how can i increase my height & weight?need fast reply.?
2007-05-16 06:36:39 UTC
help! i am 13 yr. old & my ht. is 4 ft. 10 inch . i want to increase my height. my wt. is 35 kg.
my dad's ht. is 5.8'' inch & my mom's ht. is 5.4'' inch.i want to increase my ht. fast.
Eight answers:
2007-05-16 06:43:06 UTC
eat more protein food and drink more water

To calculate your maximum potential height based on your

parents' and grandparents' height, use the following


Your father's height = F cm (inches)

Your mother's height = M cm (inches)

Your father's father's height = FF cm (inches)

Your father's mother's height = FM cm (inches)

Your mother's father's height = MF cm (inches)

Your mother's mother's height = MM cm (inches)

If you are a male:

With 95% certainty,

Your Maximum Potential Height in cm (inches) =

(F + M + FF + FM + MF + MM) / 6 * 1.08 + 8.8 cm (3.5 inches)

With 99% certainty,

Your Maximum Potential Height in cm (inches) =

(F + M + FF + FM + MF + MM) / 6 * 1.08 + 14 cm (5.5 inches)


If you are a female:

With 95% certainty,

Your Maximum Potential Height in cm (inches) =

(F + M + FF + FM + MF + MM) / 6 * 0.92 + 6.4 cm (2.5


With 99% certainty,

Your Maximum Potential Height in cm (inches) =

(F + M + FF + FM + MF + MM) / 6 * 0.92 + 11.4 cm (4.5



Explanation: Extensive statistic and scientific research

shows the average height of males is equivalent to the

average height of their parents and grandparents multiplied

by a conversion factor of 1.08. This will be most males'

natural height (if they do not put any efforts into growing

taller). However, 95 out of 100 males' maximum potential

height is less than the sum of their natural height plus 8.8

cm (3.5 inches), and 99 out of 100 males' maximum potential

height is below the sum of their natural height plus 14 cm

(5.5 inches). Similarly, the average height of females is

equivalent to the average height of their parents and

grandparents multiplied by a conversion factor of 0.92. This

will be most females' natural height (if they do not put any

efforts into growing taller). However, 95 out of 100

females' maximum potential height is below the sum of their

natural height plus 6.4 cm (2.5 inches), and 99 out of 100

females' maximum potential height is below the sum of their

natural height plus 11.4 cm (4.5 inches).


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about the content in this free secret:

OneRom Group, Inc.

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Mail: 244 Fifth Avenue, Suite C241, New York, NY 10001, USA


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Featured Article: You can still grow tall even if both of

your parents are short.


Regardless of your parents' height, if your grandparents or

even grand-grandparents are tall, you may still receive

their tall genes and have the potential to grow much taller

than your parents. This explains why some children can

grow much taller than both of their parents but others can

not. The tall children receive tall genes from their

grandparents or other recent ancestors and the short

children do not. How? It's pure luck based on mathematical

probability. Can you be sure you do not have tall genes just

because your parents are short? NO! Your parents may both be

"unlucky" to miss the tall genes from your recent ancestors,

but this actually gives you more of a chance to receive

those tall genes since the probability of missing a certain

trait for two or more generations consecutively is very small

- only 1/4 for two generations, 1/8 for three generations,

and 1/16 for four generations. So you should check all of

your recent ancestors (at least 3 or 4 generations) before

you conclude "I am from a short family". From today's "Grow

Taller Secret" you already know the scientific formula

which can calculate your maximum potential height based on

your parents' and grandparents' height. Now, apply this

formula to calculate your maximum potential height - most

likely you will be surprised to find that you have the

potential to grow much taller than you thought possible.

Moreover, recent scientific research and experiments

discover that the major cause for most people's height

deficiency is NOT genetic or hereditary. While human genes

do determine a maximum potential height for everyone, over

98% of adults are 2 - 6 inches (5 - 15 cm) shorter than the

maximum potential height designed by their genes due to the

following three causes:

The primary cause is insufficient growth hormone production.

Growth hormone, also known as somatotropin, is a protein

hormone of 191 amino acids that is produced by your

pituitary gland. Growth hormone is the most important factor

in controlling your bone growth because it is the only

hormone that stimulates the growth of cartilage cells at the

end of your bones (which is solely responsible for the

vertical growth of your bones). During your puberty

(age 12 - 14), your pituitary gland is very active and

produces sufficient amount of growth hormone to stimulate

rapid bone growth. So you are very likely to experience

a growth spurt. However, soon after puberty most people's

pituitary glands become inactive and produce very little

growth hormone to stimulate any further bone growth. So most

people stop growing taller soon after their puberty, even

when their growth plates are still open and they are still

inches shorter than their maximum potential height.

The secondary cause is a short growth period. On average,

boys' growth plates should not completely close until age

25; girls' growth plates should not completely close until

age 21. However, external distresses (school, work,

relationships, etc.) can often cause premature closure of

the growth plates, which in turn causes a short growth

period. Many people stop growing because their growth

plates are prematurely closed way before they can reach

their maximum potential height.

The last but not least cause is any of the common human

mistakes such as a poor diet, incorrect sleeping habit, lack

of the right exercises, inappropriate postures, etc. In

order for your body to grow to its maximum potential height,

just having sufficient growth hormone and a long growth

period is not enough - your body also needs all the

necessary nutrients, efficient rest, some right exercises,

appropriate posture, etc. So if you have been making any

one (or more than one) of those common mistakes, you can not

grow to your maximum potential height.

Thus, the joined effects of the above three causes can

easily make you 2 - 6 inches (5 - 15 cm) shorter than your

maximum potential height. It is just these 2 - 6 inches (5 -

15 cm) that make most of the difference between "tall" and

"short"; and it is just these 2 - 6 inches (5 - 15 cm) that

you can regain through our #1 Grow Taller And Increase

Height Program.

Our program can best work for you because it is aimed to

eliminate all of the above three causes which prevent you

from growing to your maximum potential height. More

specifically, our program can:

* naturally increase your growth hormone production,

* naturally prolong your growth period,

* naturally improve your diet, sleeping habit, exercises,

postures and all the other important factors for your


The complete combination of our program can help you regain

those lost 2 - 6 inches (5 - 15 cm) and reach your maximum

potential height permanently and proportionally.

Therefore, you can still grow taller even if both of your

parents are short (as you will learn later, most people who

follow our program have grown much taller than their



Contact us for a free consultation if you have any questions

about the content in this featured article:

OneRom Group, Inc.

Telephone: 212-544-0888


Fax: 212-591-6810

Mail: 244 Fifth Avenue, Suite C241, New York, NY 10001, USA


Tell friends about this featured article:

Simply forward this email or ask them to subscribe by

sending a blank email to:


About Our Program: Introduction of the most effective "grow

taller" products.


To help you grow 2 - 6 inches (5 - 15 cm) taller

permanently, we offer three unique and highly effective

"grow taller" products:

* Kimi - the only "grow taller" device which can naturally

increase your growth hormone production by stimulating your

pituitary gland action. Kimi is required by our program

because it is the only way to increase your growth hormone

production dramatically and naturally. Just by using Kimi

alone you can grow 1 - 3 inches (2.5 - 7.5 cm) taller.

For more detailed explanations on Kimi, please visit:

* MFIII - the only "grow taller" supplement which can

naturally prolong your growth period by rejuvenating and

revitalizing your bones and growth plates. MFIII is strongly

recommended by our program because it can maximize the

result of Kimi by prolonging your growth period. MFIII can

rejuvenate and revitalize your growth plates so they can be

kept open longer, and become easier and more ready to grow

under the stimulation of the sufficient growth hormone

produced by using Kimi. Because most premature closure of

the growth plates starts right after puberty (age 12 - 14),

MFIII is especially important for people who are over 14. By

using Kimi and MFIII together you can grow 2 - 6 inches (5 -

15 cm) taller.

For more detailed explanations on MFIII, please visit:

* 50 Fantastic Free Bonuses - the only "grow taller" manual

that can teach you how to avoid common human mistakes and

naturally improve your diet, sleeping habit, exercises,

postures... and all of the other important factors for your

growth. Now you can get all of these 50 fantastic bonuses

($349 value) absolutely free just by trying Kimi/ MFIII! So

no matter if you choose to try Kimi, or MFIII, or both, you

can get all 50 fantastic bonuses to avoid all of those

common mistakes and achieve the best result in growing taller

for yourself - at NO cost!

For more detailed explanations on 50 Fantastic Free Bonuses,

please visit:


Contact us for a free consultation if you have any question

about our "grow taller" products:

OneRom Group, Inc.

Telephone: 212-544-0888


Fax: 212-591-6810

Mail: 244 Fifth Avenue, Suite C241, New York, NY 10001, USA


Tell friends about our "grow taller" products:

Simply forward this email or ask them to subscribe by

sending a blank email to:


What People Say About Our Products


Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 21:42:53 -0400 (EDT)

Subject: Here is what I want to say about Kimi.

My father is only 5'5'' and my mother is only 5'1''. I was

5'7'' tall when I was 22. I decided to try to grow taller

even though everyone told me that my bone was fused and I

had reached my maximum height since both of my parents are

short. I thought at least it would make me feel better since

I will never regret again for not trying my best. After

wasting hundreds of dollars on those junk books and

"nutrition juice", I finally chose to use Kimi. My feet was

hurt a little at the beginning, but soon I used to it and

began to like it. I felt the difference in the first two

weeks. After one month of using Kimi, I grew half an inch

taller. After four months I grew another 1 inch. I kept

using Kimi everyday until now. I just turned 23 and I stand

5'9'', a full 4' taller than my father. Kimi works for those

who believe it and use it persistently. I hope you will

start using Kimi and grow taller too!


Yi G. Cao

-- Yi G. Cao from Massachusetts, USA


How To Order Our #1 Grow Taller And Increase Height Products


There are 10 easy ways to order our products:

1. Order by a Credit Card on a secure Shopping Cart.

2. Order by Western Union Quick Pay (wire transfer).

3. Order in person by coming to our local office.

4. Order over the phone.

5. Order by Fax.

6. Order by PayPal.

7. Order by c2it (Citibank).

8. Order by mailing a Check or Money Order.

9. Order by drawing a Bank Draft or Demand Draft.

10. Order by mailing Cash in US Dollars.

Please visit

to choose the best way for you to place an order. There are

very detailed instructions for each specific way of ordering

on that page, simply follow those instructions and make the

order by the way you choose. Feel free to contact us if you

still have any questions about ordering.


Tell Us What You Think


We would love to hear what you think of this issue of our

newsletter. And of course, if you have any questions about

the content in this newsletter or about growing taller and

increasing height in general, please feel free to contact us:

OneRom Group, Inc.

Telephone: 212-544-0888


Fax: 212-591-6810

Mail: 244 Fifth Avenue, Suite C241, New York, NY 10001, USA


Reminder for our next issue: do not forget to check your

email in a few days to receive more free tips, instructions,

and secrets on how to grow taller and increase height!


Copyright (c) 1998 - 2005 OneRom Group, Inc.

Contents in this newsletter may NOT be re-published UNLESS

the following source information and URL is included without

any change:


How To Grow Taller And Increase Height FREE Newsletter by

OneRom Group, Inc.

To subscribe, send a blank email to:


For more information about our #1 Grow Taller And Increase

Height Program, please visit:

OneRom Group, Inc.

244 Fifth Avenue, Suite C241

New York

NY 10001

United States
2007-05-16 06:50:17 UTC
Whatever you do do not order any supplements that say they will help increase your height, there boggus. Just give puberty it's time to help you do this. You are only 13 and still have a good 5-7 years to grow taller and gain weight. It's good if you enter a sports team because you'll be stretching your muscles and that can help you get height, and don't forget to drink your milk!
2007-05-22 16:01:21 UTC
U are slow to grow tall cus its in ur gene(mom and dad), but try stretching more anytime u wake up from sleep and eat proteinous foods.
2007-05-16 06:41:17 UTC
u havent had your growth spurt yet it should come when u are between 15-17 and ensure will help u gain weight drink a shake before bed your body stores calories while u sleep.
2007-05-23 23:36:27 UTC
I don't think you need to worry so much over your height ..Yet ....for you havn't yet reached your optimum growth potential...

Wait till you reach 18 or even 21 ( for some people).till then ..quit worrying and jus concentrate on your studies,eating healthy and staying fit..

all the best
2007-05-16 06:40:51 UTC
hon, leave yourself alone, there is no way to increase hight, your only 13 and not finished growing yet...

stop focusing on what you want to change and go out and have some fun with friends..
2007-05-16 06:40:19 UTC
From the many things I've heard in life.. I know that swimming makes you taller... You can take swimming classes... and swim your butt off....
2007-05-16 06:44:10 UTC
ok i know that cabbage helps you to be higher and try to eat foods and cakes that contains lots of cream and eat lots of bread trust me it will work

i hope you get better:-)

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.