Is the age 30 old?
2016-05-06 12:41:34 UTC
I'm turning 30 this month and I'm actually not looking forward to it. Am I considered old? Or do I have a lot of time left?
155 answers:
2016-05-08 18:19:05 UTC
definitely not. my mom is 42 years old and still going strong.

my dad on the other hand is 59 and he looks like he could be 75 or so..because he doesnt take care of himself at all (hes not the nicest guy either)

so in terms of physical stuff, it just depends on what you do and what you let into your life.

But you know, just, 'emotionally old'- I really don't think so. On your 30th birthday you're the same person you were as a 29 year old the day before! You've got quite a way til you're even middle-aged. Make the most of your time, which is something everyone should do no matter what their age is. You have a lot left though, my friend.
2016-05-08 15:37:23 UTC
Well i'm going to be 29 on the 18th may. It's probably the first time i have ever thought about getting old. At 28 i did not consider myself to be old yet, but now i am taking a step back to think about where all the years have gone...I can't even imagine becoming 30...

It's kinda scary where all that time goes and the realization that none of us are really here for long anyway...I don't really want to bring my beliefs into this but the biggest thing that carries me forward is my believe in God and the bible even though i have never been religious or attended any church...It's just knowing that one day we are all going to die and Go "somewhere" and that life is more about just fun and games...
2016-05-10 03:23:05 UTC
That depends. If a person is health-conscious, no.

I started playing soccer in 1982, when I was 8. I began bodybuilding in '87, when I was 13. I changed over to power lifting '94, when I was 22. Coincidentally, the same year I began studying Wudang Chuan Kung Fu. I took up competing in Olympic distance triathlons in 2012, when I was 38. In April of last year, as I was being prep for my triathlon season, I was hit by a car while running. Iended up in the hospital with badly sprained ankle and some bruises. So, since I couldn't run,I tuned back to lifting weights while I recovered. At 41, I was dead lifting a quarter ton. I recovered from the accident well enough within two months to train by running again, and although time was short, I was able to compete in 3 triathlons in that season.

This isn't exceptional to the athletic community. Anyone can be healthy at any age, but I often work with people who are half my age, but twice my weight.

So you ask - is 30 old? Depends on your lifestyle (i.e., nutrition, rest ratio, fitness level...).
2016-05-07 22:46:51 UTC
A genius has done all his most important work before he is old enough to vote. A dancer is over the hill at 24. For singers, the magic age seems to be 27. That is to say an awful lot of great singers died in their 27th year. For the average dude, 30 is when you realize you're not a kid any more and haven't been for ten years. For the rest of the world, your opinions are not worth considering to until you are over 30.
2016-05-08 04:05:40 UTC
Were do you live? I have been places were 46 is average to die from old age. Then there are places were 30 is a young person. At 65 were I live I am thought of as a elder a wise old person. One of the few In America just a senior citizen by a year.
2016-05-07 09:35:19 UTC
Were do you live? I have been places were 45 is average to die from old age. Then there are places were 30 is a young person. At 66 were I live I am thought of as a elder a wise old person. One of the few In America just a senior citizen by a year.
2016-05-10 07:46:33 UTC
Not anymore. 50 or 60 years ago, people were usually expected to be mature and settled down by the age of 30. These days 30 years olds are still considered young by most people. Even people in their 40's are still young-ish. By the time you hit 50 though, nobody really perceives you as young. On the other hand, I'm 54 and I'm still "me". I still listen to Rock and alternative. I still dress relatively youthful and I'm in pretty good shape. I just have more aches and pains than I used to. Getting older doesn't mean that you have to be a stodgy old man...or woman.
2016-05-08 04:23:35 UTC
Considering that most humans in 1st world countries live up till an average of 75 yrs old and you're considered middle age when you reach your 50's isn't 30 still somewhat young?

I just find it a joke that youngsters consider someone that's 30 old and what's worse is that some people that were fit and active during their teens and early 20s suddenly take up the lifetsyle of someone in his 70s and become sedentary and become fat and unhealthy.
2016-05-08 08:25:37 UTC
No definitely not. I don't know why most look at ages 30-40 as old when in my opinion I still think it's young. Late 40's and up is considered old to me!
2016-05-09 07:30:16 UTC
I'm 28, which somehow lumps my in with "almost 30"... First I felt a little bad cause I'm not the youngest spring chicken out there, but honestly I love myself more now I think than ever! I have my dream job, an awesome car for me, I still look great BUT I know exactly who I am and I'm loving life. When I was younger I was actually less confident. I take great care of myself and get hit on and looks from all ages :) Really though, women judge their worth on their attractiveness too much, but still, think of all the celebrities that are rocking it at all ages :) Keep your style nice and keep yourself looking nice, and I think age is actually a good thing, because I'm more myself. You just have to remind your younger mind of all that, but it's ok, it was too young to understand! Cheers ;)
2016-05-12 08:18:46 UTC
My mom is going to be 96 soon. Her middle age started when she was

48. How old are your grandparents? Did they live into their 80s or 90s? If so you probably will too. You are just getting started at 30. You have a lot of time to become the person you want to be, to invest in your retirement, to start a life with someone (or not) and to have a wonderful life.
2016-05-06 12:44:32 UTC
You have around 40 to 50 years left if you're living in the USA and have a middle class income at least. You're only as old as you feel and don't date anyone under the age of 18.
2016-05-06 20:05:23 UTC
It did when I was a teen but now that I am a 30 year old mother I am going to have to say that 30 is far from old.

Personal Experience
F M Cassim
2016-05-09 06:06:55 UTC
No! 30 is the best age.
2016-05-07 20:52:49 UTC
It's all in your attitude. You can put a positive or a negative spin on any age. Do you want to be negative? Then you're old at 30. Do you want to be positive? Then you are young at that age.
2016-05-08 07:25:29 UTC
Im a 19 year old male .. Most the chicks i stare at are 30 plus lol .. But anyways nah i dont think thats old at all .. Be happy time is gonna keep rolling either way ! Make the most of it .. Seriously though not old i honestly mean that
2016-05-08 22:43:03 UTC
That really depends on the person. In my family dieing young is common, so when I turned thirty it was 'old age' to me. Hell, I'm almost forty and I don't stand a chance of seeing fifty. That means that in the next decade sometime I'll be dead. Ten more friggin' years or less to go, and I'm trying hard to try to give a **** about anything. My advice to you is to enjoy life while you can.
2016-05-06 12:42:44 UTC
I don't think 30 is old but at 30 you should be thinking where do I want to be when I am 40? Make sure that you are getting all your goals done. This is the time you get to really live.
Andrew Noselli
2016-05-09 00:38:56 UTC
My parents are 72 years old and, in my opinion, it was only after they retired that they started to be young again. In my experience, the more you read, the more knowledge you will build up. Instead of letting the modern world put "age" on by exposing you to the simulated world of images, (television, movies, internet, video games or other kinds of "virtual reality") you can counter-revolutionize your personality and simultaneously grow increasingly younger the older you get. It's kind of like Einstein's theory of relativity in a reverse fashion, but you don't have to adhere to the doom and gloom of the academy if you want to actualize your truest self. Nietzsche called it becoming a dancing star !
Gerri R
2016-05-08 14:03:27 UTC
When I was 30, I felt like an old fart! But that was 12 years ago. I am much older now, so looking back, I can honestly say, no, it's not that old.
2016-05-06 20:44:14 UTC
A person's lifespan varies. You die whenever God says it's time, whenever His will says. You could live a healthy life until you're 105, or you could get in a bad car accident when you're 30 and get killed (sorry for saying this but it's pretty unlikely to happen). We are never promised tomorrow, so we need to be ready in case one day we take an unexpected journey.
2016-05-08 08:53:08 UTC
Forty is the old age of youth and 50 is the youth of old age. So, no, 30 is not old, unless you are a dog?
2016-05-07 04:38:36 UTC
Yes. You should be home knitting socks on a Saturday night.

Fancy thinking you should be living your life to the fullest at 30 !

What's the world coming to !

Start planing your retirement home old timer.
Jackie M
2016-05-07 12:53:31 UTC
I hope 30 is not old as I will be 60 this year and I am certainly not old and my boyfriend is younger than me. Age is just a numer and you are as young as you feel
2016-05-09 15:57:14 UTC
Strictly a matter of opinion. To a 10 year old, 30 is ancient. To a 60 year old, it is fairly young. 'Over the hill' depends on where one is standing on the actual hill.
2016-05-10 13:52:42 UTC
I'm going to be 30 this month, but I don't feel old. I feel the same as I did 10 years ago. I have always been very mature. I think teens think we are old, but they are teens. My 14 year old step daughter says I'm old but she has no idea what old is. LOL. Older people think we are young.
2016-05-12 18:11:04 UTC
Definitely no ! Your still in a good age. My dad is 50 and he looks in his 30s because he always took care of himself. Hes in a great shape too. I am 20 and people think im 16 lol
JaNE Doe
2016-05-08 09:53:18 UTC
If you ask a ten year old they will say very old. If you ask a 40 year old they will say he's just a kid. That's how it goes. Too most everyone 30 is young.
2016-05-06 15:25:44 UTC
No!! 30 is still young. You are fully a grown up. Still active. You can start a family or go to college (if you haven't gone). You start to achieve more in your 30's
2016-05-07 04:11:13 UTC
I was worried about turning 30 until I did, and then realised it's no different to being 29.
2016-05-08 01:34:43 UTC
Depends on how you look to be honest lmao middle aged literally in my family is 40-50 because we love 90-100 but personally age is just a number if you're hot you're hot
Doug Freyburger
2016-05-09 12:06:07 UTC
It's a long time ago that my kids were 30. Still very young - Age is relative.
2016-05-06 20:01:00 UTC
Not at all! Have you seen most 30 year olds? They are young . Besides if you only get your 20's as young in adulthood that's would suck.
2016-05-10 06:35:10 UTC
You're only ever as old as feel. My physical age is 30, but because psychologically i feel so much younger it makes me more lively and energetic the my fellow counterparts who are the same age as me
2016-05-07 16:56:25 UTC
I think it's young, I am 22, I feel no matter how old a person is(34 isn't that old) that they are as young as they want to be. My grandma use to hide candy in her purse(she wasn't suppose to eat solid food, or sweets she was a diabetic) and share it with me. She acted very much as a child, but she was very intelligent, even as old as she was, I still saw her as a young woman just starting out on life. She in a way, was still that. She never grew old in my eyes, even after she died, I still feel like she now looks as that. She died in her 60s, still had so much life in her. Back then when they did a tummy tuck, they would take out some of one's intestines. She was living off of pure strength, she shouldn't have lived as long as she did. She fought to live, still so kind, and strong.
2016-05-08 20:41:17 UTC
As a woman who just turned 30, I feel old sometimes :S
2016-05-10 11:30:11 UTC
I would say it's still pretty young, but I'm only 18, so I'm younger. But yeah, it's still young. Ever heard of saying 30 is the new 20?
2016-05-07 13:36:33 UTC
30 is not old if you've lived a relatively stress free and healthy life style. Age is more dependant on how stressed and how you nourish your body then it is the actual number.
2016-05-07 16:28:01 UTC
Soon we ll be 30 years old, our songs have been sold

We ve traveled around the world and we re still roaming.

Soon we ll be 30 years old.
2016-05-06 19:51:32 UTC
It has been said if you can double your age and still be alive then you are not at all old. I guess 47 or 48 would be in the old range but not that old.
2016-05-08 20:48:16 UTC
Not really. Our life expectancy is going up each year. So probably within the next 50 years the age 50 will be really young lol.
2016-05-09 06:40:10 UTC
You are an yourth person.You are 30 years old.This means that you have a lot of time/you will live for another 60 years.You are not old,instead you are young.
2016-05-09 18:54:34 UTC

But it really depends on who you ask

to a 50 year old No (you're still young)

to an 18 year old Yes
mr wenrich
2016-05-08 14:21:27 UTC
you think 30 is old try 39 or 40 that's really old
2016-05-07 15:12:34 UTC
OMG 30 is not old. 30 is a baby. 90 is old. Give me a break!
2016-05-09 09:53:30 UTC
I don't know i'm not here yet. All I know is the 30 year old gals and up are awesome in bed also.
2016-05-07 09:27:55 UTC
30 is not old at all. Keep yourself in good shape and you can do everything that a 20 year old can do.
2016-05-06 17:24:14 UTC
No. You don't get old and tired until you turn 40 so you still have 10 years to accomplish your goals.
I care
2016-05-09 13:38:41 UTC
As the years go by you will begin to learn that age is JUST AN ATTITUDE............

Age is only a number year by is how you look at your time is what the value is.

I keep positive and don't drink or smoke..........and believe me it keeps your face much smoother....I am 72 young..........but many keep saying OH NO YOU AREN'T IN YOUR 70'S............sure boost your ego. Good luck have fun enjoy your lives.
2016-05-06 21:20:30 UTC
Hee hee, I'm 64. I WISH I were about to turn 30! You've got a good twenty years yet before you even have to think about "getting old". :)
2016-05-10 02:28:17 UTC
I also hated turning 30 it was a big deal for me, but as soon as you turn 31 you won't feel like that anymore. It's just the "crossing over" lol
2016-05-07 06:43:16 UTC
If you are turning 80 (like me), 30 is not old. ☺
2016-05-08 11:23:43 UTC
No way! You're just starting life in my opinion. You have many years ahead of you. I'm 23. My boyfriend is 32 and i have to remind him that he is NOT old. lol
2016-05-08 10:39:08 UTC
30 Is the beginning, you have learnt all your lessons, gone through heartbreaks, education and plenty of wrong decisions, and have a mature mindset. Trail period is over now. Its time for the real thing to start :D
2016-05-07 14:03:29 UTC
worked with kiddies in that age range at my closed up factoria doing vinyl & aluminum window assembly,my gig was final inspection of sashes weighing 500 lbs,most of the 30 years younger guys could not manage shoulder & arm strength to end-lift the damn things,I was 57 at the time,,kiddies stopped calling me 'POPS' after that,,the 30s ,maybe lt 20s are our bioprimetime,make the most of it,keep maintain health,find something to do where you excell,no need to be crappy about it,let your skills & ability speak for themselves.
2016-05-09 00:15:44 UTC
Bc of advanced medical technology, most people can live to 80, your life isn't over a half.

Don't think about this. Enjoy your life.
2016-05-07 21:29:55 UTC
30 years old is best time of income
2016-05-08 06:40:39 UTC
if you died at the age of 30, would you say you died old or young? If you think you died young, then you are not old
2016-05-09 19:46:09 UTC
Not in 2016
Planet Earth
2016-05-07 23:19:19 UTC
It depends the culture, but it's not. i will be 29 in this June and I'm looking forward to close 3 decades and more.
2016-05-09 21:06:34 UTC
30 is the age most people consider life begans and the most happiest.
Osama BLM Laden Terrorists
2016-05-09 23:32:27 UTC
OMG! Im 40 something and get hit on my 20 something's. Use SPF, eat healthy and don't do drugs or smoke and you will look good for a long time!
2016-05-08 16:29:05 UTC
No middle age isn't really till you're 55
BasedGod Clout Master
2016-05-06 12:44:56 UTC
You have lots of time left. You won't be considered old unless you play major league sports.
2016-05-08 20:36:50 UTC
You've only been an adult for 13 years and you think your old lol nah your just a 13 year old adult lol ahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
2016-05-09 18:56:57 UTC
im 23 going to be 24 and i feel old

the older day i was like holy cow im going to be 24 this year and I had like a weird moment of a backflash of what i have done in life
2016-05-12 01:10:01 UTC
Well mid life crisis occurs around 40 and you cans be old bedore the middle of your life so no
2016-05-06 15:10:43 UTC
Yeah you old to me I am 17 and my sister almost thirty I call her old all the time and make old jokes.. But it really depends on who you sarround yourself with.. if youre hanging out with kids my age theyll thibk youre old,, kids older then you theyll think youre young.. logic
2016-05-08 15:09:29 UTC
2016-05-10 22:04:30 UTC
I'm 20 and this makes me feel like I don't have much youth left 😳 Only a decade really??
2016-05-12 00:12:55 UTC
No i don't think. For me 40 and above can be considered as being old.
2016-05-08 12:38:35 UTC
Yeah if your a woman it's all down hill. If your a guy however life is just getting started!
2016-05-12 20:55:12 UTC
Yes your penis stops working at 30
2016-05-07 13:25:32 UTC
2016-05-08 04:55:13 UTC
30 is older than your Grandparents
2016-05-08 09:13:43 UTC
No. It's young.
2016-05-08 12:51:00 UTC
I don't know other than you get closer to becoming a middle aged adult
2016-05-07 07:32:02 UTC
2016-05-07 00:18:38 UTC
Not at all there's so much you can do like visit the world!
2016-05-06 15:57:04 UTC
Hardly. It is the perfect age, more mature, more settled down and so much to look forward to. Enjoy and be happy.
2016-05-09 06:43:13 UTC
I am 32 and people still say I look 23 or less sometimes
2016-05-10 02:56:16 UTC
Not at all as well as you have a youngest mind ! Age is not an issue ! Always have a positive and youngest mind !
2016-05-08 08:58:53 UTC
2016-05-09 15:52:40 UTC
Yes. Buy yourself a zimmer frame, carpet slippers and beige cardigans that smell of mothballs before it's too late.
2016-05-08 15:18:51 UTC
30 is mature enough
2016-05-08 05:27:44 UTC
No! That's still so young
2016-05-06 12:52:57 UTC
that would depend on who you were talking to. if your talking to someone 15, your old. if your talking to a 60 year old, you aren't old.
2016-05-08 04:48:35 UTC
no, not really. it actually depends on ones lifestyle, where they live, and where they are in life really.

but overall, no, 30 isnt old
2016-05-09 07:35:49 UTC
No but as a woman I think of you're childless people start judging :/
2016-05-06 14:14:09 UTC
No I don't think so. Your as old as you feel.
2016-05-11 09:25:48 UTC
You're fine, just look at Jensen Ackles, he is a handsome devil and he's 38 :)
2016-05-09 03:28:56 UTC
Yes. Yet it depends. For an elephant or ant, it is considered old.
2016-05-09 15:51:02 UTC
2016-05-08 08:29:33 UTC
the averge life of humans is about 60 to 70 years so u r mid way through
2016-05-06 12:44:19 UTC
30's not too old.
2016-05-07 06:03:30 UTC
be happy, you have already past one quarter of a century (1/4 100)
2016-05-06 12:58:51 UTC
your not old and you have a long way too go before your considered old
2016-05-08 20:40:22 UTC
no 45 is old
2016-05-11 15:35:50 UTC
If you're turning and you're a man, thats when you start to gain power.
2016-05-10 14:36:52 UTC
It is if your planning on dying by 31
2016-05-08 02:07:47 UTC
If you believe you're old; you're old. If you believe you're young; you're young. You get to determine...
2016-05-09 02:26:31 UTC
Nope, it's not old at all
2016-05-07 07:16:22 UTC
When you're 50,then you're old.
2016-05-07 19:31:22 UTC
No that's young .
2016-05-06 12:46:53 UTC
only 45-55 more years
2016-05-09 15:56:02 UTC
haven't you heard??? 0_0 30 is the new 20!! :D
2016-05-07 04:21:38 UTC
Nah. When 40 is creeping up, then you should be concerned.
2016-05-07 03:25:37 UTC
already ancherd this q asked similarly before and spoke about it 20 minutes ago.
2016-05-08 01:25:14 UTC
Time is ticking you're too old now.
2016-05-06 16:04:10 UTC
I wouldn't think so :) you're still pretty young
2016-05-08 23:25:01 UTC
2016-05-10 09:04:34 UTC
heading towards old
2016-05-08 17:27:23 UTC
2016-05-09 03:09:09 UTC
2016-05-09 19:05:13 UTC
No you still got it go party
2016-05-12 16:12:28 UTC
Not even close
2016-05-07 18:24:28 UTC
No, you will still look young but mature
Uncle C
2016-05-10 19:26:02 UTC
Depends, are you a Dog?
Sailor Moon
2016-05-06 22:44:16 UTC
How mature are you? You need to answer this question first.
2016-05-09 08:28:31 UTC
2016-05-09 15:17:04 UTC
Holy **** ur old af
2016-05-07 09:29:02 UTC
just a grown man
2016-05-10 08:01:21 UTC
depends on your fitness and enthusiasm for life
2016-05-09 11:47:24 UTC
dang, whippersnappers , 150 years old IS old !!!
2016-05-07 07:37:29 UTC
Aw yea **** yea brothern.
Dirty Jed
2016-05-10 14:38:31 UTC
Absolutely not.
2016-05-07 20:05:44 UTC
You littt
2016-05-08 07:58:35 UTC
Depends how healthy you are
2016-05-10 11:42:08 UTC
No. You are one young pickle.
2016-05-10 11:57:09 UTC
Not at all
2016-05-10 12:07:25 UTC
Nope !
2016-05-12 10:10:11 UTC
Your mom.
2016-05-10 09:02:44 UTC
That is dependent on you
sk8ter punk :p
2016-05-08 05:57:09 UTC
Not really
2016-05-09 11:13:22 UTC
2016-05-06 12:42:29 UTC
You are young.
2016-05-07 02:14:05 UTC
not really- it's ok
2016-05-06 12:48:56 UTC
not really.....depends on how you describe old
2016-05-10 03:41:59 UTC
2016-05-08 16:05:38 UTC
2016-05-06 23:49:09 UTC
jason w
2016-05-06 18:40:56 UTC
2016-05-09 02:52:32 UTC
No,i dont think so.
2016-05-09 05:26:47 UTC
Not yet.
Gerry G
2016-05-09 06:20:28 UTC
Not any more.
2016-05-07 01:44:52 UTC
no, you have a lot time.
2016-05-07 07:35:32 UTC
no its just more adult than young adult
2016-05-08 23:24:04 UTC
definitely not.
Mel Chua
2016-05-08 23:27:47 UTC
yep just so old....
2016-05-07 07:18:55 UTC
Not at all...
2016-05-09 16:23:48 UTC
2016-05-09 15:28:10 UTC
2016-05-06 22:21:49 UTC
2016-05-07 21:15:59 UTC
2016-05-08 19:27:09 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.