The truth is yes they do work, problem is they aren't trustworthy, they ARE unsafe and the weight comes back as soon as you stop dieting and using the pills. And yes you'll lose your butt, no you won't lose your boobs, Breasts are little fat and mostly gland.
I've tried many of them. Some worked some didn't. Ones I've tried:
Zantex 3- comes in a bright blue bottle with blue pills. Take one a day in the morning and it makes you super hyper until 3am and then you start all over after passing out from exhaustion. YES this will make you lose a ton of weight I lost 15 pounds using it for a month and eating whatever I wanted. Thing is it also makes you poop every hour and not feel like eating. But I had anxiety attacks, fluctuating heart rates, stomach craps, and no sleep. I looked like a wreck. and when I quit the pills for my health, the weight shot back up!
Hoodia- stupid, doesn't work. Sure you aren't hungry but if your in the habit if eating when you don't actually feel hungry anyway, then it doesn't work because you still have emotions, cravings, and friends saying, hey lets go to Applebees. So yeah, never lost any weight.
Hydroxy cut- I lost weight but not fat, I still had the same pant size, same flab, same chin, everything... but the scale said I weighed less, why? Think back to science, what does the prefix hydra mean? WATER, and that's exactly what its cutting, your water weight, it dehydrates you. and everyone knows being dehydrated is bad for you.
Detox- (many versions) these make you feel healthy and drop lots of weight fast. But not fat. Its all fecal weight. Yes there is something called fecal weight, its the weight of digested food sitting in your hugely long colon waiting to be completely sapped of water and then excreted. Detox makes you poop. So you don't absorb the last bits of nutrients in your food (calories have already been used by this point so your not skipping that) and making you poop it as fast as your little butt can. Do not detox before an important event, because you will have to excuse yourself to the restroom every few minutes while everyone else is having fun. Once the detox is over and you stand on the scale and celebrate, your body fills its colons with new feces and that mysterious weight is back, problem is, all the beneficial bacteria that live in your gut that helped you digest properly have died from the detox and now you have whats known as IBM syndrome. Still fat too.