Here are a few suggestions but realize from the start, your entire family will take on a new healthy pattern of eating if he is to benefit.
Here are a few important suggestions:
1) Do your research by going to This site will tell you what his daily intake should be in the form of healthy foods according to his age and height. It will also provide a list of what is needed and the many choices of healthy items will be listed in each category.
2) Remove all unhealthy items from your home and don’t buy them.
3) Do not treat foods, or stops at fast food places as a reward at any time but realize even fast foods present healthy choices.
4) Take on the attitude that we need to eat to live, not eat to live. Drop the fascination given to unhealthy items.
5) Walk with him in the afternoon or any opportunity you can. It is important that everyone in your family mentally knows the importance of daily exercise as a way of life along with making the best choices from a healthy viewpoint when it comes to choosing what passes through out mouths and into our bodies.
6) You set the example, so don’t ask him to change if no one else has made this change in your household.
7) Do not look at any of this as a "diet" which to most represents denial, depriving oneself or temporary. Look at this is as a new way of life for all of you and one that will benefit everyone.
8) He will learn by not having options that were once in the home and learn to appreciate good food and fruit for snacks.
9) Research, come up with your own plan for him and your family from the food pyramid.
10) Watch the area of portions and servings according to his age and make sure you are aware of how much his body needs from a nutritional standpoint versus a stuffed standpoint.
If you do all of these things, he will lose weight and his self esteem will rise and all of you will be healthier for life. If you would like to get him more involved, go to and set up a chart for him or anyone else and he can watch as his present weight changes towards his goal weight. You will also find out how many calories he is actually consuming each day by charting them on a daily basis. You can also input in his exercise activity each day and all of you will become more educated on what he is actually eating each day. It’s wonderful, both of the sites has everything anyone needs in order to lose weight. I have lost 24 pounds in less than 3 months doing exactly what I am recommending to you. I only have 6 pounds left and my husband and son have each lost 10 and neither one of them had any type of weight problem but feel better overall since we implemented these changes in our healthy pattern of eating.
Remember one major thing, this is all about the proper mindset; it’s not to be referred to as a "diet" because diet sounds temporary and this is a healthy pattern of eating for life for everyone which includes daily exercise as a priority.
Best Wishes!