2013-09-07 05:58:49 UTC
· If you lose weight, you will be more appealing to others.
· If you lose weight, you can have skinny people as friends again.
· If you lose weight, you will feel the power of accomplishment.
· If you lose weight, you can get regular shoes instead of Velcro.
· If you lose weight, you won't have to worry about wearing revealing clothes such as shorts or a bathing suit.
· If you lose weight, you will stop wearing out the thighs of your pants.
· If you lose weight, you can bury that self-consciousness about people watching you eat, wondering how much you weigh, and all those other mental games that the conscious is capable of.
· If you lose weight, you will be able to go out in a boat on a lake.
· If you lose weight, you will feel like playing with your pets again, and you will be able to.
· If you lose weight, you won't embarrass people when you tell them you are not pregnant.
· If you lose weight, the clothes you wear will look better on you and will appear tailored instead of baggy and sloppy.
· If you lose weight, you can toss those industrial-sized granny panties and get some that are cute and sexy.
· If you lose weight, not only will you ease your mind about your health, you will ease the minds of friends and family who also worry about you.
· If you lose weight, you can quit worrying about coming up with new excuses for being overweight.
· If you lose weight, getting dressed in the morning will be enjoyable instead of the trigger for depression.
· If you lose weight, you can shave all of your legs instead of just what you can reach.
· If you lose weight, you will feel sexier and when you feel sexier, you will become sexier.
· If you lose weight, you will feel more comfortable when driving or riding in a car.
· If you lose weight, you will be able to use a regular towel instead of the beach towels.
· If you lose weight, you will feel good about yourself.
· If you lose weight, you will be able to wear one of the patient gowns at the doctor's office instead of two or three
· If you lose weight, you will feel better physically.
· If you lose weight, your breasts will undoubtedly stick out farther than your stomach.
· If you lose weight, you will be able to buy stylish clothes that you like, not just because they fit.
· If you lose weight, you won't mind telling people how much you weigh.
· If you lose weight, your heart won't have to work as hard.
· If you lose weight, you can cross your legs again.
· If you lose weight, you will be happier.
· If you lose weight, you won't dread having your picture taken.
· If you lose weight, you will be healthier and less likely to acquire illnesses associated with weight gain such as diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, and poor circulation.
· If you lose weight, you won't mind eating around others.
· If you lose weight, you will be better able to detect tumors or abnormal growths.
· If you lose weight, you will eat healthier food; therefore your family will eat healthier.
· If you lose weight, you won't perspire as much, and will feel and smell cleaner.
· If you lose weight, you will be less winded when walking stairs or long distances.
· If you lose weight, your laundry time will be reduced because of the smaller clothing.
· If you lose weight, you will become an inspiration and motivator to others who are trying to lose weight.
· If you lose weight, people in the grocery store won't be analyzing your cart to see what you're eating that's making you so fat.
· If you lose weight, you will live longer.
· If you lose weight, you can ride a horse instead of torturing it.
· If you lose weight, you won't have a fear of scales any more.
· If you lose weight, friends and family will be able to remember you as a small person instead of a fat person.
· If you lose weight, you will look better, and when you look better, you automatically feel better.
· If you lose weight, you won't dislike skinny people again.
· If you lose weight, you won't mind looking in the mirror.
· If you lose weight, you will want to go to that next class reunion.
· If you lose weight, your back and feet will thank you.
· If you lose weight, you can ride a motorcycle again because you will be able to successfully lean with the bike.
· If you lose weight, you will become less critical and negative about yourself.
· If you lose weight, your grocery bill will be reduced.
· If you lose weight, you will want to take the stairs instead of the elevator (and you'll be able to!).
· If you lose weight, your doctor's visits and medical expenses will likely be reduced.
· If you lose weight, you will be able to order clothes from your favorite catalog again.
· If you lose weight, you will feel like doing more activities.
· If you lose weight, you will have more mobilityto do things like, play with kids/grandkids, walk, run, do housework, yard work, etc.