Mikey G
2009-12-10 13:46:54 UTC
since i can't go to the gym a lot like i could in the summer, i am forced to weight lift at home. my routine is: (sets,reps) 3x10 shoulder shrugs using 35 lb dumbells, 3x10 bench press using 30 lb dumbells, 3x20 bicep curls using 25 lb dumbells (w/out using my back of course), 3x10 side arm raises using 10 lb dumbells, and 3x10 (i'm not sure what its called but when you bring the dumbells in front of you to about parallel to your shoulders) using 15 lb dumbells. now i've been doing those workouts since april. just recently i'd say about a couple of weeks ago i added these to my routine: (again, not sure what its called but its when you have the dumbell at your side and your lift it behind you to work the triceps) 3x10 using 15 lb dumbells, and lastly, forearm curls, which i do 3x30 for each arm using 10 lb dumbells.
now, i can do more weight on every single one of the workouts i mention but my dad and a friend (who is a personal trainer at the gym) said if i do too much weight at this age, my growth could stop. and considering that i play basketball i'm trying to get as tall as i can get lol. but like my dad is 5'10" and he is the taller one of my parents and i'm 5'9" and a half so i don't think i'll be growing that much more. also, my dad said i shouldn't really increase the weight of what i do especially on bicep curls anymore until i gain more weight because i only weight about 125 (yes, i know that's light) but since my upper body just doesn't seem to be getting bigger that much, in a way, i'm kind of tempted to just do heavy weight and less reps. what should i do?