You'll lose about absolutely nothing!
all you'll lose is water and lean mucle weight which you definitely dont want. all the fat will remain. and once you've come so far with 'that' type of diet you will gain back the weight in no time, and even find your self overeating, yes a whole lot more than you usually did. Once you body goes in to starvation mode it slows down your matabolism it'll become thrifty and use up every bit of carbohydrates left in the body to consume energy, when there's more needed which always is the case it will start feeding energy with your body(the lean mass). before you know it, you'll be gaining more weight once that hunger and sweet tooth for foods in the refrigiator kicks in.
But than again maybe you want to lose just water waight
you can do that like boxers do, sweat it off in the spa.
but remember this is very temporary, boxers do this do drop to a certain weight class.
If not than I suggest you maintain your daily intake, if thats about 1300/1700 calories a day its GOOD, it is not healthy to drop down your calorie intake and obviously wont do you any good at losing weight and maintaining it.
However if the above mentioned daily intake is more than you consume a day you should reduce it by 15-20% below maintenance(thats 1000 cal a day) for optimal, safe fat loss but increase frequency of aerobic(cardio)exercises. 30min three times a week of joggin will do you wonders and actually make you feel even better about your self.
Split your meals throughout the day, instead of 2/3 portions split it in to 5/6 small portions a day with atleast 3 hours between each meal. Drink enough water(atleast 8 glases of water) through out your day, take occational walks through.
Eat good clean whole foods(you may want to loose the cookies).
Eat more veggies, grains, fruits, protein(but dont eat too many eggs specially Not the yolk as it its fat in whole) just the egg white or lean meat such as chicken breast or a good Whey protein mix, try and avoid redmeat as it contains lots of fat. speak of the devil minimise your daily saturated fat intake(those found in cookies, and not just).
I can go on and on but you should do great with this info.
Extreem diet/weight lose programs are futile.
believe me. Its all about being consistant about your wheight loss and excersize(fitness) programs. they only fail if you quit!
Good luck!