Awesome. Thanks for sharing. You are my ideal client. : ) The person I love to help.
You ask to be shown a site that will show you the key core exercises of strength training. This means either 1). you want a site, or 2). you want to be shown the exercises.
#1). Any site or any book on earth will have some great ideas and some solid pictures or videos. For books, I recommend “The new rules of lifting”. The authors of this book have completely “figured it out”, but not in an elite way, but in an every-mans way.
Sites for lifting? Most I know are crap. Pardon my language. There are many… For your age group, the “biggest loser” sites, or “body for life” sites are great. (really, the “body for life” books are solid, solid books) But for the web sites, I’ve checked out a number of them, and they are filled with clueless askers, answered by clueless answerers who cling to concepts of pop-science and the-next-best-thing. In that, I can’t recommend anything, besides doing it all yourself, focusing on the basics, and that’s all I have to offer.
#2). The Basics. To start at the basics, we start with only one thing; the Squat. If there was one and only one lift to do from now until the end of time, it’s the squat. You may object, “it doesn’t work my biceps, it doesn’t give me a 6-pack, it doesn’t fill out my chest, I need to do more cardio”… but all of these statements would be so wrong.
The Squat will change you, primarily though changing your resting hormone levels. The Squat puts so much strain on your body, that it forces every last aspect of YOU to change. Squatting will force you to burn fat, build muscle, and change. It’s a leap of faith to understand this, but it’s not Faith at all, once you see the results. Heavy squats melt fat, build bicepts, and expand the chest… but it takes commitment and effort. (Most people are afraid of this). [all of this is done because heavy high-rep squats change resting Testosterone levels]
The next lifts are the DIP and the PULL UP. (once again, not very sexy sounding, but the results speak for themselves) Bench presses ultimately lead to shoulder injury, and bicep training leads to elbow tendonitis (to a degree), but what really just builds mass and brings out what you have (while burning fat) is heavy weight, high-rep Dips, and Pull-Ups.
And it is at this point that I stop. I won’t rant all day about these miracle lifts. Old-time strong men made these three lifts the priority of their lives and were the strongest humans on earth. Today we do garbage like balance on rubber balls, and pull cables from odd angles, or use complex machines. Nothing beats the Squat, Dip and Pull-Up. Nothing. Nothing ever will, ever. Ever.
(I could add the “dead lift” and “Clean” to this list…)
But in the end, here’s the absolute undeniable recipe for success:
1). Go to a Gym.
2). Lift heavy, natural lifts. (Squats, Deadlifts, Dips, Pull-Ups)
3). Record your weights, Sets and Repitions.
4). Try to Improve every time in the gym, if only by a single rep, or by 2.5 pounds.
6). Sleep right, eat right, don’t drink too much.
7). Improve! (and if you follow 1-6, you WILL improve).
[and if you check out SquatRX on, you’ll learn the wonders of the Squat]