2014-03-07 00:00:07 UTC
450 jumps a day (jump roping, in sets of twenty)
250 sit ups a day (sets of twenty)
100 squats (sets of 10)
( I plan on buying barbells tomorrow so i can do my arms as well so they wont be marshmallows)
Then make better meal choices: chicken salads, Grilled chicken strips, fruits, smoothies, green tea, waters,ect. (I already do this but not strictly, i'll have burgers or what ever my parents buy me but i plan on telling them i'm going strict)
I also plan to buy a scale and weigh in once a week so starting Monday, i'd way in on Friday..
Keeping this all logged in my own home made notebook weight watching/calorie counter.
I'm not just going cold turkey Monday, i've been doing less strict work outs when ever i feel and how ever many i feel a day. So i've been building up to this so to speak. I've cut out the majority of junk food i do have one mini/fun sized candy ever so often..
But, i'm 15 nearly 16 *female*, and home school. So i sit around a lot and i've just got sick of it. Currently wearing size 9 or 10 jeans, and would be pleased with getting down to around a size 5.( I don't have unrealistic expectations, i don't want to be "too" skinny. I prefer hips and a little bit of curves)
The work out may sound like alot but it really isn't. I did it today and feel fine other than the cramps from "that time of the month"
Please let me know what you think and what i can add to improve/ as quickly as possible loose weight.
I have a jump rope equipment wise, what other things would you suggest? (Not yoga, i'm not flexible)
Would Ankle and arm weights help?