What exersice can you do to get rid of love handles on your sides and your upper thighs.?
2006-03-23 09:22:32 UTC
What exersice can you do to get rid of love handles on your sides and your upper thighs.?
Nine answers:
2006-03-23 09:25:16 UTC
Put a dumbbell in your hand and bend about 35 degrees to the right for about 20 reps, do the same for the other side. That really helps for your sides. For your thighs I would recommend circuit training this will help to reduce over fat in the body, without making your leg muscles overly large.
2006-03-23 11:19:33 UTC
Proper diet and aerobic exercise will help burn the fat and, over the course of time fat levels will reduce around the love handles as well as your thighs.

To help tone the love handles do side bends, done by standing straight with knees slightly bent and feet apart, then slowly lower the trunk a few inches to the left side then back again to do the right side. Try to keep the body and legs in line by not bending forwards or backwards.

Torso twists are also great, they help tone the abdomin muscle tightening the love handles. While standing firmly with feet shoulder width apart, the torso twists gently to the left side then to the right while at the same time trying to limit the movement from the hips. During the movements the torso should always remain upright, there should be no bending involved.

For your upper thighs, stand with feet sholder width apart,

raise you leg up to the side (with a squeezed) then back down.

I also recommend you do squads 3 x a week w/ your own body weight.

Good luck and have fun.
2006-03-23 09:26:49 UTC
Hold a small dumb bell to start with or other weight in your left hand, stand straight up and bend sideways to the left letting the weight slide down the side of your left leg. Do 15 - 20 reps if it is comfortable. Switch sides and do the same for the right side. Start with 2 sets and work your way up to more reps more sets. dont bend sideways too far though to prevent back injury.

Also watch your diet, with excessive eating nothing will help, other than surgery.....but even that doesn't show results for a while.
2006-03-23 09:44:23 UTC
These two exercises worked wonders for me:

For love handles: It is really good to circulate your hips as though you are trying to hold up a hula hoop, and even grooze it up a bit, have a bit of a boogie! This will also tighten your stomach muscles.

For Iner Thighs: Lie on the floor, and pop your legs in the air, about 45 degrees from the floor. Open your legs, and hold your thighs with your hands, and bring the legs in, then out again. This is really good for toning up the inner thigh muscles.

Have fun!
2016-05-20 07:42:36 UTC
You can do some focussed abdominal exercise, but don't expect too much too soon. It takes time to sculpt your body, do it carefully, not just fast, and you'll appreciate the end result more. Also, you're very young, be sure you're getting all the nutrients and required calories. One thing I've seen work for developing the hardest bodies, is manual labour. Offer to dig the gardens of your senior neighbours. If they need wood chopped, holes dug ... do that and anything like that you can find to do in the neighbourhood. You'll make a few bucks and get the hardest abs, back and arms.
2006-03-23 09:40:24 UTC
There is no exercise that can "spot reduce, etc", all those gym equipment certified to do so, wont.

easiest way? treadmill with slight incline will work your butt and burn calories. To lose a pound you must have a deduction of about 3500 calories, so if you are staying even on weight now, cut 400 calories a day youll lose 4 pounds a month approx

other exercises include oblique crunches (legs facing left or right and then doing a crunch)
2006-03-23 09:36:19 UTC
Start Jazzercizing. It works.
2006-03-23 09:22:59 UTC
dont eat
2006-03-23 12:13:01 UTC

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