How can I loose my weight in 2 months. Please send your working tips on losing weight.?
2019-03-13 03:45:11 UTC
How can I loose my weight in 2 months. Please send your working tips on losing weight.?
123 answers:
2019-04-22 14:06:06 UTC
Maintain a chalkboard on your kitchen and writedown your weekly meal plan.
2019-04-22 13:34:59 UTC
Take every chance to move around even in small ways studies show fidgety men and women tend to be skinnier.
2019-04-22 03:51:54 UTC
Better to prepare slow to consume foods like hot soups whole fruites etec.
2019-04-22 03:43:34 UTC
Get tips from weight loss community.
2019-03-22 04:28:39 UTC
Distracted Eating. Munching while watching TV contributes to noshing up and intake of more calories than required.
2019-03-22 04:19:56 UTC
Go 20 mph on your bike for 6 1 2 minutes.
2019-03-20 16:52:46 UTC
Use a smaller plate or bowl. It is harder to over-stuff.
2019-03-17 15:39:58 UTC
Join your children when they break out the wii instead of just watching.
2019-03-13 13:04:43 UTC
Wow, now this troll is spending time answering her own questions with her other accounts! Will this troll ever quit?
2019-03-13 12:32:21 UTC
50 minutes on the stairmaster.
2019-04-25 23:44:00 UTC
Craving something sweet. Eat a fat-free fudge bar instead of chocolate ice cream for dessert and save over 200 calories.
2019-04-25 23:32:32 UTC
Better to avoid diet when you re under plenty of stress.
2019-04-22 22:45:49 UTC
If you have a seperate room keep small useful exercise equipment use those gear while reading and listening tunes.
2019-04-22 17:23:50 UTC
View weight loss programs like the Biggest Loser. When you need motivation they are on Netflix, and available 24 hours per day.
2019-04-22 15:56:58 UTC
Prior to going to store to purchase food items firts list them.
2019-04-22 15:25:55 UTC
Take a 30 second break in the middle of your meal evaluate just how hungry you still are before return to your meals.
2019-04-22 15:06:01 UTC
For major meals utilize the one-third rule. Of your plate with meat/protein with veggies, one-third with one-third and carbohydrates.
2019-04-22 12:49:10 UTC
Dance from the kitchen. Physical activities must not be extensive for them to be effective.
2019-04-22 04:35:06 UTC
Boost iron intake. Iron is an important nutrient that has many vital functions in the body. Iron can allow your metabolism to operate more efficiently and can fight off fatigue to help increase your activity level.
2019-04-22 04:28:50 UTC
Carry a reusable water bottle so you can sip throughout the day.
2019-03-23 05:33:34 UTC
It sounds odd, but studies have shown that the smaller your plate, the less food you tend to eat. By way of example, a simple change from 12 to 10 inches can decrease the food you consume by up to 22%, is not that awesome?
2019-03-23 05:03:09 UTC
Increase your non workout activity levels.
2019-03-23 04:56:56 UTC
End your day with a glass of wine. Wine is great for increasing burning of fats.
2019-03-22 04:42:42 UTC
Flip your parts. The recommended parts during cooking foods include more of those foods with more calories but instead it is possible to flip them. For instance rather than a plate of pasta with some veggies it can be a plate of vegetables with a few pasta.
2019-03-22 04:11:11 UTC
Carb cycling can be an effective fat burning practice. After determining your daily protein requirements, and eliminating 20-30% of your daily calories for healthy fats, figure out the average amount of carbs you need per day, and then put up carb that average is kept by that. Cycle between nowadays.
2019-03-22 04:01:56 UTC
Don t skip breakfast and select that s high in protein for energy and full of fiber to keep you satisfied for hours.
2019-03-20 20:56:00 UTC
Increase fiber intake. Soluble fiber absorbs water and moves through the digestive tract gradually, helping you feel fuller for longer. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts are a few examples of high-fiber foods that can boost fat burning and weight loss.
2019-03-19 13:34:33 UTC
Instead of cream cheese or butter on bread or bagels, spread peanut or almond butter. The healthy fats can decrease belly fat and satiate hunger.
2019-03-16 11:50:50 UTC
Increase your fiber.
2019-03-13 09:49:20 UTC
eat one big meal a day and eat fruit and nuts
2019-04-23 17:31:54 UTC
Set your cutlery to the task. Place your cutlery down between bites, savour the taste. As you take your own sweet time to finish your meals and savour the taste, you avoid eating into calories in the process.
2019-04-22 22:53:01 UTC
Don t sit ideally or sleep immediately after your dinner.
2019-04-22 22:01:20 UTC
Eat a small snack, like 10 whole almonds, before you depart for a restaurant.
2019-04-22 16:32:33 UTC
Load up on yogurt. Extra calcium helps the body burn more and save less fat.
2019-04-22 16:26:13 UTC
Get coffee with friends to go walk as you talk and sip.
2019-04-22 16:13:57 UTC
Celebrate Meatless Mondays by creating a meal starring beans (another weight loss aid). You will love this sweet potato and black bean burrito.
2019-03-24 12:59:17 UTC
The initial weight loss is only part of the equation so you need to have a plan off maintaining the weight.
2019-03-24 12:55:47 UTC
Broccoli is a powerhouse of nutrition. It contains more vitamin C than an orange, is contains a quantity of calories in comparison to its' nutritional profile also contains as much calcium as a glass of milk. It's an ideal diet food that is Volumetric, with a low quantity of calories per bite and studies have shown it may help boost DNA repair in cells. Add brocolli that is grated that is raw to salads, or try snacking on small florets.
2019-03-23 05:08:48 UTC
Steamed, Boiled Or Grilled Over Fried Food. It's always a good idea to steam, boil or grill your food, especially your veggies. Frying your veggies can lead to loss of the calorie pile-up, not to mention nutrients.
2019-03-22 06:55:48 UTC
Gov't is killing you with high frequency electricity.Theotokos Virgin Mary gave prayers to "Schema-nun Antonia" on how to save aborted babies from hell. If you pray these prayers diligently, aborted babies are released from hell. On each painted nail there are 40 demons. Smoking is censer to the devil.Using foul language calls upon Pagan deities (aka demons); Holy Spirit departs on 7 meters. People who use drugs see demons who cleverly disguise themselves as ghosts and aliens.America will be last country to switch to Euro (antichrist's world currency). Contraceptives = abortion;using contraceptives for 1 year = 5 aborted kids.Miscarriages happen because of high heels; cesarean because of tight pants (second generation cesarean will be infertile).Unbaptized aborted/miscarried/unborn babies burn in hell for until Final Judgement; if pregnant, keep the kid and deliver at home because kids are chipped using IVs and vaccines in hospitals. Dentists and doctors chip patients secretly. Ultrasound leads to mark of the beast; don't do ultrasound, please. Abortion leads to breast cancer; a demon is released from hell for each aborted kid. Dogs can become possessed; don't keep dogs inside your home [Pelageya of Ryazan]. Walmart has technology to administer mark of the beast to those who have cat bacteria in their stomachs; stay away from cats [Athanasius III of Constantinople]. Next false flag is the Statue of Liberty. Above earth there is ice (hemisphere); when rockets go up they bring ice down from upper sky to lower sky; ice stuck in lower sky will fall on us during Apocalypse. Earth is flat; earth stands on 3 pillars (the Most Holy Trinity); pillars stand on water at zero Kelvin; underneath this ice there is a bubble; and then the abyss. Zodiac is planetary prison of demons; don't believe in horoscopes or you'll exhibit the traits of the trapped demons. Most thoughts and dreams are from demons; demons never do good. Sleep fully clothed; pray the Jesus prayer. Pray to your guardian angel to have normal sleep. Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov was the last prophet before Apostle John (who wrote the Book of Revelation), Enoch, Elijah, resurrected Seraphim of Sarov, and resurrected Sergius of Radonezh will preach against the antichrist. Humans were created about 7525 years ago. Birds participate in time creation. It's a sin to kill birds. Dinosaurs live under our level; they will get out through sinkholes and lakes; to kill them, go for their nerves. Save the birds; but kill the dinosaurs. First dinosaur will come out of Volga River in Russia. Scientists don't see dinosaurs under our level because of radiation. Sinkholes happen because people dig for resources underground and because earth is heating up. Demons grow human skin (from a sample taken during abduction) and put it on so as to look like us. Demons will invite people to be healed inside their UFOs; those who go will be like zombies after. Gov't provides demons with diamonds and allows demons to abduct people. If you're being abducted, slowly pray the Jesus prayer. Don't panic. Demons use diamonds and souls to power their UFO craft. The bigger the diamond, the more it lasts. Demons have 4 UFO bases: 1)moon 2)inside fake mountain Kailash (Tibet) 3)in lake Baikal in Russia 4)in Atlantis which is underneath double ocean floor of Mariana Trench (Pacific Ocean). There are no aliens. Nobody lives on other planets. Airplanes that go down are hit by demons because they need the airspace to fight Jesus. Antichrist is pale with red eyes. He's possessed by Satan since he's 12 years old [Lavrentiy Chernigovskiy]. He flies super fast; deceived people will say: "Christ is here; Christ is there" when he's flying from one city to the next very fast. He wears gloves to hide long nails. He's surrounded by demons who appear as angels of light. Antichrist will trick people that he can do mountain moving and resurrection using holograms/hypnosis; fire from the sky is real because of pollution gases in the atmosphere. Antichrist will have food only for 6 months; then he will feed his 666ed people flour from mashed up turtles (Tavrion Batozskiy), but this won't be enough because 666ed people are 10 times as angry and 7 times as hungry as normal people even though 666ed people became shorter (3-4 feet tall = 80 - 120 cm) because nanochips do function of organs (organs diminish) [Nilus Myrrhgusher]. If you have a lot of nanochips in your forearm, then you will not be able to make proper Orthodox sign of the cross (last mercy for you will be to cut your forearm off). Nanochips are sprayed by the gov't using chemtrails; they're also in gov't food and medicine; so, eat food from your own garden. In case garden is destroyed by ice from the sky, have chickens for eggs and goats for milk (Paisios). Lipstick contains cells of aborted fetuses, dog fat, and placenta; human flesh is in McDonalds, Pepsi, toothpaste, antiaging, anticancer, vaccines, perfume, etc.; that's why you should not be using anything that modern society has to offer. You're better off hiding within a 10-12 people group in order to escape Apocalypse. During Apocalypse, Chrtistians will eat dirt from under pussywillowtree as it's filled with tears of Theotokos Virgin Mary; this water will flee if a 666ed person tries to get it. Barcode is Druid black magic curse; QRcode is Mayan curse; when food is scanned, it becomes dead because laser is a substance from demons. Don't go into a UFO to be healed by demons. Green 666 is given by isotope rays on wrist or forehead when people stretch hands to receive small plastic grey card with no name on it (World Passport). It doesn't just have to be during this procedure (could be anything you sign up for or anywhere where there is a secret scanner); biometrics (fingerprints, eyes scan) or getting picture for passport are very dangerous because they could mark you secretly. Gabriel Urgebadze said that they do it on index finger when they scan your finger. Basically, try to avoid new documents at all cost. Police will microchip and isotope ray people on highways. Chipped people will be influenced by computers to take grey plastic card; but when they do, green mark by isotope rays is given on forehead/wrist. Food stores will isotope ray people too. Antichrist will also release prisoners to mark people. Reject 666 at all cost because it leads to permanent hell. If you're about to be marked, pray the Jesus prayer. Hide with Orthodox Christians to escape 666; leave all electronics behind so that antichrist's minions can't track you; burn documents because they're from Satan. The Most Holy Trinity gives you a name during baptism; devil gives an antiname during antibaptism (ex. Social Security Number). People who die with these Satanic documents go to concentration camp in hell to await Final Judgement; once the BEAST Computer is burned down, souls will be released for Final Judgement. That's why you should give back documents of your deceased relatives back to the gov't so that the gov't cancels these digital antichristian names given during antibaptism by the beast system; or just burn these documents because gov't could get upset and could send demons to mark you because of this outright act of defiance. Prophecy from half a millennium ago describes Final Judgement like this: Jesus was very upset with people who had little boards (plastic cards) in their hands because they wanted discount from the antichrist. Give to charity in the name of Archangel Michael; he rescues people from temporary hell twice a year [at midnight September 18-19 and similarly on November 20-21; pray at these times on your knees remembering the deceased by names (adding "and relatives by flesh up to Adam") so that they are rescued if they're in hell] (or brings them up a level, that is, to a level with less punishment; eventually, people are freed). Feed the pigeons; when pigeons bow down, people are saved from temporary hell. It's a big sin to remember the dead with wreaths (because demons put these wreaths on their necks if they're in hell with their hands tied up behind their back while hanging by their hands), meat, alcohol, sweets, and worldly music. Demons print icons of saints in newspapers so that you throw these newspapers in the trash blaspheming these saints. Crosses on soles of shoes and back of pants are blasphemy. Demons make carpets with crosses and put them on sidewalks so that people walk on crosses. Playing cards mock how Jesus suffered on the cross: clubs (cross on which Jesus was crucified), diamonds (four nails Jesus was crucified with), hearts (sponge with vinegar that Jesus was given to drink),spades (spear with which Jesus was pierced).Cremation is devil worship; only blasphemers such as Lenin should be burned; if Lenin is buried, earth will be polluted, and China will attack Russia because of this.After China attacks Russia, Ruski Orthodox Tsar (shown by resurrected Seraphim of Sarov) will come to power in Russia;this Tsar will slay traitors inside church and gov't; as a result, Russia will be the only country not under the antichrist.Ecumenism = 263 heresies;each heresy leads to hell. In 2006 in Moscow (that's why Moscow will sink),representatives from most religions signed a document where it says that all religions worship the same Supreme Being [aka the devil]. Priests who participate in ecumenism will have Pagans walking on their heads in hell. Arkhimandrite Antonin Kapustin left a prophecy that Church of All Russian Saints in Gorny Monastery, Ein Karem, Israel will be blessed by forerunner of antichrist; Patriarch Kirill of Russia and Mark of Berlin blessed this church in 2007. When priests pray for current gov't (instead of praying for future Tsar),Jesus gets up from His throne and turns His back to them. Forgive me.
2019-03-22 05:19:28 UTC
Avoid artificial sweeteners. Replacing sugar with these sweeteners to reduce calorie intake isn't that helpful.
2019-03-20 20:42:23 UTC
Put up more christmas lights.
2019-03-20 18:38:17 UTC
Follow the nutrients.
2019-03-19 18:46:55 UTC
Whimsical cuteness. Artsy tongs or a pretty bowl of salad might lead you to eat more greens.
2019-03-19 14:32:07 UTC
No time for cardio? Reduce the rest periods between your weight training sets to 15-30 seconds. This will keep your heart pumping, and calories burning.
2019-03-19 13:56:29 UTC
Maintain a food diary to keep tabs on what's going into your body.
2019-03-17 16:56:00 UTC
Research has demonstrated that spontaneous physical activity (SPA) such as fidgiting, doing the dishes, getting up to change the T.V. channel etc. can add up to burn an impressive 350 calories a day. Remember, like so many things. it all counts! All the tiny pieces add up to a large result, so don't discount actions -- keep up them and they will soon accumulate.
2019-03-15 00:04:48 UTC
Use the treadmill walking for 20 minutes, then use the elliptical, the go on the bike for 20 minutes. I lost 28 lbs in 3 and a half weeks doing this
2019-03-14 00:27:30 UTC
Catch a fat sucking disease.
2019-03-13 12:13:18 UTC
Studies have shown that people who count calories have dramatically more success at losing weight and keeping it off than those who don't. It reveals some surprising offenders that are high-calorie and also can help you to structure your eating!
2019-04-25 23:25:47 UTC
Try hot sauce salsa and cajun seasonings.
2019-04-23 23:52:03 UTC
It's better to just try and eat healthier than it is to jump into a fad diet.
2019-04-23 17:46:34 UTC
Food and beverage swaps.
2019-04-23 17:23:20 UTC
Shop for one. In case you must get cookies, chips, or other processed junk foods, buy the single-serving package. That will make you eat less junk.
2019-04-22 21:01:53 UTC
Taking bike rides. This helps to burn calories particularly when biking for longer distances.
2019-04-22 20:06:55 UTC
Do a few biceps curls each time you pick up shopping bags.
2019-04-22 19:49:07 UTC
Broccoli is a powerhouse of nutrition. It contains more vitamin C than an orange, is contains a quantity of calories in comparison to its' nutritional profile also contains as much calcium as a glass of milk. With an extremely low quantity of calories per bite and studies have even demonstrated it may help boost DNA repair in cells it's the perfect diet food. Add raw brocolli that is grated to salads, or try snacking on little florets.
2019-04-22 16:36:19 UTC
Don't pour your dressing. You should not get dressing on either side or drown salads with a lot of dressing but rather just do a fork dip.
2019-04-22 14:46:29 UTC
Always start your meal with a salad. It will fill you up, which makes you eat less of the meal, and it's way fewer calories than apps that are cheesy or deep fried.
2019-04-22 14:05:04 UTC
Nosh on those post workout snacks to avoid undoing all of your hard work.
2019-03-28 12:07:59 UTC
Burn your fat with exercise programs.
2019-03-24 13:14:17 UTC
Play squash for 2 minutes.
2019-03-24 12:55:19 UTC
Enjoy sweet ice cream but go for ones made out of goat s milk or almond milk for half the calories.
2019-03-23 05:45:48 UTC
We have already shown how protein will help you lose weight, but most protein sources aren't exactly grab-and-go, so ensure you've got a high-protein snack on you whenever possible. Some options are. Boiled eggs, nuts protein powder or jerky! Keeping topped up on protein will make certain you lose rather and fat .
2019-03-22 04:33:25 UTC
Use veggies such as carrots or zucchini instead of spaghetti.
2019-03-22 04:20:48 UTC
Count calories.
2019-03-19 19:35:46 UTC
Getting huge quantities of your favorite snack foods may save you some cash, but keep in mind it will cost you more calories than you require.
2019-03-19 14:38:03 UTC
Research has demonstrated that spontaneous physical activity (SPA) like fidgiting, doing the dishes, getting up to change the T.V. channel etc. can add up to burn off an impressive 350 calories per day. Remember, in life like many things. it all counts! All the small pieces add up to a result, so don't discount actions -- keep up them and they will soon accumulate.
2019-03-18 13:54:16 UTC
Make friends with someone on a different floor visit her often.
2019-03-16 02:48:28 UTC
Use salad size plates rather than dinner size ones.
2019-04-23 17:08:18 UTC
Use a dash of cinnamon to give fruits such as bananas and melons a richer dessert texture without the sugar.
2019-04-22 22:49:56 UTC
Hate breakfast? Blend a fruit smoothie, with a scoop of your favorite protein powder and some yogurt.
2019-04-22 21:30:07 UTC
Skip the elevator. Take the stairs and burn 100 cals every 10 minutes you climb.
2019-04-22 21:05:42 UTC
Find a physical activity that you enjoy doing. This is to avoid boredom.
2019-04-22 15:46:25 UTC
Eating two hours before bed time. When you eat early there is sufficient time for digestion of your food and thus your body metabolism rate is kept normal.
2019-04-22 14:45:57 UTC
Morning sunlight. Beginning your day with a little sunlight for almost 20 minutes reduces weight and calms you down.
2019-04-22 13:29:50 UTC
Opt for the baked potato instead of french fries, and yes, eat the skin!
2019-03-24 13:23:14 UTC
Challenge a friend to a pick-up game of hoops. You will burn more than 500 calories without even realizing how hard you're playing.
2019-03-24 13:02:25 UTC
Don't buy any prepare food which has sugar fructose or corn syrup in the first four ingredients but find a lower version of same food with lower sugar parts.
2019-03-24 12:42:25 UTC
2 hour power yoga class.
2019-03-22 05:16:09 UTC
Proteins takes more time to digest than carbohydrates so eating protein will make you feel full for longer.
2019-03-22 05:04:49 UTC
Avoid eating while rading listening tunes and watching television at your home or keep by kepping your hands busy.
2019-03-22 04:09:35 UTC
Eat soup.
2019-03-20 16:07:51 UTC
Use the vending machine three floors up and take the stairs.
2019-03-19 17:05:28 UTC
Men at the middle age onward experience decreasing levels of testosterone hormone resulting in weight gain and decreasing muscle mass and thus should exercise or take testosterone supplements.
2019-03-18 14:24:30 UTC
Record facorite programs on them when you exercide.
2019-03-17 18:31:11 UTC
Get fired up. You can load the best music that encourages you to go to run or gym which is a fantastic strategy if that is your method of losing weight.
2019-03-13 12:31:06 UTC
Preparation of meals done at a go. Food prepared in big batches ensures everything is ready to go at the time you are hungry.
2019-03-13 06:55:18 UTC
Men in the middle age onward experience decreasing levels of testosterone hormone leading to weight gain and decreasing muscle mass and so should exercise or take testosterone supplements.
2019-03-13 06:49:27 UTC
Sleep in a chilly room sleeping in a cold room is a ideal way to force your body to heat itself up for hours.
2019-04-23 16:57:39 UTC
Maintaining good posture will not just strengthen your heart but will also add a tiny extra calorie burn because you re working slightly more difficult to keep the position.
2019-04-23 02:48:04 UTC
Eat with your hands. It takes more time so satisfying you.
2019-04-22 22:07:19 UTC
Eat an apple instead of bottled juice.
2019-04-22 21:28:08 UTC
You don't need cardio to lose fat. While cardio is beneficial for improving general health, if your calories are inline with your weight loss goals you do not need to execute any cardio.
2019-04-22 16:54:13 UTC
Wear comfortable shoes or keep flats under your desk so you walk more.
2019-04-22 16:50:39 UTC
Chew thoroughly chewing each bite 30 times before swallowing.
2019-04-22 04:55:22 UTC
Spend ten minutes a day walking up and down stairs. If one sticks to this each day at the end of the year they will have lost many weights.
2019-03-26 03:33:06 UTC
Make pancakes even healthier by adding mashed baked sweet potato, some pureed spinach and blueberries, or cooked quinoa.
2019-03-25 04:28:27 UTC
Watch your drink. If you cannot avoid to drink soda, replace it with diet drinks. Diet beverages will save you calories, compared with sugary beverages.
2019-03-24 12:40:50 UTC
Working out in the gym. Involves switching between running a Stairmaster lifting weights and other exercises.
2019-03-23 05:00:44 UTC
Consume honey before bed because ingestion of honey may help to burn more fat during those early hours of sleep.
2019-03-23 04:25:06 UTC
Pick a whole wheat wrap instead of two slices of wheat bread.
2019-03-22 04:44:11 UTC
Satisfy your sweet tooth by swapping two reese s peanut butter cups for one miniature.
2019-03-22 03:54:11 UTC
Liquid Calories. In a bid to track calories in food, one often oversees the calorie intake from fluids. Aerated drinks, sodas and iced tea are filled with liquid calories that aren't good for your waistline.
2019-03-22 03:49:20 UTC
Add cooked whole grains into a salad to improve the protein and fiber and make the meal feel more satisfying.
2019-03-19 18:00:46 UTC
Keep healthy dessert choices on hand so that you have something to enjoy during office birthdays and other celebrations.
HNB Security
2019-03-15 09:08:27 UTC
eliminate sugar, drink lots of water, exercise 20-30 minutes, avoid junk food, eat fruits like carrot, cucumber, orange, water melon, and garden egg.
2019-03-15 06:47:59 UTC
Start your day with a glass of warm water with lemon and Honey.

Do regular exercises.

Divide your meals into small meals and snacks and eat them at the same time every day.

Drink enough water 3-4 liters a day. This depends on your present weight, age and daily activity.
2019-03-13 06:29:08 UTC
Moderate Physical Activity. If taking out time for exercise or yoga is getting too tough, then you may indulge in moderate physical activity also. Simple activities like climbing stairs, walking and leaping your dog also goes a long way in maintaining your exercise levels.
2019-03-13 05:46:22 UTC
Put people on speakerphone and pace your office during conference calls.
2019-04-25 23:33:30 UTC
Consume low calorie food.
2019-04-23 18:09:02 UTC
Saxenda a drug approved in the United States and EU for weight loss.
2019-04-23 17:57:48 UTC
Reaching your ideal healthy weight is not going to be easy initially. It requires making hundreds of every day. When you have to choose between a piece of cake and a piece of fruit, your taste-buds will let you eat the cake, so you've got to dig deeper from the beginning and find out why you are doing this and why it's important to you, since if it's important enough to you then you'll make the healthy decision. This does not mean that you won't have times when you make errors, but it does mean that you wont waste time when you're doing getting back onto the health-wagon.
2019-04-22 16:36:39 UTC
Stock your kitchen with plenty of vegetables and fruits. This will lessen your junk food intake.
2019-03-28 12:09:48 UTC
Don t spend more time in front of the television.
2019-03-23 05:07:04 UTC
It seems odd, but if you opt for a plate that has a contrasting colour to your food, then you need to eat less. A Cornell University study found that plate colour would result in a serving size which was 20% less than those who had plate colours which blended in with the meal color. While you're at it, the next time you have a dessert try it on a plate individuals find that it functions as a natural appetite suppressant. Weird, but that's science for ya!
2019-03-23 04:57:25 UTC
Use your crock pot. You can let veggies and meats cook and prepare meals that are large with very little work.
2019-03-23 04:15:24 UTC
Tea & Coffee. Chugging down 4-5 cups of coffee a day are not good for your overall calorie count. Keep it. Use skim or low fat milk and milk products to prepare your own cup. Cutting back on sugar is advisable to prevent empty calories.
2019-03-22 04:56:04 UTC
Swap out a couple of lunches each week for healthy Smoothie Recipes.
2019-03-22 04:52:34 UTC
Beware of hidden calories.
2019-03-22 04:36:42 UTC
Walk to the mailbox instead of checking the mail from your vehicle.
2019-03-22 03:33:15 UTC
Degrease by scrubbing in the shower for 15 minutes then spend 7 minutes shaving 3 minutes toweling off 4 minutes moisturizing and 20 minutes blow drying and styling your hair.
2019-03-17 15:13:21 UTC
High-intensity interval training. It's a kind of exercise that pairs rapid bursts of action with short recovery periods to keep your heart rate elevated. It can be incredibly effective at ramping up fat burning and promoting weight loss.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.