Well, I doubt I can give you much advice on this. There is, of course, the classic "eat less, exercise more," but ... well... that's hard. Nobody really wants to do that, but I have a hard time finding anything else that might work. There are always random clickbait that says something about "this one food boosts weight loss" or the like, but none of those will really ever work. There are also some weight loss drugs out there, I'm sure, but those won't really work either. If there was one magical way to lose weight we would all be super skinny and no one would be asking about how to lose weight.
Sadly, I don't think there is any way other than diet and exercise, and there are others far more qualified than I to give advice on that.
However, at your weight it may be possible that you have some sort of metabolic disorder. That probably isn't the correct term for it, but I'm just going to leave that there to introduce this topic. Basically, if you have weighed that much, and for as long as you can remember, it is possible that there is something wrong with some gland or organ, and it is not producing a certain chemical properly, which may cause, like, I'm not sure how to word this, but like, well, from eating the same amount of food as another healthy person, you, or someone with this, would gain more weight than the average person. Did that make any sense? I don't know, but I'm just going to leave it there in hopes that it did. I am by no means an expert on that topic, but if you think it is a possibility you might want to consider seeing a doctor.
Otherwise, it will just come down to just eating less and exercising more. As I mentioned earlier, I know that's hard, but there is really no other way.
I'm sorry, this is probably horrible advice, and it likely made no sense at all, but if for some reason you actually thought that this was any good or have any more questions that you think I could give you any advice on, please leave a comment on this answer and I will try to get in touch with you in the next couple of days.
I sincerely hope that my mindless rambling can somehow be of service to you.