If i eat something unhealthy-i try and make it healthy.
Eg. instead of the great sugary muffins-i make my own so I know what's in them and i'll subsite things to make it healthy.
E.g. if you have sugar in your coffee or on your cereal-try honey instead.
Honey-is natural(most of the time), as well as keeping your sugars stabilised longer-so your less likely to feel the urge to snack.
With the veggie prob-try blending it up, making it into something you like. e.g. quiche, shove a small amount in a smoothie so you don't notice it.
I used to go for a coke every lunch, then I switched to juice, now they brought out the one with veggies so i have that now.
Set yourself a goal-make yourself eat at least one veggie a day.
Just try and go for healthy choices. If it's something really unhealthy-think of a punishment e,g. run around the block for an hr or eat broccilli instead to compensate.
Eat nuts-their filling +good protein, try looking down the health food isle-they have lots of health bars etc-try and avoid the sports one-esp biggest loser-their yucky. LCM bars are a better aletnative-their light-give you something to munch on, yummy and they don't have such a high sugar content.
The V8 juice has a strange aftertaste but is alright too-only if cold first though.
Try and make your own foods-it makes you proud and you know what's in them.
I'ts hard, but you get into a habit.
If you are craving certain things-perhaps you are lacking in them