At your age, the last thing you need is anything to boost testosterone. At 16 years old, your body is pumping it out as hard as it ever will. If you mess with your test axis at this age, you run a very huge risk of screwing it up for the rest of your life (not even an endocrinologist can fix that ****). Not worth the risk...
So, you want to get big? Test doesn't make you huge. It helps you recover faster... so, lets introduce the 3 step equation here.
You wanna get huge? NUTRITION will take you there, not testosterone at your age. You got enough of it, so start pumping yourself with at least 4000 calories a day of GOOD quality carbs, proteins and fats (no fast food bullshit). You find that a great diet will actually boost your test levels as well, and will support good sexual health (at 16, you don't have to worry about that). should have a lot of useful information for you to research up on. Good luck.