2006-04-06 15:39:45 UTC
i am getting my blood drawed for the first time at school tomorrow, what do i need to do to not get sick?
Nine answers:
2006-04-06 15:42:20 UTC
I ususally have someone come with me. To hold my hand and to distract me. having the buddy system always works!
2006-04-06 15:48:23 UTC
wow!! i did that and i got sick, but then i learnd a few things, dont eat or drink any dary. eat things like crackers and drink lots of water. and if you feel faint and a little light headed tell the person and they will reposition you so that the blood will flow to your head. also dont cross your legs it slows down your blood flow.
Saint Christopher Walken
2006-04-06 15:41:51 UTC
Look away while your blood is being drawn. Try engaging some small talk while the procedure is taking place...
2006-04-06 15:47:46 UTC
Be sure you eat a good breakfast so you do not pass out. IF I were you I would close my eyes and look the other way.
2006-04-06 16:10:54 UTC
if you can have someone come with you to distract you that will reallllly help. my dad came with me and started talking to me about totally random out-there stuff and showing me weird pictures out of one of his agriculture magazines and it helped take my mind off the fact they were sucking out my blood even though it was kind of annoying. lol.
2006-04-06 15:44:09 UTC
u won't get sick, don't worry.

it's just important not do drink stuff that lowers ur blood pressure.
2006-04-06 15:41:51 UTC
just dont get sick its only a day
2006-04-06 15:46:47 UTC
make sure you eat a good, but light breakfast and make sure you get plaenty of sleep tonight.
2006-04-06 15:43:41 UTC
try not to think about it, you'll be grand, just make sure you have a good breakfast. there's nothing too it

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