Can we loss Weight in Thread Mill or better in Elliptical machine?
2011-12-15 06:08:14 UTC
I went to a Gym equipment shop to buy "Thread Mill" but the shopkeeper told me that "We cannot reduce weight in thread mill"!! Is that real??,,He suggested me to buy Elliptical which is best to reduce weight (that too no-electricity needed machine),..Is that a good idea??,.Which gives me best result Thread Mill or Elliptical machine??,..please leave your suggestion on your experience!!
The price he told for both the machines are:
Threadmill : about 35000rs (Company= B.S.A)
Elliptical : about 10000rs (Company= B.S.A)
Is that a fair price for machine with a lowest model in that range?
34 answers:
2011-12-15 07:08:39 UTC
in terms of chest workout.. you will need to lift more weights to develop the muscularity of your body

so lift weights first.... then do your cardio exercise after the weights to burn fat...

in terms of treadmill or elipitical

treadmill is usually a bit more intense.....

but eliptical also works well.. and is less impact

if u have knee issues your better off with elipitica

i would say treadmill is only 15% better then eliptical
2011-12-15 07:28:01 UTC
First of all, the correct spelling is "treadmill".

Both machines induce an aerobic workout, and so both machines will result in caloric expenditure. In other words, they both can help you lose weight.

There are pros and cons to both.

The treadmill attempts to mimic what happens when you run. A good treadmill offers a wide variety of speeds and angles so as to simulate a variety of outdoor terrain. However, the surface of a treadmill is perfectly planar, and so each step lands exactly the same way, resulting in unnatural, repetitive gait and strain. Also, some people experience joint issues from the impact forces with exercises like running. This happens on a treadmill or outdoors.

The elliptical trainer is a low-impact exercise, which is good for people with joint issues. It also involves the upper body to a minor degree, however, it will not give you that "chest workout" you are hoping for. Elliptical trainers can only vary in intensity - there are no angular changes. (It is, however, possible to "run backwards" on an elliptical.) In either case, your legs are forced to go through a form of movement that, although low-impact, is completely unnatural and contrary to how your muscles and joints where designed.

For most people, I would advise them to save their money. Instead, buy some inexpensive running shoes and go running outside. You will get a far better workout than either machine can give you. This is because, unlike a stationary machine, running outdoors actually requires you to move your entire body through changes in elevation and around turns. This requires you to exert much more force than being on a stationary machine, where your center of gravity oscillates around a fixed point. Also, while outdoors, you will be less bored, meet more people, and get to explore areas on foot that you would not otherwise see.

For some people these machines might be practical. You might live in a place where it is not safe to be outdoors. Or you might live somewhere that has severe climates that make outdoor running impractical for large stretches. Perhaps you are a single parent and cannot afford a baby sitter. If you have one or more reasons like these, then either machine might be a worthwhile investment. Otherwise, save your money. Investing in one of these machines is not not the same as investing in your fitness. You can spend lots of money and never make yourself physically fit. Getting fit requires time and effort on your part, not expensive equipment.
2016-02-28 04:35:20 UTC
Yes, the elliptical is my favorite machine for many reasons. One, it is fairly easy and is a good smooth movement so it doesn't stress your muscles. Two it works many parts of your body, your obliques, legs, abs, arms if you have that type, and you are able to move in different ways to work various parts of your body. Three, it is low impact and does hurt your joints like running does and it burns off a lot of calories. More than the trendmill for normal people because most people get tired after 2 mins of running and stop, where witht he elliptical you can go for a half an hour or more.
2016-04-09 07:31:23 UTC
carry a cooler stocked with three bottles of water a six pack four pb js two oranges a bag of tortilla chips and 12 servings of cool cucumber salsa go to womenshealthmag allrecipes com for the recipe for 22 minutes
2017-03-07 10:05:22 UTC
skip the people movers
2015-05-17 09:04:18 UTC
Avoid eating while rading listening songs and watching tv at your home or keep by kepping your hands busy
Yogesh Puri, Cert. Fitness Trainer/ Nutritionist
2011-12-18 22:29:34 UTC
Best is join a community gym or gym nearby

Best is stay active, dance, use only stairs (no lift), walk to nearest shop, get good sleep and stay happy

Eat Yogurt, drink hot milk bedtime, drink lots of water, drink green tea morning first thingand eat little salad before lunch and Dinner.

u shud do 15 mins jog daily, sit-ups, climbing stairs (very effective), lunges (very effective), crunches, leg raises, dance workout for flat tummy and toned legs and butt. Cycling, swimming, dance and skipping rope is also helpful

You can follow following diet and fitness tips for better results: -

A good tip is turn vegetarian, have 5 time meals rather. Eat yogurt, curd in mrng and evening.

You can have seafood also.

breakfast of cereals, milk and egg only, with bread

lunch u can have beans on bread, dal rice, bread with baked/ boiled vegetables

have light dinner, again u can have bread and salad with gravy, pulses

avoid chicken, beef, pork, cheese, paneer, pizzas and junk food.

Avoid rice at night

learn some recipes for healthy food. You can look for alternates like fish, crab, prawns, Soya, Mushrooms etc..


You can do activities like streching, breathing exercises, yoga, running, like standing at same place u do running motion, arobics, dance, climb stairs till 5 storeys 3-4 times a day, jogging, badminton, volleyball also keep you fit

swimming is also good exercise

You can do free exercises like push-ups, sit-ups, chin-ups to stay fit

get a pair of light weight dumbells and do arm exercises

for thighs do lunges, sit-ups, stepper, multi-exercise, leg curls, leg press, jogging, climbing, climbing steps

for arms do dumbell curl, reverse dumbell curl with light weights (15-20-25 reps)

for abs do crunches, leg raises, tiwst crunches, standing twists etc.

for chest do bench press, dumbell flies, pec dec etc.

Note: I suggest light dumbells over machines. please make sure u do light weights and more reps for weight loss.

Please don't do exercise if you have cold or some illness.

Please rate my answer if you like. u can anyway mail me or im me for more info.. all the best..
2015-12-24 20:20:09 UTC
swing a lasso over your head 375 times
2016-04-29 12:09:10 UTC
if you re more sports goddess than cha cha dancer play interactive wii tennis for 13 minutes
2016-06-11 07:49:03 UTC
Use calorie calculator to figure out how many calories you re consuming daily
2016-06-03 10:22:23 UTC
eat a fiber filled apple before a meal to help you feel full faster
2016-05-24 08:56:54 UTC
book hotel rooms on a high floor and walk up
2016-04-23 15:04:20 UTC
instead of using credit card always use to pay for foods at grocery stores
2016-07-09 16:27:22 UTC
eat only from a plate while seated at a table
2016-08-01 08:06:43 UTC
40 minutes on the rock climbing wall
2016-06-14 09:14:44 UTC
90 minute ride on horse back
2016-05-17 08:56:05 UTC
satisfy your sweet tooth by swapping two reese s peanut butter cups for one mini
2016-08-29 14:12:42 UTC
sleeping will effect your blody weight so get enough sleep to looss your weight
2016-05-20 07:20:07 UTC
switch out your beef patty for a veggie burger
2016-06-08 07:15:47 UTC
foods with healthy fats such as olives salmon and walnuts help you feel satisfied
2015-12-16 06:39:01 UTC
45 minute breaststroke swim
2016-06-12 05:35:40 UTC
take a lap around the grocery store before you start shopping
2016-08-15 11:29:30 UTC
take each family members laundry upstairs separately
2015-12-20 03:10:09 UTC
Don t keep snacks near to your computer
2016-06-02 08:35:40 UTC
avoid unnecessary usage of drugs
2016-08-16 23:42:06 UTC
walk before dinner and youll cut calories and your appetite
2016-09-02 11:24:11 UTC
beware of hidden calories
2016-08-27 09:54:21 UTC
feast on flax seeds
2016-08-30 13:54:52 UTC
enjoy fried chicken but without the skin
2016-07-08 17:28:51 UTC
place your stapler far enough away that you have to stand up to get it
2016-05-31 10:30:42 UTC
eat watermelon
2016-08-03 07:47:58 UTC
skip elivator and use steps
2016-06-13 12:04:26 UTC
walk your dog
2016-05-11 11:50:05 UTC
ditch the diet

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.