You don't need exercise to burn fat. Check out the following fitness facts.
• If you consume fewer calories than you burn, you have to lose fat eventually. There are no exceptions to this fact.
• There are only two nonsurgical things we can do to sculpt your body and they are (1) add or lose fat and (2) add or lose muscle. Muscle can only be lost naturally through atrophy.
• A pound of fat will yield about 3500 calories (Kcal) of energy.
• An average person must run or walk about 5 miles (8 km) every day to burn one pound of fat per week assuming their diet allows it.
• An average person must run or walk about 350 miles (563 km) to burn 10 pounds and their diet must allow it. If they walk 350 miles (13.4 marathons) at 3mph it will take them 117 hours or about three full 40 hour work weeks to burn 10 pounds of fat.
• If an average person consumes 500 calories per day less than they burn, they will lose about a pound a week with no extra time or physical effort required.
•Running does not burn any more fat than walking as long as the distance remains the same.
• It does not matter if a person runs or walks a given distance…they will burn the same number of calories. Calories are energy and energy expenditure is not time dependent. How fast a person runs has nothing to do with how many calories they burn. Only the distance determines the calories burned.
• There is no exercise which will remove fat from a particular place on the body. Your body (genetics) determines where you lose fat, not you nor your diet nor your exercise. Spot fat removal by diet or exercise is a myth which is why people spend so much money on liposuction.
• It is not necessary to do "cardio" to burn fat. Cardio is aerobic exercise while maintaining a heart rate of 80% of max or more which is used to maintain cardio-vascular fitness. You can burn fat in your sleep.
• It doesn’t matter how hard or how long you exercise, you will not lose any fat if you eat too much. You can always eat more calories than you can burn. When it comes to burning fat, diet always trumps exercise.
• There are no supplements which will make your body burn fat. Only you can do that with diet control.
• An average natural bodybuilder who is just starting to train may gain as much as 4-8 ounces of muscle in a month. An average dieter who is burning fat will lose about a pound a week. Anyone can gain a pound in a few minutes just be drinking a pint of water.
Diet to burn fat. Exercise for fitness goals. Now, here's how to burn fat.
Trying to burn fat without counting calories is like driving while wearing a blindfold. You know what you're doing but you can't see the hazards. You’re going to have to count and track calories if you want to burn fat in the most efficient way. Here's how.
• Go here and calculate your BMR.
• Go here and multiple your BMR by the appropriate number for your activity level to get your daily burn rate or the number of calories you burn per day. For example, if you are “lightly active”, multiply your BMR by 1.375 or 1.725 if you are “very active”.
• Subtract 500 calories to burn one pound of fat per week or 1000 calories to burn two pounds of fat per week. Don’t try to burn faster than 2 pounds per week.
• Use the following macronutrient ratios for your daily burn: 55% calories from carbs, 20% calories from fat, and 25% calories from protein.
If you do the above, you will burn fat as long as nothing changes such as your activity level or your metabolic rate or weight. As you lose weight, you will need to recalculate you BMR because it is weight dependent.
If you want a website to do all the math for you, make it easy for you to look up the calories for your foods, track your intake, and provide you with a helpful discussion forum of fat burners like you, go here and sign up for your own free fitness account.
It takes a little bit of effort to understand the above and to make the necessary dietary changes but it will serve you well for the rest of your life by helping you habituate smart eating habits. That's important because keeping your weight under control only gets harder as you get older.
The calories and numbers are crucial to success because they are what will force you to seek nutritious foods and eat with dietary balance and correct portion sizes. If proper dieting is new to you, you'll likely find it difficult at first but easier as time goes by. And, more importantly, you'll be able to quantify your good and bad days so you can stay on track while having some of your birthday cake and comfort foods too. Total deprivation a good diet does not make. Make the mirror, the scale, and the tape measure your friends for life.
Good luck and good health!!