2012-10-27 12:04:24 UTC
I've essentially been struggling with weight all my life, except it's only been a real struggle for the past 3 years. By that I mean, throughout highschool I was weighing in at 135 with a height of 5'4. Which I would kill for right now. At that time, I thought I was overweight, obviously I was wrong.
Now, 7 years later I am actually having a legitimate struggle with my weight. I'm the same height, but weighing in at 200lbs! & not nicely proportioned either. I can get into detail about how I think I got here, but I won't, I'm at this weight and it's practically ruined many things. For starters the lack of confidence which has lead to being single for 3+ years, an almost non existent social life and so on.
I've tried and failed to lose this weight many times over the last few years. At most I reached a 10lb weight loss, and fell right back into my old habits. I can work out all-day long, my problem is food. I just can't seem to stick to any proper diet. I've tried everything from strict, controlled diets, to simple just choosing the right food diets and I can never last. My cravings can never be controlled.
I've gotten to the point where I need professional help, but don't know where to go? I'd imagine my doctor will just hand me some healthy foods chart and tell me to exercise 3-5x a week. The very things I've tried and failed at over and over again.
Any advice or suggestions on where to start now would be appreciated