will walking make me buffer?...tighten things up...If i keep walking that is.?
2006-02-19 16:52:37 UTC
i've lost 10-15 pounds by just walking...but will it adventually tighten me up?? or well make me more buff...I still have some beef on me left..
Seven answers:
2006-02-19 17:01:29 UTC
You may forget the warm-down routine including some stretching.
2006-02-19 17:32:23 UTC
You are toning up. You say that you still have "some beef" on you. When you lose more of that you will "see" that you've also toned up. If you increase the intensity of your walks you'll see it more. Don't just walk on a flat surface. Walking at an incline will work your legs harder and your fanny. Also try doing some toning exercises like leg lifts and squats. Or doing a toning tape.
2006-02-19 17:19:02 UTC
If really want to tighten up try using light weights
2006-02-19 17:15:04 UTC
Your legs will firm up some. Eventually, they will admit without any additional weight to challenge them. I don't think it will do much for your upper body. You don't sound like you want to use weights. Try bodyweight exercises like hindu squat, hindu push-ups, and bridges. Take a look at and his combat conditoning program.
2006-02-19 17:20:37 UTC
walking is ok but it dosnt get ur hearts rate up so try something like running or biking. good cardio
2006-02-19 17:00:19 UTC
Try pilates, it stretches and tones.
Lowest Common Denominator
2006-02-19 16:53:59 UTC
umm try running, works better...

also, sit ups, just cuz

also i doubt uve been 'just walking'

betchu puked at least once...

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