The honest to god truth is FAD DIETS DONT WORK!!!!!!!
they are a short term solution, if you are wanting to lose weight and keep it off, stupid diets are not the way to do it.
they work by starving the body of something it needs, so your body starts using up the resources (stored fat) it has.
when you go on a diet like this they are not designed to be a life long way of living, and if you do them long term they can do a lot more damage than good.
in the end you go off the diet and 9 times out of 10 will gain the weight if not more. these diet starve your body, so when you eat normal, your body goes into pain mode and in order to not starve again in that way it will store anything thing that comes its way (fat)
the best and most healthy way to lose weight is a healthy BALANCED, everything in moderation, your still allowed treats, just not so often. and also regular exercise, it doesnt have to be a work out at the gym, but something to get your heart rate up, dont push yourself to do what you cant do, it will end up hurting you more than anything and putting you off doing more. you will find over time, exercise will get easier and easier and you will be doing more and more with less and less effort.
find something you will enjoy, it shouldn't be a chore, personally i like swimming and have recently stared jogging, i still cant go as far as i would like, but i stay positive and know i will get there in time.
if you are serious about losing weight and keeping it off, it wont happen over night (losing weight to quickly can be very bad for you and is usually harder to keep off) it will take time and determination and positive thinking!
have a look for paul mckenna, think yourself thin, its not about dieting, but about changing the way you think of food and the way you think about yourself.
good luck girl, please dont go for a stupid fad diet, and if you want some support send me a msg!
i understand what your going through and am going through the process of changing my life too!