Good that you feel better than ever!
You are good not to starve yourself! Not only is it bad for you in general, but the lack of nutrients kills your metabolism, making it harder. Good to watch your calories (but you may be aiming a bit too low there) and exercise! ALSO, perfect that you've taken on the multiple smaller meals strategy.
There are some other things you could do. First, a lot of water can help flush through your system. Second, sleep regularly and get as rested as possible (boost metabolism.)
You can also try some valerian supplements, which will naturally and healthily boost your energy (so you can work out more intensely.)
Also, I know this may sound strange or corny, but smile more than usual. You burn a few calories (though not many), but more importantly, en external change in behavior enforces an internal change in attitude. And believe it or not, the attitude changes everything. That's what hypnotherapists get you to do. It drives you more, and also might induce a slight placebo effect (on yourself? I know, sounds weird, right?) to help give you an extra push!
Go for it, mate! It looks like you're well on track.