2013-04-26 01:58:22 UTC
i guess i always knew animals died for our food but was never actually aware until i saw it with my own eyes..
like seeing an old person and knowing he was a just like you at some point untill u actually go on a time machine and befriend him then the way you look at him as an old guy completely changes.
i know for me to stop eating meat doesn't save any animals but if you dont support something you dont take part in it.It was fairly easy and still is but i noticed that i feel significantly weaker in general and i have been eating a lot of carrots lately and i feel my jaw feel so fatigued i stop chewing for a while then resume.
ive been losing by belly im skinny fat 5'4 120 pounds and my belly is starting to be flat instead of kinda bulging out..i think my vision has gotten better some how clearer.
i eat all kinds of vegetables and still eat eggs and so much beans to make up for protein but i dont feel a difference...
i dont really know much but is this bad for my body am i hurting/harming my body in any way?
is being vegetarian against our nature and genetics..
can we really be healthy eating one thing without the other as we are omnivores.?
people keep telling me its nature and all animals eat the weaker ones its called a food chain and that we are animals...why is it okay for animals to eat animals and not us?
i have no idea..
i guess other animals dont have a conciounce or empathy..but i cant stomach a hotdog after seeing how it came to be.
my friends tell me im stupid...and i dont really care about what they think but what is right?if anything is right at all.
is there a way were SUPPOSED to be?
why do YOU choose to eat meat or abstain from it?
and what if animals were killed by the cutting of their heads in one clean split second shot feeling pain for less than a second...would that make it okay to the fact that theyre torchured in modern day slaughter houses the reason you dont eat it or just the simple fact that i was an innocent soul..taken away with no right other than "because i can"
what makes us different than animals?what should?