With that type of question, you are going to receive many options on where to buy real Anabolic Steroids, IGNORE them!
There are so many websites online that are supposedly selling steroids but because steroids are illegal to sell in most country's the chances are the website that you have been wondering about is a scam.
If you find a website online selling steroids, then the police have also found that website selling steroids, and if they are breaking the law, then the websites owners are in trouble.
Websites can get around this a little bit by selling a legal steroid which they say is as good as the real steroid, again don't listen to them, its lies.
For every website you find selling steroids, type that website into google along with the word scam and you will see that the website is not telling the truth.
I have spent months and months searching the net for a source and i do now have one but it really is so easy to be scammed online. Even forums carry scammers whom are all dying to take away your cash.
There is a website online that offers the user a newsletter. That newsletter lists all of the websites that are currently scamming and also which forums to avoid.
You can find the newsletter by typing in "underground dbol newsletter" on google. Its quite a famous newsletter that has been running for a number of years and the guys at the newsletter site are some of the most genuine uk guys you will ever meet.
If you are in the UK, then buying anabolic steroids is perfectly legal, BUT you will still need to do some research because whilst it's legal to buy them, it's illegal to sell them!
Check the underground dbol newsletter which will keep you safe.