Is it bad to lose your viginity at 15?
2016-06-23 06:00:43 UTC
Is this bad???
389 answers:
2016-07-04 11:57:35 UTC
There is no minimum age for having sex, so I guess it's up to the person to choose the right time for them, Everyone is different - some people may want to wait until they are a bit older but some teens are mature enough to have sex at a younger age.

In other words, it's not that bad to lose your virginity at 15.
2016-07-04 16:41:22 UTC
First of all religion in this case should not be involved. It is not bad, but not something that should be encouraged. The majority of 15 year olds have a very high sex drive. It can often override their common sense. The excitement of sexual intercourse and release is often too great to resist. All I would suggest is think before you plunge into it. If you must do it use protection. For males, do your best to think with that big globe atop your shoulders and not the two little ones between your legs.
2016-07-04 10:31:43 UTC
Don't listen to everyone else because it's different for everyone. I lost my virginity at 15 and 6 years later I am still in a happy relationship with that very same guy. I don't regret a thing. Do what makes you feel comfortable and never rush something that doesn't feel right to you!
2016-07-04 17:07:55 UTC
it's a little young, but it's ultimately your call if it's bad. I find that most people who lose it young end up regretting it, but it is possible that you did it with someone you trust, knew the consequences, took steps to minimize the chances of getting pregnant and STDs, and feel comfortable and mature about it. I don't know you, so I can't judge.

What's done is done. Always be safe and love yourself.
2016-07-04 21:16:57 UTC
I would say no. Im 17 and i lost mines at 16??? I think i don't remember but as long as you take proper precautions like condoms. (if you're a girl)NEVER TRUST A GUY WHEN HE SAYS HE'LL PULL OUT!!! I don't care if he claims to be super pro. Don't fall for that. But YES. IT'S PERFECTLY FINE TO HAVE SEX AT 15
2016-07-04 13:24:57 UTC
It depends on the aftereffects. If you became pregnant and wasn't even planning on it, then yes, it is bad. But if something you didn't plan never happened, the no, it isn't bad at all. Maybe a little, but it is your body. You can do whatever you want as long as you know it won't harm/ruin you.
2016-07-04 23:10:10 UTC
Well your parts work at 15 so no its natural
Emily louise
2016-07-05 08:13:11 UTC
Our bodies aren't fully developed at the age of 15, sex is something to wait for and to be enjoyed- that cannot happen at the age of 15.
2016-07-05 23:13:11 UTC
Depends on situation. Was it to a female or male or even an animal. Were the ages similar (obviously if with a dog you have to calculate for dog years)? Did you love the person? All that changes things. Oh and if it was unprotected you should burn in hell.
2016-06-27 15:37:01 UTC
Whats your big hurry. Is it bad...well, it's not the brightest idea. What if you get pregnant, have you thought about that.

I'm sorry, but a 15 year old is not mature enough, not only physically, but mentally to deal with the possible consequences of having sex, be it a pregnancy or a STD.

Do you think it'll make you cool or more popular with the kids at school or with boys? It might make you popular with the boys, but for all the wrong reasons.

I don't think you have to wait until you get married, but it should be at the very least with someone your in love with AND committed to. Not that your going to pass yourself around with every Tom, Dick and Idiot.
2016-07-03 13:23:52 UTC
2016-07-01 21:40:03 UTC
No but just keep it to yourself and don't tell the whole world about it
2016-07-01 20:34:24 UTC
Mohammad says no
2016-06-30 22:33:42 UTC
if you were both cool about it and were safe then yea it's fine
2016-06-30 17:05:05 UTC
You're such a flirt
2016-06-30 13:19:49 UTC
its your choice but think of the possible consequences like getting pregnant or std's maybe even school rumors could fly around so quickly plus sex is meant for someone you love dearly to produce children not for pleasure and as someone said before your body may not necessarily be ready for this kind of situation but as i said to start with it is your decision and whatever u prefer to do is ur choice 100 percent but just to add a little something else make sure this is ur decision your making not ur boyfriends or someone else pressuring u
Linda R
2016-06-30 12:32:56 UTC
Of course it is.
2016-06-29 11:48:25 UTC
I would say it was .. But you know that's you! You are the one that have to make decision on your own.
2016-06-28 11:43:05 UTC
i think it's up to the law
2016-06-28 10:03:32 UTC
no its up to you
2016-06-28 09:27:00 UTC
2016-06-27 23:09:30 UTC
Yes it is pretty bad. I think sex should be between a "commited" couple who can afford the consequences. Also, it should only be for reproducing purposes not for insignificant pleasure. You and your mate should close your legs and think about what's actually important in life, which is NOT sex! School is more important, and researching and studying for yourself. What is the deal these days. Pick up a book and wait for that unimportant moment with that human being. At the end of the day it's your body fudge it.
2016-06-27 15:04:15 UTC
thats a little young. im 15 and i can't really imagine losing my virginity haha. but do you boo
2016-06-27 12:06:51 UTC
i was 19 and i feel like that was a little young, lol. maybe wait until you're old enough to drink
2016-06-27 09:00:53 UTC
Yes, in my perspective of morality that is immoral and should never be practiced at any age. But I would say if it must happen, or should be for the ages 20+ crowd
2016-06-27 01:55:46 UTC
Only in America.
2016-06-26 05:26:39 UTC
2016-06-24 06:47:50 UTC
For sure! When an adult one realizes that there are better times than adolescence to lose virginity.
2016-06-23 10:29:36 UTC
Yes wait until you are married. i say this so you can do that with someone you TRULY love and trust.
2016-06-23 06:02:14 UTC
That seems a little young. I was 16, and when I think of who I was at 16, I think that was too young.
2016-07-03 02:12:56 UTC
Lose it, or have it taken? There's a difference.
2016-07-02 06:02:55 UTC
it's not bad. there's no reason for it to be bad IF you use protection. I lost mine at 14 but ONLY because I wanted to and I used protection
2016-07-02 05:18:23 UTC
It's up too you, if you felt ready then I would say go for it
2016-07-01 13:20:24 UTC
As with everything life is all about personal choices.Until we mature and understand the big picture sex has always been the leading factor to self ruination. " Hooking up" was meant only for those that are married and that is the Gospel truth !
Peter Piper
2016-06-30 12:21:00 UTC
you can never lose your viginity
2016-06-30 09:11:12 UTC
lmfao only in America it's bad. I lost it at 13 & told my mom what's anyone gonna do about it nothing
2016-06-30 08:28:07 UTC
I mean it's not bad but I lost mine at 17 and felt horrible about it.. So I'd just wait if I were u and at least think on it for a while
2016-06-29 02:13:03 UTC
2016-06-28 07:38:01 UTC
YES. theres plenty more to do with yourself & in this life than giving up your goodies.

treat your body as a temple, something sacred and valuable like treasure. you have diamond & gold worth and you wouldnt just give away, let anyone touch or have something worth so much, would you?? think about that.
2016-06-27 17:54:11 UTC
It's not a problem if ur gay like me! :)
2016-06-27 16:46:43 UTC
It's not bad
2016-06-27 03:07:40 UTC
Depends upon you.
2016-06-25 20:36:01 UTC
yes ..wait til in ya 20s may respect ya more ..bed hopping with boys is not nice
2016-06-25 17:15:20 UTC
Honestly, that's kinda young. I'd say wait till you're 18. Time passes.
2016-06-25 13:51:05 UTC
It's really your choice. Do what's right for you. Don't let yourself be pressured or forced into it if you aren't sure you're ready. Most of all, have fun.
2016-06-25 12:48:41 UTC
It Depends
2016-06-25 05:57:43 UTC
Not really
2016-06-24 14:22:42 UTC
its fine if you think youre ready. I was 14 (near legal age here before anyone freaks out), and I was a teachers pet kinda kid, me and the guy were right for eachother, we stayed together for a few years after,i was physically and emotionally ready and it felt right at the time.
2016-06-24 11:58:13 UTC
Yes it is bad
2016-06-23 06:42:17 UTC
If you aren't ready or you were forced to then it's bad...otherwise, not really.
2016-07-02 20:06:16 UTC
I did
Orla C
2016-07-01 00:10:55 UTC
On the bad side of a grey area. If you feel ready for it, that's fine, but if someone is pressuring you to do it and you're not sure if you want to, then you're not ready and shouldn't do it.
2016-06-30 18:11:07 UTC
2016-06-30 16:41:03 UTC
To me at least. I'm 17 I honestly don't think I ever will get the chance, lol...
2016-06-30 14:16:49 UTC
If you were a little bit younger that would be a creepy question. But your 15, it's normal, and it is okay.
2016-06-30 13:15:39 UTC
Severely bad
2016-06-30 03:20:06 UTC
Yes. Cause you can never get it back.
2016-06-29 12:25:52 UTC
most people lose there virginity around the 15-18 age range
2016-06-29 08:13:53 UTC
Yes, because the law said so.

Even if you had been an adult, the Bible says it's bad because it was before marriage.
2016-06-28 17:17:37 UTC
About as bad as you coming on Yahoo telling a lie.
2016-06-28 13:44:24 UTC
Listen, ignore all of the people that tell you it's bad and you shouldn't and even the ones that tell it's ok and you should. Ignore everyone that says how God thinks it's wrong or what society thinks. Most of those people still live in 1820.. (Lol just joking)...

Anyways, getting serious:

Everything is UP TO YOU! If you feel that you are ready, go for it. If you have the slightest doubt, stop! It's that easy.

It's your choice, don't let what other people are saying to influence your decision. If you do it use protection if you don't, carry on with whatever you were doing. I don't see why so many people have the guts to say that it's wrong or not. Everyone is different. You do what you want.
2016-06-28 11:00:27 UTC
18 + is a good time.
2016-06-27 08:39:09 UTC
You must have been hot.
2016-06-27 03:33:52 UTC
2016-06-25 16:25:54 UTC
If you were comfortable and the partner was close in age I don't think there's a problem
2016-06-25 08:21:31 UTC
Well totally ur choice, wanna do it just do it atleast u wont regret later.

If i would have been ur age i would have liked to wait till i am 16 or 17

16 is better though
2016-06-24 21:23:55 UTC
People used to get married at 13.

I lost virginity at 13. No problem.
2016-06-24 20:22:29 UTC
No I wish I have.
2016-06-24 14:46:09 UTC
I think is a very good idea for girls of a young age to lose their virginity also long as they use protection when having sex
2016-06-24 07:41:55 UTC
yes Is it bad to lose viginity at 15
2016-07-02 07:17:04 UTC
I would advise against it.
2016-07-01 08:09:46 UTC
2016-06-30 23:25:55 UTC
I'd say yeah. Odds are you're going to regret it in the're not going to be with this guy for very long, it's high school afterall. If sex to you is making love with emotional attachment then yeah. You're going to have a bad time in the future. If sex to you is about pleasure and sexual release then I guess for it but it's still risky with other things like pregnancy.
2016-06-30 20:20:52 UTC
Anal or ***** virginity?
2016-06-30 18:00:38 UTC
no, do what you want and if your sure then go for it
2016-06-30 15:50:27 UTC
People are so quick to judge
2016-06-30 01:42:40 UTC
2016-06-29 22:14:45 UTC
Not if you've already done the deed but if your considering it I'd wait and make sure I was on birthcontrol etc. If you've lost it at 15 don't listen to all the negativity
2016-06-29 09:24:43 UTC
Virginity is a bronze age concept, when not having had sex yet was the only guarantee for a man that the children a woman would bear would be his. It no longer has any meaning. Having sex is as natural as walking or eating. No one says that a child who starts eating solids "loses its milkiness", or that it "loses its crawl" when it starts to walk. "Losing your virginity" is just as silly a phrase.
2016-06-28 15:04:56 UTC
I lost mine at 14 to a 19 year old. Makes a pretty good story for the guys.
2016-06-28 14:16:29 UTC
I did and would not recommend it. If I could have my virginity back I totally would and I'm only 16 now. A few months after losing it I regretted it but it's in my past now so I've moved on and learned from it. Don't get caught up in boys. Focus on yourself. No mature man is going to love you any less just because you haven't had sex yet, and if he does, then you're too good for him. Don't lose it!!
2016-06-28 06:30:56 UTC
its all depends on the situation.
2016-06-27 11:31:52 UTC
Yes, especially if they are 18+ their ass should be locked up!
2016-06-27 10:33:49 UTC
**** everyone and everything if you want , i do so :)
2016-06-26 18:15:48 UTC
Usually it is. But it depends. Think it through first and if you already did and regret it then forgive yourself, learn from it, and save yourself until you absolutely know you're ready.
Mikhael Ivankov
2016-06-26 17:13:03 UTC
Heck that's too late! Should've lose yours at 15 seconds/months old!

And that's not bad at all. At 15.. uh.. I mean great as f*ck! You deserve an award! And nickname like "Lil Sl*t" (identical to Lil Wayne), "15andREKTD", "Diztroyed15", "Young Pussay" (like Young Jizzy), "Luzty Luzt" etc.
2016-06-25 21:31:51 UTC
In my option, one should give their virginity to a person they love. It's up to you. If u truly love this person and they respect you, then yes, but if you feel uncomfortable with them or don't want to, don't do it. Don't let them force you to do something that you don't want to do or aren't ready to do. And, don't force another person to have sex with you either, no matter what. It's their decision and they have a right to refuse and you also have a right to refuse.

Then, again, I'm a 13 year old girl, so idk rlly how this sex/virginity works. I'm gonna save mine for a person who I love and they respect me.
2016-06-25 07:09:28 UTC
I think so
2016-06-24 22:57:02 UTC
Yes it is bad. I am 20 and have not lost mine yet or even kissed anyone. I don't recommend that you do it . Wait until you are older and married as the bible calls it fornication which is a sin.
2016-06-23 06:06:33 UTC
kind of stupid since 103% of 15 yr olds are CLUELESS about ovulation, pregnancy, STD's
2016-07-03 00:08:58 UTC
Not at all. I was 14 when I lost mine and I'm 17 now I've had 4 partners. We learn from it and live from it. Parents just don't understand that. They snuck around and probably done worse than us when they were young. Let us live our lives. We only have one life. Just be protected!!
2016-07-02 09:35:38 UTC
I dont think its bad if u know the dangers of it.

U need to know to use condoms.
2016-07-01 15:31:27 UTC
No I don't think you should have sex at this age. But if you already have no its not that bad just don't tell anyone because kids can be cruel and twist your story around and make rumors. But be if you haven't had sex I would prefer you not to but if you have and or is planning to have sex make sure you use a condom and be sure to use it right so you don't get pregnant and won't catch an std. If you can make sure your partner is std free if you can. Also if you're a girl please make sure your partner actually cares about you and won't use you for sex. Just make sure you're emotionally ready because boys at this age can be a little sleazy and I don't want your heart to get broken or for you to get taken advantage of. But if you're a boy that applies to you too as well and plus I would prefer you to wait but because a lot can go wrong and you have your whole life ahead of you but if you do do it use a condom and read the directions before you use it and try to get birth control
2016-06-30 20:56:16 UTC
It's a hurry.
2016-06-30 20:39:40 UTC
2016-06-30 07:26:45 UTC
Did you asked yourself before loosing virginity at 15 so what did you said yourselves, that will be my answer for you miss 15
2016-06-30 05:30:56 UTC
Who cares, i'm 16 and i will lose my virginity soon HAHAHA
2016-06-29 20:12:08 UTC
People are different. It depends really. But in my opinion, id say its a tad young. You should ideally be married, but id say 16/17 is the bare minimum.
2016-06-29 09:00:11 UTC
What ever you really want to do, but Make sure it is someone you trust and love and would want to lose it too, be safe.
2016-06-28 17:10:41 UTC
No, of course not! Why would it be bad let a boy that you probably won't see again after this school year have sex with you? People say that this generation is ******, but I think this just proves that they are absolutely correct.
2016-06-28 09:51:54 UTC
2016-06-27 05:35:56 UTC
Like pretty much all questions, that's subjective. If you think it's bad then it's bad. If you don't have a problem with it then it's not bad. Don't let other people's opinions control how you think or what you do with yourself. In the end you have to decide for yourself what's good and bad for you.
2016-06-26 23:21:31 UTC
I lost since 15 so no.
2016-06-26 23:16:10 UTC
Thats up to you everyone is different.
2016-06-26 05:57:41 UTC
if it was a boy your age or younger and you made his day it is fine. if you slummed your poon up the ladder and banged a college guy or minor league baseball player you are going to hell.
2016-06-25 22:37:38 UTC
it's bad in terms of very young age...of physical and soul immaturity...

and you're at a very difficult age -too...

it would be better to postpone your sex life for at least 4-5 years...
2016-06-24 17:16:41 UTC
i think it's bad to do it before you at least have your bachelor's degree. if you get pregnant you'll just be a burden on your parents, because minimum wage jobs don't pay enough to support a family
2016-06-24 12:32:02 UTC
Dont feel guilty for losing your virginity at all. All these religious people telling you to wait til marriage really pee me off.

If you don't feel pressured, and you feel confident enough, go for it! But use protection. Condoms have no age limit.

Be safe okay?
2016-06-24 12:30:20 UTC
It messes with your body if you are under the age of 18 because you are not fully developed quite yet
2016-06-24 07:05:14 UTC
Yes. First of all I believe the legal age to have sex is 18, so it would be against the law to have sex at 15. Second, sex isn't just something you should do for fun, you should wait until you are married and have found the one person whom you love. That's just my

2016-07-03 20:58:27 UTC
No, although the age of consent should be 16
2016-07-03 08:22:22 UTC
2016-06-30 19:20:22 UTC
YES, and after that its all downhill.
2016-06-30 10:28:05 UTC
in the early 20th century it was common for teens to get married at a young age. my great grandma became a grandmother at age 32. she had child at 16 and her child had a child at 16.
2016-06-30 05:35:40 UTC
That seems a bit too young for me. Most fifteen year-olds aren't ready yet to be pregnant, but if you can handle it then do so. But take the necessary precautions and remember that sex isn't just for pleasure, it can have consequences too. Consequences you might not be ready for.
2016-06-29 18:35:38 UTC
Well it's not going to be me that tells you it's bad but as long as you used protection and did it responsibly andd hopefully you used your brain and didn't get pregnant. Then it's all good but I'm about to turn 19 and still a virgin but if I were you I'd wait until marriage, because to give up your body you have to make sure it's with the right person.
2016-06-28 19:22:15 UTC
Hell no i was i lost my viginity at 15 i lost it at 19
2016-06-28 12:46:35 UTC
Wait a bit longer, if it's not too late. Wait until you're at least 18.
2016-06-27 18:04:16 UTC
It's young, but it's not bad. Sex is experienced when both partners are ready and educated enough. Sex isn't dirty, it's a natural thing and should never be labelled bad or disgusting. Once you're safe, educated and ready for sex, then no one else's opinion should matter
2016-06-26 17:40:56 UTC
In my opinion yes it is. Wait until you get older and fill like you're ready. You will thank yourself for waiting when you get older and boys guys men whatever will respect you 10xs more. BELIEVE ME!!! I lost my virginity when I was 15 to someone I thought I knew smh we known each other since 2nd grade so I felt like it was a good decision when really it was THEE WORST 😖😖😠. Boys that age will tell u anything to sleep with you and I'm 25 so the generations now are just getting worse also be careful with older men like 18,19 and up they will manipulate u but the only care about having sex and ALWAYS USE PROTECTION YOU CAN WAIT TO HAVE KIDS PLUS U DINT WANT TO CATCH ANY STDS THAT'S THE SCARIEST THING THAT CAN HAPPEN. I hope my advice helped you out
2016-06-25 22:00:58 UTC
Yes bad.
2016-06-25 14:56:04 UTC
Yes, because you will most certainly get your heart broken. Wait until you are really ready. The guy you think you love now will most certainly not be the one you love when you get older. Wait until you are absolutely ready. Getting your heart broken hurts so much.
2016-06-25 13:15:54 UTC
I truly believe that losing your virginity at this age is not helpful at all. Well I mean I go by what the Bible tells me what to but, in addition to that you would like to lose a virginity at an age that your body has fully developed and you fell that your ready. Just don't do it with any one who is rushing you or you don't fell conformable around them telling them about it and also stand up for your self and say NO. Lose it with somebody you truly love that's my advice. Basically 7 out of 10 high school students hormones are all over the place. Some know how to control others don't. So based on what I was trying to say is Yes losing it at a pretty young age is bad basically.
2016-06-25 09:45:45 UTC
2016-06-25 04:12:34 UTC
I was 15, make sure you dont have any regrets
2016-06-24 23:27:45 UTC
Yes, it is bad and it is also injurious for your future.
2016-06-24 22:40:18 UTC
I don't think so......its all in the book of life, I was married to a14 yr old at 17yrs old and joined the USMC and sent to the Nam at that time..Divorced when I came home and when I turned 20yrs old I married a 15 yr old girl and had 2 kids so, life is like a box of chocolate U don't never know what U gonna Geeaat!!
2016-06-24 14:24:40 UTC
at least 18 to 20
2016-06-23 07:40:21 UTC
yes...........if the girl gets knocked up
2016-06-23 06:09:01 UTC
yes it is
2016-07-03 15:50:42 UTC
I mean, 15 is the age of consent where I live so I wouldn't think so, haha! Seriously though, as long as you're safe and only do things you're sure you want to do, just go for it. Consent and safety are key here. If you take all necessary precautions and are responsible, I don't see the big deal. Sex is enjoyable and healthy so go ahead if you want to. Virginity has no real value anyway, that's a social construct. "Losing" it doesn't decrease (or increase) your value in any way, it's a pretty stupid concept. Live and let live, do what you want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone, and be happy!
2016-07-01 09:38:38 UTC
Not really, I guess it depends on the circumstances. Also, some cultures mature faster. I lost mine in 8th grade to my neighbor who was also in 8th grade, we where both like 13 or 14. I don't regret it.
Alright alright alright
2016-06-30 22:43:51 UTC
Um yea and what's the point with a 15yr fling that will be a long lost stranger in 2 months and be sleeping with 10 other girls.There is no relationship at 15 or even high school 1% of relationships make it don't do it
2016-06-30 11:57:13 UTC
2016-06-30 00:00:06 UTC
It's totally depends on you.
2016-06-29 23:12:31 UTC
Short answer yes, long answer it's a grey area. For example I have a friend who got married at 14 and is now 22 she has had a wonderful marriage and yea of course they had sex. But the thing is there going to be with eachother for a very long time. It's hard now but later you'll wish that you waited to lose it to some one you really want to be with. In my friends case, that was special and it doesn't happen often. But just wait for the right guy.
2016-06-29 10:52:27 UTC
That's way too young still. Lose it at 18 or up.
2016-06-28 19:47:11 UTC
Just use a condom .
2016-06-28 09:54:53 UTC
I feel like it all depends whenever you're ready. There's no rush in losing it make sure its the right guy you lose your virginity too.
2016-06-27 15:03:34 UTC
WEEEEELLLLLLL...its a social standard for one, if you feel your old enough then hey, why not, as long as its with a clean partner you know your very likely to stay with, sure sure sure, but don't go and be a ho, thats when its not ok.Because, yknow, hehe, stds n **** from multiple partners
2016-06-27 14:06:24 UTC
No..u can even lose it at 10.
2016-06-27 10:57:24 UTC
I was 15 and my boyfriend was 14 (he's six months younger) when we both had sex for the first time. Nothing bad ever happened. Just use protection/birth control, since you're young I'd recommend using condoms and birth control at the same time because you are not at a age ready to deal with a surprise pregnancy.
2016-06-26 12:01:03 UTC
No,as long as your ready(100%). Make sure you give consent. Also google your states consent law,if he's older than you(even by a year or so) by law if could be considered rape. Lastly,WEAR PROTECTION. Condoms,birth control any contraceptives. Nobody needs a baby at 15 :)
2016-06-26 09:10:27 UTC
2016-06-26 01:47:29 UTC
Yes. Wait till marriage.
2016-06-25 23:17:59 UTC
Wait. You'll know way more about yourself in just a couple of years than you do now, and you'll probably enjoy it more.
2016-06-25 17:38:06 UTC
that depends on your religion, and your personal beliefs. for me I think that if you did it with a person who really means a lot to you and that you love a lot, you should be fine. if you did it just for bragging rights, peer pressure, or if you didn't feel right when you did it, then I would consider it bad
2016-06-24 01:46:56 UTC is harmful before 18
2016-06-23 19:36:51 UTC
I was 13. I'm almost 18 now and wish I would have waited sometimes because I definitely wasn't educated about any of it, I know so much more now and things would have made more sense, but sometimes I'm glad because it started my learning process earlier and I know what I'm doing and know a lot about it and what I'm doing. I wish I would have waited on my fiancé but I'm glad I had the education from the experience.
2016-06-23 06:09:54 UTC
Mostly society wise yes. Health wise no.
2016-07-03 23:43:21 UTC
Lol u wild
2016-07-01 17:40:56 UTC
15 you still young
2016-07-01 06:19:45 UTC
In some aspects yes it is but thats if your sleeping aroud with other people at the age of 15 people recommend you to have sex at 16 which you are not far from people are going to say its bad but aslong as you agreed and you are protected and know what your doing then live your life just dont sleep around because thats bad and mext time you want to have sex do it with someone you love its a whole different experience
2016-06-29 21:48:36 UTC
i was 16 when i lost my virginity to a 18 year old girl. It was not special as i had just gone through a breakup and was kinda in a bad depression. Anyways it was AWESOME for me physically as sex should be, but mentally I felt no differently about myself and my emotional situation. Luckily I was mature enough to realize that sex in the casual way that it was performed for myself wasn't a reflection of my ideals, so i opted out of having sex until i was truly ready. I had to wait until i was 20, to know i was truly ready and comfortable. Was it bad of me to lose my virginity at 16? I don't believe it was personally.
2016-06-29 20:09:31 UTC
As for the right person, it's all right.
Azam A
2016-06-29 03:23:21 UTC
Your body, your choice.
2016-06-28 06:52:33 UTC
I lost mine at thirteen. I felt I was mentally and physically ready and I haven't regretted it. It depends on the individual. I'm still with the girl I lost it to, and that's an important factor for me. My answer is that it is different for absolutely everyone and it's your choice to decide whether it was a good choice of not.
2016-06-28 06:37:06 UTC
2016-06-28 00:42:43 UTC
2016-06-27 23:43:13 UTC
It depends on the situation.

If it was consensual I won't object to that, the age of consent in Japan is 13.
2016-06-27 22:35:09 UTC
Ha no. You're lucky

That what names a good memory

Some lose theirs at 12 today
2016-06-27 12:59:55 UTC
Yes, unless you had protection ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) it would be okay but also you could get AIDS or an STD
2016-06-27 12:56:36 UTC
I was 15 hun you shouldn't care about what people think
2016-06-27 10:32:05 UTC
No it is not bad. Doesn't matter the age. Just do it with someone you really care about, and take precautions. That's all you need. Forget about it being with someone you "love", just with someone you're comfortable with.Take precautions so there is no STD's or unwanted pregnancies.
2016-06-27 07:58:08 UTC
There is no such yardstick or criteria.

Also there is no limit, restriction or condition for such imaginations.
nick s
2016-06-25 11:07:26 UTC
you know it
2016-06-24 15:20:14 UTC
If your a boy, it's not a problem. Props man!

If your a girl, your guarenteed to be a **** by 19.... So yea
2016-06-23 22:10:28 UTC
2016-06-23 08:26:56 UTC
It depends on the person and the situation. If both people really want to do it and know how to protect themselves (birth control, condom, etc) and respect each other then it's fine. I think 15-16 is about average for losing your virginity nowadays but in reality most people that age are not really prepared (health wise or emotionally)or in healthy relationships so it can be kind of a bad situation for them?
2016-06-23 06:32:15 UTC
I'm 15, I lost mine a couple months ago. Though my parents have talked to me about protection and the importance of it, so we use a condom and I'm on birth control.
2016-07-04 03:22:27 UTC
2016-07-03 15:57:01 UTC
Im waiting til marriage but thats just me. If you wanna have sex go for it. Just make sure you know the risks and use protection.
2016-07-02 10:37:27 UTC
It's really up to yourself. After all it your body and you can't do what you want to do with it. Maybe use a condom though to make sure that you don't get pregnant unless, of course, you want a child. Also make sure your first time is with someone you love. It may be bad though if your parents are strict Catholics and your not married.
2016-06-30 12:01:47 UTC
Sex at 15 is illegal
2016-06-30 04:43:08 UTC
IT is ur decisions
2016-06-29 21:47:54 UTC
hell no
2016-06-28 14:03:30 UTC
y is this in diet and fitness
2016-06-27 20:42:30 UTC
2016-06-27 19:59:58 UTC
Mara Eloisa
2016-06-27 13:22:17 UTC
Ask your mom and dad, If they slap you real hard , Then it's BAD.
2016-06-27 07:19:50 UTC
2016-06-26 01:46:46 UTC
2016-06-25 21:01:17 UTC
2016-06-25 10:41:00 UTC
It's your choice, as long as you're doing so safely, and its consensual, (and not with anyone younger or older in an illegal sense). You don't need anyone else's opinion. If you feel ready, good, if you're unsure, don't do it. Just know that the choice to be sexually active can cause problems so always take into account who you're with, and always use protection.
2016-06-24 22:35:13 UTC
Yes it is bad :(
2016-06-24 20:10:35 UTC
You don't need to have sex at that age! You need to wait!
2016-06-24 12:53:47 UTC
No, it's fine. I lost my virginity at 8 to a golden retriever.
2016-06-24 12:45:59 UTC
It may not be bad, but it is kind of young to loose it.
2016-06-23 20:27:38 UTC
Everyone is different. I have friends that regretted losing their Virginity young because it was lust, not love. They wished they waited for the right person. On the other hand I have friends that married the person they had sex with at a young age so who knows. Only time will tell how you feel about it
2016-06-23 06:23:59 UTC
Well when it comes to health no. It's perfectly fine as long as you use condoms and don't try anything too crazy really as long as you be sensible and careful, you'll be fine. You are under the age of consent so just make sure your partner is also under the age of consent if not that is considered statutory rape. I'd say wait until like at least 16 but I have nothing to back that besides societal convention. Society just demonizes sex so if anyone older knows about it they might give you a hard time. If you listen to all the religious hypocrites out there you'll end up living a contradictory life and you don't want that.
2016-07-03 09:09:20 UTC
It's not bad, if you're choosing to have sex with the right mindset, which is as thus:

1. You feel ready for it. Never let yourself be pressurized into doing things you don't want, whether it's pressure from your partner, your friends, or anyone else - don't listen to it and don't give in to it.

2. You feel that you're with the right person. You trust and respect this person, and this person in turn trusts and respects you. Respect means that when you don't want something or say no, your partner will respect your wishes; and when your partner doesn't want something or says no, you will respect their wish in turn.

3. You respect the moments shared between yourselves. This means that you will not share details about your intimate encounters with other people without explicit permission from your partner. The two of you should also most certainly NOT make photos or videos of your intimate moments.

4. You are concerned for each other's health and practice safe sex. Always use condoms!
2016-07-03 04:36:12 UTC
Sex before marriage is called fornication. Fornication is sex without commitment. It can result in unwanted pregnancy, disease, and emotional pain. 1 Corinthians 6:9,10 do you not know that unrighteous people will not inherit God s Kingdom? Do not be mislead. Those who are sexually immoral idolaters, adulterers, men who submit to homosexual acts, men who practice homosexuality, thieves, greedy people, drunkards, revilers, and extortion ears will not inherit God s Kingdom. This is a serious sin.

Think about the consequences you can control your sexual desires.

"Virginity is not strange or abnormal. It s immoral sex that is degrading, humiliating and harmful. "

Please visit there you can find answers to life s big questions.
2016-07-01 13:25:36 UTC
I wouldn't say it's bad, it's honestly your choice. However if you are planning on losing your virginity or having sex make sure that you are both comfortable with the person you're doing it with and that they're comfortable. Also, use protection (ie. birth control and condoms). Please note that condoms do not prevent STDs, as the components of some if not all STDs are much smaller than what the condom can block; condoms are able to block sperm because they are much larger in comparison to STDs. Just be safe and comfortable and it should all be well, although there is no absolute way to prevent pregnancy. I hope this helps. I know some one who's while not had sex participated in sexual acts, they're well informed and so far everything is pleasant and remaining safe.
2016-06-30 23:39:01 UTC
It depends on your mind, but I don't think it's good.
2016-06-30 11:13:16 UTC
Yes. You're bad and you should feel bad.
2016-06-30 02:32:13 UTC
Biologically, its fine, humans are ready to reproduce when they are finished with puberty. However in this day and age its best to wait until adulthood. As long as you practice safe sex and use protection you should be fine but consider waiting until youre older
2016-06-30 01:22:04 UTC
Truly, only you can answer this question. But there are some things to think about:

1. Are you physically ready? Have you had your period yet and do you know how to use protection? You shouldn't have sex if you answere no to either of these.

2. Are you emotionally prepared? Sex can lead to depression if you, or even your partner, are not ready. Make sure yoi get your feelings in check and that you and your partner are totally ok for this big step.

3. Do you have enough trust in your partner? You need to think ahead. Make sure you have enough trust in your partner to know that they won't go telling everyone that you two had sex without your permission. Same for you; make sure your partner knows they can trust you. Confirm that your relationship is strong enough that sex will not ruin it and that your partner is not only the relationship for sex

If you are confident that you are ready and your partner is too, I see no problem with losing your virginity at 15. It's more about maturity!(:
2016-06-29 15:57:02 UTC
pretty sure you will regret it at 25. couldn't keep your legs closed when you were young only to lose it to a guy who didn't even care.
2016-06-29 13:16:28 UTC
I was 15 when I lost mine to my boyfriend, which I suppose is a little young but I don't regret it and I'm still with him now nearly 4years later. I guess it depends on the person and how mature they are.
2016-06-29 11:11:40 UTC
I'd say no age defines whether it's good or bad. It's whether or not you can raise a kid just in case you do end up making a baby.
2016-06-29 09:55:42 UTC
Yes. Keep it in your pants, people.
2016-06-28 15:00:53 UTC
Yes, it is.
2016-06-28 05:36:43 UTC
too young
2016-06-27 21:53:29 UTC
I think when if you are old enough to handle the responsibilities that come with sex. Are you old enough to know what to do if you do get an STD or become pregnant? It's your body and a big responsibility. Also, personally I feel you should really truly know yourself and love yourself before having sex. You should know your rights and respect yourself and the other person. Sex is a very personal thing and should be treated with respect. It can really turn your future around in many ways if you should become pregnant or receive a STD. Choice wisely, for it's ultimately up to you!
2016-06-27 06:13:16 UTC
I was 15 also and I don't regret it
2016-06-26 08:18:53 UTC
There is no such thing as virginity. Its just a stupid way of dividing people sexually started by bigots. If you have sex at 15 good that means you'll know what to do next time. It also means you'll be more experienced compared to other 15 year olds.
2016-06-26 06:06:55 UTC
Well I know what your going to grow up and be now
2016-06-26 00:29:53 UTC
no you a pimp
2016-06-25 03:19:29 UTC
I don't think it's bad...I am waiting till marriage, but of course you can lose it when you are ready! Just make sure that you use protection!
2016-06-24 23:19:33 UTC
Yes. Makes you look easy.
2016-07-03 02:43:10 UTC
I believe that you should wait until your married before you lose your virginity because once you lose it it's gone. But that's just my opinion. However 15 is just too young. Don't take it personally because I'm a teen to but at 15 you don't really know how your decisions will impact you until you've done the action. Please don't do it because I can almost guarantee you'll regret it.
2016-06-30 15:12:14 UTC
Yes it's bad. You need to wait to do that until you're married
2016-06-29 20:40:35 UTC
I was 14 when I lost mine.
2016-06-29 17:42:16 UTC
I would say it is bad but if it did already happened wish you the best.
2016-06-29 00:05:37 UTC
I did.... I cried afterwards. I didn't think it mattered to me so much, I thought it was just a stepping stone, but it did. I regret few things, and that was one of them, honestly. I don't think it's "bad", but it didn't make ME feel good, and that's not good for ME. What's bad for you is bad for you, and it doesn't matter if it's the same or different for anyone else.
2016-06-28 22:13:13 UTC
Its all depends, if you dont mind,its okay,if your partner (current/future) does mind about it, you better leave him because (sorry) he will definitely mind it and affect your relationship in future even now is quite good.Tell your partner about it before you confirm your relationship to let him know about you.Of course some mind and some doesnt. if he really mind , he will not build relation and if no, your congratulated.
2016-06-28 21:30:45 UTC
Sex is painful at age 15 trust me.
2016-06-28 11:11:40 UTC
No that's a good age
2016-06-28 07:31:07 UTC
Its not horrible but maybe wait until your 17 or 18? You'll be older and almost finished with high school.
2016-06-28 05:38:59 UTC
Whenever it feels right from Water Malone
2016-06-27 15:38:26 UTC
no, just wait
2016-06-27 10:32:24 UTC
Yes....let your body mature first goodness...teens these days!!!!
2016-06-27 07:39:37 UTC
It depends. Do you have a job and the mentality to handle a child well? There are other issues, but if you can't afford or can't raise a child then that's not fair to you, the boy or the child. Playing with reproduction and human lives is evil. No pill or device will make it just harmless fun with no risk. I compare it to true accidents or winning the lottery. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, you don't expect it and it can turn your life upside down. Just masturbate or something if you have a high sex drive and be cautious. Many different types of people out here too. People might do or say anything to get what they want then leave or torture you when things get rough or you change your mind. Hormones mess with anyone's head at that age too, but if you can stay strong and wait it out, you won't regret it. On average it takes 7 years to truly know someone. That's what friends are for.
2016-06-26 20:32:53 UTC
If you were ready and used protection than No.
2016-06-26 10:38:16 UTC
Yes it is, you should wait..
2016-06-25 23:59:06 UTC
You really should wait until marriage. If you've already had sex, don't let that lower your self-worth! I was way too young when I lost mine. I barley new what I was doing, and I ended up regretting it! I felt ashamed of myself after I done it. I also became crazy jealous over my boyfriend, and I pushed him away. Having sex changes everything, so make sure you're ready!
2016-06-25 22:27:52 UTC
Id say no but where I come from people find it suprising me a 13 year old is still a virgin meanwhile girls in my grade are ******* 26 year olds she's 12 wtf
2016-06-25 08:25:48 UTC
I'm a Virgin and I am 23
2016-06-24 21:14:14 UTC
You should take this time to explore you body and how it works have fun but be safe and no it's not bad to loose your virginity at 15 it'll be worse if you wait for your wedding day because then you won't know what you like how how you like it would take a long time to get used to your husband since you have to have sex at least two to three times for it to be comfortable and feel good but do you and be safe use protection
2016-06-24 14:42:23 UTC
At your age there are much better things to do and to think about. Focus on your studies, on your school, on your activities, rather than on sex. I'm sure that your parents will not be happy if they found out that you got a girl pregnant at age 15.
2016-07-04 02:24:04 UTC
I was 14 when I lost mine I wouldn't say I regret it like crazy I was young and naive but I would probably advise you to wait. You will probably develop strong feelings and most the time thinngs won't work out.
2016-07-04 01:00:20 UTC
You will regret it when you're older.
2016-07-02 08:20:36 UTC
Virginity pledge programs have a noble goal. The problem is, they don’t necessarily instill the values needed for follow-through. Many who promise to remain virgins “aren’t really internalizing the pledge,” says Dr. Rosenbaum. “Abstinence has to come from an individual conviction rather than participating in a program.”

The Bible encourages such individual conviction, not by having a person take a written or oral pledge, but by helping him to “have [his] powers of discernment trained to distinguish both right and wrong.” (Hebrews 5:14) After all, virginity is not just a matter of avoiding disease and pregnancy; it is a way to show honor to the Creator of marriage.—Matthew 5:19; 19:4-6.

The standards set forth in the Bible are for our good. (Isaiah 48:17) Indeed, all people—regardless of their age—can develop the strength of character to obey God’s command to “flee from sexual immorality.” (1 Corinthians 6:18) When they do marry, they will thus be able to enjoy intimacy fully, without the worries and regrets that are so often the aftermath of premarital sex.
2016-07-01 22:26:57 UTC
No its normal
2016-07-01 15:24:52 UTC
Lorelei N
2016-07-01 02:01:35 UTC
It depends on how you go about it. I lost mine to my boyfriend who I loved at 15. We talked about it and made sure we wanted to lose our virginity together. Of course we used condoms. If you're going to do it, be smart about it.
2016-06-30 22:48:21 UTC
Honestly, when you do lose it, no matter what age make sure it's with someone you love. The most important thing to remember is that you only get one first time and personally I would wait until you think that you could possibly have a future with the person your sleeping with. But, I will give you no judgement here because I don't know your situation so ultimately the question you asked is a question that you, and only you can answer. Do what you think is best :)
2016-06-30 18:04:36 UTC
2016-06-30 14:11:14 UTC
If you truly are in love and really want to have sex, it's alright. If you don't want to, don't let yourself be forced to do it. Keep in mind the risks, such as pregnancy, and sexual diseases. So make sure your partner wears a condom. There are condoms available for both men and women. Sex is amazing, and it's not just about *******. Sex is supposed to be love, so don't just start penetrating mindlessly. First warm her or him up, by cuddling, kissing, and saying beautiful things.

Sorry... got carried away. I'm virgin, but what I say is true!
2016-06-30 13:10:47 UTC
Honestly. I would say loose it when YOU know you are ready. Not being peer pressured, not feeling like you owe it to someone (because you don't) it's your body never feel like that, don't do it because you want to fit in, and don't do it to be cool. Do it when you feel like you're ready. My doctor once told me if you can name all parts of the male genitalia without giggling then you are ready. Remember to live life with no regrets, so my true answer would be NO it is not bad at all. That what we were made to do (reproduce). The only thing that keeps girls second guessing is society; feeling like everybody will judge you. Boys loose theirs all the time at very young ages and it's no big deal, but us girls are taught that our bodies are temples ( which is true ). Your virginity is your most prized possession you should really share that moment with someone who you think really deserves it, because it really is that special. You can only be a virgin once. Don't forget to use protection.
2016-06-29 13:16:40 UTC
It all depends on your maturity level. But any age under 13 is unacceptable. Christians believe u should be married but it all depends on what u want
2016-06-29 02:16:52 UTC
Well you're only 1 year away from being 'legal' so ehhh it's not too bad.

But it depends who you lost it to and what the circumstances were I guess.
2016-06-28 18:06:34 UTC
When was losing your virginity in a young age and losing it to a person that is not your husband considered good
2016-06-27 06:56:04 UTC
No, lose it when u are ready and it is the right time
2016-06-27 00:30:25 UTC
You're married? Otherwise I would not recommend...
2016-06-25 04:01:45 UTC
Yes it's slutty.
2016-06-24 23:00:13 UTC
2016-06-24 15:39:35 UTC
Yes,it is bad.You are too young.
2016-06-23 23:35:51 UTC
Yes because you can't really fall in love at age 15.
2016-06-23 06:06:52 UTC
Better than losing it at 40.
2016-07-04 02:07:35 UTC
If your love one doesn't ditch you and has no std then it's fine, maybe to early to have a baby though.
2016-07-03 09:20:53 UTC
please talk to your mom
2016-07-02 19:13:20 UTC
Not the brightest idea but it depends on everyone's opinion. Your life your choice and if you get out okay after it then good for you!
2016-07-02 13:15:07 UTC
Are you married, young man? No? Then don't even consider it. Wait until you're sure the person your hooking up with doesn't have a horrible std because that will kill you. Beware. Be abstinent. At least, that's what my health teacher told me.
2016-07-01 13:42:28 UTC
It's not up for me or anyone else to judge, that's a matter entirely for yourself.
2016-06-30 21:08:52 UTC
That's way too young. Wait until you're 18.
2016-06-28 16:21:58 UTC
all up to you
2016-06-28 15:54:36 UTC
I was 15 and I wish I had waited.
2016-06-27 22:17:56 UTC
Just make sure a condom is used at all times, broseph. And make sure its someone you trust and have spent a lot of time in a relationship with. As far as STDs go, if ur in a trusting relationship with someone, and they don't lie to you, and you trust in their word, go ahead. Just make sure its someone you love, or its not special.
2016-06-27 03:18:42 UTC
2016-06-27 02:58:45 UTC
Yes, but a lot of people have been in that situation. I would have waited if I were you, but it's not too big of a deal.
2016-06-26 22:00:58 UTC
yeah, you're a baby. you'll regret it.
2016-06-25 10:55:49 UTC
Who cares u were bound to loose it anyway. It's young but think about it this way if your practicing safe sex go on birth control and love the person ur doing it with then wtf who cares
2016-06-25 09:28:26 UTC
Nope, as long as you use protection. I wish I would have lost mines. Still is as a 30 year old male.
2016-06-25 04:17:18 UTC
I think that people should lose their virginity at 18+ because we become legal age, and are smarter (our brain fully develops at age 26!) Also when you are that young you most likely have to hide it from adults. But it sounds like this already happened so why are you asking very random people to judge what most likely already happened???
2016-06-25 03:32:38 UTC
no its not bad as long as your ready. its only bad if you were pressured to do it and you didn't want to
2016-06-25 00:46:42 UTC
It depend upon your local culture.
2016-06-24 00:23:18 UTC
It is not bad, and no good, dont warry about it, use condoms
2016-06-23 09:15:14 UTC
2016-06-23 07:38:26 UTC
Wait!!! Did you lose your virginity?????
2016-07-03 07:14:54 UTC
I dont think so , but thats sad
2016-07-02 23:54:33 UTC
Not the brightest idea but it isn't horrible.
2016-07-02 12:39:45 UTC
If that were my hypothetical child then yeah I think it'd be bad. But honestly when I was 15 a few years ago I wasn't mature enough to go through that. Im too emotional for that kinda stuff.
2016-07-01 20:00:27 UTC
2016-06-30 20:23:22 UTC
i think it is bad you are not mature enough
2016-06-30 17:38:59 UTC
I don't think there's a right age to loose your virginity, every woman is different and people mature at their own pace. Therefore before one starts to think about having sex one should be mature and sure that they're ready. If you want to have sex it should be because you're ready and because you want to, not because you want to please your partner. I'll be 18 this saturday and I'm still a virgin, not because I'm not ready but because I haven't found the right guy. If you feel that you've found the right guy and you feel that you're ready then go for it. However don't let anybody embarrass you because you're still virgin, thats strictly your decision. Above all if you choose to have sex, always be safe and protect yourself.
2016-06-30 02:00:46 UTC
Aortas Insotomia.
2016-06-29 15:26:16 UTC
Yes. It wise better to wait until you are 51 years old.
2016-06-29 12:53:30 UTC
It's awful!!
2016-06-29 04:48:45 UTC
ya because 15 years is not included in adult age so it is very bad ...
2016-06-28 20:11:35 UTC
I lost mine when I was fifteen. I had some friends that lost theirs even younger. Now I'm 20 and have some friends who still haven't lost theirs. It all depends on the person. Just because you lost yours at a younger age doesn't make you more of a ****. It can mean that you just matured earlier.
2016-06-28 11:02:57 UTC
Lol don't beat yourself up! I lost mine at 14 and I turned out okay but only have sex if feels right and use protection!
2016-06-28 02:19:30 UTC
thats when i lost mine lmao! the more koochie the better!
2016-06-27 22:47:49 UTC
I think it depends on your reasons…

If you're doing it in a stable trustworthy relationship & for your own pleasure, I say go for it!

Please be careful that you actually want to do it for those reasons because -

A - if you do it to just to please your bf/gf & not for your own pleasure it can be quite traumatising & uncomfortable

B - if you're not in a trustworthy relationship betrayal is very likely

C - all the health risks if the other person doesn't care about you

D - if it's anything to do with friends, popularity or just image in general, it's important to think what do you think when it's someone else? Not much right? It's not worth it, giving a chunk of yourself for a status that you won't get, Nobody really cares, well sometimes it's like top news but only for 10mins & there's the whole it's important for 10mins then forgotten until you're an adult & you meet someone impressive & they remember you as that girl that screwed so and so…
2016-06-26 23:33:32 UTC
too early
2016-06-25 14:30:12 UTC
That's gross. Kids be having sex young these days. All the things that you teens and kids could be doing..enjoying your life free with no worries and you choose to have sex. Lmao. Go outside, hang out with friends, do good in school, hell smoke blunts if you're into that. idgaf. Just don't be getting girls pregnant or if you're a girl don't be crying when the guy you thought 'loved' you leaves you with your baby.
2016-06-24 08:42:08 UTC
Yea too young. Dont be stupid
2016-06-24 05:04:29 UTC
I was 15! The girl i lost mine with was 13 when she lost hers. She's a whore now. That should put it into perspective
2016-06-23 17:02:00 UTC
I mean I know its your choice.and even I I tell you not to you still might do it but think of this. Even if you do use contraceptives there still is a chance of getting pregnant.and if you get pregnant think of the effects of the unborn baby and how you would be able to raise it.i know I shouldn't be talking because I'm still about you're age but please just for the sake maybe a future life. Just wait.
2016-06-23 16:25:31 UTC
Hell no.
2016-07-02 18:26:10 UTC
I mean whatever floats your boat
2016-07-02 14:40:59 UTC
Bad idea to lose you re virginity at fifteen years old!
2016-06-30 13:44:52 UTC
I waited until I was married.
2016-06-29 00:17:45 UTC
No it is not. However it is how you understand and feel about sex and your body. In my personal experience, it is not an issue. Not with the group of friends I grew up with or for myself. But also it is not something you HAVE to do, if you don't feel ready. No need to rush these things.
2016-06-28 00:17:01 UTC
If it's with the right person then no it's not bad.
kim m
2016-06-27 07:28:20 UTC
In God's eyes, according to his infallible word the Holy Bible, it is very very bad and wrong if you're not married. According to God if you are not married it is called fornication and it is a very bad sin. If you're not married, (married meaning a man not married to a woman, or a woman not married to a man, ) yes, it is a sin according to God the Father/Jesus Christ the Son/Holy Spirit.

Men are to be a leader to their wives, love their wives unconditionally, and serve their wives. Wives are to be submissive to their husband. The feminist movent unfortunately may have occurred because men abandoned God's design. Galatians 3:28 explains though women are to be submissive to their husbands, it does not mean she is any less important to God or man. God Made man and woman very very different to complement each other in marriage.

1 corinthians 11:3

Ephesians 5:22-30

Ephesians 5:25

John 13:1-17

Philippians 2:7

1john 3:18
2016-06-27 01:50:14 UTC
2016-06-27 01:01:37 UTC
Grey area. Its probably better to loose it to someone younger than 16 or 18 ie your age. Anyone who is older will probably hv problems later in life considering current sexual culture
2016-06-26 17:49:26 UTC


" Youtube "
2016-06-26 11:59:33 UTC
I lost mine at 33, but in your case, the person you lost it to could be held for statutory rape depending on the state you live in. Don't forget to consequences you take as well in losing it. If you were 18, I'd say that if you felt you were ready for the responsibility, then the choice is yours. Thanx.
2016-06-26 11:03:38 UTC
I think its fine, as long as you know the risks, you're using protection, and your partner is the same or close age as you.
2016-06-25 22:25:32 UTC
Is it bad? Not unless you were forced, or tricked into it. As a christian, I believe in waiting till you're married. You don't just want to sleep with the one you think you like, or you don't want to lose. If a guy says to sleep with him, or he's leaving, let him go. If you really love someone, and think their the one, it might seem worth it. BUT there are so many things. What if you get pregnant? What if you get a STD? What if you realize too late that you're not ready? You need to be sure that you want to sleep with the person, and the responsibilities that come with that mature decision. The guy (a good one) will understand you making him wait, and have respect for you. It's also illegal in some, or most states for anyone under the age of 18 to participate in any sexual conduct as they are seen as minors, and therefor don't have the ability to consent. Over all, think long, and hard about your decision, because it will impact your life whether it seems like it, or not.
2016-06-25 12:58:48 UTC
no. i think that it is bad.
2016-06-25 10:59:15 UTC
Yes, that is way to young. You are barely developed yet! There are many more things to think about other than sex...
Bella B
2016-06-25 06:34:47 UTC
Depends on where you come from.

In my country, the legal age is 16 years old so losing your virginity at 15 isn't like some huge problem.... It's more about maturity. Some are mature at that age, other not til later...
2016-06-24 21:14:31 UTC
I lost mine at 14, still with the same girl. Depends why you are doing it
2016-06-24 17:21:24 UTC
You have to be 16 or older to lose your virginity
2016-06-24 14:25:22 UTC
No I was 14. If you feel you are ready it's fine. Each person varies!
2016-06-23 23:02:39 UTC
It's bad if you think it's bad.

It's not bad if you think it's not bad.

you have the choice.
2016-06-23 06:12:52 UTC
I would like to share my belief on that subject and I hope you will take it into consideration. Many cultures arrange marriage for girls of young ages, so it's not the age that is the issue. The concern is that a young girl lose her virginity to a man while she is single. God is very clear in His Word that sex is for marriage only. There are consequences for choosing to disregard this command. Consequences while here on earth as well as eternal consequences. Every human being will someday stand before the judgement seat of Chirst (called the Bema seat in the Bible) and give an account for every thing they did while here on earth. Too bad that the world chooses to live by their own standards. Some day they will be very sorry for not listening to God.
2016-07-02 07:20:51 UTC
I'm 21, and still a virgin. Also I'm a guy. I'd say it's a little young because you should wait for the right person to come along and at 15 you're too busy to be thinking about that sorta stuff. But if it happens it happens. You shouldn't feel too bad about it.
2016-06-30 19:35:44 UTC
It depends. Like it depends how ready you and your partner are. Would you know the consequences if something happens for example - stds, unwanted pregnancy etc. You & your partner have to be sure you're ready, & know how to have safe sex
2016-06-30 12:18:00 UTC
You wouldn't even know if you had a disease or something
2016-06-29 16:49:36 UTC
no i was 5
2016-06-29 16:45:21 UTC
No its not. I lost my virginity at 16 and i don t regret it at all BUT that is because i was responsible, fell 1000% ready, and truly loved the guy i was doing it with. I was on birth control and we used a condom. I was completely relaxed and not nervous at all. I was so excited and in love and if you feel that way then i say go for it! Also make sure that the guy REALLY does love you too and understands to be gentle and won t get all freaked out when you bleed. If you ever at any point feel unsure then DONT DO IT! Sex is a natural thing that no one should be made felt ashamed about doing. I don t know why people treat it as such a taboo thing. Its beautiful! Embrace it!
2016-06-29 14:50:11 UTC
2016-06-29 13:28:22 UTC
Honestly,I think that if you feel that you are ready to lose your virginity you should.......But at the same time you should know that there are consequences of whatever happens after you do what you do...such as a baby or a disease. Many girls get horny and I just think they can't control themselves because of the hormones but everyone is different.
2016-06-29 11:57:04 UTC
Yes I think so. It's illegal for a reason
2016-06-29 00:47:23 UTC
If you are an American it is normal but if not you have to lose your virginity until you get married. hahaha ill be damn this question tho.
2016-06-28 13:46:43 UTC
That sure is young... But it's not bad. It's not a good decision and I sure wouldn't want to be I your situation. As long as you aren't pregnant.
2016-06-28 13:44:55 UTC
bad bad bad
2016-06-28 07:27:30 UTC
2016-06-27 12:18:08 UTC
2016-06-27 05:36:33 UTC
No unless your not responsible
2016-06-27 00:26:49 UTC
Yes. 15 is still a minor. For me there's no definite age for losing a virginity as long as I get married first before | will do it!
2016-06-25 20:43:35 UTC
It depends on the individual person and circumstance.
2016-06-25 06:52:29 UTC
Not bad as long as you had contraception, were not forced or pressured and hopefully enjoyed the experience.
2016-06-23 13:54:01 UTC
Yes 15 is too young.
2016-06-23 13:36:43 UTC
no I don't think it is at all
2016-06-23 06:51:31 UTC
No white wedding. I have seen women almost ready to give birth in a white dress, so losing yours virginity means nothing these days.
2016-07-03 22:04:32 UTC
only if you know you love that person.
2016-07-03 16:36:42 UTC
Considering at age 15 you don't have the ability to really comprehend the outcome of certain decisions, and 15 year olds usually have the mentality of "it won't happen to me" it is a bad idea. Condom breaks? Pregnant. On the pill? Miss a day, and you could get pregnant, the pill is also not 100 percent effective, neither are condoms, so if you do have sex, be on the pill AND use a condom. Also, if the condom breaks, and he has an std or sti, you have a great chance of getting it. Oral? Use a condom- both ways. I know I know sounds horrible, but if you're with someone and don't know if they're clean, and you go down on them, you are exposing yourself to their possible STDs. (A LOT of STDs are not able to be seen) . STDs of the mouth are also very common, kissing somebody with an std of the mouth will cause a high chance of you to get it as well. This day in age, even being a make out skank can cause you to have warts and herpes in and around your mouth. Be smart, get them tested.
2016-07-02 02:42:44 UTC
I am 14 and most of my friends have all given blow jobs and a thew have had sex. We aren't very slutty at all or hang out with the wrong Dogey people. We go to one of the best girls schools in London and continue getting high grades and tend to hang out with posh eaton boys and for us it is the norm to be interacting that way with boys at this age. As long as boys don't take over your life and education all is okay. Just make sure you use protection :)
2016-06-30 20:49:58 UTC
What is concidered bad is different for everybody, it's up to you to decide. In my opinion it is kind of bad, you should wait untill atleast 18 if not older.
2016-06-28 23:10:53 UTC
No I don't think so but it's up to you how you feel about yourself don't be regret
2016-06-28 16:07:36 UTC
Child's Play
2016-06-28 07:08:11 UTC
2016-06-28 03:38:06 UTC
personally i dont think so as long as you're being safe and it's with someone you trust.
2016-06-28 00:38:57 UTC
2016-06-27 16:11:59 UTC
2016-06-27 12:23:59 UTC
No. I lost my virginity when I was 15. However you shouldn't be 15 having sex with someone who is 20+.
2016-06-27 11:34:07 UTC
Yes, your to young to take care of a kid or handle sex. If you want sex just masturbate. Easy. No virginity lost.
2016-06-27 09:52:31 UTC
I did, I guess I was pretty bad at it back then. Hey practice makes perfect.
2016-06-26 01:15:31 UTC
are u serious? go and watch some cartoons and wait for couple of years for it
2016-06-25 11:44:40 UTC
not really
2016-06-25 06:58:11 UTC
It's not exactly good; you run the risk of teen pregnancy and STDs at a very early age. Not to mention, depending on your locale, you may not have reached the age of consent; your partner could be breaking the law and subject to arrest.
2016-06-24 17:44:39 UTC
Not really. Technically you've broken the law but i u feel ready and you weren't forced into it, then it's ok I think.
2016-06-24 13:04:07 UTC
Yes it is bad but everything depending what's on your mind.

There's no present and past only future
2016-06-23 09:27:23 UTC
2016-06-23 06:14:18 UTC
i would think ..although not as bad as losing it at 35
2016-06-30 22:38:20 UTC
Yep and now your are the town hoe and boys will take you seriously they will just use you you should move away and start a new life
2016-06-30 21:23:07 UTC
do whatever you want. but, clearly if you're concerned with social pressures of an "acceptable" age to have sex is, then you shouldn't be having sex. being mature enough for sex means your mature enough to know your decision is the best one for you.
2016-06-29 21:48:09 UTC
Yes and no. I personally lost mine at 16, and I regret it, but I have friends who lost it at 14 and don't regret it at all! It's all up to you:) But don't do anything to please someone else, you will regret it forever. Your virginity is something you can never get back!
2016-06-29 17:11:33 UTC
It ain't good in society...or in personal choices....but it's far better than other girls who lose it at 12.
2016-06-29 14:42:59 UTC
LMAOOO you think that's bad? I lost my Virginity at age 13
2016-06-29 09:33:25 UTC
well depends on ur parents
2016-06-28 17:47:24 UTC
Well, yes it is. But you choose how you want your life style to be. I would recommend to wait until you are married.
2016-06-28 08:48:34 UTC
2016-06-28 06:35:48 UTC
2016-06-28 05:50:42 UTC
Its normal
2016-06-27 17:08:24 UTC
Yes. Not old enough or mature enough to handle the consequences
2016-06-27 16:01:59 UTC
I would wait a bit, but if you decide not to make sure you have protection! Planned Parenthood offers free condoms and birth control is never a bad idea (it also makes your periods lighter and more regular, which is an awesome bonus in addition to being safe).
2016-06-27 09:46:03 UTC
Too early, I guess. It may change your future in not the best way.
2016-06-26 07:47:42 UTC
Yeah its bad, why lose your dignity along with your virginity at 15? Theres no rush, wait after your married when you no longer need to question strangers on yahoo to know whether its right or not. You will then know its right yourself. =)
2016-06-25 09:27:55 UTC
2016-06-25 03:53:00 UTC
My mother married my father at age 15, they were married nearly 60 years till she passed due to cancer.
Jimmy C
2016-06-24 15:46:35 UTC
It is too young.
2016-06-24 11:31:53 UTC
2016-06-23 06:03:32 UTC
Yes, it's too young.
2016-07-04 23:21:51 UTC
Obviously.......I'm 14 going into highschool and Ik people that r pregnant at 16 they're are 2 girls pregnant.and I knew them.he told me he had a condom and the girl was on birth control and still got pregnant. The whole ******* highschool partying and drinking **** gets drunk teens killed. Honestly, people need to grow the **** up and only have a kid when you are ready and when u r married not because "Oh I wanna act cool cause everyone does it" NO! only do it when you're married not because people call u virgins but if u do do it in highschool have fun with STDs! Thanks
2016-07-05 19:42:48 UTC
no it's not bad at all I wish I would've lost mine at 15 oh that's right I did! sex is a wonderful thing aslong as you use a condom you'll be fine just don't get her pregnant yet
2016-07-05 17:26:31 UTC
I lost mine at sixteen. I'm still with the guy almost seven years later and don't regret it.
2016-07-05 19:18:57 UTC
No, not if you feel like you're ready to. If you want to loose your virginity at fifteen, just make sure that you will have no regrets. (pregnancy, stds, etc..)
2016-07-05 21:20:39 UTC
No I lost mine at that age totally fine
2016-07-05 14:26:47 UTC
I was 15 when my best buddy popped my butt cherry
2016-07-05 16:40:00 UTC
2016-07-05 08:21:45 UTC
I lost mine at 14. Just be careful.
2016-07-06 00:51:59 UTC
Nope. As long as you know the risks involved and were safe.
2016-07-05 00:51:24 UTC
2016-07-04 08:04:03 UTC
Yes it is
2016-07-04 03:46:37 UTC
Well yeah. One should wait to become an adult.
2016-07-05 18:59:39 UTC
Not the brightest no until you understand what sex is actually about
2016-07-05 22:34:33 UTC
it isn't exactly legal...but I guess it's your choice
2016-07-05 22:57:46 UTC
Is not, if you do it with someone your age
2016-07-05 13:59:37 UTC
2016-07-05 02:55:04 UTC
its ok if its a relative
Morgan James
2016-07-05 15:13:50 UTC
2016-07-05 01:46:26 UTC
If you have to ask.............of course it is!!!!!

Teenage pregnancy....diseases etc.....
2016-07-04 19:11:49 UTC
****..wanna ****

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.