temp only.
o here are your 5 easy natural detox tips
Eat cherries and strawberries
These foods are rich in ellagic acid a nutrient that helps mop up free radicals and help combat pollutants such as alcohol and as a by product they boost brain power.
You can also add raspberries an alternative to the above 2 choices.
Eat Grapes
These are rich in flavinols, which help your arteries work to their maximum and make blood run smoothly and quickly around the body.
Eat citrus fruits such as berries
These foods are rich in vitamins C & E, which will help cleanse and detoxify the liver making it work more efficiently.
Prunes & Fibre
Eat prunes as they will naturally cleanse the colon stimulating the gut and help expel waste quicker, you should also up your intake of fibre as well to cleanse the colon further.
If you are smoker this food is particularly useful, apricots are rich in beta-carotene and vitamin C which helps repair smoke damage to the lungs.
Cranberries or juice
Contains proanthocyanidin which are antitoxants that will help cleanse and flush out the kidneys.
You can also add a couple of supplements if you wish top the above list to help detoxify further. Alfalfa and milk thistle are good choices. The first acts as a general cleanser and the second as a cleanser for the liver.
Your organ will be working more efficiently with above foods and this will help you get rid of weight faster as your kidneys and liver in particular will work more smoothly.
Now here are 5 tips to lose weight fast
5 Easy weight loss tips
Drink Iced Water
Two litres a day minimum. Water has to be iced as the body will burn 100 calories just heating the water to normal body temperature. Also hunger pangs are very often thirst pangs, so this will help you stop over eating.
Add lemon to flavour if you wish and gain the added benefit of cleansing your liver at the same time.
Water also helps your body metabolize stored fat by helping the kidneys flush waste quicker. When you don't drink enough water the liver needs to help the kidneys perform this function. When the liver has to help the kidneys its normal function of providing stored fat for energy is slowed down.
Green tea
Drink 5 cups a day. Research shows this can burn a massive 80 calories a day! It is believed the antioxidant catechins in green tea boost the metabolism and help burn fat.
Chilli sauce & mustard
These foods increase your calorie burning capacity by between 5 - 10% for up to 2 hours after eating. This is because they contain capsaicin which speeds the metabolism, so if you enjoy hot food your in luck!
Low fat diary foods
Can increase fat burning in the abdominal area. Why? Because these foods are rich in calcium which encourages the release of fat from fat cells and also reduces the amount of fat absorbed.
Eat Fibre
Eating fiber foods to help keep things moving through your bowel as stated above and makes you feel full.
The average person can lose 9-10 pounds in one year just from doubling their fiber intake aim for 25grams per day ( the average for most adults is just 8grams ) fiber rich foods include strawberries, apples, brown rice, chick peas, potatoes ( with skins ) and brown rice.