hahaha wtf...she's full of sh!T! hahaha
here's what i found on wikipedia:
Inedia is the alleged ability to live without food. Breatharianism is a related concept, in which believers claim food and possibly water are not necessary, and that humans can be sustained solely by prana (the vital life force in Hinduism), or according to some, by the energy in sunlight. The terms breatharianism or inedia may also refer to this philosophy practiced as a lifestyle in place of the usual diet. While it is often seen as an esoteric practice performed by eastern ascetics, recently some groups such as the Breatharian Institute of America [1] have promoted the practice as an option for anybody, once the proper techniques for accessing it are made known.
Current scientific theories about nutrition and generally accepted common sense both indicate that a person who follows this practice in the long term would die of starvation or dehydration. Breatharians have seldom submitted themselves to medical testing and currently there is no evidence to support their claims.
Prominent skeptic James Randi has this to say about Breatharianism:
There are some claims that are far too implausible to warrant any serious examination, such as the "Breatharian" claims in which the applicant states that he can survive without food or water. Science conclusively tells us all we need to know about such matters, and the James Randi Educational Foundation feels no obligation to engage applicants in such delusions.[2]
...and i also read a couple of articles about people who died in less than a month from staving themselves. look it up on google. its rediculous!!!