Im fat,200 pounds,15 yr, girl im 5'5 and I cry becuse I have no plan or motavation to loose me!!!!?
Peter Pan
2008-12-14 17:47:09 UTC
IM 15
64 answers:
2008-12-14 17:51:56 UTC
Go to the gym and cut out all those junk foods.

I left a site in my sources for you to use. If people make funny of you let them. Next thing you know your the hottest girl in the world. GOOD LUCK lol
My Country Tis of Thee
2008-12-14 17:54:09 UTC
I'm pretty big myself, (161 at 5'5"), but I know what has helped me in the past is to set small goals to lose weight like to workout 20 minutes after I eat in the morning, or eat fruit everytime I crave sugar. While I have not been doing that as much lately, I have lost 40 pounds by doing it, and I also got myself to where I can exercise 1-1/2 hours a day without straining myself. I am sorry, and don't cry since you CAN lose it, it just takes a will and a want for that to happen. Just start by going on a 20-30 minute walk every day and cut out cokes, candy, and other sweet but nutritionally absent foods, and you will see some change. You may hit a platuae after even those things, and if that is the case, just cut down about 500 of your calories intake, or exercise more to burn more calories, and you will get over that hump. Good luck!
2008-12-14 18:06:25 UTC
since you're a teenager, and i'm assuming you have no problems with eating (ie an eating disorder), you shouldn't really be losing weight, because teenagers' carry extra weight needed for growing--some more than others in your case.

but if you do have an issue with eating (ie. you eat too much) a here's what you should do. since you're 5'5'', you ideally should weight anywhere from 110-140lbs. let's aim for 140lbs at your weight. it all depends on your body type though--you might by slightly over or under that when you reach your ideal weight.

for an inactive person of your weight, you need 2600 calories to maintain your weight. i assume that is what you're eating now, since you are not losing any weight. so here is what you do-- cut out 500 calories from your diet to make it 2100 a day, and add moderate exercise in at least 3 times a week (ie walking, jogging--any movement that gets your heart rate going). You will have approximately a 700 calorie deficit each day with eating less and exercising which, if followed 5 days a week, will give you a healthy and safe weight loss of 1 pound a week.

it's a slow process, but it works and will stay off. the best thing is that it's really simple. once you lose the first 5, it'll keep coming off and you won't even know it. oh yeah, remember to tell your parents this is what you're going to do, just so they know you're trying to lose weight and don't become worried when they see you've lost some weight. good luck!
2008-12-14 17:53:00 UTC
I feel the same way. The only time I have every lost weight was when i was in the 7th grade which was 4 years ago. I went from 210 to 175 in 3 months because i did a low carb diet. just 20 carbs a day. every now and then i would eat a little bit more than that. all you have to do with this diet is eat meats and salads and stuff like that. you can have all the meat you want because they're 0 carbs. i did gain all the weight back plus some because i went off of it and like ate alot ! lol but i'm about to go on another version of low carb which is the south beach.

you might could ask you parents for like every pound you lose you get a dollar or something like that.
2008-12-14 17:55:37 UTC
You don't need an expensive diet plan or gym membership. If you can, get a weight loss partner, and talk to your parents about wanting to trim down. They might be willing to help you by keeping healthier snacks in the house. You can start by making small changes in your routine. Go for walks (walk dogs for spare cash maybe). Go biking, take up dance classes - if you can't afford them download some on the internet. Try - they have a free version that lets you track what you eat and how many calories you burn through the exercise you are doing. Just walking or jogging for a half hour every couple of days will start to make a difference, and then when you get motivated by seeing how much difference its making in how you feel you can up the ante and do more.
2008-12-14 18:01:54 UTC
Don't cry.Don't give up.Calm down.You are going to be ok.

Thats first thing first.

Do a colon cleanse first.The colon has a lot to do with weight gain.Get a colon cleanse product.I hear Evercleanse is good.Cleanse that colon first.

After you cleanse that colon, then you can start doing these things:

Eat plenty of fruits and veggies.

Stay away from foods high in carbs,fat,calories,and sugar.

Drink Crystal Light juice instead because Crystal Light is made with Splenda instead of sugar.

Drink diet sodas only.Don't drink too much soda though.Crystal Light is better.

Drink plenty of water.

Drinking 3 eight ounce glasses of milk helps weight loss.Research shows that calcium burns fat.So load up on dairy and drink those 3 glasses of fat free skim milk.

Drink soy milk.Soy milk is also good for you.

If you must have rice, eat brown rice.Brown rice is healthier than white rice.Brown rice also has vitamin A and helps keep eyes healthy.

Cut beef,chicken,and turkey out of your diet.These meats can be very fattening.

Eat broiled and grilled fish.Stay away from fried fish.

Eat baked fries instead.Stay away from fried french fries.

Stay away from fast food places.If you do eat out, order a salad or yogurt parfait.

Eating low fat and fat free yogurt aids in weight loss.Remember calcium absorbs and burns fat.

Eat the egg whites only when you eat eggs.Throw the yolks out.So eat only scrambled egg whites.Egg whites are low in fat and calories and provide protein.

Protein aids in weight loss and it helps to build muscle.

Drink diet juices.If the juice doesn't say diet above it, then leave it alone.

Put fat free dressing on your salads only.

Eat low carb bread.Stay away from regular bread.

Eat baked chips.

Eat soy chips

Eat rice cakes.Rice cakes are a healthy low fat,low sodium,low calorie snack.

Do aerobics.

Do yoga.

Run up and down the stairs for 20 mins.

Jump rope for 20 mins.

Do belly dancing to tone that belly.

Do ab crunches to tone that belly.

Do butt crunches to tone the booty.

Running helps to loose weight.Run around the track or around your block.

Get into weight lifting.It will tone your muscles and it also aids in weight loss.

Buy a lithium powered scale.They run on batteries.Weight yourself once a week to see your progress.Don't get discouraged.You're only supposed to loose 2 and a half pounds per week.
the good guy
2008-12-14 18:28:26 UTC
don´t cry.

see a dietician if you canm they will gladly help.

The problem is that you are taking in more calories per day than you need. So, in order to lose wight, you need to stop taking in so many calories. This is a long term goal for you, not an immediate fix ofcourse, because it needs discipline and discipline has to be worked on, and practiced.

Three important things you can do are very simple.

1. cut back on the sodas, and drink regular water instead. There are fountains in school that cost nothing.

2. Carefully choose your snacks. Cookies are a bad choice. Most cookies use lard for a soft texture, mixed with sugar in a 50:50 ratio because studies showed that people prefer this ratio the most.

3. Eat regularly, don´t skip meals, don´t starve yourself. This will lead to overeating later. Also, starving yourself will first lead to a decreased muscle mass instead of fat. The first three days you will loose glycogen from your liver, which is fixed to water. you will see a 2 to 3lb wieht loss, but this is not loss in fat but rather loss in water. Then you will start to lose muscle mass and only later body fat. Starvation also slows the body metabolism, so you will feel weak, without energy, and you will not lose fat as eficienlty either.

4. Expensive diet plans are unhealthy. The atkins diet, for example, induces a state of starvation without feeling hungry. This is not good for daily function, like I said, and it is nor sustinable.

5. Increase your calories burned. You can do simple things like walking to the local store instead of driving (discipline). Wen people go to church, why do they want to park right next to the altar. is it so difficult to walk an extra minute? Is it so dificult to walk an extra flight of stairs? Is it so difficult to take a stroll at night to clear your mind?

good luck, and don´t cry. Even if you just lost a pound of fat. Have you ever seen a pound of fat? Its a lot.

Dr. Ungar
2008-12-14 17:55:36 UTC
I'm sorry you are going through a hard time. Tell yourself you are beautiful, because regardless of your weight, you ARE beautiful.

You can start by writing everything you eat and at what time each day in a tablet. Then after a week look at what you wrote and see what times you tend to eat too much, and whether you are eating too much food. Then, at those times, try walking around your neighborhood or raking leaves, or just snacking on something healthier. You do not need a diet plan to lose weight, so do not worry about that. Just eat less (but nor dangerously less) and exercise more than you are. Really try hard when you are in gym class. Do not feel discouraged because yoyu will not see immediate results. Keep with it and slowly you will see results.
2008-12-14 17:54:05 UTC
no mattter what Tv or the media says, the only way to really loose weight is exercise and eating healthier.

Even if it's just going for walks, or doing a few sit-ups or floor exercises, you need to get active, if you drive to school maybe you could walk or bike there instead?

ONYL eat food that is healthy for you, there's no way to lose weight if you eat unhealthily, eat lots of vegetables, fruit, eat brown bread instead of white

maybe have oatmeal in the morning, it fills you up and it''s good for you

drink a lot of water and DON'T expect results right away! this will take a lot of time and persistence, but you will feel amazinf after

make little steps, like start by changing one meal a day to make it healthier and start by exercising once a week, making sudden changes won't last

good luck! just make sure you do this for your health and not because the media wants girls to look a certain way :)
2008-12-14 17:52:46 UTC
Getting healthy doesn't cost you money. You get yourself motivated. You eat less and you move more. Instead of going in the kitchen for a snack, take a walk. If you must have a snack, eat some cereal. Honey, you need to like who you are, and right now you don't. Once you start to lose a few pounds you will be encouraged. It probably doesn't help that someone else cooks for you. BUT, you can put less on your fork. Just give it a try, and don't be all sad about not having money to buy motivation. It's within you.
2008-12-14 18:00:18 UTC
Understand your predicament. Walking helps, I challenge myself everyday to a certain amount of steps and the next day I up it by 100 steps. Start lifting some homemade weights. What do you have that is in your pantry? Do you have some canned goods? Start there to lift some weights. Before you know it you will have a bag of sugar in each hand lifting that weight (in a bag of course). I also cut back on what I eat. Instead of a large plate use a small one. After you are done with that plate take a walk around the block. If you are still hungry when you get back then eat a fruit or some air popped popcorn. Ice cream was my downfall. But i started to eat the fudgesicles. They taste good but with less calories. Start small and just challenge yourself a little more each day. Before you know it the pounds will come off just remember to not beat yourself up when it is not 10lbs in 1 week. Also, if you fall off the wagon don't beat yourself up. Just get right back on a continue. You can sooo do this! When you start getting motivated and you want more check out It may offer you some more help in counting calories and help you with burning them.
2008-12-14 17:54:47 UTC
Oprah just admitted she is 200# also. you could go to her website. I think her new show will be in Jan 09. You can go swimming, so what if people think mean or say mean things, they always will whether it's about wt, your looks or someone else. Atleast you are doing something. You just have to start slowly and find something you like, write down what you eat, you have to cut 500 cal per day to lose wt and have to burn 500 or more per wk to lose at least 1 pound. You can do it. just see where all the extra sugar, snacks and calories come from, whether it's extra servings, or gravies or candy or high fat milk shakes or fries etc. it's takes effort to loose and you have to exercise, just start slowly, you can't loose it all at once . you didn't put it all on all at once either. sign up for phys ed at school, make changes, stop the coke/pepsi etc. start eating right in the morning with fiber cereal, fruit, juice and slowly you'll make changes, the diets that you spend lots of money on don't work, there is no magic pill, only hard work and put your mind to it like everything else that matters in life. you have to work for it. so save your money, be around healthy people and be sincere, ride your bike, swim, basketball, soccer, anything aerobic that burns calories..... and watch portions, if you do, then you can eat just about anything, just smaller amounts. Good luck...
Galaxy Girl
2008-12-14 18:04:24 UTC
You don't need to pay money to be on a diet plan.

Just lose weight the old fashioned way, by being HEALTHY.

Eat healthy, portioned meals three times a day. (One plate of food, don't go for seconds.) And if you get hungry in between meals eat one-two healthy snacks a day, such as fresh fruit or raw veggies with some low fat dip, whole grain crackers, yogurt, etc.

Limit the amount of desert you eat. Like maybe once a week. And only eat one slice of cake or one scoop of icecream. As long you keep it once a week and in the correct size, you can enjoy dessert.

Exercise 4-5 times a week for one hour. You don't need to go the gym. Just find a good area to walk, like a park near by yourself. And speed walk for one hour. 9This burns lots of calories and doesn't require any skills.)Take a music player to help the time go by fast. Make this a priority, just like homework, showering, work, religious stuff, etc.

Stay active! Keep yourself busy with school, work, religious activities, safe / responsible fun with friends. In your spare time, don't waste it on the computer or watching the tv all day long. Go to the mall, hiking, to museums, maybe to the carnival, swimming with friends, bowling, iceskating, eye shopping. Just get out and enjoy life!

People these days spend so much money on diet plans and it's really not necessary. Having a healthy weight is not rocket science, it's just the amount of calories you consume vs. the calories you burn. You don't need to become obsessed with your weight. Just develop good eating habits and stay active.

Unfortunately when it comes down to it, no one can force you to be motivated, you have to be the one to push yourself. A good thing to remember is that sometimes the motivation comes AFTER you being to see the results. So just do it now. Don't wait until tomorrow or 3 months from now or two years down the road to have a fresh start, just do it now.

If this helps, always keep in mind how you want to treat yourself. Do you want to give your body the best treatment possible and nourish the way it's needed? Or do you want to be unhealthy and limit your opportunities in life? You have the right to be good to yourself and I hope you take that chance.
2008-12-14 18:27:56 UTC
1. No one can give you motivation--you need to create your own. Do this by making a list of all the reasons why you want to lose weight. Print it out and carry it around with you and look at it frequently.

2. Join It's free, and it has lots of advice and support.

3. Write down everything you eat. EVERYTHING. Eat 1500 calories/day and no more (don't go less than that because you're a growing girl).

4. Set aside one hour/day to exercise, even if it's just brisk walking.
Member of the SPOA
2008-12-14 17:58:48 UTC
Before you can change anything physcially, you have to change things mentally. You have to want change so bad that your willing to do anything for it. Start with small, obtainable goals. Like 5lbs. If you try for an amount too large, youll get depressed that you haven't met it, and you will eat more. Start out slow by walking for 30 minites a day. Substitute water for all drinks. Eat fruit or something for breakfast to get your metabolism going. Eat smaller portions. After a couple of weeks you will start to see a difference. Remember your not going to lose a ton of weight most likely. A lot of it will start to turn into muscle. Look for inches off the waste and extremities instead of total weight.
2008-12-14 17:53:54 UTC
okay i understand that loosing weight is hard to do.. VERY HARD

but everyone knows this! if it was easy everyone would be skinny

its clear that you are unhappy about your weight

wht you need to do is slap urself in the face and get ahold of urself

if your that unhappy just go on a diet and work out

yes its going to suck

and its going to hard

and your gunna wanna go crazy probably

but just suck it up and do it

you will love yourself so much more when your done

it will probably only take 3 months out of your whole life

make a change now and stop slacking off time

your 15 years old.. this is the time of your life when your young

spend it being happy and not feeling bad about yourself

hope this helps

good luck and peace out =D <333
2008-12-14 17:58:23 UTC
Well, start off slow of course.

As a girl, I know you look in the mirror every morning.

Get some lipstick or something and write your goal weight on it.

Start off easy.

Don't put something, like 120. That's not reasonable at this point.

Put something like 185, that's easier to reach. If you reach that, then It'll help your confidence.

As far as losing the weight, it's best to start off slow by eliminating small things that cause you to take in extra calories.

Stop drinking Cokes, eating candy, etc.

In addition, do some exercise. Not a lot. If you start off doing a lot, you'll either get tired of it or get discouraged.

E-mail me if you have any other questions.

Trust me, I understand. :)
Me Myself and I
2008-12-14 17:53:33 UTC
you want the honest answer. Eat less...........its a numbers game no matter what. Eat less burn more.

Also one of the problems we have in America is we have hollow food. Processed foods have lots of calories but little nutrition. So your body without you knowing starts to eat more to gain something you are wanting. Say lycopine from a tomato. First stop eating ANYTHING premade. There are somethings that you will still have to. But for the most part. Learn to cook yourself from scratch. Also.............Don't cut out things from your diet like fat. Eat a balance. Fat triggers your body to stop eating. Its why you are hungry after sushi or a salad. Also you need fat to absorb certain vitamins. Basically, eat like a european. Eat all the rich food you like but 1/4 of the amount an American eats.

And exercise.............ride a bike, gotta move.
2008-12-14 18:00:45 UTC
For a balanced lifestyle, you need to eat well and exercise.

For food, eat from all the food groups and drink lots of water.

Don't eat too much or too little. i don't like calorie counting because it's just a hassle and tedious.

Join sports teams at school. Or maybe find a friend to exercise with you? That way you don't have to do it alone.

I used to hate sports and gym class, but once i started playing and going out out and getting involved, i started to really like it. It's a lot of fun and you meet tons of people.

And don't say things like, I'm ugly and I'm fat because that just makes you feel that way. Always think positive. I tell myself that all the time. :)
2008-12-14 17:52:40 UTC
First of all you have to be motivated. You say you are not, but you obviously want to lose weight, so you have to develop a plan. You can do an online search for a diet that is suitable and an exercise plan that you can do. Getting started is the hardest part. Once you do and you begin losing weight, you will be happy with yourself and want to continue. You don't need one of those costly weight watchers plans, you can do it. Ask your parents for help or even your pediatrician. They can guide you and be supportive.
ARSthe Lorax
2008-12-14 17:52:29 UTC
Find someone to lose weight with you. That way you have someone to motivate you and you will feel more committed because you won't want to let your friend down.

Think of what you hate the most about being overweight. For me it was not being able to shop in the stores I wanted to. I found little ways to remind myself of that, and that was enough motivation for me.

Seeing the results is the best feeling ever. I'm so happy now and I can shop wherever and I'm a lot healthier and I have so much more energy.
2008-12-14 18:01:02 UTC
Sorry to hear that sweety!! Just watch what you eat. lay off of sweets and soda! Stick to diet soda and by saying sweets, i mean no cake, donuts, cookies, icecream, pie, and exc. When you eat, make sure everything is less than 150 calories! And dont eat more than 1200 calories a day!!! They have calorie counters online. go to google and write calorie counter. go to the gym daily, or just work out at your house for about an hour a day. if you dont feel like working out, go on a daily jog. glad i can help
2008-12-14 17:52:47 UTC
start off slow a couple push ups and sit ups a day, add to the number by the day or week. trying dancing. find some one who's body you admire and use that as motivation. eat healthier. i don't know what you eat but try eating a salad for lunch or add an apple into your snack. don't over whelm yourself with diet and exercise or you'll get bored quick.

you can also look for a friend to try and help you out, maybe you two can workout together help each other out. having someone there to help you can help motivate you.

best of luck.
2008-12-14 18:10:08 UTC
first of all, u dont need to lose weight to be happy

u need to first accept urself for who u are.

tell ur parents that u are unhappy with urself so that they can work out a plan for u at the gym

im sure if u stick to it u will get some great results.

but what do u mean u need motivation???.... if u really want to change, then u should use that as ur motivation.

everyday tell urself things like i can do it... and im beatiful.. and i can change..... tell urself inspirational stuff.

but dont go on one of those strict diets bcuz those never work, they just harm ur body.... just eat healhtyand exercise.

good luck

u r a beautiful person.

2016-10-14 02:12:42 UTC
ok nicely first, end stressful :) you will get to your objective! You DO besides the shown fact that could desire to get some motivation, because of the fact without which you will never do it. That is going for something in existence so PERK up! good now you're certainly at a healthful weight to your top and age, so be grateful for a solid commencing factor! in case you do no longer eat meat, you may desire to verify you're taking some supplements for protein! in any different case construction muscle is going to be close to impossible! right that's a solid tip too, drink a lot of water! a minimum of around 7-8 glasses of 12 ouncesof water in line with day. It rather facilitates! It keeps your epidermis a lot fit AND facilitates you shed weight immediately! as long as you preserve on with a healthful weight loss software plan it rather is. yet another stable tip is.... FRUIT! Its yummy, stable for you, and you may eat extra of it than the rest and nonetheless stay extra healthful. do merely no longer make your self experience finished, that's a bad sign. i comprehend its tempting too, yet stay solid! you may desire to additionally exercising consultation a minimum of an hour in line with day, buut in case you have somewhat extra motivation then pass longer! i will furnish you with a warning, on the commencing up it particularly is going to likely be soo troublesome, in actuality I merely all started determining no longer too some time past and now i'm build up a resistance to the discomfort. on the wellbeing center do no longer overlook to heat up on issues like the treadmil or do some stretches first, AND after your accomplished. notably a lot, discover something to artwork out the best purchase of your physique. seek for machines which will do each and each element, and are available up with a ordinary which you like appropriate. Do cardio first, then some weight lifting probable. besides.. stable success! Heres to us attempting to look stable by employing the tip of the summer season!
2008-12-14 18:04:52 UTC
Girl, I'm just turned 16 i'm 5'4" i'm a girl I weigh 225 pounds used to be 255. during the summer i lost almost 20 pounds and gained like five for doing almost nothing but sitting on my butt doing nothing now i'm trying to lose weight again if i could be 200 pounds again that would would be happy. my advice to you is (if you have it) play a mile of DDR once a day (on workout mode) its a great work out, always take the stairs instead of elevator, eat slower to fill up fast
Mark N
2008-12-14 17:53:27 UTC
get into a sport. a tough sport. try wrestling. it may not seem girly cause its not but its hard. training is way hard and you are not allowed to quit. Join track. season is coming up soon. conditioning is right now so join in and get running. even if youre not good most teams will still take ya. Start excersicing with friends and go jogging in the streets and stuff. out of these i prefer wrestling. i used to be pretty fat but most of it is muscle now. for motivation you are going to have to get other people you know to help you.
M. Derek
2008-12-14 18:07:11 UTC
Take walks, go to the gym, try and make an appointment with a nutritionist, they can really help. And replace foods that are high in sugar and fat, with fruit or vegetables. And try not to eat to much in between meals.
2008-12-14 17:54:05 UTC
i know how you feel. i was fat too and i got sick of it and decided to take action. i just started walking on the tred mill for about 20 min every day and i played DDR (dance dance revolution) if u own that game it great b/c its reeelly fun and its excerising!! if u DONT have it i suggest it. lol anyway,. also i started doing curl ups every night b4 bed. i started with 40 a night and then progressed to 150 a night. in about a month of doing all this my stomach was flat and i lost wieght!!! people wer noticing and everything! try it
2008-12-14 17:51:59 UTC
lol. just practice self control. eat normal sized meals. pack lunches from home to take to school, because school lunches have so freaking much fat and cholesterol. dont eat too many sweets. if you have cravings for sweets, eat some dark chocolate. or buy fruit-flavored kefir (it's this liquidy yogurt stuff, it's pretty tasty and it helps you lose weight). stay away from the twinkies. dont eat after 7 pm. if you do all this, you will definitely lose weight.

you dont even have to exercise. you can lose lots of weight just by eating right. of course, exercise would definitely help you lose weight faster.
2008-12-14 17:59:49 UTC
You can do other things to loose weight other than snowboarding. Exercise like swimming, cycling, stretching and jogging will help loose weight, do it 30 minutes daily and you can loose weight easily. You can also not eat food with fats and eat more vegetables and it will help.
2008-12-14 17:52:45 UTC
Become a vegitarian, eat 3 meals a day, go to the gym daily, and try not to eat if you're stressed or bored. Good luck :D
2008-12-14 17:50:44 UTC
Just start eating healthier. Think about how upset you get in regards to motivation. If you want to see change, then be that change. Walk around your neighborhood in the afternoon, maybe work up to running. If you drink water and eat healthy, you'll start losing weight in no time.
Little Light
2008-12-14 17:51:50 UTC
get a large dog as a puppy. as it grows the exercises it needs will become larger giving your body time to get fit slowly. it will need you to care for it and walk/run it every day. also it will give you love and companionship, and a work out partner who wont judge you, as teens can be very mean to people different than them. see if your parents will help with the cost. its a healthier alternative to yo-yo diets. good luck and remember the saying big girls have more fun, statistically this is true! :)
2008-12-14 17:52:43 UTC
oh sweetie don't you worry, just start with little things like cutting one type of unhealthy food out of your diet and replace things like desert like fresh fruit. just take little steps because it's hard to loose weight just like that and even little things like ten jumping jacks a day are great. just slowly and gradually change things until eventually your a healthy young lady!(:
Pilsner Man
2008-12-15 03:01:21 UTC
Your best answer is weight watchers. It isn't that expensive. You don't buy their foods, you learn how to eat and get a little support to go along with it.
2008-12-14 17:53:50 UTC
1-watch what chu eat

2-Start off slow and work your way up, try doing jumping jacks for starters to increase your capacity. move on to trying to do situps or push ups. at 5'5 and 200 pounds, your not terrible... according to the below website, your ideal goal should be 122, good luck :)
2008-12-14 17:51:26 UTC
Embrace your beauty now. Sure, eat well and excercise, but if you're still a big girl, so what? There are plenty of big girls out there. You don't have to be embarassed. If you're confident about yourself, you won't have a problem finding a guy.

Do you want to live your life hungry?
2008-12-14 18:15:15 UTC here to help you myself if you want...i was like you...i weighed 220 pounds and i was 16 at the highest weight peak im 18 now though but it's okay..i know how you feel , i cried too, i cried so much and hated myself at times because i was addiction was food..but i got into slim fast and i only lived with my parents because my older brothers moved our kitchen had healthy stuff and just a little bit of food. so then i lost 70 Pounds! i weighed like 144 when i graduated from highschool..i felt so happy but i still need to loose more weigh because i myself still considered a little bit over im with you girl...i know you don't have money for slim too..and since my brother and his wife moved in our home again ..they fill the kitchen up with junk food and i get cravings and eat what they eat sometimes..and i hate it ...what slim fast makes you do is just buy healthy things like vegetables and i learned that you just gotta eat small small portions but 6 times a day so you can start up your metabolism again.Do this for me..tell your parents to help you out and not buy bad things to put in the kitchen..the less food and the more healthy food there is in your kitchen..the more motivation you have to not eat bad exersise is just dancing with my ipod in my also lazy at exersising lol but it helps..any movement helps your body ^_^...liiiiike also doing 10 pushups everynight helps build muscle on your arms...i hope i helped a little ^_^ more fruit..take it as like candy cause fruit is delicious lol like watermelon mmmm good and umm pineapple ..i eat one slice of pineapple a day as one of my snacks..and its don't have to eat fake food "chips and fastfood ect" to be satisfied girl....fruit is so good and yummyness trust'll start to like fruit more..the more you eat it...just check out the slim fast don't have to waste money..just read around and you'll learn about what to eat on the slim fast website ...a boy told me that i will loose 10 pounds in one month by using slim fast..and i did..but it was hard my first month because i had chinese food cravings lol. omg i hope i didn't type alot lol it's cause i wanna help's my email if you wanna learn more ^_^

yea it's long can do it girl..if i can do can trust's all in the mind..if you have cravings..drink water sometimes and it goes away ..because when you got cravings..sometimes it means that youre actually thirsty.........Bye :)
Nicki S
2008-12-14 17:58:13 UTC
try to eat healthier and walk...if you walk for an hour or two a day it will help you sooo much. do your best to not eat junk or fast food! bu ti garentee that if you walk as much as you can daily it will help you so much...good luck!
2008-12-14 17:52:50 UTC
I was kinda stuck on your question, so, I asked my mom and she said that your motivation is that when you lose that weight you'll not only look better but you'll feel alot better.
2008-12-14 17:50:16 UTC
Go for walks, exercise, watch your portions, and eat healthier. You'd be surprised how much the little things help.
2008-12-14 17:49:14 UTC
Start going to a gym regularly, and watch what you eat. The internet can help you research.
2008-12-14 17:51:10 UTC
what ever you do don't go on one of those diet things. Once i tried diet coke and i got sick...any ways just have daily excercize. u know in Drake and Josh how Josh lost weight that's what u can do.
2008-12-14 17:50:41 UTC
start running! its that simple and easy, as a girl you don't have to lift weights, just run to stay in shape. Start setting longer distance goals for yourself everytime you run.
2008-12-14 17:50:59 UTC
get all that sadness out and believe that u can work out at home and eat a lil less and ull b fine, its all a belief
Lauren M
2008-12-14 17:50:45 UTC
just like yourself for the way you are. if someone ever says something mean to you, you can just show them that you could kick their *** by body slamming them. and if you are really concerned about your weight you should go to the docters, they will help you through this.
2008-12-14 17:50:46 UTC
go running everyday. and cut back eating. the reason a lot of people are fat is portion size!
Kelsey T
2008-12-14 17:50:35 UTC
find something that you enjoy doing that you can also work out while doing. for instance you like snowboarding, take up skateboarding, or rollerblading. you can have fun while trying to loose weight
2008-12-14 17:49:58 UTC
play sports, go for a run/jog/walk, get a tredmill, play dance dance revolution, stop eating unhealthy foods, excersise
Lynn o.o
2008-12-14 18:01:47 UTC
Calm down.

More cushin for the pushin babe.

Be happy.

And if you really want to lose weight, than get up and move. It worked for me.
2008-12-14 17:50:12 UTC
why don't you get a job, so you can join membership for a gym?

or why don't you start with eating healthy, and jogging in the mornings. you can also download winsor pilates on the internet, i've done that before.
Bree S
2008-12-14 17:59:44 UTC
its good u like snowboarding keep on snowboarding whenever you can. walking helps you loose weight, and it is free .
2008-12-14 17:50:18 UTC
You need motivation- i posted pics of skinny mondels all around and on the fridge-t made me eat better which helped with weight loss
2008-12-14 17:55:30 UTC
you do not need a stupid diet plan. do it yourself.

eat fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, meat, fisf, and rice.

avoid sugar, solt, oil, alcohol and cigarettes.
2008-12-14 17:51:07 UTC
start walking everday and you will lose it fast. times when you want to munch...walk instead. or eat celery, it burns calories and doesn't give calories.
2008-12-14 17:49:55 UTC
You need a work out buddy who you can exercise with. When you have someone with you it is much more motivating.
2008-12-14 17:50:44 UTC
Eat smaller portion sizes and the motivation would be do you reall want to be that fat girl everyone looks at ???? when really you know you could be healthy looking
2008-12-14 17:51:57 UTC
boys. that's your motivation. do you have a boyfriend? do you want one? try to be healthy and people will like you more. you will have a better social life.
2008-12-14 17:50:22 UTC
ok, first, stop typing in all caps.. it's just annoying..

second, join a team or group of some sort that would engage you in regular physical activity.. find something you like (soccer, karate, yoga, etc) and then by joining a group you'll get some free motivation...
Brad B
2008-12-14 17:49:48 UTC
eat a carrot
2008-12-14 17:49:30 UTC
take a lap
2008-12-14 17:50:45 UTC
2008-12-14 17:49:01 UTC

Dr. Phil?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.