i am 13 and i am 80 lbs overwieght.i want to lose 50lbs in 5 mon w/o dramatically changing my diet.?
2006-02-03 20:07:02 UTC
How do i do this?
Eight answers:
2006-02-03 20:19:35 UTC
First, try to set a more realistic goal. That's a lot of weight to lose in a short time, even with major diet modification, and would probably be unhealthy.

Burning an additional 250 calories per day by getting more exercise, and removing 250 calories per day from your food intake will enable you to lose an average of 1 pound per week.

"Slow and steady wins the race."
2006-02-04 04:18:11 UTC
Fifty pounds in five months is very fast weight loss for a 13 year old person. The only way to lose that much that fast could jeopardize your health by depriving you of critical nutrients at a time that your body is undergoing a lot of important changes. You might try to lose 10 or 15 pounds in three weeks to get you started in the right direction and get your eating and exercise habits changed, but then you probably need to slow down to not more that 1&1/2 or 2 lbs. a week at the most. If you use both diet and moderate exercise like walking 30 minutes a day or riding a stationary bike you may find that you can not only lose the weight but make a very large change in your shape and appearance by coverting fat which is sortof light and fluffy into muscle which is dense and firm.
2006-02-04 09:22:34 UTC
It would help if you told us what your current diet is. You will need to change your diet dramatically if you eat like a typical 13 year old. Cut out the junk food, fast food, and the sodas. Drink lots of water during the day. Try for 1 gallon per day. Eat smaller meals more often. You should eat 5 to 6 times a day. Eat healthier. Instead of grabbing a bag of chips, eat some carrots. Instead of going to McDonalds, grill a chicken breast or eat tuna fish.

The other secret is exercise. Get out and walk for a half hour each day. You can buy some exercise videos to do at home. You can buy a cheap set of dumbbells and start weight lifting at home. It does not cost a lot of money to exercise. It helps you lose the fat and keep it off. Not only that, but you will get a ton more energy from it.

Also remember that you are still growing. 50 lbs in 5 months is a good healthy way to lose weight for an adult, but for a growing teen, it may be too much to lose. As you grow, you will be gaining more lean body weight. You may also add some extra body fat. Don't be too concerned about it until you are fully grown. If you start a too drastic diet, you may deprive you body of some of the nutrients it needs to grow. But if you eat a good, healthy diet and exercise, your body will get all the nutrients it needs to grow and you will be on your way to looking great. And if you get in the habit of eating right and exercising at your age, you will not face the problem I am in your 40's.
Tyliana Nakura
2006-02-04 04:15:49 UTC
Well, the best thing to do is join an excorsice program like curves with a parent... Thats what I did. I always eat right too... some sweets are fine, but some are bad for you. Stick to healthy snacks and you're fine.
2006-02-04 04:13:47 UTC
Jay Mcgraw, Dr. Phil's son, wrote a book for teens who want to lose weight. I think it is very helpful, I ordered it for my 12 yr old. You may want to ask your parents to take you to your dr. for advise. Just remember, losing weight must be done in a healthy way, or you will only gain it all back plus more. Good luck and God bless!
2006-02-04 04:11:09 UTC
Consult a doctor. He'll give you a workout and diet plan suitable for your age. You're to young to go on diet pills they could affect your health and I dont think at your age it would be best to lose that much in that time frame.
2006-02-04 04:11:23 UTC
maybe u could find some way to exercise enough to lose 10 lbs. each 13 and im a lot of lbs. under weight...i wont be of much help.
2006-02-04 04:09:40 UTC
actually losing 50 in 5 months is a healthy goal. its just 10 pounds a month. find out your bmr ( google a bmr calculator) once you that, reduce your calorie intake accordingly.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.