2013-08-28 20:53:49 UTC
For the first 1.5 months of working out, when ever i would do DB curls i would always get a good pump and I got great results in my biceps. But 2 weeks ago when i did DB curls i felt absolutely nothing. There will be times when i would spent an hour doing DB curls trying to get that pump back in my biceps but i was never successful. Whenever i would do DB curls i would feel the burn in my forearm, elbow flexors, and shoulders. I got really frustrated, and ive look on every fourm to try and fix this. After taking the advice from these forums and watching numerous youtube videos on how to fo DB curls properly, i've managed to fix some of the problem. I no longer feel the burn in my forearm and shoulders. But i still feel it in my elbow flexors and nothing in my biceps. It has now been a little over 2 weeks since ive last had a good Bicep workout. I try to fix my form as best as i can, feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent, elbows by my side without moving forward, but still nothing is working. Nowi have been discouraged at ive seen my biceps to actually shrink and my arm has gained some fat as it is not as cut as it was 2 weeks ago. One of my main goals is to get rid of my chicken arms but now i have seen them shrinking and losing definition. Even when i drop the weight i still feel the tension on my elbow flexors. Please help!!!
How do i put the tension back on my biceps and off my elbow flexors? What am i doing wrong? Any tips to fix this?