Losing weight help?
2017-12-12 13:29:25 UTC
I am 5'8 I weigh 280 lb people say I'm unattractive I don't look good and some people say I look like a man and it does hurt me a lot I wanted to know what is the best protein shake and I want to try it better I'm trying really hard to leave the junk food alone and pop candy I need some advice I just moved into my new apartment and I cannot go to the gym right now I cannot afford to go to the gym so I need some advice and I got me a treadmill
25 answers:
2017-12-13 17:18:47 UTC
Quit eating sweets and drinking soda. It will be hard at first, but after a while you won't crave it anymore.

Start drinking water instead of juice and protein shakes.

Fast one day per week.

You don't need to join a gym, running is one of the fastest ways to burn calories. Run on the treadmill for 30 minutes or an hour per day.

Count your calories. Set a goal, and make sure you burn more calories than you eat during the day.

Consider a vegan diet.

Drink water before you eat.
2017-12-18 10:39:45 UTC
1. Understand that the majority of weight loss success is about how efficiently your body uses calories, as well as what kind of calories you're consuming.

2. Drink water. Plenty of it. Don't overdrink, but don't underdrink either.

3. Avoid sugar. Get all added, processed, unnatural sugar out of your life. Period.

4. Avoid carbs. Stay at or under 150 grams of carbs per day.

5. Eat real, whole foods.

6. Eliminate processed, junky foods. Don't constantly eat foods that come from a plastic container, cardboard box or wrapper. 7. These are processed food items.

8. Focus on healthy fats. Eat foods with saturated fat and monounsaturated fat.

9. Avoid bad fats. Don't eat things with trans fats and polyunsaturated fats.

10. Exercise a bit - focus on strength training rather than cardio. Cardio mostly just wears you out and can eat away at muscle if you aren't doing it properly. If you must do cardio, focus on low-level aerobic activity, as well as occasional sprinting.
2017-12-16 06:25:40 UTC
Some easy and cheap things to do.

1. Drink more water

2. Do pushups/ matter how much you can do...start with 5 or 10 a more if you can do it

3. Dont eat heavy/fast food past 9:00p.m.

4. Go out and walk alittle, Maybe around the block or so.
2017-12-15 23:00:18 UTC
I dropped 50... yes, 50 pounds! All I did was manage my portion size. No more fast food or sodas. Couldn't give up my sweet tea tho. Other than that, my diet stayed the same. Instead of 3 chicken legs- I ate 1.

Instead of a bowl of spaghetti filled past the top- I went down to half a bowl. So on and so on. Reprogram your brain. Teach yourself that you don't have to be stuffed at the end of every meal.
2017-12-15 07:36:27 UTC
A diet low in fat and sugar and salt and high in veggies would be best. Also exercise every day too.
2017-12-14 05:37:08 UTC
Don't buy into any gimmicks, shakes, teas, fad diets won't help you. Losing weight is a long and hard process and it will take a lot of hard work and discipline. My whole family lost a lot of weight when we cut out most carbs, by carbs I mean white rices, pastas, cereals, breads, etc. These type of foods are really not good for you. On top of that, cut out sugar. That includes pop and most juices. Try to drink mainly water, a lot of it too. Incorporate fruits and veggies into more of your meals. I recommend Pinterest to find easy healthy recipes, it's a free website and you can search for anything. It's a great place to find recipes if your new to healthy eating. As for working out, if you have a treadmill I recommend doing HIIT workouts, they are proven to be most effective. Google HIIT or watch YouTube videos about it if you are unsure of what it means. Eat smaller, more frequent meals, get enough sleep, drink more water. Move more-take the stairs, walk places instead of drive.
2017-12-14 04:42:03 UTC
You need to avoid junk foods and eat healthy fat burning food. Also get a enough sleep and drink more water.
2017-12-13 02:37:12 UTC
Your not alone 95% of the population does not eat the recommended amount

Of fruits or vegetables or nuts ( a vegetarian diet ) and they do not exercise at

The recommended amounts. We watch too much tv and eat too much junk

Food. Read the book ( how not to die by Michael Greger MD. ) it outlines lots

Of medical problems you can avoid simply by changing your diet and exercising

Like you should. All foods and beverages that contain sugar cause ( food cravings )

That cause you to eat more than your body uses. Every thing extra is turned into

A layer of body fat. We can not process things made with flour and sugar they

Are not natural. Your body expends energy to transform that toxic stuff into a

Layer of body fat. You only use body fat when your fasting ( not eating ) or starving

In some remote place with no food. Fasting helps your internal organs flush out

The sugar and bad stuff in man made foods and let's your liver and kidney rest.

I recommend fasting 36 hours Friday at midnight until Sunday and 12 noon. You

Can run errands or do light work but try to rest more during this 36 hours and

Drink bottled water and take a chewable vitamin. If you feel light headed stop

The fast and get something to eat. I can do 36 hours easily but everyone must

Determine what they can do comfortably. Don't push yourself too much.
2017-12-13 02:23:59 UTC
Check out Dr. Jason Fung's two compartment problem. It's a game changer!
magic kid
2017-12-12 13:55:09 UTC
You have to start looking at health with a healthy mind, fasting, low carb, low calorie, Atkins, high protein will not make you healthy, eating healthy will. you feel me?

You need a low fat diet, high plant carb diet, does that not make more sense to you? carbs are what humans need, our brains use 40-60% of our daily intake of glucose.

the body prefers to burn glucose since it is a cleaner fuel, It hates turning it into fat. On the other hand fat is fat.. our bodies store it so well, if they took a needle and took a sample, they could tell what foods you ate.

Foods that you think are high carb like, pizza, cookies, donuts.. are actually high fat.

Stick to whole plant foods like: yams, plantain, brown rice, bean/peas/legumes, lentils, quinoa, oats, wholewheat pasta/cous cous, sweet potatoes, parsnips, leafy greens, veggies and fruits!

Get your healthy oils from Avocados, nuts like walnuts, and seeds like flax, chia and pumkin.

These foods are great for you and in the right combos form almost any meal you can think off.

they provide: phytonutrients, antioxidants, fiber, vitamins and minerals. this also helps control blood glucose levels, and cholesterol levels, reduce inflammation, improve blood flow, feed good gut bacteria and prevent against cancer.

also make sure you are getting enough vitamin D3, and B12, and enough iodine.

Youtube is your friend, search > will save your life, he will show unbiased scientific research free of charge, binge all his videos and read the studies for yourself.

Great informative videos and some cooking guides:

happy healthy vegan

mic the vegan

mina rome


simnett nutrition

while you get used to the lifestyle change make sure you track your micros and calories on cronometer, its a great site.

As for exercise, if you are not currently active, try and go for a 30min walk everyday without fail, or aim for 7000 steps, consider doing the couch to 5k program too once you are confident with your cardio and knee health.

i had to do week 1 for 4 weeks haha :D

Also start doing body weight exercises at home, use hundredpushups, very basic but useful training guide.

and go to your local park to do pullups

all the best :D
2017-12-12 13:36:20 UTC
There are others things you can do too lose weight instead of going to the gym; drink water before you eat, walk around in your apt for 30 mins, push your sofa around, do squats, mop the floor using a towel,
2017-12-15 20:49:59 UTC
I have been drinking Mummy magic weight loss tea three times a day before each meal time and lost 38lbs in two and half months.
2017-12-15 14:00:35 UTC
1. Eat a healthy breakfast (fresh fruit, or oatmeal, etc).

2. Salad for lunch or skip lunch, but try to have a healthy snack (an apple, nuts, etc.) to avoid lightheadedness.

3. Eat a healthy dinner.

4. Eat smaller portions, avoid fast-food, drink plenty of water, do regular exercise for at least 3 times per day and for about 30-minutes each time.

5. Stay motivated. You can achieve your goal to lose weight!
2017-12-14 20:44:46 UTC
A fun way to lose weight is jump roping. Well it’s fun for most people I guess. You can lose about the same amount of calories doing jump roping for 10 minutes as running for 30 minutes. Also just stick to eating healthy. Also you could try this 16 hours of no eating. At a time of night stop eating and don’t start eating until 16 hours. So if you stopped eating at 5:00 you could eat again at 9:00. My diabetic aunt does this and she has been losing weight on it. And another thing, if you do get an urge to eat a sweet eat it an hour or so after lunch. Its around the time your metabolism works best.
2017-12-14 16:53:13 UTC
2017-12-13 18:04:38 UTC
eat healthy.. low fat and sugar.. or eat less calories slightly... or exercise more...

or a combo.. really hard, duhh it's rocket science -.-
2017-12-13 11:59:10 UTC
Okay congratulations for your new apartment, and as far as your weight is concerned you can do certain things that are easy and cost not too much, an herbal drink "beyond weight management tea" of is a real fat cutter I have seen so far, you just need to drink it before every meal you take and avoid carbs and drink more water. you can find this tea on
2017-12-13 05:30:56 UTC
I used to be overweight and now I'm skinny. Here's how I did it:

First and foremost: have a lifestyle you can stick to. If you can't stick to it, then you will gain that weight right back.

People will tell you to watch how many calories you eat. Focus on quality over quantity. Eat plenty of fruits and veggies, healthy fats, and protein. Make sure you're getting enough vitamins and minerals.

Once you eat healthily, focus on quantity of calories. There are apps that you can use to keep track of calories.

Diet is 90% of your weight. But exercising helps, too. You say you got a treadmill. That's great. Do a combination of walking and running. Both high intensive interval training (HIIT) and steady cardio will help you out. It is recommended you get 150 minutes of moderate cardio a week or 75 minutes on intense cardio. If your apartment has a pool, use it. If you have a bicycle, use it. Maybe also try jump roping (it's not just for kids). Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Park your car further away so you have to walk. It may seem little at first, but it will help. It adds up over time.

I also recommend strength training. You don't have to get weights for this. But try tricep dips, crunches, leg lifts, pull ups, push ups, squats, lunges, planks, and wall sits. It has helped me out significantly.

And, last but not least, be patient. Weight loss takes a while. You'll get better results if you don't yo-yo diet but are instead patient and consistent. But it will be worth it in the end!

It took me months to lose 30 pounds, but I'm glad I did. I know you can do it.
2017-12-13 02:39:47 UTC
The best current thinking on diet is a very low carb diet with moderate amounts of lean protein and good fats. That basically means lots of fresh veggies, grilled meat, and good fats from avocado, nuts, coconut oil, etc. and almost zero bread, pasta, cereal, rice, potatoes, beans, sugar, sweets, soft drinks, dairy products, and fruit. Eating a lot of junk food (sweets and carbs) creates a cycle in your body that increases your hunger and cravings for more.
2017-12-12 18:15:34 UTC
Shakes are not the answer. You are still looking for a quick fit, and the truth is that there isn't one. As others have noted, shakes and bars often have a lot of sugar as well as protein and they can be expensive. Instead, I encourage you to try one -- or all -- of the following:

1. Please get some books from the library about emotional eating. People who are overweight often overeat for emotional reasons and your post suggests that you may have this issue. You will never be successful on a diet for very long until you can address the emotional reasons you use food for self-comfort. There are lots of books on this subject. Marianne Williamson's A Course In Weight Loss might be just the trick -- or you may find it too spiritual. Go to the library or a bookstore and get a few that seem like they hit a nerve.

2. The best current thinking on diet is a very low carb diet with moderate amounts of lean protein and good fats. That basically means lots of fresh veggies, grilled meat, and good fats from avocado, nuts, coconut oil, etc. and almost zero bread, pasta, cereal, rice, potatoes, beans, sugar, sweets, soft drinks, dairy products, and fruit. Eating a lot of junk food (sweets and carbs) creates a cycle in your body that increases your hunger and cravings for more. It can be hard the first few days, but a low-carb eating plan usually gives people more energy and stops carvings if you can just get over the hump with it.

3. You can get a workout DVD from the library or order one from Amazon. There are many good ones that cost less than $30. Or you can walk or jog.

4. Don't use money as an excuse. I'm not trying to be mean. I understand money is tight. I also understand that you probably spend a fair amount of food and takeout and Netflix and cable TV. You can find the money to eat healthy food -- trust me, in-season veggies are cheaper than junk food -- and you can do exercises in your apartment by watching on Youtube.
2017-12-12 15:13:49 UTC
Protein shakes can have over 500 calories in them. I don't recommend them if you are trying to lose weight. Diet and exercise man. Seems pretty obvious dont you think?
2017-12-12 14:38:02 UTC
You are considered obese - not overweight. Obese. For the sake of your health above all else, you absolutely MUST begin exercising and losing weight - no excuses. If you can't afford a gym now, how will you be able to afford all your medical bills and prescriptions once you start developing major health issues like diabetes, for example?

You need to eat healthier and eat less.

You need to get out and exercise more.

You need to drink more water and sleep more.

Stop smoking and drinking alcohol if you do.

Eliminate all sodas and sugary sweets..... this is easy, just don't BUY them.

Get serious about your health.
2017-12-12 14:06:19 UTC
This is long, so grab your water bottle and settle in for a read.

It's not about dieting, and it's not about working out every day until you can't move another step. Weight loss is about changing the foods you eat, the quantities of food you eat, and how active you are. You don't need to starve yourself or work out like crazy to lose weight or to keep it off. You have to do something many people consider even harder:

You have to make permanent changes, for your whole life, to lose weight and keep it off. Your lifestyle must change. And now, in your new apartment, you can seize complete control and do exactly that.

First step: Don't eat anything fried--that's french fries, fried chicken, potato chips, mozzarella sticks, etc. Limit fats like oil, butter, margarine, peanut butter, and mayonnaise, and measure them so you never overindulge. Stop drinking soft drinks and juices except sugar-free, and those sparingly. No more candy or sweet baked goods, no ice cream. What, never?

You can still have these things, but only as a special-occasion treat, and in controlled portions. Yes, have cake on your birthday--but only the tiniest sliver on anybody else's birthday. If you're smart, you'll ban very few foods, only the ones which are "trigger" foods, where if you have a little you're going to have a lot. Even those are allowed if you purchase only one portion--the tiny bag of potato chips that go in kids' lunches, for example.

Drink lots of water. If your pee has almost no color, that's enough.

Get 30 minutes of mild (or more vigorous) exercise six days a week--a walk is fine, or active housework or yard work. If you're willing and able, more active exercise burns more calories, even though the secret to losing weight is less about exercise and more about what you eat. As I type this, my driveway is available for shoveling. When can I expect you?

What to eat? Healthy foods, healthy portions. Eat low-fat dairy products, fat free if possible. Eat low-fat protein sources like lean burger, fish, and white-meat chicken or pork, one portion being the size of a deck of cards. (You don't need protein shakes.) Limit portion sizes on carbs (rice, bread, pasta, cereal) to the size of your fist, and whenever whole grain is an option, take it. (It keeps you full longer.) Eat at least nine servings of fruits and/or veggies every day. If you're hungry, make those your go-to foods.

Snack intelligently, planning something reasonable in a decent portion size before you're starving. Identify your "satisfied" foods, the ones that make you feel full for a pretty long time. (Simply filling your stomach doesn't do it, as you probably know.) For me, that's a measured amount of cereal, some berries or banana, and almond milk--holds me for hours.

You don't need to count calories, but when you're getting started on changing your eating habits, it's a good idea. Don't drop below 1500 for the day if you're in your teens, 1200 for adults. The weight loss will be slow because that's a fair amount of calories, but if you go lower, your body saves its fat for the starvation it thinks is coming and uses muscle to meet your demands. You don't want that, since muscle at rest burns calories.

It won't be easy and it's going to take a long while, but people manage to do this. If you backslide, that's not a license to blow off eating smart the rest of the day. Get right back into eating wisely. It's not a diet, it's changing what you eat to a healthy variety for the rest of your life.
2017-12-12 13:57:08 UTC
Protein shakes are ok if you do a lot of weightlifting and try to build muscles but not for weight loss, they are high in calories, stick to healthy eating and basic exercise, I lost 28lb with healthy eating and 30 minutes on treadmill each day, I still have 10lbs to lose but recently partner and I joined the gym as he is very overweight and since October he has lost 18lbs just with cutting out junk food and sticking to healthy eating and he is unfit so 15 minutes on treadmill for few weeks and 10 minutes of light weights, Good Luck
2017-12-12 13:36:05 UTC
Protein shakes are the last thing you need. Start a low-carb diet. People who are overweight sometimes have problems with their sugar levels and lowering your carb intake will prevent insuline levels spiking, which causes weight gain.

Try it for an while and see if you lose weight.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.