Chapter 7: Why People Are Fat.
Americans are obsessed with losing weight more than any other country in the world. They are the fattest people in the world! Statistics say that more than 75 percent of Americans are overweight; and this statistic keeps rising each year. The interesting thing is that we are doing more now than ever before to keep off weight, yet we keep getting fatter and fatter. For example, there are more diet books, more people on diets, more people taking diet pills and eating diet (low-fat, low-carbohydrate, and low-calorie) foods, and more people exercising, than ever before, but we are still fatter than ever before. The party line for obesity has always been "if you want to lose weight, then eat fewer calories and exercise more." Some say it’s not the calories; it’s the fat. Others say that fat isn’t the problem, it’s the carbohydrates. And others say it is food combining that is important. Each expert has scientific data or proof espousing their facts about losing weight, like glycemic index, insulin secretions, hormonal imbalances (cortisol), genetics, etc. They all have different theories. The following information is presented with a preface: Based on the current information available, it appears that this makes the most sense, but may change later as more information becomes available. Let’s begin by saying some people’s bodies are designed, genetically, to be thinner or fatter. For example, some can eat, not exercise and never gain a pound. Others can exercise, eat very little and they gain weight. However, even if you are genetically programmed to be fat, if you don’t eat, you will be skinny (e.g., concentration camps). So, the following conclusions are based on personal experience, books, studies, interviews, etc.:
• If you have yo-yo dieted in the past, it’s going to be more difficult to lose weight and keep it off because your body is all screwed up from this type of dieting.
• If you are not initially, genetically designed to be thin/skinny, you won’t be as thin as one that is. In other words, we can’t all look like models or actors!
So, why are 75 percent of Americans fat?
Most fat people have a low metabolism. Food turns into fat. Certain glands are involved with metabolism: thyroid, pancreas, liver, stomach, small and large intestine. These glands may not be working at optimal levels leading to a slow metabolism.
A. Most fat people have an underactive thyroid. This causes a slower conversion of food into energy. Thus, food turns into fat. It appears that the number one cause of an underactive thyroid is due to fluoride in the water we drink.
B. Most fat people have a pancreas that doesn’t work properly. The pancreas secretes insulin at a higher rate than with thin people. Also, it secretes more insulin. It appears that some food additives in America are the cause of this, in addition to the high amounts of sugar that are added to most foods, even if it’s not supposed to be added.
C. Most fat people have a clogged and sluggish liver. This organ detoxifies the body, and when clogged, metabolism slows. Chemicals, toxins, and additives in our foods cause this.
D. Most fat people have sluggish digestive system (stomach, small and large intestine). They have a problem with supplying digestive enzymes causing an inability of food to be converted to energy, which increases the chance that the food will be stored as fat. It appears that food additives or chemicals are causing this as well.
E. Most fat people have less healthy small and large intestines. It appears that yeast (candida) overgrowth and past usage of antibiotics are the cause of this. So, the number one cause of a slow metabolism is what you put in your body (water, food, drugs, toxins).
F. Most fat people have less muscle; and the more muscle one has, the higher their metabolism. Most Americans have an abnormally low amount of muscle in their body, which leads to less effective burning of calories. This is usually due to less exercise and less walking; and walking increases metabolism tremendously.
G. Most fat people eat when they are not hungry. This is usually due to stress, emotional eating, or physiological food cravings (addiction), which is usually due to toxins you have in the body, candida yeast overgrowth, or food additives that make you crave the food.
H. Most fat people have large appetites. They feel hungry all of the time because their body cannot assimilate nutrients because of a lack of digestive enzymes and because of a candida yeast overgrowth. Also, some food additives can increase your hunger.
I. Most fat people have hormonal imbalances. Excess toxins in the body or a lack of walking is generally the cause this.
J. Most fat people eat larger portions than thin people. This is due to larger cravings, an inability to assimilate the food, and larger portions served in America compared to other countries.
K. Most fat people consume more "diet food." Most diet food actually makes you fatter. They have high amounts of sugars and artificial or chemical additives, which actually make you fatter.
L. Most fat people are highly toxic. The body retains more water and increases its fat stores to dilute these toxins. For example, one may get bloated and then gain weight after taking drugs over time (e.g., Elvis Presley).
M. Most fat people eat before they go to bed. When eaten before bedtime, food doesn’t have a chance to burn off and thus converts to fat easier.
N. Most fat people are affected by the growth hormones in meats and dairy products. Use organic (free-range, non-antibiotic/non-hormone-fed) products to avoid this problem. [Grass-fed and kosher is even better – ed.]
O. Most fat people see themselves as fat. You become what you think about, and fat people constantly think about their weight. The food industry wants you to be fat and eat more food every year. They will do anything they can to accomplish this. This is why using diet products like pills, powders, food bars, and diet foods will never work. They are rip-offs!
Chapter 8: How to Lose Weight Effortlessly and Keep It Off Forever.
The following steps will absolutely work! You can eat as much of what you want, anytime you want, and still lose weight. These steps will turn your body into a fat-burning furnace and bring your weight to its natural state. These steps also have tremendous health benefits and can make most medical conditions vanish:
• Drink one eight-ounce glass of water (ideally distilled) upon rising. Absolutely no tap water. This will start the body’s metabolism and cleansing.
• Eat a big breakfast. 80 percent of fat people eat a small breakfast or no breakfast, and 80 percent of thin people eat a large breakfast. It can consist of as much as you want of any of the following: (all organic) apples, pears, berries, kiwis, pineapples, plums, peaches, grapefruit, prunes, figs, rye bread, raw butter, raw milk, raw plain yogurt, wild, smoked salmon, beef, eggs, chicken, lamb, tuna, sardines, tomatoes, peppers, salsa, celery, carrots, any vegetable, potatoes (in limited amounts), coffee (in limited amounts and made with pure water; not tap water), raw cream, raw, evaporated cane juice, raw honey, or stevia, and real leaf tea (not tea in bags). [Preferably green tea – ed.]
• Drink eight glasses (sixty-four ounces) of distilled water each day. People think that drinking water will make them gain weight. The opposite is true. If you are overweight, you need to flush out the toxins from your fat cells. Water is absolutely needed to lose weight. [50 percent of your body weight, in ounces, is even better, especially for larger people – ed.]
• Walk for at least one hour, non-stop, per day. Research shows that slow, rhythmic movement exercise, such as walking, will reset the body’s weight set point and create a thin, lean body. A one-hour walk everyday will change your body dramatically in as little as thirty days.
• These first four things alone can have a profound effect in just thirty days.
• Do not eat after 6:00 p.m. You can virtually eat like a pig up to that time. Do the best you can on this.
• Do a candida cleanse. If you are overweight, you absolutely have a candida yeast overgrowth and this will make losing the weight and keeping it off much more difficult. Cleansing the colon will dramatically increase your metabolism, and you can lose up to ten pounds by simply getting rid of the embedded toxins in your colon. "Lifeforce" is the best book on the candida cleanse (see website). [Go to your local health food store, the website, or see me for a good supplement recommendation – ed.]
• Do a colon cleanse. If you are overweight, your digestive system is slow and sluggish. Unless you have two to three bowel movements a day, you are, in fact, constipated. Cleansing the colon can increase metabolism and you can lose up to ten pounds by simply getting rid of the embedded toxins in your colon. [Go to your local health food store, the website, or see me for a good recommendation – ed.]
• Consumes 100 percent organic, virgin [extra virgin is better – ed.], unrefined coconut oil. This is an amazing product that can have tremendous benefits, as well as help you lose weight faster and easier than ever before. It’s "miraculous!" All you do is take one tablespoonful in the morning and one tablespoonful in the late afternoon. If you do this every day for thirty days, here is what you could find: High blood pressure can be a thing of the past. Circulation problems vanish. Mood swings, gone. Depression, lifted. Constipation, cured. Arthritis pain reduced or eliminated. Cancer, in remission. Cholesterol, normalized. Acid reflux and heartburn, diminished or gone forever. Oh, and here is a major side effect: If you are overweight, you will probably lose ten pounds! This oil has a dramatic, positive effect on the body. The health-giving properties that it contains are overwhelming. I take this every day and can personally tell you that the effects are startling. When I started taking this within three days all of my pants were falling off. This happened in just three days. I didn't get on the scale so I don't know how much weight I lost, but all of my pants were falling off. They were all too big in just three days. I couldn't believe it. Try it.
• Use infrared saunas. They increase metabolism, dramatically reduce toxins, speed weight loss, and burn fat. This is done, ideally, on a daily basis.
• Eat organic grapefruits all day. An enzyme in grapefruit will burn fat and speed metabolism.
• Absolutely ingest no aspartame (NutraSweet®) or artificial sweeteners (e.g., saccharin or Splenda®, etc.). NutraSweet® will make you fat. If you want the full story, read the books "Aspartame: Is it Safe?" and "Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills" (see website).
• Absolutely ingest no monosodium glutamate (MSG). It’s an excitotoxin that makes you fat and creates all kinds of medical problems. It can affect your mood, making you depressed, which makes you want to eat more. It also can be physically addicting and can make you hungrier. Unfortunately, the food industry has lobbied Congress to pass laws allowing MSG to be put into the food and not listed on the label. Other words used could be "spices," "artificial flavoring," and "hydrolyzed vegetable protein," etc., which is MSG in disguise. MSG is in virtually all fast-food restaurants, including things like pizza (sauce), breads, and other things we would not expect.
• Take digestive enzymes (see website). If you are overweight there is an excellent chance your body is not producing enough digestive enzymes, causing you to gain weight, feel bloated, have gas, indigestion, and constipation. Go to your health food store and inquire. Try several kinds to see which one works best for you (see website).
• Consume absolutely no diet food or diet sodas. Diet sodas have been called the "new crack" because they appear to be so physically addicting. They actually make you fat. The reason they are promoted so heavily is because people become physically addicted to them and they are cheaper to make than regular sodas. I did an interesting experiment with people who drank diet sodas on a regular basis. For two weeks they replaced their diet soda with regular high-calorie sugar sweetened soda. Amazingly, no one gained any weight. Actually, even more shocking, 80 percent of the people lost weight. One person lost seven pounds! This was stunning to me. Diet foods fall into the same category.
• Do not eat anything that is being presented as a diet food. They are loaded with ingredients that will actually make you fatter and make you physically addicted.
• Do not eat fast food, or at chain restaurants. Any restaurant that is a chain or a franchise that sells fast food produces their food in such a way that it will absolutely make you fat. You can actually eat French fries and cheeseburgers and lose weight, provided that the ingredients that you use are all organic and contain no chemical additives. It is virtually impossible to eat food in a chain or franchise restaurant where the food has not been processed to last for years without spoiling. The food has to be produced as cheaply as possible for the companies to make money. They must add chemicals to make the food taste great and get you physically addicted. This food also has been produced to increase your appetite and make you fatter. Remember, these are businesses whose only objective is to make a profit. If the food tastes amazing, becomes physically addicting, increases your appetite, and makes you fat, the restaurant is assured of success. They are like drug dealers getting their customers hooked on their product. The customer can't get enough and becomes so addicted that they keep coming back for more. This is the sad truth of what is happening in our food industry today (see #B7 in Chapter 6).
• Eat no high-fructose corn syrup. This sweetener makes you fat and is physically addicting. Just stop buying food at the supermarket, go to a health food store instead. Do not buy food that is manufactured by large, publicly traded companies, or brand name food. The profit motive is so high you can be assured that it is not good for you. Good sweeteners include organic, raw honey, molasses, fruit juice, dates, stevia, and sugarcane juice. [Agave nectar is also good, and it doesn’t feed candida – ed.]
• Do not eat any white sugar or white flour. White sugar is in fact physically addicting and makes you fat. However, it is still better than any artificial, man-made sweetener. If you want to sweeten something, use the recommendations I listed in #16. Sugar would be your last option. Artificial sweeteners should not be an option at all. White flour, as I have mentioned previously, when mixed with water, makes paste. Eating white flour makes you fat; it can also be addicting, and clogs up your digestive system, slowing down your metabolism. Use organic whole grain flours that have not been processed or stripped of the fiber.
• Eat organic apples all day. The old saying is true – an apple a day keeps the doctor away. They’re loaded with fiber and nutrients, normalize your blood sugar and decrease appetite. Eat at least one per day. The more the better.
• Eat only organic meat, poultry, and fish. One of the reasons you are overweight is because of the growth hormones put in meat and poultry. If you want to lose weight, eat as much meat and poultry as you like as long as it is organic, grass fed, ideally kosher, and most importantly, has not been given growth hormones. The fish you eat should not be farm raised.
• Limit dairy products. If you must eat them, only eat products labeled "organic and raw" (not pasteurized or homogenized). It may be hard to find raw dairy products in some parts of the country, so the next best is organic and not homogenized. Your last option is organic that has been both pasteurized and homogenized. Ideally, if you want to lose weight, reduce dairy regardless of what you are getting. Definitely, absolutely, do not consume any dairy products that are not organic because they will have growth hormone in them and slow your weight loss. [Goat milk is a better choice than cow milk – ed.]
• Do a liver cleanse. If you are overweight, your liver is most definitely messed up and clogged. Read the book "Liver Cleansing Diet." Dr. Schultz has a good one (go to your local health food store or see website).
• Eat a big, organic salad for lunch and dinner with your meal. I don't care if your lunch is a cheeseburger, French fries, and a pint of ice cream. Add to it a big, huge salad and eat that first. You'll be amazed how you lose weight. The salad can contain anything you like as long as it is only vegetables, and they are organic. The salad dressing should be organic olive oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice, or organic vinegar. If you really want to speed the weight loss process, use organic, apple cider vinegar. [Raw, apple cider vinegar (with the web-like substance, called "mother," which becomes visible when the rich brownish liquid is held to the light) is best – ed.] Add some organic sea salt, fresh ground pepper, or some garlic for taste.
• Rebound (i.e., jump on a trampoline). This allows you to stimulate and strengthen every cell in the body simultaneously. Gently jumping up and down on a rebounder for just ten minutes a day stimulates the lymphatic system and increases your metabolism. It is very effective for health and weight loss.
• Add hot peppers. Anything spicy or hot will increase your metabolism and make you burn fat quicker. Imagine for breakfast having some scrambled eggs, some lamb chops, and some rye toast with organic butter. Smother the eggs with some organic, hot salsa and you will simply lose weight faster. [Some body types do better with less hot and spicy foods. Use in moderation – ed.]
• Use organic, apple cider vinegar. [Raw with sediment at the bottom is best – ed.] This helps eliminate fat cells from the body like magic. Take two teaspoons before each meal. You’ll be amazed at how your clothes will become bigger in no time.
• Breathe. Oxygen burns fat. Most people do not breathe enough to stimulate their metabolism and fat burning capabilities. There are several great videos, which teach breathing techniques that are simple and quick to do, and that can help you lose weight faster (see website).
• Wear magnetic finger rings (see #D6 in Chapter 6). This can increase metabolism, make you look younger, eliminate pain, and make you feel better (see website). Special magnet rings worn on the little finger of each hand while you sleep can have amazing results (go to
• Get fifteen colonics in thirty days. [This amount may vary for each person. Find out what’s best for you from a certified hydrotherapist – ed.] This will clean your colon so you can better assimilate nutrients. It decreases hunger and increases metabolism to digest food faster so it doesn’t turn to fat.
• Add muscle. Muscle burns fat. Exercise leads to increased muscle mass, which leads to an increased metabolism. Yoga, Pilates, and Chinese kung fu are best, but any old type of exercise will work (see website).
• Fast. This should be number one, but for most people this is the hardest. Going on a proper juice fast for twenty-one days will completely detoxify your body, flush fat cells, and reset your body's weight set point. It is one of the fastest ways to lose weight, and one of the most effective ways to change the body's set point so that you will not gain the weight back. This should be done under supervision depending upon your medical condition. The best book I know is "The Miracle of Juice Fasting," by Paavo Airola (see website).
Cheat whenever you want. You want ice cream, cookies, cakes, chocolate, French fries, pizza, or potato chips? Don't deprive yourself. It's better to eat something without guilt than not eat something and feel bad about it. From best to worst, it looks like this: You are offered a piece of chocolate cake. You look at it and decide that you're full and wouldn't really enjoy it, so it does not look that appealing to you. You politely say "no thanks" and feel great about your choice. You feel no depravation. This is ideal. Next would be: You are offered the chocolate cake, and you decide that you want it even though you are trying to lose weight. You say "yes" and eat the cake with happiness and glee. You enjoy and savor every bite. You're amazed at how wonderful it tastes. You are happy that you are experiencing these incredible, pleasurable sensations of this delicious cake. This is not ideal, but it is second best. Next would be a situation where you are offered the chocolate cake and you struggle with the decision. You know you are on a diet, but you can't help but imagine how wonderful this cake would taste. Inside, a voice says that nothing tastes as good as being thin feels. You struggle some more, you really want the cake, but you also want to stick to your diet. You decide to be strong and say "no." This is bad. It is better to eat the cake and enjoy it than not eat the cake and be stressed out over it. Statistics prove that eating food without guilt keeps you thin. Not eating food and being stressed about it can make you fat. Eating food and feeling guilty and bad about it makes you obese. Lastly: You are offered the chocolate cake and you really want it. But you know you're on a diet and you struggle with the decision whether to indulge or be strong. You feel weak and become upset with yourself because the desire for the cake becomes overwhelming. You breakdown and eat the cake knowing full well that you shouldn't. You feel guilty and bad about yourself. This is the absolute worst. Remember, if you choose to indulge, absolutely enjoy it and be happy; don’t feel guilty or bad about it. Ideally, if you are going to cheat and want to eat cookies, cakes, ice cream, potato chips, etc., do not buy these products from the supermarket. Go to a health food store and buy the natural organic counterpart. The advantage is that if you read the ingredient list and choose wisely, you can enjoy these delicious treats without all the processing and chemicals that make you fat.
Reduce or eliminate the uncontrollable urge to eat when you are not hungry. Remember, censorship is alive and well in America. The FTC has forbidden me from saying my opinions on how a person can eliminate addictions and uncontrollable urges to eat. And you thought there was free speech in America. If the First Amendment were true, I would be able to state my opinions and conclusions. I cannot. However, if you are an emotional eater and have uncontrollable urges and compulsions to eat when you are not hungry, get the book "Tapping The Healer Within: How to Instantly Conquer Fears, Anxieties, and Emotional Distress," by Roger Callahan (go to It's amazing that little things can make a difference. When looking at this list, a good way to attack it is pick one thing on the list and do that for just one day. Then, while still doing the first thing, look for another thing on the list and add the second thing. Do that until you feel comfortable adding something else. Keep in mind that the items at the top of the list are the most powerful and will create the fastest results. These techniques absolutely work.
It is interesting that people in America don't realize just how fat they are. I was investigating a phenomenon when people were asked to describe their physical build. The options were athletic and toned, slender, average, a few extra pounds, fat, and obese. Amazingly enough, over 50 percent of the people who picked slender were actually overweight. Ninety percent of the people who picked average were overweight. Ninety-five percent of the people who picked athletic and toned were overweight. What this means is that a person may think he has an average build when, in fact, he could be thirty pounds overweight. I had a friend from Australia who was fat. Everyone knew he was fat. He knew he was fat. He said he was fat. Whenever we went out in Australia he was always the fattest person in the room. However, when he traveled to visit Las Vegas a startling observation was made. We were standing in line at a buffet. He looked at all the people in the line, and then looked at himself and said surprisingly "Hey, all these people are fatter than me." Americans are fat and getting fatter. Take charge and do what needs to be done. You'll look better, feel better, and you will be healthier. I am getting so much incredible feedback from people who are using the suggestions in this chapter and are losing weight faster and easier than ever before that I have made a commitment to write a book specifically on the reasons why you are fat, exposing all of the frauds and lies and myths, as well as go into great detail on the specific step-by-step procedures you can do that I believe will allow you to lose weight rapidly and keep it off forever. Read the book "Tapping the Healing Within" (see website).