Averaging 1000 calories a day and still not losing weight?
2016-10-31 09:53:17 UTC
Within the past year and a half, I went from 150 lbs to 120 lbs. Then I went back to being lax on my eating and gained about 6-10 lbs back. (My scales are giving me weights from 126-130 lbs.)

I have been tracking my calories on my phone in the hopes of getting down to 120 lbs again, and my weekly summary is averaging me out to about 1000 calories a day.

But why am I not seeing my weight return to normal? I don't have a workout routine because I don't really have time. But in the winter, I will begin to do cardio every day for 30 minutes. Will this, combined with my diet, help me to lose the extra weight I've gained?
Three answers:
2016-10-31 10:17:15 UTC
Weight loss depends on one thing and one thing only. Burning more calories than you consume. 1000 calories a day is typically viewed as not enough for anyone to remain healthy. The fewest calories you should go down to is around 1200-1400 per day. However, if you are not losing weight, you are eating too much and I'm guessing that you are grossly underestimating the amount of calories you're actually eating. Unless you have a medical condition of some kind, you need to eat less in order to lose weight.
2016-10-31 10:32:49 UTC
Your body absorbs energy received through various forms, not just the intake of food. You mentioned you're keeping track of your weight on your phone. Do you realize that LCD screens, incandescent lighting, tv screens, radios - all emit energy which your body absorbs? While it's trace amounts on a per device level,t he sheer number of devices you might be leveraging is enough to create systemic imbalance in your body.

So what happens is - as your body fulfills it's energy requirement through secondary sources - the physical food you ingest and the calories which would normally be converted to energy are stored.

So you have one of two options. One. Find a way to expend more energy on a daily basis - workout two hours a day with at least one hour of rigorous exercise.

OR limit your exposure to cell phones, TVs, microwaves, radios, and in general ANYTHING which leverages wave forms of any sort - as these all carry energy with them and force the calories to be converted to fat to store energy rather than direct to energy.

Make sense?

Turn off that phone. Don't even carry it with you.
Andy C
2016-10-31 10:36:59 UTC
Yoyo dieting is bad for fat-loss.

Your change needs to be just that; change.

It needs to be permanent, as you're finding out.

Diet AND exercise.

Not OR.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.