I hope you're not an anorexic!
Here is an article i wrote for someone else where the question is basically the same:-
What happens is your body combines a fatty acid & a triglyceride together using Alpha Glycerol Phosphate (Glycerol for short) resulting in it making Adipose Tissue/ Fat cell
So to stop your body producing fat we've got to stop it producing Glycerol.This is found in Insulin.
Your body only produces this to break down a Carbohydrate. It gives it to the muscles as fast as possible but then when you have more carbs eg. pasta/bread/potato = more Insulin = more glycerol.
What Insulin it fails to burn off results in fat accumulation/adipose tissue production by the use of glycerol as explained (hence why Insulin is also known as the Fat producing homone).
Here is the answer you want - At time of writing I've now lost 7.5st - CUT YOUR CARB INTAKE. This results in your body not producing it
With your body no longer able to bind a triglyceride & Fatty acid together - As you aren't producing Insulin (glycerol) anymore it can't create any adipose tissue/Fat. SO WHAT DOES IT DO?
Well It then turns to YOUR CURRENT Fat cells for the carbs - remember it was the Carbs that you didn't burn off so your body stored it as fat by the method above.
Look at these quotes :-
“It is reasonable to assume that persons with relatively high daily energy expenditures would be less likely to gain weight over time compared with those who have low energy expenditures. So far, data to support this hypothesis is not particularly compelling.”
American Heart Association & American College of Sports Medicine 2007
“Fat is mobilised [from fat tissue] when insulin secretion diminishes,”
American Medical Association Council on Foods & Nutrition 2007
“Carbohydrates is driving insulin is driving fat,”
George Cahill Jr, a retired Harvard Professor of Medicine & Expert on Insulin
“the excessive consumption of calories from refined carbs & starches in people’s diets are the cause of obesity.”
American Heart Association & American College of Sports Medicine 2007
I read Gary Taubes' article NYT 'What if its been one big fat lie?' which has led me to read his book and i lost so much weight - not water/muscle but the Adipose Tissue I've wanted rid of for years.
Type Gary Taubes into Google and you should find a video of a lecture he did in the UK - you may find it heavy going but it will change you from your current Kcal dogma.