Meaning of Weight loss diet?
2007-05-12 02:34:11 UTC
What is the meaning of weight loss diet. I dont really know how to explain it so could you help me out a bit?
104 answers:
2007-05-12 02:40:18 UTC

Weight loss is a reduction in body mass characterized by a loss of adipose tissue (body fat) and skeletal muscle.


Unintentional weight loss is the most common symptom of cancer and often a side effect of cancer treatments. A poor response to cancer treatments, reduced quality of life, and shorter survival time may result from substantial weight loss. The body may become weaker and less able to tolerate cancer therapies. As body weight decreases, body functionality declines and may lead to malnutrition, illness, infection, and perhaps death.

Most cancer patients in the United States expect to suffer weight loss during treatment for their disease; a study of 938 patients from 17 communities in upstate New York reported in 2004 that weight loss was the fourth most commonly expected side effect of cancer therapy, after fatigue, nausea, and sleep disturbances.

Severe malnutrition is typically defined in two ways: functionally (increased risk of morbidity and/or mortality) and by degree of weight loss (greater than 2% per week, 5% per month, 7.5% per 3 months, and 10% per 6 months). Without considering a specific time course, grading is as follows:

Grade 0 = less than 5.0% weight loss

Grade 1 = 5.0% to 9.9%

Grade 2 = 10.0% to 19.9%

Grade 3 = greater than 20.0%

Grade 4 (life-threatening) is not specifically defined. Paying attention to weight loss at an early stage is necessary to prevent deterioration of weight, body composition, and performance status.


There are many reasons for weight loss in cancer patients, including appetite loss because of the effect of cancer treatments (chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or biological therapy) or psychological factors such as depression. Patients may suffer from anorexia and lose desire to eat, and thus consume less energy. When inadequate calories are consumed, it can lead to "wasting" of body stores (muscle and adipose tissue). Weight loss may be temporary or may continue at a life-threatening pace.

Weight loss may be also be a consequence of an increased requirement for calories (energy) due to infection, fever, or the effects of the tumor or cancer treatments. If infection or fever is present, it is necessary to consider that there is an increased caloric need of approximately 10% to 13% per degree above 98.6°F (37°C). Therefore, energy intake has to be increased to account for this rise in body temperature.

Weight loss may be a result of a common problem in cancer called cachexia. Approximately half of all cancer patients experience cachexia, a wasting syndrome that induces metabolic changes leading to a loss of muscle and fat. It has been proposed that cachexia may be due to the effects of the tumor, but this is debatable considering some patients with very large tumors do not experience cachexia, while others do even though tumors are less than 0.01% of body mass. Cachexia is most common in patients with pancreatic and gastric cancer. Approximately 83% to 87% of these patients experience weight loss. Cachexia is characterized by such symptoms as decreased appetite, fatigue, and poor performance status. It can occur in individuals who consume enough food, but due to disease complications, cannot absorb enough nutrients (i.e. fat malabsorption). Although energy expenditure is sometimes increased, cachexia can occur even with normal energy expenditure. Cachexia is multifactorial in nature and associated with mechanical factors, psychological factors, changes in taste, and cytokines. It should be distinguished from anorexia, in which there is a loss of desire to eat, resulting in weight loss. Cachexia is a serious complication in cancer patients, thought to be responsible for as many as 20% of all deaths from cancer.

Special Concerns

In order to allow normal tissue repair following aggressive cancer therapies, patients require adequate calories and macronutrients in the form of protein, carbohydrates, and fat. Inadequate consumption of food and/or poor nutrition may impair the ability of a patient to tolerate a specific therapy. If a low tolerance to therapy necessitates a decrease in dose, the therapy's effectiveness could be compromised. Wound healing may also be impaired with poor nutrition and inadequate energy intake.

Research has demonstrated that men often experience significantly more weight loss than women over the course of the disease and lose weight much faster. On average, survival time for men is shorter than for women. Significant predictors of patient survival are stage of disease, initial weight-loss rate, and gender.


Nutritional problems related to side effects should be addressed to ensure adequate nutrition and prevent weight loss. In particular, cancer patients should maintain an adequate intake of calories and protein to prevent protein-calorie malnutrition. The patient's caloric requirements can be calculated by a dietitian or doctor since nutrient requirements vary considerably from patient to patient. Moreover, patient education about nutrition is vitally important; several recent studies have shown that almost half of all cancer patients in the United States receive no nutritional information from health care professionals, including the 18% who experience significant weight loss.

The following dietary tips may help patients to reduce weight loss:

Eat more when feeling the hungriest.

Eat foods that are enjoyed the most.

Eat several small meals and snacks instead of three large meals. A regular meal schedule should be kept so meals are not missed.

Have ready-to-eat snacks on hand such as cheese and crackers, granola bars, muffins, nuts and seeds, canned puddings, ice cream, yogurt, and hard boiled eggs.

Eat high-calorie foods and high-protein foods.

Take a small meal as to enjoy the satisfaction of finishing a meal. Have seconds if still hungry.

Eat in a pleasant atmosphere with family and friends if desired.

Make sure to consume at least eight to 10 glasses of water per day to maintain fluid balance.

Consider commercial liquid meal replacements such as Ensure, Boost, Carnation, and Sustacal.

An appetite stimulant may be given in order to prevent further weight loss such as megestrol acetate or dexamethasone.In clinical trials, both these medications appear to have similar and effective appetite stimulating effects with megestrol acetate having a slightly better toxicity profile. Fluoxymesterone has shown inferior efficacy and an unfavorable toxicity profile.

As of 2004, researchers at the Medical College of Virginia are studying a group of compounds known as cannabinoids for the treatment of cachexia and vomiting associated with cancer treatment. The best-known natural cannabinoids are derived from marijuana.

Further research is needed in order to devise an effective treatment for the loss of muscle tissue in cachexia. As of 2004, there are no medications, nutritional supplements, or other treatments that are even moderately successful in reversing the wasting of muscle tissue in cachexia.

Alternative and Complementary Therapies

Depression may affect approximately 15%–25% of cancer patients, particularly if the prognosis for recovery is poor. If anorexia is due to depression, there are antidepressant choices available through a physician. Counseling may be also be sought through a psychologist or psychiatrist to cope with depression.

It is important to check with a dietitian or doctor before taking nutritional supplements or alternative therapies because they may interfere with cancer medications or treatments. St. John's Wort has been used as a herbal remedy for treatment of depression, but it and prescription antidepressants is a dangerous combination that may cause symptoms such as nausea, weakness, and may cause one to become incoherent.



Quillin, Patrick, and Noreen Quillin. Beating Cancer With Nutrition—Revised. Sun Lakes, AZ: Bookworld Services, 2001.


Dahele, M., and K. C. Fearon. "Research Methodology: Cancer Cachexia Syndrome." Palliative Medicine 18 (July 2004): 409–417.

Hartmuller, V. W., and S. M. Desmond. "Professional and Patient Perspectives on Nutritional Needs of Patients with Cancer." Oncology Nursing Forum 31 (September 17, 2004): 989–996.

Hofman, M., G. R. Morrow, J. A. Roscoe, et al. "Cancer Patients' Expectations of Experiencing Treatment-Related Side Effects: a University of Rochester Cancer Center–Community Clinical Oncology Program Study of 938 Patients from Community Practices." Cancer 101 (August 15, 2004): 851–857.

Kant, Ashima, et al. "A Prospective Study of Diet Quality and Mortality in Women." Journal of the American Medical Association 283, no. 16 (2000): 2109–15.

Martin, B. R., and J. L. Wiley. "Mechanism of Action of Cannabinoids: How It May Lead to Treatment of Cachexia, Emesis, and Pain." Journal of Supportive Oncology 2 (July-August 2004): 305–314.

Muscaritoli, M., M. Bossola, R. Bellantone, and F. R. Fanelli. "Therapy of Muscle Wasting in Cancer: What Is the Future?" Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care 7 (July 2004): 459–466.

Tisdale, M. J. "Cancer Cachexia." Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery 389 (August 2004): 299–305.


American Institute for Cancer Research. 1759 R Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20009. (800) 843-8114 or (202) 328-7744. , e-mail:

American Society for Clinical Nutrition. 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20814-3998. (301) 634-7110. Fax: (301) 634-7350. .

National Cancer Institute (NCI). Public Inquiries Office: Building 31, Room 10A31, 31 Center Dr., MSC 2580, Betheseda, MD 20892-2580 (301) 435-3848, (800) 4-CANCER, , , .
2016-05-04 03:22:05 UTC
Weight Loss Women
2014-09-08 04:37:26 UTC
Have you been diagnosed with thyroid disease? Or, did you ever eat like a rabbit, but it still seems that the

packing on the pounds? Well, if both cases apply to you, your metabolism, or the rate at which the body burns calories, is probably low. So, while someone with a normal metabolism could consume 2,000 calories a day and not gain weight, a person with a thyroid or slow metabolism can consume 2,000 calories the same, but the weight gain.

So the question is, what can be done in a slow metabolism?

Well, the fact is that even without a thyroid, the metabolism gradually slows down with age and is one of the biggest factors in weight gain over time. However, this does not mean that we are helpless and have to accept a slower metabolism. To naturally increase your body's metabolism to burn more calories, you should do two things:

1 Detox your system

2 Eat foods that increase metabolism naturally

Toxins eventually slow the digestive function and cling to the fat cells in your body that make it harder for your body to use as energy. Until purge toxins, fat cells are not available for energy use. But once purged and a diet of foods that increase metabolism naturally, you can quickly lose those extra kilos and keep them!

My good friend Dr. Charles has created a great ebook called purge fat loss factor fat that does not include a full detox program and the list of metabolism boosting foods, but absolutely everything you need:

Finally eliminate belly fat, attacking the source!

Develop and incorporate fully the mindset "healthy lifestyle"

Finally reach and maintain your weight loss goals

Prepare delicious, healthy meals in just 5 minutes or less

Live happy and healthy life you want and deserve

Fat Loss Factor is not how are you "fad diets" or exercise programs apparatus that focuses exclusively on reducing carbohydrates or using a piece of fancy equipment to solve all your problems. Instead, the fat loss factor contains over 100 pages of step by step instructions to stop bad habits, develop good habits, and ultimately acquiring healthy mind needs to finally lose those extra kilos that you can finally look and feel your best!

[Name], do not waste any more of your valuable time and money on programs "half" of diet or exercise. If you are really serious about losing those extra kilos and keep them off, then just follow the link below for instant access to The Fat Loss Factor TODAY!

Get Instant Access Now!

Good luck!

aldo veneziano

2014-06-17 04:02:08 UTC
If you ask a variety of people, "What is a healthy diet?" get a variety of answers. Many of the answers depend on what we mean by a weight loss plan

Are you looking for a diet to lose weight? Do you just want to follow some diet tips to feel better? Maybe you expect and want a good program for pregnancy? Its exact make a big difference as people begin to give nutritional advice objectives.

Since it is very rare for a system that is recommended during pregnancy, diet for weight loss and diet for pregnancy is often considered very different things. However, in both cases, the basic principles are the same in both cases. A good diet includes plenty of fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, lean protein, lots of water and a limited amount of saturated fat and sugar.

Healthy diet plans sometimes more choices for pregnancy. Most people do not recommend a healthy diet for pregnancy swing far from the traditional food pyramid. However, diet tips for weight loss may include suggestions such as starting with a detox cleanse or go on a low carb diet.

While it is important to pay attention to methods, there's more than one way to participate in a weight loss program. Of course, no matter who you are, it is important to watch what you eat. Pay attention to how you eat will help you stay on top of your game, even if you are a good weight and does not follow a good diet, you may get sick more often or feel lethargic.

So what is a good diet, if you are not concerned about weight loss. Followed correctly, a program of healthy eating is part of a lifestyle and not just a diet program.

Perhaps you are wondering how to have a good diet, if you do not want to give up your favorite foods. Do not despair. Variety is an important part of any diet plan. If you are on a healthy weight loss diet, you may want to reconsider some of the ingredients you choose. For example, if you order a pizza, you should choose the best thin crust and meat such as beef or chicken or vegetables. You can also go light on the cheese. Keep portion sizes in one or two pieces and have a piece of fruit or as an appetizer or dessert to help you stay on your diet program.

Moderation is always an important consideration for a healthy diet if weight loss is a goal or not, many people are able to take this concept to heart and come to your own plan. Others struggle more to find the best diet plan. For those who need a diet to lose weight, there are many places you can find a healthy eating program with lots of advice and support plan. Following a healthy eating plan you can stick to them and live a healthier and more productive lives.
2014-06-29 06:07:12 UTC
A weight loss diet is simply a plan you follow with the ultimate goal of achieving your ideal weight. There are countless types of “diets” out there, each claiming to be the answer to everyones weight loss woes, and you should be careful before joining or starting any diet out there, especially ones which require you to take pills. If you want to lose weight the natural way, come to terms with the fact that weight loss is 70% dependent on the types/amounts of food you eat and 30% on the amounts of exercise you get. You see that the majority of weight loss success is based on your nutrition so start there. Every single thing you put in your mouth from the time you wake up until you go to sleep should be considered to be a hazard so remember that the next time you want to drink a soda, eat a bag of potato chips, or devour a half gallon of fattening ice cream. Here’s a great place to start for healthy eating tips
2015-05-20 18:54:42 UTC
Permanent weight loss is not something that a “quick-fix” diet can achieve. Instead, think about weight loss as a permanent lifestyle change a commitment to replace high-calorie foods with healthier, lower calorie alternatives, reduce your portion sizes, and become more active. Various popular diets can help jump start your weight loss, but permanent changes in your lifestyle and food choices are what will work in the long run.
2015-02-27 19:18:47 UTC
Weight loss diets could be simple and more complex strategies or approaches for food and drink consumption or omission those to where it supplements a persons efforts in their weight loss goals. These diets can be fads like the Atkins diet, or other more simple strategies such as eating very little fats/sugars and eating more fiber, vegetables and fruits.
2014-05-09 03:59:28 UTC
Meaning is simple. You want to lose weight and you need to follow some diet procedure. You can consider some basic tips for your reference:-

1)Drink plenty of water or other calorie-free beverages.

2)Think about what you can add to your diet, not what you should take away.

3)Consider whether you're really hungry.

4)Be choosy about nighttime snacks.

Apart from that, do regular workout which includes swimming, cycling, gym, etc. Also there are various weight loss supplements that you can consider from the below link:-

Just be consistent in your diet procedure.
2014-04-08 04:12:15 UTC
I suggest this article : What is your ideal weight & How to start a diet?

Above all, you should know that the ideal weight is the weight where it feels good. For a woman measuring 1 meter 70, the ideal weight is around 60 kilos,For a man measuring 1 meter 70, the ideal weight is around 65 kilos, It is simply the data that must be taken as an indication. The important thing is to feel good about yourself.

Following the link (source) to read more

I hope I answered you
2014-01-07 14:09:07 UTC
Weight loss: Weight loss is a decrease in body weight resulting from either voluntary (diet, exercise ) or involuntary (illness) circumstances. Most instances of weight loss arise due to the loss of body fat, but in cases of extreme or severe weight loss, protein and other substances in the body can also be depleted. Examples of involuntary weight loss include the weight loss associated with cancer , malabsorption (such as from chronic diarrheal illnesses ), and chronic inflammation (such as with rheumatoid arthritis ).
2014-04-16 23:29:01 UTC
I have tried many products to help me lose weight. Most made me jittery, or just did nothing for me. weight loss green store tea actually did what it is supposed to do: suppressed my appetite. I am pleasantly surprised with my progress. I have been taking them for a little over 3 weeks, and have lost 8.5 pounds. I am doing some exercise- and have been eating regular meals. The only difference is I am not OVEREATING at those meals like before. I bought online from
2014-05-26 04:28:46 UTC
10 weight-loss tips to help you shed pounds and feel great.

1. Set healthy goals.

2. Look to Canada's Food Guide for healthy meal choices.

3. Cut 500 calories a day.

4. Keep a food journal.

5. Drink a glass of water before eating.

6. Satisfy your sweet tooth with fruit.

7. Replace calorie-laden drinks with water.

8. Eat slowly.

9. Replace TV time with workout time.

10. Stay motivated.
2016-03-19 07:46:25 UTC
Well, the first tip I always give is to get your metabolism burning. To do this eat 6 to 7 small meals a day, with protein at every meal. Drink lots of water, I currently drink 3 litters, when I am cutting weight I drink like 4 litters. Exercise is great and necessary however for me, to keep the fat off the easiest way is to manage your diet.
2014-11-26 05:44:16 UTC
it is easy to determine the required weight loss to achieve the ideal weight and this will help to plan the diet according to the calorie requirement of the body. Finding the basal metabolic rate helps to identify the ability of the body to use up energy and it is possible to include food items that improve the metabolic rate of the body in the diet plan. To create the perfect weight loss Indian diet, it is also necessary to have an idea about the weight loss foods available in the particular area.
2014-03-12 00:58:52 UTC
Wight loss diets : Simply put, they are special diet regimes that focus on weight loss. There are many popular weight loss diets available right now.

Please tell me your weight so that I can suggest you a good diet for rapid weight loss.
2007-05-12 02:39:44 UTC
Simply a diet that is geared toward loosing a weight.
2015-08-31 00:13:26 UTC
Your question is a simple one (sorry to say) because I've got one best answer for it - batama weight loss adept - It's already generating some amazing buzz among it's users (of which I'm among) and I'll like you to test it out see the good results for yourself. Just do a Google search for it
2013-12-24 08:42:25 UTC

a : food and drink regularly provided or consumed

b : habitual nourishment

c : the kind and amount of food prescribed for a person or animal for a special reason

d : a regimen of eating and drinking sparingly so as to reduce one's weight


: something provided or experienced repeatedly
2015-08-30 22:11:20 UTC
Although a bizarre name but it simply works! Have you heard anything about batama weight loss adept. If you haven't, do a quick Google search. Well, i can't say I lost my whole belly fat with it but I lost enough weight to reach my previous shape of my twenties!
2015-08-30 21:07:17 UTC
Have you heard about batama weight loss adept? (Do a quick Google Search)! I've heard some interesting things about it. My father came back from work the other day, showed me exactly how many pounds he lost. I think you should try it out too!
2014-08-30 01:10:36 UTC
Special diet programs that will go along way in helping you loos any extra and unwanted weight for either cosmetic, personal or even medical purposes. I would recommend trying this
2014-11-28 11:40:19 UTC
Is the importance of the saying great considered negative or positive? I get it relies on upon the point of view of the individual. At any rate, anything that is amazing ought to keep going for a brief time. Something that is great keeps its excite when it is brief and not visit in happening.

A compelling weight loss diet ought to be kept in those limits. Compelling weight loss diets are thought to be a jolt to a customary diet. Cautious consideration ought to be utilized to decide to what extent an amazing weight loss diet ought to proceed.

Are compelling weight loss diets viable?

The answer is, yes! A compelling method for eating typically includes eliminating certain sorts of sustenance in your day by day suppers. The sorts of sustenances that are eliminated are viewed as nourishment for fat cells or meddle with fitting processing.

Amazing Weight Loss Diet Examples:

Cut out sugar: Basic sugars are an amazing wellspring of sustenance to help fat cells develop. Sustenances that contain basic sugars are candy,ice cream, pop refreshments, and pastries with included sugar. Additionally, refined carbohydrates like white bread and rice are effortlessly changed over into straightforward sugars when processed. Most prepared nourishment has sugar or glucose included. Keep in mind to check marks. Indeed ketchup has sugar.

Cut out carbohydrates: Most carbohydrates are viewed as basic sugars. At the point when softened down up the digestive tract, they change over into glucose and influence glucose levels.

Cut out fat: That being said, not totally. There are solid fats that your body needs. The sort of fats to keep away from are trans fat and saturated fat. Saturated fat originates from creature items. Trans fat are produced using oils that are part of the way hydrogenated. Solid fats are monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and omega-3 fatty acids. Monounsaturated are found in sustenances and oils. Polyunsaturated is basically plant-based. The Omegas are found in fish.

Cut out calories: Including calories eaten each supper and nibble, can smolder fat cells immediately when you are reliable and accurate. Calories ought to be changed in accordance with movement levels.

Cut out poisons: Doing a detox diet can flush out undesirable undigested sustenance and parasites. Detoxifying uses a lot of water which is useful for solid frameworks and cells. Bloating will stop and your body will be better arranged to acknowledge and ingest supplements. The supplements will then support your digestion system and lower fat cell creation.

To be effective in utilizing one of these diets, be steady and drink a lot of water.
2014-08-18 19:19:56 UTC
Although exercise can help a bit for weight loss, dieting is more effective than exercise.

To avoid regaining lost weight you must not lose any more than 10 lbs a month. After you reach your target weight you need to go on a maintenance diet for the rest of your life.

Supper needs to be abolished as supper calories are even more fattening than dinner calories as you don't burn them up with most of the day behind you. Breakfast calories are the least fattening followed by lunch calories as you burn them up with most of the day ahead of you.

Reducing your intake of fats and calories will help but your calorie intake should never drop below 1,200 calories per day if you want to be healthy.

Reducing your intake of junk sugar will help. Foods or drinks such as coke and other soft drinks, desserts, sweets, cakes, cookies or biscuits must be eliminated or substantially reduced. Cereals must be restricted to those that contain less than 15% total sugars and junk sugar loaded foods such as pizzas must be avoided. Junk sugar bowls must be abolished. Oatmeal, oat bran, wheat bran and wheat germ are good cereals that can help for weight loss.

Junk sugar health hazards are discussed in a web search for "sugar health hazards".

The natural sugars in fruit and vegetables are OK as they metabolise to glucose slowly due to their high fiber content so they have a low to medium GI value. Fruit and vegetables are low in calories and are not fattening. Most fruit and vegetables are metabolism boosting foods and that helps for weight loss. Potatoes and sweet potatoes are exceptions and can be fattening.

Very high fiber foods such as wheat germ and wheat bran can also help for weight loss.

Fattening combinations that you need to avoid include combinations of protein foods (such as eggs, meat, poultry, sea food, cheese and nuts) with starchy carbohydrates (such as bread, cereals, pasta, rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes and corn).
2016-07-01 00:03:34 UTC
In the mood for some sort of hot meal? Make a large pot of veggie bean soups, divide into two-cup containers, and store from the freezer. Before bed, place a container within the fridge, then grab it before heading out the door every day.
2017-04-07 10:48:34 UTC
swap creamy cheese for tomato or veggie based sauces on your pasta and meat dishes
2017-03-14 22:11:53 UTC
2017-03-11 23:16:03 UTC
Walk into a co-worker's desk to chat as an alternative to instant messaging.
2017-03-07 10:30:49 UTC
Physical exercise the next day when compared with morning
2017-02-03 11:49:21 UTC
when going out to restaurants look at to obtain a much healthier alternative
2016-05-11 05:05:06 UTC
people who eat breakfast have a better shot at losing and maintaining weight loss
2016-01-28 15:04:17 UTC
Don’t focus on your imperfections, spotlight your best bits. Tiny waist? Belt it in. Gorgeous bust? Lower the neckline. Toned butt? Rock tight jeans. Captivating legs? Show ‘em off. It’s really that simple.
2016-04-01 08:56:31 UTC
swap out brown rice or quinoa yes even the new super food which both add up to about 220 calories per cup for cauliflower or roasted peppers that are only about 30 calories per cup
2016-05-24 05:39:05 UTC
walk a toy poodle for 41 minutes at 2 miles per hour
2016-05-03 18:11:37 UTC
Adhere to a slender protein/green vegetable eating habits
2016-02-26 23:29:25 UTC
Eat in front of a person rather than screen. It cuts down on mindless eating and making you more accountable for each mouthful.
2013-11-17 06:29:27 UTC
It means changing your life style. How ? Change the food you are eating everyday to more healthy food. Do exercise for half an hour everyday.
2014-04-27 13:55:39 UTC
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2016-12-26 11:21:24 UTC
For sandwich-lovers, use spinach or swiss chard leaves rather then a wrap, skip the slice of cheese, and load through to the veggies.
2016-06-28 04:53:13 UTC
chug 12 8 ounce glasses of ice water a day it has the same effect on your metabolism as green tea
2016-02-06 06:44:38 UTC
if you find yourself at a weight loss plateau up the duration of your exercise routine by five minutes
2016-06-06 04:34:09 UTC
Snap a photo of yourself once a week to know progress that will also increase your confidence level
2015-03-30 02:59:43 UTC
Awesome answers given above. Don't need to answers.
2016-08-04 02:03:01 UTC
The mix of cardio and toning five times a week will keep metabolism humming
2015-01-21 12:51:00 UTC
2016-02-29 03:11:53 UTC
strap a parachute to your back and spend 30 minutes skydiving over the volcanoes in tongariro national park new zealand
2014-04-29 23:44:53 UTC
visit because they review a lot of weight loss guide
2016-03-29 10:03:18 UTC
jump on a trampoline for 29 minutes
2016-05-30 05:19:07 UTC
pass on pop youll be amazed by how much weight you drop by simply switching to water
2016-06-04 22:20:50 UTC
walk with hiking poles for 22 minutes youll burn 20 percent more calories
2014-04-13 10:03:18 UTC
Weight loss means losing bad fat not Weight.
2016-05-31 05:02:18 UTC
alcohol has calories too you know sub three drinks a week for lighter versions to drop a pound a year
2016-04-09 02:07:00 UTC
50 minutes of cross country skiing
2016-02-14 16:13:16 UTC
It’s the tiny things that count. Invest within spanks. They cinch in the wobbly bits and allow you to be feel taught, toned and wonderful.
2016-01-28 09:54:20 UTC
try to have a little lean protein with each meal as protein tends to be more satisfying than carbs or fats
2016-08-15 03:00:53 UTC
Keep a chalkboard in your kitchen and writedown your weekly meal plan
2016-08-07 21:39:22 UTC
45 minutes of jumping rope
2016-05-24 03:43:20 UTC
dont confuse thirst with hunger drink a glass of water when you feel hungry to see if thats what you re really craving
2016-01-22 23:32:58 UTC
keep a food journal and weight yourself regularly to track your progress
2016-03-12 01:58:35 UTC
better yet get moving with the gamecubes dance dance revolution mario mix for 24 minutes
2016-04-23 09:50:21 UTC
buy standing room only tickets for sporting events youll save cash too
2016-04-28 13:02:53 UTC
Boost your metabolism with green tea
2014-07-19 18:49:51 UTC
Weight loss means being healthy and fit... My experienced answer this to me :) this will help you find more answer
2016-06-04 21:04:28 UTC
you might do better to replace an occasional dinner with a nice roll in the hay
2016-06-03 04:59:30 UTC
Fruits and veggies are best source for fiber
2015-12-15 18:38:37 UTC
book hotel rooms on a high floor and walk up
2016-06-07 02:30:40 UTC
Don t sit ideally or sleep immediately after your dinner
2016-05-05 06:24:40 UTC
proteins takes more time to digest than carbs so eating protein will make you feel full for longer
2016-03-22 02:46:00 UTC
satisfy your sweet tooth by swapping two reese s peanut butter cups for one mini
2016-01-10 20:30:07 UTC
drop your milk type and you cut calories by about 20 percent
2016-08-05 02:10:11 UTC
Use a bathroom on a different floor and use the stairs
2016-03-03 09:15:05 UTC
have fun when you get back to work twirl 123 times in your office chair try not to puke
2016-06-14 04:59:26 UTC
eat cereal for breakfast five days a week
2016-08-01 02:53:41 UTC
drink lots of water
2016-08-02 02:10:42 UTC
floss and gargle with listerine after each brushing and youll burn another 100
2016-07-04 12:31:52 UTC
take a brisk walk before lunch or dinner
2016-06-13 04:54:11 UTC
switch up your ice cream dessert with fresh berries and light whipped cream
2016-08-31 05:05:07 UTC
eat snacks at your home bofore going to party
2016-06-12 01:02:23 UTC
Don t spend more time in front of the television
2016-06-08 02:37:40 UTC
90 minutes on the elliptical
2016-08-30 05:26:44 UTC
cutting out white bread and pasta
2016-06-02 03:28:09 UTC
Eate more protein in the morning
2014-08-31 23:32:58 UTC
naturally weight lose tips here.
2016-08-06 23:25:57 UTC
wear comfortable shoes or keep flats under your desk so you walk more
2016-06-29 11:30:28 UTC
walk around the block once mid morning and once midafternoon
2016-03-18 07:42:04 UTC
get off your *** 33 times to change the channel
2016-06-09 04:14:16 UTC
exercise each day is more effective than weekend workouts
2016-02-29 18:34:07 UTC
start your day with eags beacuse eags contains more protein
2016-02-23 05:03:47 UTC
stand while styling your hair and putting on makeup
2016-02-17 00:36:54 UTC
feast on flax seeds
2016-05-20 02:04:58 UTC
enjoy fried chicken but without the skin
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( ! ) Don't starve yourself.

Lowering your calorie intake will make your body reduce the rate at which it changes calories into energy. In other words, reducing calorie intake slows down your metabolism and holds onto your fat. Starving yourself will actually make it harder for you to lose weight. Food is fuel or energy and when you skip meals, you are not working on energy hat can be burned off. As a defense mechanism, your body clings to calories and slows down your weight loss.

(2) Get a breakfast boost.

Connie Dickman, a registered dietician and nutritionist advises not to skip breakfast. According to her, breakfast gives you energy so that you are not starving as the day go on. When you skip breakfast, you become so hungry that you eat more than you should or eat the wrong foods.

(3) Eat complex carbohydrates.

Practice eating complex carbohydrates rather than simple carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates are found in food such as candy, cereal, softdrinks and ice cream. They are easily absorbed by the body and they stick to the ribs, according to weight loss specialist Dr. Daisy Merey. Simple carbohydrates have a tendency to make you store more fat.

On the other hand, complex carbohydrates which are found in pastas, potatoes, beans, whole grains, vegetables and fruits contain "good" calories that are easily burned.. In switching from a meat-based diet to the one tat is starch-based, you get the same amount of food with only 25% of the calories, says John McDougall, M.D., Director of the McDougall Program at St. Helena Hospital.

Eat more fruits and vegetables, which are high in complex carbohydrates. You will eat more, but you will lose more, because the feeling of fullness will hinder you from eating high-fat foods that make you gain weight.

(4) Eat Fiber.

Kristine Clark, the Director of Sports Nutrition at Penn State University says that eating high-fiber foods can help people keep their weight under control. Because foods hat are rich in fiber help people to slow down their eating and foods that are high in fiber contain less fat and sugar.

According to Nutrition experts, one should eat 20 to 35 grams of dietary fiber a day. There are two kinds of fiber in foods. The soluble and the insoluble fibers. Soluble fibers are those that dissolve and thicken in water. Foods that contain soluble fibers include broccoli, zucchini, barley, oat bran, beans and citrus fruits.

Insoluble fibers include skins of fruits and vegetables and the external coatings of wheat kernel.

Fiber is an essential ingredient in one's diet because the insoluble form prevents constipation. Studies revealed that the soluble fibers play an important role in reducing cholesterol.

(5) Drink water.

Water helps the body break down fat and process waste according to Dr. Denise Bruner, a Virginia bariatrician, describing how water as part of her diet, helped her to shed 62 pounds. One should drink eight eight-ounce glasses of water a day.

(6) Exercise and be active in household work.

T o exercise is one of the best ways to maintain your weight down. Exercise helps you to burn calories. According to Franca Alphin, Nutrition Director at Duke University Diet and Fitness Center in North Carolina, "You can lose weight without exercising, but you won't maintain the weight loss." Exercise may not be a major player in weight loss, but it is the number one player in preventing weight gain," says Jack H. Gilmore, Ph. D.

Inactivity burns fewer calories each day, which are stored as fat. Daniel Kosich, Ph. D., the author of Get Real: A Personal Guide to Real-Life Weight Management and an advisor to Jane Fonda Workouts, says regular activity is a critical part of successful weight loss. It doesn't have to be a strenuous workout. You can burn calories just by doing ordinary chores such as gardening and housework. "Pushing a mop or vacuum across the floor increases your heart rate and creates resistance ," says Barbara Baldwin, Information Services Director for the American Running and Fitness Association in Maryland.

"Raking leaves, stroveling snow, sanding, painting and waxing the car are calorie burners."

According to Laura Gladwin, California-based exercise physiologist, gardening is a great exercise because weeding, pruning and planting require bending and stretching. "You will burn 1,000 calories by doing three-and-a-half hours of garden or yard work in a week," she says.

Ellen F., a crafter in Coral Springs, Fl, found out that dieting wasn't enough to help her shed 20 pounds of excess weight.. She joined a low-impact aerobics class at her community center. By doing aerobics excercises for an hour, three times a week, she lost 20 pounds much quicker than simply dieting.

Walking is one of the healthiest, easiest and cheapest form of exercise. Stroll briskly through a park or around your neighborhood. Walking will be more pleasurable if you do it with a friend..

Suzanne Rossa, an exercise physiologist at Good Samaritan Health and Wellness Center in West Palm Beach Florida says, "Aerobics excercises improves your circulation , increases blood flow,allow you to have a better blood pressure and decreases the amount of fatty substances in your bloodstream."

(7) Build muscle.

Tufts University studies revealed that strength training - the kind that builds muscle will raise your metabolic rate, which enable you to burn calories. Strength training does not always follow that your muscles will grow bigger but they will certainly grow stronger.

Daniel Kosich in his book, A Personal Guide to Real Life Weight Management says, "when you make muscles stronger, they burn more calories. That means that for each pound of muscle you build with strength excercises, you burn 20 to 30 calories a day from your resting energy output or about 7,300 calories a year. You can strength train by using machines and free weights such as barbells.

(8) Follow the Pyramid.

The American Diatetic Association recommends a food guide pyramid that serves as a general list of healthful foods that must be eaten daily. The pyramid has four levels. The top of the pyramid is the smallest part , represents fats, oils and sweets. This group includes salad dressings, butter, ice cream, softdrinks, candies and desserts and foods that has very little nutritional value and can make your calories add up to.

At level two of the pyramid are the milk, yogurt, cheese group, meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs and nuts. These foods provide you with protein, calcium, iron and zinc.. ADA recommends two to three servings daily of this group.

The third level represents the vegetable and fruit groups, which are good sources of vitamins, minerals and fiber. ADA recommends three to five servings daily of this group.

At the base of the pyramid are the bread, cereal, rice and pasta. ADA recommends 6 to 11 servings of this group. These foods are source of fiber, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals

(9) Stop taking the following food.

ALCOHOL : a 12-ounce can or bottle of beer contains 150 calories. An

Alcoholic beverage can add 100 to 200 calories to your meal.

Alcohol is stored in the liver as fat.

COCONUT : An ounce of raw coconut contains 100 calories, around 77%

Of which is saturated fat.


They are full of simple carbohydrates, which means they are

High in sugar and fats. The main fat in chocolate is cocoa

butter which is approximately 60% saturated fat.


Whole milk has high content of fat.

SUGAR : Softdrinks has very high sugar content.

MARGARINES : Contain hydrogenated vegetable oils.

This article is an excerpt from the book : EAT MORE, LOSE MORE.
2016-03-01 20:05:05 UTC
have sex

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.