15 pounds lose in 8 days.. it's way to much let me tell you why
1 pound equals to 3500 calories ..
15 times 3500 = 52500calories .. let's say you take in 700 calories a day that's 5600 more calories added. 58100 calories you have to lose. that amount of calories divide 8 days.. you have to lose 7262 calories.. that's more than 2 pounds a day!!!
impossible to lose. consider how much time you have for work out everyday. you body can't handle it. no way.
here's another thing.. if you're not a everyday work out kinda person... the day after your first work out would be very painful.. you can hurt yourself really bad.
here are some exercises but before you do them .. it's alway best to go to th doctor for physical examination. if you have high blood pressure ..ect.. over working out can give you a heart attack.. also.. very important.. if you do decide to do any kind of exercise alway warm up and stretch for 10 minutes.
jogging 60 minutes can burn 787 calories
walking 60 minutes can burn 346 calories
alway.. walk 10,000 to 15,000 steps everyday can help lose weight,
you diet has to change... that's the hardest part.. ( don't starve yourself, then make up eating.. like eating breakfast, lunch.. at dinner time.. ..) have control. **.motivation is important **
a normal woman needs 12,000 to 14,000 calories a day.to cut down calories. eat more vegetable
avoid eating too much at night( eat 3 or 4 hours before sleeping).