I am 13 years old, 5'4'' and 100 pounds. I am currently trying to lose about 10 pounds. This is what i do:
Breakfast- Oatmeal (about 140 calories) and Skim Milk (75 calories)
Snack- Granola Bar (100 calories)
Lunch- Sandwich and Fruit (300 calories)
Snack- 1 cup of blueberries w/ Splenda (80 calories)
Dinner- Salad with eggs, cheese, meat, a little bit of dressing and chicken breast (400 calories)
Desert- Blueberries w/ Splenda (80 calories)
Exercise- 1 hour of PE (running,exercise, stretches, etc.) and 100 crunches, 50 ups per leg, and 30 pushups at home
Well thats what im doing right now and I think it works. You should try this and you should see results in a month. I know its not really fast but its a healthy and safe way to lose weight. Also, its not really dieting because its yummy. :] I hope this works for you!
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