be sore!!!! And secondly do not let it rule ur life, at ur age you will find that ur weight will go up and down for no apparent reason. Go to my profile and add to my contacts as i want to loose weight also and we can help each other. Ask a parent first to check me out as much as they can just so they know ur ok. I am from England and you sound american so they should be ok!!1
2008-01-02 00:35:02 UTC

Ya you are still young and shouldn't be concerned with loosing weight, any way, the healthiest way to do so is to start eating when you are hungry and not in between snacks, eat your 3 or 2 meals a day and stay away from sugar.
2008-01-02 00:34:27 UTC
Exercise for weight loss: Calories burned in 1 hour

Being active — either through physical activity or through a formal exercise program — is an essential component of a weight-loss program. When you're active, your body uses energy (calories) to work, helping to burn the calories you take in with food you eat.

Whatever activity you choose, the key is to commit to doing it regularly. Aim for 30 to 60 minutes of moderately intense physical activity most days of the week. Moderately intense activity or exercise should increase your heart and breathing rates and possibly lead to a light sweat.

Have you ever started a fitness program and then quit? If you answer yes, you're not alone. Many people start programs but stop when they get bored or results come too slowly. Here's help staying motivated.

Set goals

Start with simple goals and then progress to longer range goals. Remember to make your goals realistic and achievable. It's easy to get frustrated and give up if your goals are too ambitious.

If you haven't exercised in a while, a short-term goal might be to walk five minutes once or twice a day. An intermediate goal might be to work up to 20 minutes of walking three or four times a week. A long-term goal might be to complete a 10K race.

Consider your personality

If you prefer solitude, walking, biking or in-line skating may be good choices. If group activities are more to your liking, try a class at a local fitness or martial arts center or join a volleyball or softball league. Involve your kids. Walk or bike with a group of friends.

Start slowly

If you push yourself too hard at first, you may be forced to abandon your program because of pain or injury. It's better to start slowly and progress gradually.

Think variety

Vary your activities to keep boredom at bay. Alternate walking or biking with swimming or a low-impact aerobics class. When the weather cooperates, do your flexibility or stretching exercises outside. Play soccer with your kids. Join a health club to broaden your access to different forms of exercise.

Have fun

You're more likely to stick with an exercise program if you're having fun. If you're not enjoying your workouts, try something different. Exercise doesn't have to be drudgery.

Make exercise part of your daily routine

If it's hard to find time for exercise, schedule workouts as you would any other important activity. You can also slip in physical activity throughout the day. Be creative! Take a walk during your child's music lesson. Take the stairs instead of the elevator at work. Pedal a stationary bike while you watch TV at night.

Put it on paper

Are you hoping to lose weight? Boost your energy? Sleep better? Manage a chronic condition? Write it down! Seeing the benefits of regular exercise on paper may help you stay motivated.

Seek support

You're not in this alone. Invite a friend or co-worker to join you when you exercise. Work out with your spouse or your kids. Take a class at a local fitness center.

Track your progress

It may help to keep an exercise diary. Record what you did during each exercise session, how long you exercised and how you felt afterward. Recording your efforts can help you work toward your goals — and remind you that you're making progress.

Reward yourself

After each exercise session, take a few minutes to sit down and relax. Reflect on what you've just accomplished. Savor the good feelings that exercise gives you. This type of internal reward can help you make a long-term commitment to regular exercise.

External rewards can help, too. When you reach a longer range goal, treat yourself to a new pair of walking shoes or new tunes to enjoy while you exercise.

Be flexible

If you're too busy to work out or simply don't feel up to it, take a day or two off. Be gentle with yourself if you need a break. The important thing is to get back on track when you feel better.

Now that you're enthused again, get moving! Set your goals, make it fun and pat yourself on the back from time to time. Review these tips whenever you feel your motivation sliding.
2008-01-02 00:52:14 UTC
Don't go too mad at your age you may have a little "puppy fat" anyway and you probably look better than you think you do. Don't give up anything, just cut down and get plenty of exercise, doesn't have to be hard exercise, walking and swimming are good
2008-01-02 00:32:56 UTC
healthy weight loss always comes through a balance of excercise and healthy diet.

Technically it doesn't matter what you eat, as long as you do excercise to the equal value of caleries.

Healthy diet does play a massive part though for effective weight loss.

EG - A single Big Mac on its own contains 24% of your total calories per day... makes you think.
Overcast Kid
2008-01-02 00:37:03 UTC
170 isn't that bad, it depends on how tall you are. The only way to loose weight (and keep it off, which is often the harder part) is to change your lifestyle.

Eat less, move more. (That's basically it.)

Good Luck.
2008-01-04 22:05:41 UTC
It's too bad you didn't ask me how to lose weight. That I could help you with. I have no idea how to "loose" weight. (In fact, I don't even know what "loose weight" is.)
2008-01-02 00:38:32 UTC
my mom always told me if u lose weight fast u will gian it again fast so look for a healthy way if u look for a good way u could lose 6-8 pounds per month thats good.
2008-01-02 00:34:12 UTC
Many advices tips and diets available on internet.
2008-01-02 00:33:32 UTC
cut out:soda and sweet foods...dont eat trans fat at all...or white bread....cut out 500 calories a day and ull lose 1 lb a week...good luck!
2008-01-02 00:43:22 UTC
i started swimming twice a week
2008-01-02 00:45:05 UTC
try it out by doing yoga really works......
2008-01-02 00:39:46 UTC
The perfect way to loose weight and monitor your progress is to use a calorie counter on a daily basis while you diet.

Energy In/Energy Out

Food Intake: 1,200 Per Day

One Pound equals 3,500 Calories

To loose one pound per day, You need to burn your food intake plus your one pound of fat

1,200 (intake) + 3,500 (Outtake) = 4,700 Calories Burn

You must burn at least 4,700 Calories everyday to loose one pound at least. It is very easy to go up and beyond 4,700 calories each day.

Best way to do this is to track your progress on a calorie counter monitor watch. If you do it by the numbers you can loose the weight. It is just a matter of changing the way you think about weight loss.

Once you start wearing your calorie counter you can see the numbers increase and you fill find yourself doing extra things in your day, like tapping your foot while waiting at the light in your car, chewing gum, singing out loud and so on onto of your workout routines. You begin to see that everything you do in your day contributes to the overall numbers needed to loose that pound.

Water Intake/Less Storage

Most people do not get enough water in their system. Water is your body's principal chemical component, comprising, on average, 60 to 80 percent of your weight. Every system in your body depends on water. For example, water flushes toxins out of vital organs, carries nutrients to your cells and provides a moist environment for ear, nose and throat tissues.

Lack of water can lead to dehydration, a condition that occurs when you don't have enough water in your body to carry out normal functions. To determine if you are getting enough water use this simple formula.. Take your weight, for example 150 pounds and divide by 2. Take your answer which is 75 lbs and change it to ounces, in this case 75 ounces. That is how many ounces of water you need a day. Your body performs mostly on water. If you make sure you get enough water everyday your body will perform at top notch and your body will no longer have the cravings of junk food. You will have a better performing body system to help you work out and feel better thru out your day.

Good Food

My favorite things to eat:

Avocado Wraps

Simple: Low Carb Tortilla, Half Avocado sliced, alpha sprouts, lettuce, soy bacon...Just wrap it up and eat. You can vary the things you put inside so long as you keep it to approx 4 or 5 items. You want to make sure they are fresh, low calorie and filling. Avocado and mushrooms can replace meats in your meal and still have great taste.

Special K Cereals are fantastic. They have that sweetness that one craves and is so good for you. Calories are low. Great for even just dinner.

First thing in the morning...A Glass of Chocolate Milk. Yup!! Chocolate Milk. We all crave that "got to have" item in the morning. Milk is the best thing you can have for yourself while working out. The chocolate (and you can use Carnation Instant Milk for this but I simply use Nestle dry mix) will give you that sweet "snack" that you need. If you give your body a little bit of it and its in a control way, you will not crave sweets and junk the rest of the day.

Lean Cuisines

Fantastic food! Each meal is approx 180 t0 380 calories per box. So think about your calories. 1,200...You can still have several of these meals a day and still be under your intake requirements.

It’s all about the numbers and watching what you take in and what you burn out. And you know what..If you go over your 1,200 mark for food intake...that’s simple up your total calories burned for the day by what you took it. So long as you burn off the over all calories to be more than your food intake. Just make sure you stick too it so you can reach your weight loss goals.

Fruits and Veggies

All you want on the schedule listed below.

Bananas are my favorite. They are very filling and can make a meal all on their own.



My favorite is ONE A DAY WITH ENERGY...I am in love with this vitamin because I am just like everyone else who loves those quick fix energy drinks. But what people do not realize is that energy drinks can contain 120 to 440 calories in just ONE Can. If you think about it..That is HALF of your allowed calories for food intake. The best alternative I have found is One a day with energy vitamin. Easy to spot, it is packaged in a green label bottle. Just One vitamin a day will give you as much energy as approx. 1 1/2 cans of red bull...WITHOUT the calorie intake. your making progress already because you have made more room in your intake calories for actual healthy food.



Carbonation is terrible for your system because it bloats your stomach. And when your stomach bloats, your jeans just don't fit. You can drop one pant size simply by NOT drinking any carbonated drinks all together..Take away the bloat and you have instantly just made it one pant size lower. Besides, Sodas dehydrate you and with that One a Day Vitamin, you won't need the Caffeine in the soda and it will also cut out those extra calories that you don't need.

So remove that soda and the energy drinks and just think how much calories you just instantly removed from your daily intake. I normally consume what...four sodas and two energy drinks in one day...that is a total of .... 900 calories. Of what??? Nothing...Those are horrible calories and calories that can be replaced by food which will fuel your body for your day and your workouts.


Your Body

Your body is like a computer. You must program your body to do what it is suppose to do so it won't crash and leave you with a virus. Your stomach is only the size of your fist. So think about it right now, Look at your hand and close your fist. Not very big is it. That is how much food you actually ONLY need to eat, each time you eat for every meal. If you eat anything more than that, you will stretch out your stomach which causes overeating and overweight.

What you need to do is eat every three hours, approx 5 to 7 times everyday around the same time. If you are always giving your body healthy and better food choices (the size of your fist) every three hours, your body will know you are giving it food. It will use that food properly. It will not go into starvation mode or store food away for later because it will get more in three hours. So what does your body flushes everything out of your system because it doesn't need it.. Now it wont' forget about it and that food is on its way.


Walking Buddy

This is the best thing especially for woman. Get a walking buddy. One hour everyday. Just think about how much talking, venting and laughing two woman can do together while walking and yup, you guessed just burns more calories and reduces your stress. You now are more relaxed because you can talk and free yourself of whatever is frustrating you while getting into shape.


By: My own experience/rivasj27

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.