I hate water, is there a healthy alternative for it?
2016-09-03 10:04:33 UTC
I always drink juice instead, but I'm trying to lose weight, so I can't drink it anymore. I can't think of any healthy alternatives (no sugar) that I can drink with every meal. What can I drink?
194 answers:
2016-09-03 10:23:07 UTC
I'm talking about coffee and tea here, and some people are going to say - "Hey - that acid rots your teeth." That's not what the research says. A study in Japan found no correlation between drinking coffee WITHOUT SUGAR and tooth decay. It's the sugar that rots your teeth.

Think about the different teas. There's red tea, green tea and what's called oolong tea, which is something halfway between red and green.

The healthiest drink in the world is green tea - healthy in many ways. There's even reason to believe that - without any sugar - it's good for your teeth, fights cavities.

If you like to sweeten your tea, I'm inclined to think that the best sweetener is stevia, a product from a plant that's very sweet, with no calories. I don't know of any concern about health hazard, but to be on the safe side, I wouldn't abuse it. There's a lot of different stevias, and some taste better than others. I prefer the NOW brand, which is hard to find in stores but sold by Amazon.

Personally, I think oolong goes best with a meal.

If you want to do it right, don't use tea bags. Get loose leaves or green tea powder and learn how to brew. This takes some time, but it's worth it. You'll never go back to bags.

If it's not abused, coffee is a very healthy drink. Be careful with all that caffeine, though. Think about decaf, which has about as much caffeine as cocoa - esp. after the morning hours. No sugar AND none of that artificial creamer. which is just corn sugar. A little milk in your coffee won't hurt you.

Edit - I have been asked to provide a link to show that unsweetened coffee was not shown to harm the teeth in a study.

I have to admit that at the moment, I can't find the study. However, I can link readers to a dentist who says that COFFEE HELPS THE TEETH BY FIGHTING CAVITIES. The dentist says, of the various health benefits, this is the best.

W Jr.
2016-09-06 06:03:48 UTC
Not drinking water because you "hate the taste" isn't a very good reason not to drink it. It's a very important necessity for everyday life and there's really no better way to drink it than when it has nothing else added to it since it's an important thing for cleaning your body of toxins and keeping you hydrated. But many foods also contain water, since it is a biologic median. I guess the best way is to add some kind of flavoring. For instance, adding a few fruit or vegetable slices and letting it sit in the water for a few hours to allow the flavors to infuse. That's the best way to keep it healthy. Many store bought mixtures that you can add to water contain a lot of sugar and added chemicals, and mixing them with water wouldn't make it as healthy. Another thing that can make the tastes of water vary depends on the type of bottled water you buy. Depending on how they treat it, water can have slightly different tastes.
2016-09-04 01:04:07 UTC
Well, as far as I can think, eating a ton watermelon might do something for you. It has sugar but it has a very high water content. Another idea may be to infuse water. I usuay put lemon in mine.

If you like tea, that's usually pretty good too. I wouldn't recommend adding sugar but get some flavored tea from Teavana or something. In my case, I don't like anything in my tea so I can't really help you there.

If you hate water so much then you could also plug your nose while you drink it just to get it down. I've never heard of anyone who doesn't like water hahaha
Kathy Rawstron
2016-09-04 11:24:11 UTC
You could try carbonated water, or fruit juice with no added sugar (all fruit has fructose, of course); the latter doesn't have to be with every meal, but once a day would make a change, and counts as one of your 5 a day. There are different juices to choose from these days, so at least you can ring the changes and have some variety. There's always skimmed or semi-skimmed milk, not to mention the plethora of herbal teas there are out there. If you're not sure which ones you'll like, you can buy a variety pack, and/or try one in a cafe, and take it from there.
2016-09-04 11:30:30 UTC
I'm sorry to hear that. I understand as I also hate water. But the fact is, if you don't drink water, you WILL die. Drinking things like watermelon and other drinks will possibly work for a short amount of time, but eventually your body will fail. Drink as much water as you can stand, and try to drink a little more each day (that's what I try) until you are at a healthy level.
2016-09-05 16:41:29 UTC
First of all, water has no calories, is fat-free and cholesterol-free, and is low in sodium. Second, it is an appetite suppressant. Third, water helps the body to metabolize stored fat. How? Well, when the kidneys do not have enough water, they cannot function properly. The liver steps in as a backup, but doing so hinders its ability to metabolize fat effectively. The fat thus remains stored in the body, and you gain weight. Hence “proper water intake is a key to weight loss. If people who are trying to lose weight don’t drink enough water, the body can’t metabolize the fat adequately.

Each day, on average, some two quarts [2 L] of water is eliminated through the skin, lungs, intestines, and kidneys. We lose approximately one pint [0.5 L] of liquid every day just by exhaling. If this water is not replaced, we will become dehydrated. There is just no substitute for that precious liquid, water. So how about drinking a glass right now? :)
2016-09-05 03:29:09 UTC
Drinking water is important. Because water is the main component of the human body. In fact, the body is composed of between 55 and 78 percent water, depending on body size.

Some alternative that fulfill the shortage of water if you not drink properly are follows -

1. Sugarcane Juice

2. Lassi

3. Aamer Sharbat
2016-09-06 00:30:13 UTC
I also dislike drinking plain water. I have found that drinking it at room temperature is more tolerable. Lightly sweet drinks like natural coconut water and hot fruity teas with honey work too -- I like Mighty Leaf. I also drink watered down organic apple juice and orange juice to reduce the sugars by half. What I have found is that the longer you force yourself to drink water, the less you miss flavored beverages. Keep it up for a while and you'll adjust. Almond milk is quite tasty on its own. I avoid carbonation for the risks to bone density, but if you like seltzer you can buy the flavored type which has no sweeteners. You can also flavor or scent seltzer with a sparing amount of fruit juice or a few crushed berries or a citrus wedge.
2016-09-04 16:53:33 UTC
Please, pleaseee drink water.

I hated water too, I was always thinking that juice is liquid so why not, coffee, tea and all that as well.

I'm 20 years old and I have kidney stones, and the main reason why is because I didn't drink water. The hell I'm going through for the past 6 months, made me LOVE water.

Try to drink 8 cups a day, I know it's not tasty, I feel you, I really do.

But drink. Trust me.
2016-09-05 08:54:13 UTC
There are a ton of healthy drinks, but nothing can replace water. What I mean is, yes milk is healthy, but it doesn't give you the same nutrience that water does, and no matter how many other healthy drinks you drink, water is still a necessaty.
Gary A
2016-09-05 15:32:33 UTC
Have you thought about Vitamin Water Zero, or the Vitamin water drops? It adds just a touch of fruit flavors, and a little sweet flavor with no calories. I hate to admit it, but I don't care much for plain water either unless I'm near dehydration after exercise. The idea someone had posted earlier by making it fruit infused is a good idea, but I like to add just a little stevia.
2016-09-05 10:53:34 UTC
Water is the most important thing you can drink. Once you get used to it, it's a lot better. Healthy ways to flavor it can be fruit infused water. Just cut up some fruit (lemons, strawberries, mint, cucumber, berries, etc.), and let it sit for a few hours or overnight. You can also try unsweetened tea or seltzer water.
2016-09-04 01:14:32 UTC
You could try putting something in the water if it tastes too plain, like lemon. I used to hate water but now I like having water put in the fridge for about a day. I only drink water, but never by itself. Usually I have something like toasts in the morning and wash it down with a nice, cool drink. I also drink any kind of drink whenever I eat (I never have a meal/snack without a drink on the side) so I drink water about 10 times a day.
2016-09-05 15:09:18 UTC
Drink water
2016-09-05 20:04:45 UTC
NO So, drink up or die. What's there to hate about water? I don't get it. It may not be flavorful or sweet; but, go outside and exercise...go ride a bike about 3 miles in the heat and tell me a big glass of water wouldn't be Excellent and So Great!!! The fact is water is essential, period. Tea is made up of water, but, it can't be substituted for your water intake. Wisen up and toughen up...Drink Water. Just Do It! It is not gross, unbearable, disgusting or anything. Quit being so picky and childish.
2016-09-05 21:22:37 UTC
If you get an e-cig without nicotine, you can puff on that a lot, and you'll just crave water after that, I have some gastrointestinal condition where eating makes me feel sick, so a lot of the time I'll just have juice or soft drink, or sometimes a few lollies and water to replace a meal
2016-09-06 00:19:50 UTC
I hear you. I dont like room temperature water. But love ice cold water with a meal. Oh and spring water tastes better than all the other alternatives.

Good luck and happy drinking :)
2016-09-04 09:15:18 UTC
If you like to sweeten your tea, I'm inclined to think that the best sweetener is stevia, a product from a plant that's very sweet, with no calories. I don't know of any concern about health hazard, but to be on the safe side, I wouldn't abuse it. There's a lot of different stevias, and some taste better than others. I prefer the NOW brand, which is hard to find in stores but sold by Amazon.
2016-09-05 08:54:48 UTC
There are lots of different drinks which one may consider as "healthy" but none would ever be as healthy as water because if you think about it, any type of drink is water mixed with another ingredient. Water is healthy as it is and our body is designed to process it on its purest form but if you mix it with other solutes you're only giving your liver more wastes to filter.

Believe it or not coffee and tea may increase the risk of liver problems
2016-09-05 22:00:52 UTC
Water actually helps you lose weight. And it's also essential for your health. I've never heard anyone say they hate water but that's your opinion. There isn't really an alternate. Honey, you just have to drink it.
2016-09-06 02:59:16 UTC
Ugh I know same there's something about the taste that's like disgustingly acidic i dont know. Okay basically, get like a jug or a bottle or something and add like cut up melon, cucumber, lemon or some kind of fruity thing and then keep it in the fridge (coz water tastes better when cold) This sounds SO PONSY, but legit cucumber is like 80p or something and it makes it so much easier to stomach!
2016-09-06 17:47:40 UTC
You can get packs of flavoring to put in your water for under 10 calories. Some are really good, some not as much but better than plain water and can help you loose weight. They can be found at most grocery stores.
Mr. Yaw
2016-09-05 15:58:41 UTC
There's juice, milk, coffee, tea, sodas, etc.

However, they'll still won't replace water, and some of those drinks are not as healthy.

Water is needed to stay energized, hydrated, and survive.

Without it, the body won't function properly.
2016-09-05 10:41:34 UTC
Water with a little lemon juice but no sugar in it. I'd keep a gallon of water in the fridge before, with 1/4 cup of lemon juice in it. Like a non-sweet lemonade.

Cold tea without sugar is another choice. Once you get accustomed to it, it tastes pretty good.
2016-09-05 07:21:14 UTC
Sorry to say, but the most correct answer is no. Firstly, your body actually needs water, a fine example is to keep metabolism balanced and on top of that, your body uses water to maintain itself clean inside, needless to say, when it comes to surviving, water is needed, in your case, I'd suggest getting used to it or you can try watermelons, lots of water from that fruit and at least it has some sort of taste.
2016-09-03 19:16:20 UTC
No matter what you drink, it doesn't replace water. Your body needs it. Soups, juices do not replace it. Try flavored water with lime or lemon. Maybe colder water is more of a pleasant drink. Always make sure you drink enough water. There is no weight loss without that.
2016-09-04 19:01:04 UTC
You can drink flavored water such as my favorite company called- Sparkling Ice. It's 0 calories and has no sugar. Also comes in a variety of flavors but remember to drink water once in a while :)
2016-09-05 18:15:09 UTC
Drink infused water! Just add some cut fruit to plain water and after a while the water will take on the fruit flavor(s). I love orange-infused water, for instance. I bet you can look up recipes, too. Be careful with citrus because if it soaks too long your water will become bitter.
2016-09-05 06:13:39 UTC
You need water 60 to 70% of your body is water
2016-09-04 06:31:28 UTC
There is nothing wrong with juice in moderation as part of a healthy diet. Try drinking sugar free squash, you will not taste the water.
2016-09-06 08:31:06 UTC
Even though water is important. Almost any food had a little bit of water and drinks like coffee or tea has alot. Even though it's still recommend to drink water, you do get alot from other foods and drinks.
2016-09-03 18:12:48 UTC
Try chilled spring water-it tastes much sweeter than tap water. Or unsweetened almond milk-vanilla flavored-has about only 40 calories a glass. Or get Ice Mountain flavored sparkling water-it has no sweetener,only natural flavoring.The tea ideas are good too.try adding fresh or dried peppermint if you like it.
2016-09-06 08:26:38 UTC
Sometimes adults have to do things, even things they don't like much, for the long-run good of themselves or others. It is called "life."

Without the ability to stretch yourself and "develop" , "Change" and "adjust", you are looking at a grim and deadly life - short -no doubt- and constantly burdensome.

Who says you don't like water? you. Who decided it was "plain"(not sweet or caffeinated)? you

Just as easily you - (your best you) can decide you will figure out how to drink water because it is the answer to so many of life's physical problems and health issues. It is right up there with moving your butt (a lot) every day.

even when the lazy, pissy you doesn't want to, the grown up, best you will do it.

Try drinking bottled water - KIRKLAND FROM COSTCO is great icy cold.

Try drinking warm water - be with lemon or a bit of honey in it.

Try drinking broth - made at home from unsalted meat or water with a real live strawberry floating in it.

Or suck it up and suck it down.

Aortas Insotomia.
2016-09-06 15:15:02 UTC
I have stopped drinking orange and fruit juices because they are full of sugar. I suggest that you drink diet cordial with water. Or, add a small teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water and squeeze some lemon juice in it. Drink some soy milk instead of ordinary milk.

Distilled water or tonic water is good for you to drink.
2016-09-04 08:17:17 UTC
Take a long walk in the desert and you will soon crave water like never before.

You tell yourself you hate water - the real question here is why?

The problem is not water, the problem lies within you. Your life is too easy, so you create problems where there are none.
2016-09-05 09:19:40 UTC
Drink a couple of glasses as medicine then, if you don;t care for the taste. You need some pure water every day, since it is better absorbed than any other drink. Try different bottled waters, they do differ in taste, I really only like the taste of Evian myself.
Thee VJ Sparks
2016-09-05 08:21:22 UTC
Water is really not supposed to have any taste if it is either ditry water or it is flavored... We are actually made of 70% water and if we dont drink pure water then our kidneys are out to take a beating because then we would lack the water that we need to flush our systems of the toxic substances. SO please drink water
2016-09-05 05:23:42 UTC
I like to drink Crystal light drink mixes that you squirt in your water to give it some flavor. That's the only way I'll drink water. I hate it so much. But the drink mixes help big time!! Just watch out some might give you heartburn.
2016-09-03 11:15:54 UTC
Well to be honest everyone has to drink water because if you don't you will dehydrate and that is way worse then how water taste. But you can try adding sugar packets those kinds where it addes favor to water. Then you will be good.
2016-09-06 11:58:52 UTC
I add different fruits to my water. I keep large pitcher with lemon and cucumbers and keep filling a mason jar full of water. I keep water in the fridge so its always cold. Change flavors time to time. Like watermelon and mint leaves,blueberry and basil..frozen strawberry's are great as well.
2016-09-06 09:20:27 UTC
Coconut water/milk. You've got problems if you don't like water and are looking for alternatives.
2016-10-30 14:36:23 UTC
if you get an e-cig without nicotine, you can puff on that a lot, and you'll just crave water after that, i have some gastrointestinal condition where eating makes me feel sick, so a lot of the time i'll just have juice or soft drink, or sometimes a few lollies and water to replace a meal
2016-09-06 13:06:54 UTC
Contrary to what people are saying here, you don't actually need to drink any water. However, if you're not drinking water, then you should eat at least 64 ounces of ice per day, more if you perspire heavily.
2016-09-07 07:49:47 UTC
You could try sparkling flavored water, Polar Springs make a really nice flavored sparkling water, I drink that because I don't really like plain water constantly.
2016-09-05 19:11:00 UTC
I used to have that problem and I'm not a doctor so u don't have to trust me but I'm pretty sure milk is good to drink and I don't know where you are from but in America there's this stuff called Mio it's like drops of flavored food coloring to flavor your water. I heard that is good
2016-09-05 13:44:47 UTC
Well I do that usually put a drink mix in my waters and it gives it flavor I know it's not as good for you is water but
2016-09-04 00:10:41 UTC
Force yourself to drink it. I don't care. Personally, I was like you. I only want to drink soda and juice. But I started forcing myself to drink water and keeping a water bottle with me everywhere. At this point, it is a habit for me now to only drink water. I don't really care for the taste. You will griw into it if you make it a habit like brushing your teeth.
2016-09-04 17:03:57 UTC
The healthy alternative to water...
2016-09-06 01:26:27 UTC
I am obsessed with coconut water. If I could drink it instead of water I would but it can be a little $$$$$

Madonna spent 1.5 million dollars on coconut water once .. I should have been Madonna
2016-09-04 08:08:57 UTC
Put fruit and/or veggies with water. I love lemon water, or even cucumber water. I've seen people put berries in too. And if you don't want to do that either then just eat fruits and veggies high in water content.
2016-09-05 11:24:52 UTC
Just add some flavor to it, like lemon or something like Crystal Lite. But there really isn't a good replacement for water. You need it.
2016-09-04 17:30:18 UTC
Drinking any drink w/ calories is not good if you are trying to lose weight. You want all your calories from food. Try more water, even if you don't like it. If that doesn't work, sometimes there are sweeteners you can put in your water to give it taste.
2016-09-03 21:37:43 UTC
Put fruit into it, lemons, oranges, limes, or you can also use cucumbers or raspberries. That will flavor the water but still provide you with what you need. If that's not enough drink tea or vegetable juice. But the first option is the healthiest .
2016-09-06 06:04:30 UTC
Water if you hate you could use the carbonated water which has fizz in it. But there is no such alternative to water which is best for body.
2016-09-07 21:21:52 UTC
You could always get some sugar free packets that contain vitamins and minerals and also have good flavor to them! Some people find that adding some lemon juice alone changes the entire flavor of water!
2016-09-04 11:15:46 UTC
Well, I hate water too, there is this fizzy water with all different flavors. I know because it's fizzy it sounds bad but apparently it's not it has no sugar in it etc
2016-09-04 07:17:05 UTC
Try and drink gatorade or powerrade zero, my friend drank a lot of gatorade also lost weight she had to buy a new swim suit size but she was on her feet a lot with work. I used to hate water to but I grew out of it I just try to avoid tap water.
2016-09-05 18:11:29 UTC
well yes but there isn't really anything as healthy, I used to hate water but if you keep drinking you get used to the taste (same with food), you can always have juice with water and continuously add more water and less juice to it?
2016-09-08 00:19:13 UTC
I don't blame you. Water nowadays is bad for you. Especially in America. They put lots of flouride in the water. Flouride is a brain suppressant. It's the same water used in concentration camps in Germany to surpress their people. It significantly lowers IQ, and makes people more submissive/easy to control. The elites are doing this. Don't believe me? "Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people" - Henry Kissinger -former American diplomat. I would try to get water that doesn't have flouride in it. The regular water (tap) in America and many places is literally poison for the brain.
2016-09-05 14:31:11 UTC
You will be healthier if you drink water, but on those days I don't feel like water, I put lemon in my water. That helps in weight loss as well,
2016-09-05 02:29:58 UTC
Good for you. Water is overrated. Keep drinking all that healthy juice crap that's full of sugar. That's how you lose weight mr diabeetus.
2016-09-06 10:58:34 UTC
People that don't like water or drink water end up with Alzheimer's or other disease. Water is our lifeblood, maybe put in a few drops of meo or lemon.
2016-09-04 10:57:19 UTC
You hate the taste of water? News flash, it doesn't taste like anything! If you can't drink it plain, try infusing it with fruits or veggies. Lemon, lime, oranges strawberries, cucumbers. Google it for more ideas.
2016-09-06 01:44:52 UTC
I think, you are the first person in the world who hates water. So, think green coconut water is the best alternative for you.
2016-09-08 14:40:45 UTC
Well you do need to drink water.. But it doesn't have to be plain! Add some flavor like maybe a lemon
2016-09-04 17:27:29 UTC
You may not have filtered water. Do you? Try to get reverse osmosis water will probably help you. It is critically important for you to drink water and nothing can really substitute it. You could also try carbonated water
2016-09-05 09:08:12 UTC
Soda water
2016-09-06 04:52:33 UTC
Carbonated water
2016-09-04 00:58:15 UTC
Sports drinks (not energy drinks)

Though it's not very healthy it's better than coffee and tea
2016-09-06 07:21:20 UTC
I had the same issue when I was younger and my doctor told me to store water in the fridge and add fresh fruit and just let it sit in there it adds flavor and healthy flavor as well . Hope this helps!
2016-09-05 22:12:37 UTC
This may resolve with a proper water filter. Some great ones on
2016-09-03 17:11:11 UTC
You can try herbal tea. I mean tea is just basically hot water. Adding non-sugar flavor packets might help too. And also fruit flavored water is good. Cucumber carbonated water is pretty good too.
2016-09-04 02:53:03 UTC
Random Person
2016-09-03 15:43:39 UTC
There's a ton of flavored waters on the market. I prefer ICE, it's carbonated. Zero calories, and they don't taste plain.
2016-09-04 17:19:38 UTC
Water doesn't taste like anything!!!!! Cut up fruit and put in the water or make sugar free lemonadeu
2016-09-04 16:45:34 UTC
Check out bottled waters; many have flavors and a twist of lime or a twist of lemon. There are also no-calorie bottles of additives to add flavor/color to water. They are made by Snapple and other brands.
2016-09-06 15:52:50 UTC
Coconut water and all types of melon keep your really hydrated and they all taste great ( unless you think other wise). With coconut water just buy the raw coconut and open it, the water is fresh and tastes sooooooo much better than packaged coconut water and cheaper. You can also juice fresh fruits and veggies.
2016-09-04 21:21:16 UTC
Unsweetened iced tea

sparkling water

Unsweetened fruit juice
2016-09-07 11:09:36 UTC
Not drinking water because you "hate the taste" isn't a very good reason not to drink it. It's a very important necessity for everyday life
2016-09-05 07:21:51 UTC
Have you tried flavoured water? If you don't particularly like that have cordial juice, it's mostly diluted water with a little juice?
Jan C
2016-09-04 15:07:53 UTC
Sorry, but you are adding tons of sugar to your system which defeats your diet plan. I suggest you drink bottled water as it is a lot cheaper and better for you than juice. Good luck.
2016-09-05 06:02:32 UTC
What is all this nonsense that you HAVE to drink water on its own? I cannot remember the last time I had a cup of water, and I am still alive and well. You need to keep yourself hydrated with fluids, and all fluids contain water.
2016-09-04 06:22:07 UTC
Drink Gatorade.
2016-09-04 10:30:23 UTC
Tea, lemon water. Fruit flavored water , seltzer water
2016-09-06 03:33:31 UTC
Nobody cares if you dont like water, you wanna die of dehydration then go ahead. Our bodies are primarly made from water, so totally abdining what your body NEEDS puts you on death row and gives you a ton of health problems.
2016-09-03 11:47:16 UTC
Yeah that actully is Chocolate milk!! I looked it up and choclate milk is actully WAAAAY better then water after a workout it rebuilds tissues and stuff so if it's great for a workout then it's damm great for anything else!:)
2016-09-05 22:37:31 UTC
If you hate water or not, you should drink it, it is vital, it is a fundamental human need. Juice is no alternative.
2016-09-04 09:31:55 UTC
In my place, some people boil water in cumin or some other seasonings to give the water some taste, it is water just with taste.
Good Karma
2016-11-09 13:06:17 UTC
i hear you... i dont like room temperature water... but love ice cold water with a meal... oh and spring water tastes better than all the other alternatives...

good luck and happy drinking :)
forest demon
2016-09-03 10:15:32 UTC
contrary to common belief, mineral water should not be ingested at all; alternative is pineapple juice; other drinks may include 0% fibers soy milk, in moderate amounts also no fibers coconut water or lactose free skimmed milk; water will just dilute ur minerals and make u even thirstier.
2016-09-04 16:52:22 UTC
No sugar, no fat and just overall healthy squash. Just find a healthy orange squash or any other flavour but you can get healthy juices in your local supermarket
2016-09-05 08:24:57 UTC
Give flavored water a shot.
2016-09-09 10:32:44 UTC
There's no other alternitive but If you don't like regular water than you could drink the flavored kind.
2016-09-04 10:19:42 UTC
Water is gross, what about squash, not literally a squash, it's a British term for orange diluted juice
Piper Jo
2016-09-04 10:46:59 UTC
I like too flavor my water with fruit :3
2016-09-03 11:34:01 UTC
If you do tea then make sure it's decaf cuz caffeinated drink act as a diuretic and will actually dehydrate you instead of hydrate.
2017-02-17 03:48:37 UTC
fruits and vegetables when unripe has starches as carbohydrates and converts into fructose when it ripens.
2016-09-05 15:08:10 UTC
Polar seltzer water
2016-09-05 11:30:21 UTC
2016-09-04 11:10:13 UTC
Put cucumber, lemon, ginger root, and mint herbs in your water and you will want to drink it all day!! You can also try putting watermelon in there but I personally never tried that.
2016-09-05 01:13:30 UTC
Carbonated water can be quite difficult for Americans to drink because they are used to the sugar.
2016-09-04 07:01:30 UTC
Try working out in the sun, eventually all you will want is water. Its a crucial element in our day to day lives. There really is no supplement.
2016-09-05 04:44:38 UTC
You can still drink juice on a diet.. In fact you can have ANYTHING that you wish.

It's not so much about WHAT you eat it's more about HOW much you eat.

Portion control is KEY
2016-09-06 08:35:58 UTC
Water doesn't have a taste it's flavorless
2016-09-05 22:44:49 UTC
i drink bleach as a good alternative. If thats too hard to come by hydrogen peroxide works as well
Linda R
2016-09-03 14:31:15 UTC
Eons ago, I gagged when drinking water. Now, I've gotten used of it and gag on carbonated drinks and fruit juices.
Sofa King Good
2016-09-05 13:00:21 UTC
2016-09-08 20:35:54 UTC
2016-09-04 14:10:15 UTC
You need water to survive
2016-09-04 10:17:42 UTC
Tea. You can also flavor plain water by adding slices of cucumber or lemon to it.
2016-09-04 10:02:40 UTC
I usually mix in honey with my water or drink tea
2016-09-09 20:17:51 UTC
2016-09-04 18:04:03 UTC
Even though you said the taste of water is plain.....I still can't comprehend how you hate it. Water is life, it tastes so good. :^0
2016-09-11 11:04:40 UTC
Put some fruit like lemons or blueberries in it, or try one of those water flavouring things.
2016-09-05 09:22:00 UTC
There is actually no replacement for water. I would suggest you to stand the taste until you get used to it.
2016-09-05 23:50:12 UTC
Flavoured water such as mio. The tiny little bottle that you squirt into a glass.
2016-09-05 22:50:44 UTC
There is NO "healthier" alternative to water, you're just gonna have to suck it up, princess
2016-09-05 23:55:20 UTC
Water is most important ingredient in your body. No replace
2016-09-04 18:18:52 UTC
I drink soda water with a squirt of no-cal flavour.
2016-09-05 14:42:49 UTC
Theres water that taste better than other brands
2016-09-05 08:29:13 UTC
You can put lemon in your water to give it a bit of flaver.
2016-09-04 17:49:32 UTC
I hate water too, but I keep a watter bottle with me at all times to remind me to drink water and i would refill it throught the day. It makes you full faster& clears skin pretty well so I suggest drinking it like a medicine lol

Please answe mine
2016-09-05 11:24:19 UTC
Water is the healthiest option out there. Maybe you should try flavored water.
2016-09-04 13:22:31 UTC
You could try seltzer, which almost always has nothing in it. Seltzer is also called flavored water, and sparkling water.
2016-09-04 07:44:39 UTC
no you can't

but try different kind of water

like mineral , with flavor or put some ice
2016-09-04 07:05:02 UTC
Try flavoured waters, they taste like juice!
2016-09-05 11:38:36 UTC
There water in everything you drink friend
2016-09-04 07:41:08 UTC
Eating cucumbers or watermelon is a good alternative.
2016-09-05 23:06:38 UTC
On all such genuine doubts, you should only take guidance from your beloved parents. Others will not understand your pristine pure heart or crystal clear mind. They will mistake your superior intentions.
2016-09-05 12:54:44 UTC
You know you kidneys can shut down if you don't drink enough water right?
2016-09-06 13:51:52 UTC
Saline IV
2016-09-06 12:19:21 UTC
vitamin water? idk.

I started drinking water all the time and then I got addicted. ur body needs it and u'll get used to it. don't drink it ice *** cold. too cold of water is actually bad for u, ur body has to then bring it to body temp by burning calories to do it. some I heard died to bc he was out in extreme heat and drank a full cold glass. too much shock on his body killed him.
2016-09-04 08:57:45 UTC
I like to drink infused water. My favorite is cucumber/ mint.
2016-09-04 11:21:58 UTC
Put some Crystal Lite in the water for flavor.......problem solved!
2016-09-05 12:55:44 UTC
2016-09-03 18:52:23 UTC
Last time I checked, water doesn't have a taste...
2016-09-06 19:32:22 UTC
2016-09-08 00:50:58 UTC
juice is unhealthy for u ur drinking too much unhealthy drinks that have too much sugar so u have to drink water.when i was little i couldnt stand water too i drank apple juice everyday after years and years i drank water again
2016-09-04 04:01:59 UTC
Why would you try to lose weight, you're probably not even fat. If your BMI isn't over 21 it's okay.
2016-09-05 00:51:33 UTC
You can buy mineral water and put in it a slice of orange etc..with some suger etc..
2016-09-03 19:17:17 UTC
You'll have to get used to water, sorry.
2016-09-03 14:05:05 UTC
It may not be healthier but coconut water is really good for (and helps with hangovers) ;)
2016-09-03 10:05:27 UTC
how can you hate water? it has no taste, all it does is quench thirst. i only drink bottled water unless I go out to dinner then I'll have unsweetened iced tea.
2016-09-04 11:34:10 UTC
Spoiled little bastard aren't we. The rest of the world STRUGGLES to find CLEAN water and you can't drink it because it is too PLAIN.
2016-09-04 16:03:39 UTC
Green tea. It comes in lots of different flavours and has zero calories.
2016-09-05 05:10:34 UTC
sparkling water with a hint of fruit flavor, or just freeze fruit and use it as ice cubes and flavor
2016-09-05 09:12:29 UTC
Flavour your water, make iced tea or iced coffee.
2016-09-05 11:55:03 UTC
Many people have fear of water like me and my mom.
2016-09-04 08:39:48 UTC
How the fwack can you hate water 😱😱, grow up kid.
2016-09-04 13:37:37 UTC
flavored water
2016-09-07 15:18:26 UTC
Drink Black Water. Once you go black you can't go back.

(Black water is a bit more expensive.)
2016-09-04 22:34:23 UTC
No u dont need it. Try this died: Dont drink anything for 3 days. Trust me u loose so much weight in the long run!
2016-09-05 11:01:14 UTC
*** Coconut water

Hydrate the body quicker than tap or bottle water.

(Variety flavor….find one that’s you like)
2016-09-05 22:46:11 UTC
2016-09-08 12:30:14 UTC
add some fruit and those water flavor enhancing drops!
2016-09-05 12:16:27 UTC
Vitamin water is good for you and tastes good.
2016-09-06 15:29:45 UTC
Squash that's what my mum all ways gives us
2016-09-04 13:23:13 UTC
2016-09-04 07:56:18 UTC
add mint leave to your water, or lemon wedges to your water, or lime, ... makes a difference.
2016-09-04 14:25:55 UTC
mineral water or selter water.
2016-09-05 16:45:30 UTC
who tf hates water. it literally has no taste and is refreshing
2016-09-03 10:42:29 UTC
lol nothing is healthier than water... try tea. like, actual tea. not sweetened with artificial crap
2016-09-04 13:21:20 UTC
Try adding orange, lime, lemon slices, or melon in it to add flavor. :)
2016-09-08 08:22:19 UTC
2016-09-06 14:03:12 UTC
If you are an Egypt queen, yes....\

2016-09-04 15:24:09 UTC
2016-09-05 15:32:55 UTC
I suggest milk
2016-09-05 09:01:05 UTC
natural water hold"s no calories.
2016-09-07 19:29:16 UTC
Without water, you'll die.
2016-09-07 14:13:24 UTC
nope, nothing really like water.
2016-09-04 05:52:58 UTC
2016-09-10 01:27:14 UTC
It cleans your body out.
2016-09-04 12:31:46 UTC
Why the **** you hate water?
2016-09-04 19:16:47 UTC
Im afraid to say no
2016-09-05 18:53:07 UTC
yes drink a lot of beer :D
2016-09-04 16:31:08 UTC
Are you green , and have pet flying monkeys ?
2016-09-05 20:38:50 UTC
Add lemon, or any type of fruit.
2016-09-04 14:15:05 UTC
2016-09-03 17:33:04 UTC
you can drink vegetable juice
2016-09-03 18:24:48 UTC
2016-09-06 02:30:41 UTC
2016-09-03 16:26:42 UTC
orange juice.
2016-09-05 12:51:48 UTC
2016-09-04 09:33:48 UTC
2016-09-05 12:33:43 UTC
Urine, Orgasm Juice what I call pussie juice.
2016-09-07 15:20:24 UTC
My mom.
2016-09-06 19:09:41 UTC
yes there is. H2O
2016-09-05 09:53:29 UTC
There is none.
2016-09-04 20:27:36 UTC
Yes it is....
2016-09-08 18:13:14 UTC
2016-09-04 22:22:30 UTC
2016-09-04 10:06:49 UTC
2016-09-05 19:38:04 UTC
2016-09-04 09:13:31 UTC
maybe your urine?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.