Be careful. If you set out to simply lose weight, and here we're looking at fat content and not muscle mass, eating 2500 calories per day seems very high. However, if you are using up 3000 calories, you'll lose weight. Keep your fat content to an absolute minimum, don't combine proteins and complex carbs in any one meal, no bread, but really at your age and your weight, you need to seek professional help as your heart is under massive strain at present. Not to mince my words, you don't have the skills nor knowledge to start this, and seeing a dietician would help educate you and your family, as tbh, many of the problems you're having stem from them, what's put on the dining table, your portion sizes, the content of your intake and how your family memmbers are failing you at this time. Seek real, and genuine help as we here can't tell you properly enough what life changes you will need to make. But at your age, now is most definitely the time in your life to be doing something drastic, but you, nor your family have this knowledge. Seek professional help.
Hope that starts to help.
EDIT: You are 13yrs old. You have packed on 50lbsof excess / waste weight recently. And no one in your close circle of friends nor your family have cautioned you? I find that my earlier comments are even more pertinent. That's a whopping 1/5th of your body weight added in very short time. Added as fat, most of which will be visceral fat. Then you cite professional athletes being over 300lbs, so, what, it's OK for you to be emulating them?!
I think a trip to the doctor is very much in order (get your Mummy to take you maybe) as you seem to think you're an professional adult male athlete. And you most certainly aren't. You are just into puberty. Why do you think you're a professional all of a sudden? You are benching weights (albeit below your own body weight which as a adult is a minimum if you're going to shout about it) and yet your joints, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, bones sinews etc have not yet fully formed. Why is no one available to guide, mentor and help you?
And you seem upset when as a 13yr old, people give you two line answers to your question here on this site? Why are you asking us here how to do this? I think you need to seek medical advice and guidance and not for one moment, assume you begin to know what you're doing, since you don't.
Sorry to be so blunt, but people need to tell you some home-truths.