should this woman be given extra help to shift the weight, although her husband is still serving her fry ups and bringing take aways..... what do you all think?
25 answers:
2007-03-07 09:40:12 UTC
yes - The NHS treats smokers, drug abusers and drinkers so why not this woman. She would probably benefit form some form of counselling to enable her to change her dangerous eating habits.
2007-03-07 11:17:24 UTC
She was getting help from the NHS and dropped from 32 stone to 28 then it stopped so now she is 42 stones well she obviously did not learn a thing whilst on diet under NHS and has gained even more weight.
This is difficult to answer as NHS is pulled to stretch point at the moment and money could be spent else where but what gives anyone the right to refuse someone help.
She needs to get to the bottom of why she got in to this state in the first place and come to terms with her weight and then perhaps she will be able to loose it at end of the day the only person who can help themselves is her so she should stop eating the fry ups and take aways.
I have put over a stone on in a year due to menapause, having HRT and stopping smoking but I am trying to do something about it by diet and excersise.
2007-03-07 10:05:05 UTC
When I read the history of this case, it was obvious that this lady has already had more help than most with her health problems - the NHS has already paid five grand a week to put her in The Priory. She lost quite a lot of weight and has now put it back on, and that was her own doing.
She clearly has psychological problems if she is unable to stop herself eating to the point where she is killing herself, and definitely needs help with her depression. Until she accepts help with her mental state, all the operations and medications in the world wont help because it is her mindset that makes her continue to eat to the extent that she is killing herself.
Therefore, it's only right the NHS have withdrawn funding because until she takes some action herself, nothing can help her. The NHS is strapped for cash as it is, somewhere along the line someone needs to draw a line in the sand and say, look, we can only help you when you help yourself.
Shying away from the truth is not helping anyone.
marie m
2007-03-07 09:44:50 UTC
No I don't think she should. She got this way through her own fault. I'm very sorry indeed about her post-natal depression; I have been there too, but at the end of the day, all the help in the world won't make a difference if you think someone else has to fix you. There has to be some input from you yourself; the spark has to be in you for the help from others to work, and all I hear in HER voice is self pity, and a willingness to blame the NHS for the way she continues to be.
The Weird One!
2007-03-07 09:41:38 UTC
We all have a right to treatment I guess. I had to personally pay for my weight loss surgery which was fine as I see it as I was the one that ate the stuff in the first place so I was the one that got myself into that position.
She has been helped at a cost of £5000 a week for 8 weeks once and she failed to keep the weight off when she returned to normal life so this is very difficult to answer without knowing the exact in's and out's of her full situation......
2007-03-07 09:48:09 UTC
She was offered a place at a psychiatric centre and turned it down so I don't really see what she means when she says they won't help her.
The have told her she needs to lose weight before surgery, but that is normally because surgery on someone of that weight would kill them. Her heart is already under so much pressure there is a high chance it wouldn't stand an anaesthetic. She already needs oxygen fed to her to help her breath when she is conscious!
2007-03-07 09:43:17 UTC
NHS already helped her with 5000 per week course for 3 months at one side but failed to help her psychologically. As long as that lady has her mental trouble she will remain ill. Sadly she refused to get that kind of help. What can be done? Without her will to change nothing will happen. Never.
2007-03-07 09:53:40 UTC
she has already had help when she was 30 odd stone the nhs paid for her to go into the priory @£5000 a week they got her weight down to 24 stone she was discharged and was offered psychiactric help for eating disorders this she refused quoting depression post natal as the cause she has been offered treatment for problem but has refused now she has ballooned to 42 stone and is blaming the nhs ???? she has had plenty of help and her condition has got worse its time for her to take responsibility for her over eating help she has had plenty
theres no one to blame except herself
A Program To Change Your Fortune
2007-03-07 10:05:56 UTC
Yes - if she wants the help. She is as addicted as all ex smokers, drinkers and every other life-threatening abuse and she will not want to attend weight-watchers. Sounds like her husband needs some help too but perhaps they do not want people interfering in their lives.
debbie s
2007-03-07 09:43:38 UTC
No! The NHS paid 60,000 in the priory for three months treatment at £5000 a week, if that didnt help her to help herself she doesnt deserve to be helped. How many people could that £60,000 have helped?
2007-03-07 09:40:41 UTC
She should try and help herself first instead of leaching off the NHS. Stop the greast fatty food and tell her to eat a salad for once.
2007-03-07 12:36:32 UTC
No I don't think she should get any more help....she's been offered help & didn't do anything to help herself....If however she shows willing to take responsibility for her own actions in the future then maybe then the case should be reviewed.......
2007-03-07 09:45:44 UTC
i think you will find that she has had lots of help including a stay in the priory funded by the nhs.
They are offering her help, but she is refusing it.
They should staple her stomach, then its up to her and her stupid husband for allowing her to get like this!
2007-03-07 09:42:41 UTC
It is a very difficult one because it is not ethical to leave someone to die but it would appear she is not doing her utmost to help herself - I think she should be given help provided she obeys set criteria i.e diet, living conditions etc
2007-03-07 09:40:07 UTC
YES! Out of the door and sent home - read it properly - she ADMITS it is of her own doing - stuffing her fat face with junk food coz she had a mood on - baby blues my A s s - she had three others as well - blues - she should have been suicidal but instead chose to STUFF HER FACE -
2007-03-07 09:39:57 UTC
NO WAY, this woman is in this state through her own fault and I have no sympathy for her. For all those people blaming whomever is "feeding her" she has her own mind and can choose not to eat something. No-one else is to blame except her.
2007-03-07 09:40:01 UTC
Her husband needs to be shown how to do healthy meals. Yes she should get help from the nhs
2007-03-07 09:40:33 UTC
Anybody that needs help should get it. They should also tell whoever is feeding her to %$$££$ off and stop it!
2007-03-07 09:41:39 UTC
i think she should be helped, why is it that over weight people get so much stick, but people with anorexia get sympathy. they both have eating disorders.
mary m
2007-03-07 09:44:29 UTC
this woman should not get any help...the nhs is already overburdened as it is and nurses and doctors are already overworked looking after real sick reap what you sow
2007-03-07 09:48:11 UTC
They have already tried to help.
I say she made her bed so let her lie in it.
2007-03-07 09:40:26 UTC
Yes, and her family to, they should stop feeding her to much fatty foods
2007-03-07 10:32:36 UTC
feed her all she wants,no one is going to care when she pops her clogs
2007-03-07 10:44:09 UTC
no as she isnt helping herself!!
2007-03-07 09:42:38 UTC
No way.
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