I called about a Special Offer for a Jazzercise Program. I was told that it is for 12 weeks for a sum of $200. Is this a fair price? The programs offers the following: Coaching Support by a Fitness Instructor, Complete Fitness and Body Assessment, Complete Nutrition Seminar Program, Full Membership Privileges, Free Jazzercise Personal Touch Session and daycare. I am looking to lose at least a total of 38 to 48 pounds. Is this possible to do with a Jazzercise class and the things listed above with a good diet plan? It states that if you qualify you will receive the 12 week program valued at $249 for free! You are only required to pay the regular fee and possibly allow them to feature your results in a testimonial. Now my question with this is how am I getting the program for free when I am paying $50 for registing and $50 a month for three months. Does this sound correct to you or is it just me??? Please help me with this question I have not idea about jazzercise classes.