How long must I starve to lose 80 pounds?
2015-10-19 05:55:10 UTC
Ik it's not healthy u don't have to give me a speech haha. I'm desperate to lose weigh rn and I want to lose weigh 200 pounds rn.
I want to get to atleast 120.
91 answers:
cross-stitch kelly
2015-10-23 06:31:48 UTC
As of this week, I have lost exactly 80 pounds since last Halloween, so it's funny you should mention that number. I've gone from 285 pounds to 205, and I've done it mainly through portion control. I do NOT starve myself--I try to follow the FDA guidelines on what size portions to eat, and how many servings of dairy, protein, vegetables, fruits and grains I eat. I try not to eat more than 1,500 calories a day, even on a "cheat" day. On days when I know I'll be eating more (going out with friends, etc.), I try to compensate by eating less at other meals (but not skipping). That's when I'll work to get more fruits and vegetables in. I still don't go wild--I'll eat birthday cake, but only a small piece, and I start right back the next day. Also, my husband and I joined the YMCA, and we TRY to go three times a week and work out about 45 minutes to an hour. I use the weight machines and seated elliptical (I tend to get dizzy when standing), but I don't overdo--if I start feeling any pain, I stop--I don't believe in "no pain, no gain." Also, we're taking a nutrition class called "Lifesteps," which is a nationwide program that gives you the information you need to live a healthy lifestyle (weight loss is not the main focus).
2015-10-21 14:58:27 UTC
Lets say you're 5'7 200 lbs. That means your BMR is 1700 (look up bmr calculator) this means that if you stayed in bed all day and didn't move, your body would burn 1700 calories a day. In order to lose 1pound of weight you have to burn 3500 calories. So let's say you fasted and didn't eat anything, you'd be burning 1700 cals every single day without exercise. You'd have to starve for about 165 days to lose 80 lbs. However you'll probably lose the weight in half that time because you won't be sitting around all day.

Now that you know this, you should use the info wisely. If you stuck to a 1200 calorie diet you'd be burning 500 calories a day (due to your BMR) and in a week you'd lose 1 lb. (500x7=3500) if you exercised and burned 500 calories a day as well you could double your weightloss to 2 lbs a week. Do it the healthy way. I get it. Sometimes I wish I had the stamina and will power to starve like some of those girls with eating disorders but I tried that and I gained it all back.
2015-10-23 05:41:02 UTC
If you want to lose weight here are some tips for you! Check this out!

Losing it will take a little time, but can be done with the help of a solid plan based on healthy eating and plenty of exercise. Your exercise plan should take into account your level of fitness and your eating plan should consider your body mass index (BMI). A BMI is a body composition measurement and will determine if you are underweight, normal, overweight, or obese for your height.

Diet Step 1

Figure out your daily caloric intake by adding up everything you eat and drink. Carry a notebook around with you so you do not forget to write something down, or store the information in your Blackberry or laptop.

Step 2

Determine your BMI. Use an online BMI calculator or use a BMI chart. You will need to know your current weight and height.

Step 3

Adhere to a low-calorie diet of 800 to 1,400 calories per day if your BMI score is 27 or above, as advised by the American Obesity Association. Consider a very low-calorie diet if your score is 30 or above. A very-low-calorie diet allows fewer than 800 calories per day.You can discover the further steps at my site below.
2015-10-20 21:30:47 UTC
Starving yourself is the worst way to lose weight. There are other ways to lose weight instead of starving yourself. This is my diet.

1) From 11am-1pm, eat 300 calories or less. This is like a 1-person size bag of pretzels or a plain sandwich.

2) From 5-6pm (or 5 hours before you go to sleep) eat something that is about 1,000 calories or less. This is like the Original whopper combo from burger king w/o cheese, and regular size.

3) Get a full night's sleep.

That's it! No snacking at all, or you'll mess everything up. You don't have to excerise, but it will help. You can try it tomorrow. Do it for 1 day and you'll see results the next day. When you wake up tomorrow, weigh yourself wearing as little as possible AND after using the bathroom to get an acurate weight. Then do my diet. The next day, weigh yourself the same way, and you'll see the weight loss. You don't have to diet for a long time to see results.

The calorie thing isn't hard, just check the calories on the stuff, and add it up to what it needs to be. I personally like to eat out just because I can go to the fast-food place's website and add up the calories for the combos. There's obviously healthier foods to eat than fast food.

One healthy alternative I like is the #1 combo from El Pollo Loco. It has 2 breasts (eat them skinless), 1 wing, 2 tortillas, 2 sides (mashed potatoes x2), and a regular soda. The healthier you eat, the more you can eat and still be under 1,000 calories. The only hard part about this diet is being hungry a lot (which you can fix by drinking lots of water) AND being disciplined enough to keep doing it.

One more tip: If you want an extra boost of weight loss AND strength gain, I recommend doing the Static Contraction Training program by Pete Sisco. You literally only have to work out 1 day a week. You will get strong really fast, AND lose fat (as long as you stay on my diet). There's a book at Barnes & noble that goes for about $20 with tax. They usually only have one copy. This is what it looks like:
2016-05-25 05:11:40 UTC
I found the book to be very informative and easy to read.

I've lost 17 pounds in 12 days, I'm just concerned that I'm losing too much weight, too quickly. I will admit I haven't followed the guide exactly. I'm not sticking perfectly to the listed foods and meal plans (but mostly) and doing very little exercise, but the weight keeps flying off.

It clearly works and if I'd followed it exactly I think it would scare the living daylights out of me because of the amount that I'd lose. So thanks again for the information. I've never purchased anything like this before because they are usually full of trash, but 3WD has been a pleasant surprise.

Get started today!
2015-10-20 13:49:32 UTC
Why starve when you could eat vegetables, fruit and some lean protein? Starving usually results in a failed attempt because you can only go so long without eating. When you stop eating your body reacts like you were starving and holds on to as much body fat as possible. You may have a severe drop in blood sugar that makes you feel weak and possibly faint. So eat something. Vegetables are particularly good as they have very few calories but many antioxidants and minerals. Fruit doesn't have many calories either but can help with cravings. A 3 ounce piece of chicken or fish will help you get needed protein and feel like you've eaten something but is still fewer calories than a burger and fries.
2015-10-21 21:47:58 UTC
Forget about all these scam diets. We need to eat when we are hungry and the definition of "diet" is a restriction. So if you are always hungry with insidious advertising, genetics, peer pressure, mental stresses you are going to need to eat and why all those solutions will fail unless you have super human will power. All your stomach wants is volume, weight and density to trigger the fullness feeling. Unfortunately, most of us have overexpressed food addiction which leads to obesity or an unhealthy Body Mass Index (BMI).

You can not fool the body/mind connection with a restrictive diet (small portions) you will always be hungry and you have to eat. The answer is Macroloading . com that will trigger the "I'm full and can't take another bite" feeling. This does naturally by volume, weight, and density and using your minimum (BMR) Basal Metabolic Rate you will be able to lose all the weight you want safely and quickly. Reach and maintain your healthiest Body Mass Index (BMI) never "starve" again! It will always work and is a CURE for overexpressed food ADDICTION.

I would say good luck, but with there's no luck needed.

Jayson T
2015-10-19 09:19:51 UTC
Don't actually starve yourself! Truly the Military diet. You can lose 10 Ibsen in 3 days if you don't substitute. It's not expensive either & you probably already have some of the ingredients at home. The foods combined have a chemical reaction that burns fat. Plusses you only do three days on & can eat other healthy foods the other four days. I got into a size four in just one summer by following a similar diet. All the guys who were meant to me before were asking me out! Good luck hun! :)
2015-10-23 10:48:23 UTC
you said not to give you the speech and stuff but by starve do you mean eating very little or not eating at all? if u dont eat at all will then you dont need to worry about weight cause by time you lose those 80 pounds youll probably be dead so have fun with that

just go on a diet i know how you feel im 200 pounds too and im 15 but you dont need to starve yourself if you want to lose weight so badly youll starve youself its better to just diet its also possible to gain weight from starving yourself just saying
2015-10-22 00:58:00 UTC
Few of the comments says its unhealthy to starve yourself, I agree with all. Starving is not a good option of reducing your weight, that will actually create problems inside like acidity and other related problems. A very good option is to stay on fruit diet - lets say 3 or 4 days in a week. Take intermittent meals filled of carbs, drink atleast 2-3 litres of water. If you have a belly then do some stretching exercises in the morning and evening regularly,,One of the major thing which you have to put is DEDICATION which will die after few weeks, as i m trying the same with my friend but she is fed up of this. Hope this helps.
2015-10-21 11:06:45 UTC
I just read about drinking apple cider vinegar to help you lose weight. I'm just learning about it - you could google or youtube it yourself - but what I've found is that it will keep you full so you consume less food. And it's healthy. But don't drink it straight! You just need 1 or 2 tablespoons in an 8 oz glass of water. Add some honey and cinnamon if you want; lemon juice works too. You could drink it as a tea in the morning, or right before a meal..I plan to start drinking it this way for it's health benefits. Just remember not to go overboard with it because too much can damage your tooth enamel. So moderation!

Good luck!
2015-10-21 08:07:19 UTC
You could lose 80 pounds by starving yourself but you would just gain it back and probably more. You need to change your life___style that got you to the overweight state to begin with. I recommend you read Dr. Phil's 20/20 Diet. It will not only help you to lose weight but give you coping skills to make sure you remain healthy and at a healthy rate.
2015-10-20 08:34:05 UTC
I won't give you a speech but I will put out a thing or two..

It's extremely unhealthy to starve yourself and so here is a different way which is better..

Just eat at least a small meal 3 times a day which is healthy and that will actually work better :)

You are beautiful ily <3
2015-10-20 14:51:36 UTC
This is really not healthy to do. You cannot really lose 80 lbs all at once. This might take you over a year to do the safe way. You could eat less food, and cut down on the amount of refined sugars. Keep the starchy vegetables down. Also, you might want to seek the help a dietitian or someone who is interested in Bariatrics if you're interested in losing weight. Losing weight quickly without the intervention of a health care professional is very dangerous. Good luck!
2015-10-20 19:13:01 UTC
You could lose 80 pounds by starving yourself but you would just gain it back, and probably more. You need to change your lifestyle that got you to the overweight state to begin with. I recommend you read Dr. Phil's 20/20 Diet. It will not only help you to lose weight but give you coping skills to make sure you remain healthy and at a healthy rate.
Mimi <3
2015-10-20 08:46:29 UTC
Losing weight is something that is hard to do. It takes time and hard work. Starving yourself will not only damage your body, but it will put you in a bad mood too. You're beautiful just the way you are! If you want to lose weight, slowly change your diet, by eating healthy foods, and add physical activity to your day. Even if you were to starve yourself, your body would detect the lack of food source and enter ' starvation mode.' that means your body would lower its metabolism to retain as much weight as possible. Eventually you will eat again and possibly binge. Start slow, and make a change for a healthy lifestyle! Not just short term. Good luck :)
2015-10-21 14:21:48 UTC
I don't recommend you do that because you'll get sick. I lost weight in '97 by just eating better and exercising. Drink 8 glasses of water a day too. You don't need to deprive yourself every day, you're not being punished, so reward yourself once a week for sticking to your diet all week long. It breaks up the monotony and gets you happily looking forward to your "special meal". When you see it like this, you'll be surprised at how much weight you lose. Hope this helps and it does work because I lost 30 lbs doing just this😉
2015-10-21 09:30:11 UTC
To lose 80 pounds by starving? You'll probably die before that happens. Probably a few weeks.
2015-10-21 04:14:44 UTC
Don't starve :) try eating at least one small meal a day preferably dinner only and plenty of water for s drink only. If you do that and exercise a lot you'll lose weight pretty fast :) still not healthy but you don't seem to be looking for healthy anyway x
2015-10-20 17:40:59 UTC
I know that there is a lot of pressure to look a certain way, and fit society's ideal perception of beauty. The only issue is that no matter how much weight you lose, you will never be happy with yourself. You honestly just have to learn to accept yourself anyway that you are. I'm trying to recover from an eating disorder and I just want you to know that I understand how difficult it is. I lost 20kgs and was never satisfied. My suggestions for you to take care of yourself include:

-Loving yourself

-Eating enough (Try checking out Canada's Food Guide's recommendations)

-Drink enough water

-Talk to your doctor

-Sleep enough

-More or less activity depending on your lifestyle (it IS possible to overwork yourself!)

-Consider your motives for losing weight (do you want to get stronger? Or is it peer pressure?)

-Don't buy into fad diets, supplements, 30 day this/that

I hope this helps, and I hope you find peace with yourself and are able to make a decision well suited to your health!
2015-10-21 13:20:44 UTC
Why Starve your self. Eat low carb high fat. I am not hungry or starving, I eat twice a day (only when I am hungry) I eat less calories than when I was counting calories and Ive lost 50 pounds in less than 2 months. Goto wwwdietdoctorcom to read more about losing weight.
2015-10-19 17:42:34 UTC
Not very long, I did that once, I weighted 250 once and I starved myself for about six months and lost 90 pounds.

I don't listen to other peoples ideas about what is healthy and what is not.

I usually ate three times a week, stayed in front of a fan most of the time due to over heating, it worked, but I constantly got critisized about my method, if it works it works, don't worry about what other people say or think, life your life your way.

If you want to starve yourself to lose weight fast the do so, it worked for me.
2015-10-19 10:32:10 UTC
Starving yourself is the worst thing that you could possibly do.

To lose weight effectively you have to think on the long term and change your lifestyle habits.

This means:

- Drinking enough

- Living an active life (Exercise, sports etc.)

- No alcohol/drugs/smoking

- Eating a healthy diet. (A healthy diet consists of mainly: Vegetables, meat, fruits)

- Sleeping enough (But not too much, a good time is 8.5 hours per night.)

As for exercise: Mainly strength training works. as that builds up your muscles, and the more muscles you have the more calories you ll burn. (Cardio is the worst thing you could do for losing weight.)
2015-10-19 06:04:12 UTC
Starving wont make it happen faster, you will just slow down and possibly even damage your metabolism and that can actually end up slowing the rate of loss down.

I was 5 ft 1, female, sedentary and 171 pounds, my doctor gave me the okay to restrict my calories to 1200 per day, I lost weight but got impatient and cut it lower, then I noticed the rate of loss had slowed right down, I increased again and it picked up speed, I am now 114 pounds and that took me about 7 months.

Get an estimate of your TDEE ( it's not an exact science but a very good guide) and eat 20% below that figure, this site is pretty good.

I am not just against it because it is unhealthy but because it is not effective and there is no point in being hungry and unwell when you can get the same results in the same time frame from eating enough to keep you content and healthy anyway.
2015-10-21 19:53:14 UTC
If you starve yourself to lose weight, your body will hold on to every calorie you put in your body. It holds on to those calories because it recognizes it's starving. So in the long run, you will lose weight at first but gain it all back the minute you start eating normally again. Just don't do it because it won't work out the way you imagine.

Besides, starving yourself is the lazy way of losing weight. Get up, get moving, and cook some healthy tasty meals for yourself.
2015-10-19 06:53:27 UTC
Don't... Aye read it first

I did 500 calories took me 3 years to lose 60lbs

I did a water fast and fainted for the first time in my life

I ate 1200 calories a day I lost 10.6lbs in 10 days with no exercise... I don't know how I don't know why but it has worked.

I eat a healthy breakfast (toast with a soft boiled egg) with fresh orange for one of my 5 a day

Drink 2 bottles of water a day

And try to cook food from scratch like OVEN FRIES SO GOOOOD

I also allow myself fast food within my calorie range. Oh and I'm less miserable since I get to eat!

I'd say a year or two for you to 'starve' that much although you'd probably die first of I'm honest.
2015-10-20 17:07:46 UTC
You will must likely die before you have the chance to lose 80 pounds, but if you happen to survive and lose 80 pounds then you will just gain it all back when you begin to eat again.
2015-10-21 08:49:32 UTC
I'm giving you a speech anyways. I was a bulemic/anorexic for the past 6 years and now have such a weak immune system that i get sick atleast once a month, have esophagoal problems, have anxiety problems and am always thinking about food. I struggle to maintain a healthy weight because my metabolism is so slowed down from the constant starvation. It's not fun. If you think losing 80 pounds by starving yourself isn't going to develop a nice little eating disorder you have another thing coming. See a professional about your body image negativity before its too late, because losing the weight that you want isn't going to make you happier trust me. If you are over weight, try and just lose the weight the healthy way by working out and eating whole grains, good fats and proteins and plenty of fruits and veggies. You will feel much happier an healthier than starving yourself.
2015-10-21 10:56:15 UTC
I tried to starve myself, because I thought it would make me a better athlete. And it did initially.

3 days of fasting made me dizzy. I couldn't concentrate in school, and my feelings of depression increased.

The answer is don't. You'll be lighter, sure. But you'll be unhappy, ill and unhealthy. Starving for much longer than a few weeks will ensure you a hospital bed and perhaps even some brittle bones, muscle wastage, dehydration etc.
2015-10-20 01:38:41 UTC
Get much exercise and eat very little and you can lose a pound a day. That's 80 days to lose 80 pounds.
2015-10-22 18:37:47 UTC
Starving yourself is not only unhealthy because you need the nutrients but will actually cause you to keep your weight and even GAIN some. Your body will realize it's not getting what it needs so when it does get even a little bit of food it will hold on to it

Just workout and eat more vegetables and fresh fruits and you will see results in no time
2015-10-19 13:38:51 UTC
It's really not healthy. I struggled with an eating disorder and its so much better to do things the healthy way. You don't need to starve yourself. Just cut down on your portions and don't over eat. Cut out added sugars and dairy (not entirely, but try to avoid them). Make sure you are getting all of the necessary nutrients. Drink a ton of water (8-10 glasses a day). Try not to be stationary for long periods of time throughout the day.
2015-10-20 18:01:40 UTC
Idk how long it will take, but here's what I do. I usually try to eat an apple or something for breakfast. I skip lunch and don't eat til like, 4 or 5. And when I do eat, I always eat fruit, like grapes or watermelon. Something that u won't feel like u're totally starving. And it's been 2 weeks and a day with/out drinking pop/juice, eating chips or any candy and I've been slowly losing weight. I don't count it as starving but my best friend does. I have p.e, and the more I push, the more I sweat so that might help me. So if I were you, I would stop eating certain foods and not eat so often. Sometimes I eat grapes for dinner. I guess if you eat something low in calories and avoid sodium, then u're better of than completely starving. I've lost about 5-6lbs. I'm 14 rn. I'm also 188-189 now and I'm about 5'9 so I know the struggle. Hope I helped.
2015-10-19 06:01:25 UTC
80 lbs fat = 240,000 Cals.

1lbs fat = 3,000 cals

I'd suggest cutting food intake to 5 small balanced meals or snacks. Eat every 3 hours.

Go for a walk daily or go up and down a flight of stairs like 50 times a day. If you can lift weights and build muscle

1bs of muscle burns like 200 cals at idle.

Numbers might not be exact. Close enough.
2015-10-22 22:02:29 UTC
All you're going to do is destroy your metabolism and send your body into starvation mode so whenever you do eat again, you'll gain weight back so quickly. You didn't get overweight in a day, you can't expect to lose weight that way and keep it off. Form Healthy habits and lose it the right way otherwise you'll be heavier than you are now.
2015-10-22 16:27:15 UTC
Instead of starving yourself you should just eat a little bit lower than average and do a lot of exercise - and don't have too many puddings or chocolate, etc. Then you should lose weight relatively fast.
2015-10-19 19:43:36 UTC
To lose weight effectively you have to think on the long term and change your lifestyle habits.

This means:

- Drinking enough

- Living an active life (Exercise, sports etc.)

- No alcohol/drugs/smoking

- Eating a healthy diet. (A healthy diet consists of mainly: Vegetables, meat, fruits)

- Sleeping enough (But not too much, a good time is 8.5 hours per night.)
2015-10-21 22:41:11 UTC
you can actually starve to death even being over weight you need to cut down on calories and exercise but you can not starve yourself. Truthfully the body goes into starvation mode and will not allow you to burn calories so it is useless to not eat anything. two pounds a week is the proper amount to lose and to be able to keep it off.
2015-10-22 18:59:25 UTC
A year
2015-10-26 05:44:51 UTC
If you have too much weight, then no need to starve your body, just take a healthy diet and exercise daily and if you want to lose your weight immediately then you should do cycling and running daily. There are numerous slimming pills, but try to avoid it and do not take any surgical procedure for weight lose.
2015-10-20 14:11:28 UTC
How bout you get up off your lazy *** and start exercising you fat bum. Starving aint gonna do ****. And you know how to lose weight, you just don't feel like doing the work. And if you dont want to do what it takes to lose weight, then thats your problem fam. All ima say is exercise, eat healthy.
2015-10-22 16:52:48 UTC
Lol I have some experience in the "Pro-Ana" world so if you're interested, feel free to leave your Kik username or email address in the comments below and I'll message you. I'm a 15 year old guy and I've gone on/off anorexic and it DOES work but you have to know what you're doing otherwise you could make yourself seriously sick.

You need an Ana buddy who has experience to help you. My body looks AMAZING now and girls love it too! I don't look like a skeleton either. So again, if you're interested in me please leave a comment below. Thank you and good luck on your weight loss journey!!!
2015-10-22 11:32:04 UTC
You need something simple and easy... I lost 30 lbs of unwanted fat, gained lean muscle, improved natural all day energy, didn't have to diet, no change in exercise (none) lol, but started to desire better foods, gained mental clarity, stamina, better mood, joint and general aches and discomforts greatly eased etc. My wife has experienced the same thing (as well as many thousands of others) and some of these health improvements started Day1 of taking two things, and wearing one, on an empty stomach first thing in the morning and that's it for the day.... Private message me on Facebook at: and I will get you info on this life changing regimen...this is an addition to your life, it takes nothing away... it's not a matter of IF this will work for you, its a matter of when you start! Message me (no need to friend me unless you like, I will check my "Other" message folder everyone has....
2015-10-19 18:09:10 UTC
Hey buddy, yes like it is said, mind what you eat but inspite of that, most people still get fat. Meaning there are other hidden logic of addressing this. With the "fat diminisher system" you can eat the food prescribed but most importantly, the stsyem takes away all fatty substances in your body, leaving you young,energetic and refreshing. This is a testimonial picture of those who used fat diminisher in just weeks. Click the link below and lose 80 pounds
2015-10-22 10:16:19 UTC
Starving yourself won't make you lose weight because you body will hold on to the fat. The best thing to do is to burn more calories than you eat. So say you eat something that is 400 calories, you would have to burn 400 + 400 calories more to burn fat. I think you should eat light, exercise heavy. You should reach your goal in no time!
2015-10-22 13:25:08 UTC
If you starve yourself you will loose weight. That is a fact but lots of people say stuff like ' If you do that you'll just gain it back, blah blah blah' they are all counting on one thing. You will give into craving, if you don't then you will loose weight theoretically.
full of folly
2015-10-22 20:51:02 UTC
Atkins diet is pretty easy after the initial 3 to 4 day induction your body is just not hungry. I would estimate 2 lbs a wk. Some weeks it will be more and some wks less.
2015-10-21 06:21:35 UTC
wowww.I actually want to give you a speech about how harmful starvation can definitely lose weight in a far easier way so why adopt a hard way.stop eating junk food .your body has not been made for junk food.the second most important thing is not to lose weight fast.burning fats releases toxins in the patient eat healthy.
2015-10-21 18:24:24 UTC
You may have a severe drop in blood sugar that makes you feel weak and possibly faint. So eat something. Vegetables are particularly good as they have very few calories but many antioxidants and minerals. Fruit doesn't have many calories either but can help with cravings.
2015-10-22 20:12:04 UTC
My Wife did the special K diet and lost 52 lbs and walking 2 miles a day. Special K is safe she had a sensible dinner every night and always ate dinner at 5 so no carbs after dinner and nothing heavy sitting in your stomach before bed.
2015-10-19 14:07:50 UTC
Hi there, I'm Bry. I lost 200 pounds without Bariatric Surgery. I used a Gastric Bypass ALTERNATIVE regimen. Bariatric surgery is unsafe and dangerous. I used a Gastric Bypass ALTERNATIVE regimen.
2015-10-21 01:33:03 UTC
Starving yourself doesn't make you lose weight, it slows your metabolism therefore everytime you eat you will gain weight faster.

Exercise and eat healthy.
2015-10-23 18:27:39 UTC
You don't have to starve at all.

Balance workout + balances diet =healthy weight loss
2016-02-15 07:14:53 UTC
Reduce your current stress. Your stress hormone cortisol could be activated by extremely low-calorie diet programs, intense training, lack of rest and day-to-day worries, which brings about a spike in glucose levels within your blood. More worryingly, it can contribute to blocked arteries and fat build up around your internal organs, putting you susceptible to diabetes and heart disease. The one prescription for this is to… calm down.
2015-10-22 01:18:52 UTC
You will be dead before you lose 80 pounds...think of some other way.
2015-10-19 22:17:12 UTC
Starving yourself won't do you any good, I know you didn't want a speech and I'm sorry, but you'll only make yourself worse by starving yourself!
2015-10-20 20:24:49 UTC
2015-10-19 06:42:02 UTC
haha, what's so funny about needing to lose 80 pounds? If I were you I'd get lap band surgery.
2015-10-23 03:36:07 UTC
Issue with starving yourself is that your body will use up muscle tissue first, before you lose fat so you'll become really weak.
2015-10-21 12:02:11 UTC
Starving doesn't make you lose weight
2015-10-22 16:12:55 UTC
I will answer your question, but I need to ask a question, too. Da fuks wrong with you. You should stop worrying about your physical health, and start worrying about your mental health.

To answer your question, a loonnggg a*s*s time. Don't worry though. You should be able to do it by the time you're out of the mental hospitial
2015-10-20 11:31:41 UTC
2 days
2015-10-21 16:36:41 UTC
don't do it. you'll mess up your metabolism and when you eat normally again you'll gain the weight back. it's not worth it

go on a vegan diet, seriously. i lost so much weight from it and i can eat as much as i want. as long as you exercise for 30 minutes a day and stay vegan, you'll see results.
2015-10-20 05:40:47 UTC
Duh, right? We all know that exercise burns calories, but did you also know that it burns calories while you sleep. So, it’s even better than we thought! The recommendation from a Harvard study (2010) was to do 60 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise a day for weight loss; the study found that 30 minutes a day conferred many of the health benefits, but did little for weight loss.
2017-03-11 08:25:30 UTC
Always start your meal with a salad. It'll fill you upward, making you eat less from the actual meal, and it's approach fewer calories than typical deep-fried or maybe cheesy apps.
2017-03-10 07:06:22 UTC
better to make slow to consume ingredients like sizzling sauces full fruites
2017-02-07 04:15:49 UTC
Workout every day when compared with night time
2016-07-02 09:19:28 UTC
Set up reminders on your personal computer or phone every hour to encourage yourself to get up, walk around, and also stretch.
2015-10-19 11:20:27 UTC
Drink some grapefruit juice before meals to help with the metabolism. Also watch your calorie intake. Add those two with exercising is always good
2015-10-20 15:23:05 UTC
You aren't going to lose weight properly by doing that, so there's no point.
2015-10-21 13:57:33 UTC
Don't starve yourself, exercise, drink water, eat more greens and fiber, and see a dietician too.
2015-10-19 18:03:30 UTC
Starving is starving, you drop the weight and fast end of story. (Consequences are a story for another time)
2015-10-21 01:47:31 UTC
you won't lose weight and keep it off by starving yourself
2015-10-25 18:22:50 UTC
Dude exercise for one hour each day and drink a gallon of water
2016-02-23 20:29:01 UTC
beverage 3 cups of green tea leaf within 1 day research workers claim it could enhance strength expenditure
2015-10-19 20:37:46 UTC
Many days
2016-07-14 04:19:36 UTC
Start out reading through on fitness/nutrition guides
Brenton L
2015-10-19 17:03:36 UTC
Be honest with yourself. You need to change your lifestyle. And to get to that weight and for it to be lasting, it will take a year and half or two years.
2016-12-26 17:48:22 UTC
Set up reminders on your laptop or phone every hour to encourage yourself to get up, walk around, as well as stretch.
2016-02-24 23:32:49 UTC
Choose menu items that tend to be grilled, baked, blackened, steamed, or broiled as opposed to fried or breaded.
2015-10-20 22:48:04 UTC
You can't do it like that. U will just gain it all back. Just exercise and eat right
2015-10-24 17:57:03 UTC


2015-10-21 06:23:54 UTC
well- with your kind permission- I think it would be much safer and healthier to get the professional advise of a nutritionist-in real life-in your area- someone skilled in treating people of your age...
2015-10-20 20:46:56 UTC
i cant help you. i weigh 140 and i eat mainly bacon, sausage, benihana, cereal, beef, tortilla soup, pasta, pizza, chinese food. I smoke a ton of pot and jerk off / have sex at least twice a day. that may help
2016-04-24 01:38:07 UTC
low carb plus calorie counting is the way to go
2016-04-30 22:54:13 UTC
fruit inside small amounts. almost no breads as well as carbohydrates
2015-10-20 02:09:14 UTC
when you starve yourself your body actually retains more fat. it stores your fat and becomes harder to lose it.
2015-10-19 19:05:00 UTC
You can eat more vegetables and fruit and do more exercise.
2015-10-23 18:43:11 UTC
Staving isn't the way to do it
2015-10-19 16:13:59 UTC
slash calories
2015-10-19 10:10:31 UTC
Longer than you can do it.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.