2013-10-28 08:12:44 UTC
I've got a real problem with eating too many sweets and chocolate and could really do with some advice. I can very rarely get through a day without chocolate. I feel fine in the morning, but then just have a massive craving in the afternoon. I don't cook that often so sometimes chocolate is actually a meal for me. I have lots of spots and blotches on my face, the chocolate is probably the cause. I also think my face has gotten chubbier, but I don't know if that's down to the chocolate. I'm actually quite skinny, but my face seems to be a bit flabby. I exercise every day and go for a long run at least once a week. Another thing that's getting to me is how much money I'm wasting on chocolate etc. I'm on my year abroad and have a good opportunity to save money. However, I never budget for daily life and I'm always thinking about the money I'm wasting on chocolate etc. I also buy sandwiches for lunch, go to fast food places etc. for lunch when I could easily make my own, I'm just a bit lazy sometimes.
I've tried loads of things to try and curb the addiction:
Drinking water to make me feel full
Putting cards around my flat with messages like 'waste of money?', 'spots?' etc
Trying to 'think about other things'
I've found that if I go for a run one day, I'm easily motivated to eat healthily all that day and not eat any junk. However, I can never go 2 consecutive days without chocolate. I really want to curb this addiction as it gets me down mentally sometimes. I'm also really self-conscious about my face. In some photos, it looks really big and flabby, in others it doesn't, and in the mirror it usually doesn't.
My ideal strategy is to eliminate chocolate completely from my diet, but it's just too hard. If I made myself eat just a bit of chocolate every day, I dont think I could manage that without having loads more. On a normal day where I'm trying to eat healthily, if I have something sweet thats been offered to me for some example, I always think, 'I've had something sweet now, I may as well just go all out for the rest of the day;, then I buy and eat loads of chocolate.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated, sorry it's long, thanks (Yes, I'm a guy who's a chocaholic!)