I am quitting smoking - please help me find a way to avoid the cravings?
2006-11-14 03:05:27 UTC
It's my fifth day and I'm struggling now. Please help me think of a way to avoid the cravings.
115 answers:
2006-11-15 10:49:49 UTC
Don't give in to them! I found it helped me get through by telling myself that I could smoke as many as I wanted tomorrow and that I just had to get through today. When tomorrow came I would say the same thing. It was really hard to start with and so tempting to just have a cigarette, but after a few weeks the cravings had gone completely.

I found that counting days, then weeks and finally months gave me a mental milestone to say I'd reached. I have not smoked for 16 months now, but I still tell myself that I can have another cigarette 'another day' if I really want one.

I know it's dreadful at the moment but if you stick with it it will be worth it. Just one little piece of advice that you can ignore if you like...try not to replace gigs with food or alcohol. I did this to start with and put on over 14lbs! I've lost it again now, but if someone had told me that advice 16 months ago I'd have been grateful!

Good luck!
2006-11-16 03:04:30 UTC
I'm using patches myself, which halts the "need" for a smoke very well, but it sounds to me like you've gone "cold turkey", and if you've been 5 days without any nicotine at all, seems silly to re-introduce it into your system now.

Distraction is probably the best thing to do, something to take your mind off it. Also, when you get a craving, just remind yyourself just how disgusting smoking is, and why you've quit - I've started to notice how much my colleagues stink when they come back from a smoke, it's even worse with the girls here, as stale ciggy smoke and perfume is pretty unpleasant, and it's a shame to have these pretty girls reeking like a working mens club!

However, I think that having a dialogue with people on Answers about your cravings, when you need to distract yourself fom it probably isn't going to help - it'll just remind you that you've got cravings everytime you look at the responses- viscous circle if you like!

Congrats on making it to the fifth day - that's a real achievement, you're on your way!!
2006-11-15 00:21:46 UTC
I tried several times to quit smoking - on patches, with gum, with gel and I'm telling you now that if you succumb to the advertising pressures of nicotine replacement therapy you might as well just start smoking again.

If you're going to quit smoking you have to realise one major are trying to beat an addiction. Your body is physically addicted to a drug and the only way to beat it is to starve it out of your system, NOT replace it.

However, you are obviously like I was - seriously addicted. Most people's cravings stop after a few days, but if you're really clucking do not worry there is a solution. Go to your doctor and ask to be put on "Zyban". You take one tablet a day for a month and it will kill the cravings completely. Basically it was a drug that was originally trialed as an anti-depressent, but they found that it had better results with smokers than with depression. 80% of the people that took it stopped smoking.

And it works.

I went from 40 cigarettes a day to absolutely nothing - with no cravings - in a matter of weeks. It was painless and truly remarkable. I cannot recommend it high enough.

Try it, you won't regret it.
2006-11-14 16:42:04 UTC
Well I stopped 2 years ago when my brother died. I smoked 15 cigars a day and apart from the cost it was really beginning to tell on my health.

Every time I got the craving especially in the first three weeks I just thought of were my brother was, on the slab in the mortuary. And any time even now if I get the craving I just look out of the window and enjoy what ever I can see.

So stick with it you'll feel 1000 times better in a very short time, unfortunately what you save in money you will spend on a new wardrobe so watch out for the extra pound slipping on hear and there.
2006-11-14 03:32:51 UTC
Change your routine, find something to fiddle with when you feel the need to smoke, I've been told by an adviser at the Stop smoking service that coffee triggers the same part of the brain that makes you feel the need to smoke , so you could try another drink instead, go for walks and try to avoid (if possible) situations, places where you used to smoke. Add up how much your saving and think of something to treat yourself to as a reward for doing so well as it will make you happy and positive.

Are you using any Nicotine replacement therapy?

I quit yesterday and am using patches so don't feel too bad at the moment but I may by an Inhalator as a back up for those unavoidable stressful moments as combined with the patch is still less Nicotine than I'd get from a ciggie but will help.

Keep it up, good luck:-)
honey lugs
2006-11-16 01:13:51 UTC
You probably won't avoid the cravings, you'll have to work through them. They only last for a few seconds and you only have to say no. It's not easy but you can do it, I know you can.

I gave up two and a half years ago after smoking since teenage, (am nearly 51) and had been smoking 30 a day. If I can do it you can.
Barry B
2006-11-15 10:04:13 UTC
The gum, patches all work to stop some of the cravings, but bear in mind that some of the cravings are habit/mental. When I stopped smoking, I found doing Sudoku puzzles or jigsaw puzzles took my mind off the craving and kept my hands busy at the same time.
Darth Emiras
2006-11-14 14:03:06 UTC
I'm on day 8 of not smoking myself.

I've got this far by coming onto Yahoo Answers and asking questions as well as posting smart **** answers lol.

That I've taken to eating more and chewing gum,

Was even in the pub last Thursday night and managed not to smoke, was rather impressed with myself.

I tend to start and stop smoking, the first 2 weeks are the worse until I reach the 3-4 month mark and start carving again.

That I can't seem to overcome but I'm working on it.
2006-11-14 12:55:56 UTC
I Have stopped smoking now for 11 weeks and now i finding it alot easier. to help me stop the cravings i did the washing up, or house work, anything really to keep my mind off it. Also i found sucking on cough candy helped me alot. Don't use patches or anything like that as they only make the craving worst. I tried Patches before and they did not help me. but this time just total will power alone. good luck in your stop smoking. your feel much better for it, i do.
2006-11-15 12:34:27 UTC
Get a small notebook and every time you feel you need a cigarette draw a line in it.Just a simple single line. Sound silly? Take the book everywhere with you. When you look back at it when you are craving less and less, you will feel so proud that you craved all those times and never had a cigarette.x
2006-11-15 17:34:01 UTC
Pure will power, that's how i done it,

it was very hard i admit for 7 to 10 days,

but i thought of everything but cigarettes,

and it wasn't the nicotine patches or any other

waste of money gimmicks, no just will power,

that was 7th February 2004,and now i celebrate

every year by going on a holiday with all that money i

saved by not smoking and on top of that i have a

healthy pear of lungs, so stick it out for just few more

days by going to gym or doing some thing else exciting

please try i know you can do it, you'll thank me one day

and most of all you'll thank yourself.

Gooooood Luckkkkkk.
2006-11-15 13:45:17 UTC
stay away from drinking tea or coffee, that was one of my worst times. sugar free mints help, but be careful because they contain an ingredient that has a laxative effect!! Keep yourself busy, the more you're doing something constructive the less you think about it. It does get much easier. Are you using patches or gum? they could help but gum can just be as addictive and some friends have been chewing it for a couple of years!! Patches worked for me and I was completely over it after 10 weeks. Good luck! Don't give up!
2006-11-15 00:20:55 UTC
good luck to you. the money you spend on fags take it and put in a jar and just see how much you spend in a week let it mount up then go and get yourself some thing nice. when you get the cravings eat a carrot or go to the gym or swimming. if you cant do that eg because you are at work ust think about the money you are saving and think that you are just burning a five pound note because that what you are doing every time you smoke
2006-11-14 15:16:15 UTC
You may have heard this all before:

1. be strong, the craving is a physical thing - your body feels like it is missing something and so you think the cigarette will help, no it will not, it will make you go back to square one.

2. remember why you do not want to light another one and if you do would it be worth it anyway.

3. try homoeopathic remedies and good healthy tasty fruit and vegetable juices, your body is healing itself.

I packed up 3 years ago after smoking for 12 years, I will be honest with you it took a year of stopping and starting to decided that enough was enough, it is your choice, your body and your right - it is great to be smoke free, but only you can decided this for yourself. Hope this helps, good luck.
2006-11-14 12:50:27 UTC
You can't avoid them you just have to deal with them. When I stopped I tried to do different things like go for a walk, read a book, anything to take my mind off the fact that I should be smoking like after a meal, in the pub, after sex. If you change these patterns then you stand a better chance of beating it. By the way, the tar and the poison you have smoked for God knows how long is out of your system after about 3 days and all you're left with is the habit of holding a cigarette in your fingers, break that and you're home free! Good luck! DON'T GIVE UP GIVING UP!!
2006-11-14 11:38:43 UTC
Hi, There:

I stopped smoking 25 years ago unfortunately there was not as much help around then, but what pulled me through the craving times I had, was to think that every cigarette I didn't have was another week extra on my life, look at the small print on all these products and you will find the one thing they all have in common: WILL POWER. Good luck, remember, if you really want to stop smoking, then you will!! still going strong at 63
2006-11-15 22:51:13 UTC
You have taken the best decision to quit smoking. Though it's going to be tough, don't give up. Try sugar free chewing gum - 35 years ago when I gave up smoking I tried and was successful. Today I can't stand even passive smoking. I suggest sugar free chewing gum, because it will protect your teeth. And most important, have a strong willpower - where there is a will, there is a way! Good luck!
2006-11-15 22:42:21 UTC
Quitting smoking is a great opportunity to learn about ourselves.

Congratulate yourself on having the desire to stop - then you are over the worst, but still need to maintain your resolve. It's just so easy to start thinking that just one won't hurt, but it does. Just one achieves nothing except feeling the need for another. Whatever you do, don't have just one. Beware - alcohol will weaken your resolve.

Here's a few home-brewed tips that might be useful.

It's not just nicotine addiction - there are 50+ chemicals in cigarettes. Also the main problem is habit.

We have been used to having body sensations which we translate as 'my body needs something', which we have attempted to satisfy by having a cigarette.

When we try to stop smoking, we still get these 'my body needs something' sensations, and we still feel that we want a cigarette. We have to train our body to be more selective. When we feel we need something, we have to work out what it is that we actually need.

A glass of water is an excellent substitute if nothing else comes to mind, as it helps with the clearance of the toxic substances in our body. Another good substitute is a bag of salted peanuts, used in combination with the water.

Another thing to do is to find an activity which occupies the mind or body. Go swimming - nobody wants to smoke while they are swimming. Slowly, as our body adjusts and translates the 'want something' feelings into something other than cigarettes, then the feelings begin to go away. We know its not a cigarette that the body really needs, because as soon as we've had one we still have the feeling, and want another!

We will have a few bouts of feeling or even being short tempered. We must try to bite our lip, and control; ourselves. Recognise the short temper as being the removal of toxins which are trying to find a way out. They went in through the mouth, and they try to get out that way to. We must learn to keep our mouth closed, and force the toxins out the other way.

After we have stopped for a while we will begin to feel that just one wont to any harm.

All that leads to is a desire for just another one. We must guard very strongly against the desire to have just one.
2006-11-14 14:33:14 UTC
Initially I gradually cut down the amount I smoked until I finally stopped smoking totally. During that time I found new cravings. Playing sports, going gym, chewing gum, biting my nails, I did it all basically I did anything that can make you forget about having a cigarette. Nicorette patches helped also.
C Greene
2006-11-16 02:17:11 UTC
A lot of answers, good luck picking the best!!!

Well done you, I'm on day 8 now & I've been using patches. When I get a craving I do a puzzle from a magazine or sip water. My flat is sparkling clean as I've been keeping myself busy with house work!!!

Good luck & keep up the good work
2006-11-15 03:14:50 UTC
If you're in your 5th day, it means the nicotine is out of your system, and you don't have physical cravings anymore. The only cravings you have are in your mind, and there's no trick in the world can take those away apart from YOU, because YOU have the choice and the strength to face them.

Please read this book:

It really helped me and I gave up straight after reading the book, and have never gone back to smoking.... no regrets and I don't miss it.

Just ignore the cravings, they are not real. Think of someone whose trying to give up heroin, and imagine th pain they're in, or someone whose just been diagnosed with cancer, and imagine that pain... not the pain of the cancer, but the pain of telling their loved ones that they won't be around next Christmas or Birthday because this one is going to be their last - they'll be dying soon.... Imagine the pain on their child's face.....

The craving is nothing you can't deal with very easily.

I promise, you will be glad to read the book.... Good luck!
2006-11-14 03:19:49 UTC
With you on this one every empathy I gave up six months ago and the best thing I found is the lozengers 4mg at first then down to 2mg as they last longer than chewing gum and better than a patch that kept coming off.

I also keep myself busy I found mornings the worst so I put a losenger in a soon as I woke this helped loads. I do not crave a cig when I suck one of those and now I have nothing.

Good luck and congratualtions on giving up in a couple of months your bank balance will reap the rewards i was horrified and pleased at how much money I saved and I also felt lots better health wise.
Peachy Girl
2006-11-15 06:18:56 UTC
I have heard all the advice for giving up, Nicorrett gum, patches inhalers mouth wash etc I have even heard that eating Oranges while trying to give up helps

I have no will power and none of these helped, believe me I have tried them all and still can't stop, but one time I had stopped for 9 months and that was because I had gone on a bender got totally bladderd and smoked so much the next day I couldn't smoke it hurt too much and that was that but I stupidly started again

Hope you have better luck with it than me

I am seriously considering hypnotherapy!
2006-11-15 02:01:19 UTC

The nicotine is already out of your body and going for these means that you are putting it back in. the cravings you have now are habitual. I did exactly the same and after 5 days went to chemist where he refused them which i am now grateful for as they'd have costa fortune (unless you go NHS-BEFORE you stop, not 5 days after). Anyway, to stop the habitual cravings go for hypnosis. Its not scary, you don't go 'under' they just teach the part of the brain that is making you want a cig not to want one!Its really good!!
2006-11-14 11:18:48 UTC
Hey well done keep going. I stopped 12 months ago , ask your doctor about ZYBAN its not good for everyone but it worked for me.If you are in the UK your local docs should run a smoking clinic , if you really are serious about stopping give it a try even if this attempt fails. The longest i lasted before was one day and i had been smoking for 24 years. Also it helps if you have support from friends/ family , i could bore you forever. Smoking Clinic.

Give it a go.
josei boy
2006-11-15 09:21:53 UTC
Hi T ! there is no doupt about it ,smoking is acurse......It has a grip on your craving for nicotine......There are many remedys and know end of people telling you of this and seems that there is no end to them or the cravings.............I'm a born again non-smoker, and beleive me I went up to 60 cigs., a day ;at that time I was 39 years old and felt like 99!!!!!! I put my car in for a service , went down the road to catch a bus . I saw it in the distance and decided to run to the bus stop............My heart was pounding so loud and very fast I thought it was about to give me a heart attack...Sitting on the bus I realised that I had to something about myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"GIVE UP SMOKING.......I MUST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "or it'll give me up"!!!! When I gave up there was no nicitynell or stuff like that! But I remember someone told me of herbal cigarettes(no nicatine).I smoked the for about two months, without getting the nicatine buzz, but non-the-less I stuck it out. I kept telling myself that if I went back on cigs how bad and carroded my lungs would be, heart attacks to follow , and if that did'nt kill me the dreaded "BIG C.WOULD" ...That was several years ago, I'm now 66 years old and feel great. I dont have fungus in my mouth every morning , I can taste food ,smell flowers etc.etc. Dont say that your quitting smoking , rather say "hello world I've stopped smoking " it now you know all too well the consquences!!!!!!!!!Need I say more.......oh and give the herbal cigs a chance......All the very best to you in your self challenge...................................
jan l
2006-11-15 04:16:39 UTC
i ate a handful of sunflower seeds and hemp seeds wheneve i got the cravings. this is much healthier for you than sweet or fattening foods. I have now been a non-smoker for 18 months. it did help that my husband gave up at the same time. having a 'buddy' that knows exactly how you are feeling is the best way to quit.
2006-11-15 06:15:14 UTC
The way my dad quit smoking was by keeping his hands busy, he said that doing the washing up physically stopped him from lighting up on the grounds that his hands were always wet and soapy. An old friend of mine said pretty much the same thing. He used to draw and paint, as it meant he always had something between his fingers.

The other way I've been told about is to take up another addiction, like chewing gum. But chewing gum is a nasty and disgusting habit, especially if you chew with your mouth open.
2006-11-14 15:43:31 UTC
"QUIT SMOKING"- Easy said than done. Well done.. u r already doing it. You get nicotine patches that are quite useful controlling the craving. Quite easy to use as well. You will have to use it only once in a day. It can hide under your clothes and gives privacy. It is better to use them under doctors advise/ supervision.

Good luck.
2006-11-14 11:26:26 UTC
What i did was to change my routine. at work i always used to sit with a load of smokers, so i moved to a different place at breaks where people didn't smoke, then i was not tempted so bad. As well I replaced the fags with eating, the first time i gave up i put on 3 stone, so this time I chose to eat fruit, and I spend lunch times peeling every bit of white off a satsuma cos it takes longer, I still do that and I haven't smoked for 6 years. hope this helps
2006-11-15 09:58:51 UTC
I managed to get to 8 days, with no aids, but I was so irrational & bad tempered, that I had to smoke again. I phoned my Doc tonight & I'm going back on patches. I really did think about the money I was saving at first, & that kept me going for a while. We can can be GIVE UP SMOKING PALS, & SUPPORT EACH OTHER. Good luck. E-Mail me
Jason H
2006-11-16 01:46:57 UTC
U need to find something that occupies the time u used to smoke in, smoking is nothing but psychological, u do it cos u a re ultimately bored. start something else like bouncing a ball against a wall, ask for more work to do, jus keep your mind busy and away from temptation
2006-11-15 05:45:17 UTC
The first thing to decide is do you really want to stop smoking, if the answer is yes, then go and talk to your doctor who will prescribe patches or put you in touch with a Stop Smoking clinic, who will be very helpful and supportive. If the answer is no but think you should because of the cost or because you know its bad for your health or simply because its anti-social, but in reality you enjoy a smoke and would like to carry on, then it is almost impossible to stop. The key is you must WANT to stop. Good luck.
2006-11-14 12:55:29 UTC
I found it dead easy. I read Allen Carr's 'Easyway to Stop smoking'. Just carry on smoking while you read the book. I read a chapter a day, and found I was smoking less and less each day, till I finally didn't want to smoke at all. it's just common sence really! I never wanted another cig after I stopped, nor never got the craving again. It's been nearly 3 years. Good Luck.
2006-11-15 06:22:31 UTC
I quit smoking 5 months and 4 days ago. I date a guy who HATES cigarettes! Every time I would smoke one he would say I smelled like poo and need to brush my teeth and take a shower.....I smoked two packs of Marlboro Mild 100's and quit by taking baby steps. Week one--I smoked two packs. Week two--I smoked one pack. So on and so forth-- I just starting cutting back. Then I stopped with the help of suckers, straws and my wonderful boyfriend. To avoid cravings, invest into a big bag of dum dums and calculate how much money you will save if you quit. Quit thinking about the stupid things---They make you look trashy and smell bad (trying to help you motivate yourself). Also, if your friends or partner smoke---DO NOT GO OUTSIDE WITH THEM!!!! :) Good luck to you!
♥new baby born xmas eve
2006-11-14 09:51:21 UTC
well done, i gave up smoking 10 months ago and i know how hard those first few days are.... every craving lasts only about a minute so keep telling yourself that until it goes away, drink a glass of water when you get a bad craving.

it will get easier and each craving will get few and far between, just keep your determination, good luck x x x
2016-01-30 00:06:44 UTC
100% Natural Quit Smoking Magic -
2006-11-15 08:01:10 UTC
I gave up four months ago - you have to be careful not to put on weight, I have put a little on, but suppose I am lucky I didn't really have any cravings.

Try to focus on something other than ciggies I know it is hard, but will be worth it in the end.

Please don't pick between meals.
collage girl
2006-11-15 03:14:38 UTC
I gave up smoking,alcohol and meat alltogether ten years ago,using a method,that can be loosely termed as spiritual.Instead of trying to a v o i d the cravings,I actually welcomed,even celebrated them.

Each time a craving hit(and they are nasty,violent buggers,these cravings)I took that as a sign,that my guardian angel was making his presence felt using the sensation of "craving"to alert me of her presence.I loved my guardian angel standing by me and letting me know it in such a powerful undoubtful way.I imagined her tapping me on the shoulder.

In the beginning my automatic fear of the painful craving experience usually led to me tensing up my body in defense by holding my breath and tensing up my shoulders.

After receiving her signal I therefore needed first to release my shoulders and my breath :exhale and relax.

Only then could her beautiful love flood my body/mind system and I could feel the absolute bliss as a pink colour like a cloud flowed into every cell of my body.

It felt as if the raw energy that is contained in the craving actually transformed into total pleasure.

Using this way of recycling and transforming the energy led to me becoming happier and happier,as if I was walking on pink clouds,filled with love.

I even started to look forward to my next craving!

And then,as my body learned to live without the recreational drugs,the cravings became less and less,til they stopped altogether.

If you are not a spiritual person,you could try imagining other positive loving beings perhaps someone who died, like a beloved grandmother,or even a movie star like Marilyn Monroe or whoever takes your fancy.You could have some real fun here.

The more you can believe in the experience,the more helpful it will be.Good luck and have fun trying
2006-11-14 03:23:22 UTC
Trying eating a sweet or chewing gum. Cravings only last about 5 minutes.
2006-11-15 08:30:14 UTC
when a friend of mine gave up she spent a lot of time drawing. it helped keep her hands busy and she became so immersed by her artwork it distracted her too. but i suppose she was quitting just after she left school, so she didnt have a job or school to take up her time! if you have a certain time you smoke then try to establish a routine where those times are the busiest, so you are distracted and dont have time! but try not to let it become so busy it's stressful, or it wont really help! good luck!
2006-11-14 14:15:37 UTC
You can't 'avoid' cravings but they do lessen. Find the way of working through them which works best for you. Everything mentioned so far is simply a distraction. For me I just imagined I'd just finished a cigarette and tried to fool myself that way. There is no easy way unfortunately you just need to stick with it.
2006-11-15 03:17:30 UTC
I quit smoking back in May so I know what you're going through. Lolly pops are great as they give your hand something to do. I also took up playing squash when i quit as I found I had a lot of nervous energy to get rid of. Going for a swim is another help. In the very early stages be as nice to yourself as you can, for me that meant allowing myself to buy lots of new clothes.

I'd also do all you can to not replace one addiction with another, I found lots of different types of exercise and new habits was the key. Be strong, it is definitely worth doing!
2006-11-14 13:15:43 UTC
wene i gave up i used chewing gum all the time and stayed away from the pub i have also used karms before and it has helped i have given up for six months now and some times i still crave for a *** just the thought dieing from smokeing is keeping me off the fags
Gerards twin
2006-11-14 14:01:32 UTC
i didnt use anything. i just woke up one morning and thought i dont want to smoke anymore that was a year and 5 months ago. i havent had any cravings and i dont think about it anymore. try chewing gum see if that works
2006-11-14 03:19:13 UTC
there are many many ways that people use 2 stop, but it is really will power, what will you do when you don't have the things on you that some people have suggested, it comes down 2 your will 2 quit. If your will power is getting low walk up a hill and if your huffing and puffing think 2 yourself is this how i want 2 feel
2006-11-14 04:03:03 UTC
There is a new "quit" drug on the market now. Ask your doctor about Chantix. IT DOES JUST THAT! You do not crave a cigarette at all. You can wear the patch with it too if you feel the need.
2006-11-14 03:20:42 UTC
make a chart and write down how much you have saved over the past five days also try this-

you could also try cleaning your teeth sounds silly but it works,

also well done you have done so well, keep it up. I gave up 3 yrs ago and saved over 6 grand so if anyone says once a smoker always a smoker...that's not true I will never start again I can smell a smoker a mile off and it stinks horrid!!!
2006-11-15 10:10:57 UTC
the way i gave up was by doing exercise, whenever i got the urge to have a *** i started running or cycling, completly wearing me out, and i didnt feel the need to smoke after so i kept doing that for like ages, but then when i didnt need to smoke anymore i kept running and stuff anyway cos its addictive now, ive become addicted to smothing healthy lol
2006-11-15 05:49:10 UTC
Every time you feel the cravings drink a glass or bottle of water. Takes the edge off and offers a form of oral gratification .....least think thatis part of the reason it sems to work.

Good luck you are doing well......
2006-11-15 13:20:59 UTC
It's habit too, not just nicotine addiction.

Well done so far, you are doing well!

Distract yourself; go for a walk, do some housework, phone a friend for a chat, go on Yahoo Answers!

Eat something if you have to; don't go back on the ciggies - just DON'T!!!!!
2006-11-14 09:50:12 UTC
maybe you should try to use the patches I used them and I st oped over seven years ago. although in all fairness you will still get the cravings but it wont be any where near as bad through the day and times you are busy I used to find after meals and when I was out for a drink was the hardest times for me but will power will win out I promise keep your chin up and I wish you all the best of luck in your endeavour
2006-11-14 15:00:01 UTC
I went to a hypnotist just once it cost £10--(23 years ago)probably a heck of a lot more now but it helped me.

But you still need some willpower .Good luck !.
Indigo's Mum
2006-11-15 13:50:08 UTC
Keep brushing your teeth. It ruins the taste of a cigarette and you don't want to ruin your clean breath. It worked for me anyway - I had really clean teeth after about a week and the notion to smoke had gone..... and that's from an ex-40/day smoker.

Good luck and I hope you stick at it coz it is worth it.
2006-11-14 14:16:59 UTC
Try adding some ginger to boiled water and adding Cinnamon to your deserts if you like spicy foods you are on to a winner! But most importantly BE STRONG! Good luck may I add I have been an ex smoker for 4 healthy years! If you would like to know more on how I conquered it you are welcome to drop me an email.
2006-11-15 02:16:25 UTC
You cannot avoid the cravings but you can ease them chew gum. They will go it is tough but you will get there.
2006-11-14 09:14:39 UTC
chewing gum,you dont need to buy the nictoine type just any will do and water

the chewing gum takes ur mind off smoking and the same as the water

but chewing gum works better
Gaelan M
2006-11-16 03:08:25 UTC
Try sucking on a sugar free lolipop when you feel the need for a ciggy. Carrot sticks and grapes are good too.

Good luck with it. you are doing very well!
2006-11-15 03:41:04 UTC
I quit 6 and a half months ago (well done me!) using the patches... they really work!

Also, eat lots of apples. I don't know why, but they do stop thoes cravings!

Good luck you! :)
2006-11-15 10:47:48 UTC
when you think you want one just take a deep breath and smell how clean the air is, i have been off the cigs 7 weeks now after 22 years so hang on in there.good luck its worth it.
2006-11-14 09:36:38 UTC
when i got the cravings i ate foxes glacier mints and did word searches. Ive been stopped 19 months now
2006-11-14 12:35:54 UTC
avoid people who smoke keep busy use nicoreetee its there to help good luck i gave up for a year and im giving up again havent had a one for a week
Secret Squirrel
2006-11-14 03:21:37 UTC
Hi - I quit 4 weeks ago and have never worked so hard in my life! Seriously, Im finding concentrating on work - like really throwing myself into it - is distracting me during the day, then in the eves Ive got my card making hobby so that keeps me going. By the time I go to bed, Im like 'wow, Ive gone another day'!! Key to success - distraction!! And willpower, obviously. Good luck!xx
Ruthie Baby
2006-11-14 03:09:53 UTC
have a walk

take up a handcraft - keep your hands busy.

do you paint or draw?

dont drink coffee - sip water

chew gum if you need to - though that can be yucky its not as bad as giving in.

nibble on dried fruit

dont make chatty phonecalls if that will make you have cravings.

you are nearly there! - just a few more days and it WILL get better

go shopping - buy yourself a reward

go to the movies - if they are non-smoking like they are here.

remind yourself how well you have done

stay strong!
2006-11-15 13:26:37 UTC
1) Get some patches

2) Make your mind up that you are defiantly going to give up

3) Get rid of every thing to do with smoking (cigarettes, lighter, tobacco etc)

4) Join a group of like-minded people who are going to give up, there are plenty advertised.


I stopped 4yrs ago and I was smoking 20+ for 30yrs and I’ve never looked back

kerry j
2006-11-15 13:33:23 UTC
there's a book called "Allan Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking" I def recommend it - it's the best thing that will stop u smoking - and for good too.
2006-11-15 04:08:28 UTC
apparenlty the cravings for a ciggie isnt just the nicotine it is also having something to do with your hands. when you crave a *** eat a peice of fruit that you have to peel first.


go to your gp, you can get little dummys with nicotine in that you can toke on and solves the problem with your hands.
2006-11-14 14:48:15 UTC
sip cold flavoured water from one of the sports bottles with the tops you need to suck on . has worked for both of us in this house for last 3 years
2006-11-15 12:56:16 UTC
chew loads of ordinary gum And/Or buy a big tub of sugar-free lolli-pops! Tried and proven method and its cheaper than nicorette
Melanie D
2006-11-14 03:09:50 UTC
EFT works really quickly and easily to overcome addictions. You could find a practitioner in your area, or learn to do the technique yourself from a free manual available from The DVDs are even better and very cheap.
2006-11-15 15:43:57 UTC
whenever u get a craving, hire a band and dance the balero, it helped me and it keeps you occupied! Hope this helps, good luck!
2006-11-15 13:22:50 UTC
try those nicotine chewing gum. wen u feel like smoking. hav 1.

wel done for trying to quit...hope u go all the way and stop completely :)
2006-11-15 08:43:16 UTC

i gave up 1 month ago. i put my ciggy out and said 'no more'!

i have been through hell, but the thing that works for me is deep breathing and water/orange juice when i fancy a ciggy... all the best and good luck
2006-11-14 12:07:54 UTC
Do not take patches becaus ethey gave my mum nightmares. All you have to do is watcha video of how it affects you twice a day and it will make not wanna do it.
2006-11-14 11:18:47 UTC
you have brocken the camels back

if you can go 5 days you can go 6 and so on its not easy but with willpower you can master it just DONT GIVE UP
2006-11-14 03:07:55 UTC
well done you, these are your toughest days and the bad cravings should start to ease after a week, i chewed gum
2006-11-15 04:21:54 UTC
divert your mind. every time it comes on, climb up the stairs, or do a cartwheel, especially if your in the town centre. or touch your toes. do something you wouldnt normally do.

Best of luck
2006-11-14 03:10:22 UTC
i found the easiest way was to keep my fingers and mind occupied. whether you go for a walk/run, go shopping to the supermarket. i found reading magazines and books was extremely good for keeping me occupied. it does get easier and try not to give in because, it's not worth it after all this effort you have already put in. Your doing a great job, think of how much better your body is already. YOU CAN DO IT!!!

good luck and try try try not to think about it. occupying yourself is the best remedy
oh its del
2006-11-15 14:33:27 UTC
sip water when u have a craving & its good to drink lots of water,
2006-11-14 03:11:50 UTC
Each time you start to light up, say "God please help me not to do this".

Take up another habit. Mints, lossenges, chewing gum to go to immediately when you feel the urge to smoke.

Congratulations on your wise decision!!!!!

If you goof and smoke, don't stop trying to quit. Praise yourself at the end of each day aloud and tell yourself how well you did.

Good luck!
2006-11-14 10:26:44 UTC
patches and gum didn't work for me, I even tried as a friend suggested and replaced cigarettes with sex, but that was worse for my health, always tired, irritable and I just couldn't fins a women who could keep up with all the sex, plus trying to fit work in around sessions became even harder, gave that idea up, lmao, trying a hypnotist next.
2006-11-15 09:36:17 UTC
pop a boiled sweet or mint in your mouth and clear your thoughts of a ciggy
2006-11-15 04:11:39 UTC
ok find a new, harmless craving, like singing, or writting, or drinking water, or cooking. find somethign fun, runnign is supposed to be affective.
2006-11-15 03:53:44 UTC
grapes, i know its sounds daft but thats what i have been eating and i have been smoke free for 4 weeks now
Mars Plutonium
2006-11-15 07:55:49 UTC
You should get a interesting hobby like martial arts, so you can relieve your stress etc.
2006-11-14 03:10:49 UTC
I'm using a nicotine inhalator, its quite effective.
2006-11-14 03:10:29 UTC
Congratulations! Keep it up

My daughter lights candles all over her house. Gives her something to do. with her hands
2006-11-15 06:56:03 UTC
Anoter week and you`ve cracked it. :o)

I got so pi**ed off with smoking, I just stopped.

That was six years ago.
2006-11-14 18:27:12 UTC
Brush your teeth a lot.The mint helps take away cravings.I don't know why but it helped me.
2006-11-14 03:14:15 UTC



GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!
2006-11-15 08:31:52 UTC
you should do something enjoyable every time you crave a ciggy
2006-11-14 21:33:11 UTC
2006-11-14 03:09:21 UTC
take deep breaths....

get some sugar free chewing gum....

or some hard candy...

or do what i did and put a rubber band around your wrist and everytime you have a craving, lift it up and snap it. sounds stupid but if you do it enough it works.
2006-11-14 14:24:34 UTC
drink alot of sugar cane juice
2006-11-14 03:10:06 UTC
Patches! They helped me stop when I was pregnant. You can get them prescribed if you visit your GP - they'll be only too pleased to help you give up! Good work girl!
Car Park Control
2006-11-15 16:19:48 UTC
eat a cigarette that will soon put you off - this is a tried and tested idea
Des does it for the ladies
2006-11-15 08:48:35 UTC
Don't worry. Just use gum, or carrot sticks or sugar free lollipops. There are loads of alternatives, which are low in fat and sugar so you don't feel guilty.

also try glasses of water, dunno why but it helps
2006-11-15 19:16:50 UTC
Try HypnoTherapy It works so I hear.
2006-11-15 08:15:19 UTC
Just remind yourself that people in their 30's do die of lung cancer

, due to smoking..........
Flory M
2006-11-14 20:37:57 UTC
Try nicotinell.
2006-11-14 18:15:16 UTC
bite the bullet and go cold turkey
2006-11-14 13:06:19 UTC
Keep busy, ironing, sewing, knitting, typing... chewing gum.... cooking.....
2006-11-14 03:09:18 UTC
If your out and about, try to stick to non-smoking areas.
2006-11-14 10:09:00 UTC
start climbing the walls
Fader's Girl
2006-11-14 03:09:07 UTC
go on my 360 page and print off what i have on the blog - quitting smoking is easy!!. the list helped me through cravings :o)
2006-11-14 03:13:15 UTC
Patches or inhalers.
2006-11-14 03:07:34 UTC
Go on nicotine gums or the patch. Your craving is due to addiction to nicotine in cigarette smoke.
2006-11-14 10:25:37 UTC
find something healthier to become addicted to
Future boy
2006-11-15 05:30:51 UTC
Try giving up crack cocaine.
2006-11-14 03:08:17 UTC
2006-11-14 03:07:55 UTC
hv chewing wud keep yr mouth occupied.
2006-11-14 03:09:31 UTC
the next time u feel like smoking just burn a cigarette and pop it in your mouth the other way around, i.e with the burning tip in your mouth, thats the only sure n fool proof way u will get away from smoking
2006-11-14 13:37:26 UTC
if u find out please tell me
2006-11-14 03:13:06 UTC
2006-11-14 03:09:02 UTC
how nice!!!

i wish i can quit smoking too!!!!

but they say... a smoker is always a smoker...... good luck!!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.