Having a nice stomach or flat abs is a combination of a healthy diet and exercise. Abs are made 80% in the kitchen and 20% in the gym, so it is key to have proper nutrition or else all that hard work won't pay off. To see abs or to have a flat stomach requires a low body fat percentage; for women, below 17%. A great nutrition plan, adequate cardio, and resistance training will help you reach your goal for flat abs.
First things first: eliminate all unhealthy foods and drinks such as sodas (regular and diet), fast food, processed food, foods high in saturated fat, sugar, and simple grains such as white bread, white rice, etc. Consume 5-6 small meals a day, a meal every three or so hours. This will keep you somewhat full throughout the day and keeps your metabolism high which is key in burning fat. Drink tons of water - about a gallon and a half a day - as this flushes out toxins, keeps your body hydrated, and helps in the depleting of fat cells. Plus water has no calories so drink as much as you want; it keeps you full. Eat protein in every meal; you should aim for 20 grams of protein if you can. After your protein, consume your vegetables and fruits and then your whole grains. Eat as many vegetables as you please as most of these are negative calorie foods, meaning you burn up all the calories in the vegetable by simply chewing and digesting it. Plus, vegetables keep you full for long periods of time. Here are some healthy foods: lean protein (chicken, turkey, flank steak, and fish), whole grains (oatmeal, brown rice, wheat bread, wheat pasta, wheat tortillas), wide variety of vegetables, low glycemic fruits (berries, apples, oranges, bananas), and healthy fats in moderation (olive oil, eggs* - also good sources of protein, nuts and legumes). You can also supplement your diet with whey and casein protein shakes, omega-3 fish oils, and flax seed. Protein shakes are great for pre- and post-workouts; I recommend Optimum Nutrition. They taste great are as basic shakes for women and men. Sample Day:
7am - 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1 apple, 1 whole egg with 2 egg whites
10am - One scoop Whey Protein (post workout) and handful of berries
1pm - 1 chicken breast, brown rice, 1 cup of steamed veggies
4pm - 1/2 cup Almonds and yogurt
7pm - 1 fillet Tilapia (or other fish) and romaine lettuce salad
9pm - Casein Protein Shake
Complete 30-45 minute sessions of cardio for 4-5 times a week. If you are going to do your cardio sessions with your resistance training, be sure to complete your cardio AFTER your resistance training. That way you can concentrate on proper form and will have more energy to complete more reps. Also, cardio after resistance helps you burn more calories and rids your body of lactic acid and makes you less sore for the next day.
The most simple way to do cardio is to jog because it can be done anywhere, anytime without equipment. You can do laps in a pool, elliptical machine, treadmill, stairmaster and bike. Switch it up as much as you want to keep your body guessing.
Interval training is the best way to cut fat and to tone up. It also keeps your body burning calories for up to 48 hours after your training, which is why many athletes and professional body builders use this method. Example:
Warm up - 5 minutes
Intensity Level 9 - 1 minute
Intensity Level 6 - 2 minutes
Intensity Level 3 - 1 minute
*Repeat 3-6 times depending on how long you want*
Cool Down - 5 minutes
*This can be done on any workout equipment or when you are out running, jogging or walking. Intensity level is rated between 1-10.*
Resistance Training:
Resistance training helps you sculpt your muscles and burn calories for up to two days after your training. Many women are hesitant to try weights, thinking they will bulk up and/or put on weight (I, along with my teammates used to think this). However, women lack all the testosterone needed to "bulk" up - women bodybuilders take several supplements and drugs to bulk up. The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism is, the lower your body fat percentage and the more visible your abs or flat stomach become.
Start out by splitting up your routine like this : Mondays - Shoulder/Biceps, Wednesdays - Legs/Back, and Fridays - Chest/Triceps. Training one day, taking one day off allows for your muscles to heal which is necessary to properly sculpt your body. In the gym, complete a mixture of machines and free weights, as machines help with proper form and free weights hit muscles machines can't. Also, to tone up, try smaller amounts of weight but more reps. Focus more on proper form and completing the exercise slow, rather than multiple sets of tons of exercises going through them super fast.
To get those toned abs and sexy flat stomach, work your abs like any other muscle. Take one day on and one day off. If you want to make them super visible, add weight, although most women like the flat look compared to the chiseled ap