How do I get in shape in time?
2006-01-23 18:14:49 UTC
I am going on a trip in April and I want to get in shape for it! Is there a workout that will work in time to fit my stomach and thighs?
Five answers:
2006-01-23 18:17:42 UTC
Cardio workouts are for weight loss. Situps and kneebends will add muscle, not trim fat. In that short of time, you need to jog, go on long brisk walks, hour long bike rides, or something that will burn calories. If you need to add muscle definition, then do the situps. Get your heart rate up, breathing heavy, and burn some calories. Trim your diet to about 1500-1800 calories a day (don't try to do 1200 and exercise like that).
2006-01-23 18:21:17 UTC
What has worked for me is drinking my 8 glasses of water, working out consistently and trying to avoid starches. To tone your stomach and thighs a combination of pilates and yoga work great. Also, the circuit training machine where you press your thighs inwards / outwards working both muscle groups works really well in definition. Omiting alcohol also helps.
2006-01-23 18:18:51 UTC
do streches every day . here are some stretches

1-lay on your side and move your top leg up and down

2- curl ups

3- push ups


5-make sure you take water breaks even if you think you dont need it. it helps your body break down fat
2006-01-23 18:22:13 UTC
You need to try the follwoing routine Body-For-Life

It absolutely works!!!
2006-01-23 18:40:54 UTC
You should work out and watch what your eating

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