How do you get real toning results when you work out?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
How do you get real toning results when you work out?
1076 answers:
2007-06-26 09:22:03 UTC
You won't see results WHEN (during) you work out -- the change in your body comes when you're resting which is why it's so important to factor recovery time in to your training.

If you're eating sensibly and exercising you'll see results eventually. Exercise is good for your body on many levels, but if we never exercise but eat right we should still see results of fat loss.

I think we need to remember that for the average person, this is a long slow process; and this really is the ideal way to lose fat and build muscle.
2007-07-04 10:23:01 UTC
By increasing your repetitions and decreasing the amount of weight. That type of workout not only burns fat faster, it also builds lots of lean muscle. In time the weight will increase and you will continue to do the same amount of reps. It wil burn fat like never before, even when your at rest. Even if you give it a rest for a couple of months, you will notice that the muscle you built has kept the majority of fat off.

Also, put special emphasis on your legs, where the biggest muscles are located. i have found that doing squats and Romanian dead lifts work your upper legs completely and you wil see definition you never saw before. The larger muscle will allow you to consume more and burn fat continuously.

Of course your diet also has a lot to do with it, but with this kind of workout you can get away with the usual flaws in he diet.
jimmy t
2007-06-26 09:28:11 UTC
It has been my experience that cardio is the only way to reduce hard to burn fat. I like to do isometric exercises twice a week and run 4 times a week (about 5.5 miles). It wasn't until I started running that I became toned around the middle...and it didn't take long.
2007-06-26 09:24:49 UTC
Work on your arms. Usually, for a lot of people, you can build muscle in your arm that you can see and feel better than some other muscles in your body. Seeing this can encourage you. Seeing that your arm is losing it's flab and looking more toned can help you realize that the rest of your body will look like that, too, if you're willing to work for it.
2007-07-04 11:04:46 UTC
In my experience, working out requires WORK. It should be physically draining,intense and require you to dig deep. You will not see results with mediocre effort. You have to push yourself. I would guess-timate that at least 60% of the people in the gym are working well below the level they should be. Kick up the resistance or intensity and I guarantee you will see results.
Austin W
2007-07-04 10:32:18 UTC
I don't go to gyms much. I walk and ride a bike outdoors. I get almost immediate toning benefits, enjoy my exercise, and save a lot of money.
2007-07-04 11:10:14 UTC
when you're at the gym try and focus on certain areas of your body that you want to tone. use those muscles, but when doing reps be sure to do them slowly so you can feel the burn. doing less reps slower will help you achieve more results then more, faster reps.

speed walking or running are another form of exercise that will help you slim down over all and achieve a 'fit' body.

swimming is also important since it will keep you in shape without putting stress on your joints.

although working out is important, its also important that you eat well.

breakfast- proteins (eggs, shakes) and toast

lunch- salads

dinner- lean meats, whole wheats, green salads, variety of vegetables

dessert- fruits.

snacks- preztles, fruits, yogurt

its important to also get those sweets in. indulgence is okay, but over indulgence in anything won't help you achieve your goal any faster
2007-07-04 10:36:38 UTC
I agree with the top contributor. The DIET is far more challenging on a day in, day out basis!! We put too much emphasis on food and the choices are endless. I have found that people who succeed in healthy weight loss typically treat food as medicine: something to be consumed to fuel the body, versus something to "treat" yourself, indulge in or otherwise occupy time. Their focus is only on food for energy, not social.
2007-07-04 10:28:25 UTC
Increase the intensity of your workout. More reps and or weight. More importantly, results are 60% dependent on what you do outside of the gym. Your diet is huge.
2007-06-26 09:26:14 UTC
the diet hold back 90% of the people from seeing the results that they desire. going to the gym is easy, eating healthy meals day in and day out is not. the healthier the diet and the more whole foods it contains the greater the positive effect there will be on the endocrine system.

too many people focus just on calories and not the source of the calories. the foods that you consume have a direct effect on the endocrine system and the endocrine system governs the human body. it will respond accordingly when healthy foods are consumed regularly and when heavily processed foods are consumed regularly. the healthier the diet the faster results of exercise will be seen
2016-12-24 01:35:26 UTC
2007-07-20 16:05:14 UTC
I have been on numerous health programs throughout the years from football training to losing weight now that my seditary job has caught up with me. Most recently I lost 89 lbs and just had the "stick with it" attitude. The best thing I could say is that it takes a lot to stay strong and believe that what you are doing is making changes. It was tough when I would see the scale go in the wrong direction. It was tough to believe that the next time I weighed in I would weigh less. I had to recollect and say to myself "ok, you must not have done everything right this week, what did you not do?" As time progressed I noticed everyone saying, hey you are looking really good, or wow what an improvement you are making, even though when I looked in the mirror I didn't see it that way. My girlfriend commented on how much more energy I had, and I didn't take that into consideration but it certainly helped me keep at it. When I was training for football I was noticing times go down, no matter how little it was, it was still a step in the right direction. If I added weight to my lifts even if I had to decrease it right after, it was more than I was doing the time before. I guess overall you don't need to see results to know you are making progress. Just knowing you are doing what you should be and being disciplined enough to know that despite shortcomings and potholes, the road to the goal was still the same, and that if you turn back, or try to take a side street that isn't going to help you see improvements over the long haul.
2007-07-05 03:34:39 UTC
Follow the guidelines properly and working out integratedly :

1. having a competent personal trainer to start, stay for sometimes and continue on your own.

2. understand the anatomical adaptation and periodisation, it takes times. The toning happens long time after an anatomical adaptation, and force to gain it before this phase is forcing your muscles to injury and fatique.

2. build form the core, get rid of the excess toxins by a good eating behavior, periodisastion. The toning wont come if your body is still concentrating to manage a balance state by working hard with the past and existing toxins in the system.

3. Vary the work out type, not only doing the same thing for the whole year or month.

4. Dont be obsesive to result, as it is a processs, which means, listen your body, observe how do you feel and all the changes, and if your body tells you to rest, do it!.

5. If those things get done right, then the toning is a present for you, not simply an effort. because you casn have more than toning by working out properly.
2007-07-05 01:09:18 UTC
"Real" results depends on you and your perspective of things. At this point I usually share with others what I have learned along the way. It's about a lifestyle change and isn't just temporary. Sometimes you won't necessarily see the results right away especially the physical aspect of it. It is about a combination of diet and exercise - however, I'm reluctant to use the word diet as this is about a lifestyle change and isn't something that is temporary.

Here are quite a few links that you may find useful when doing your research. I included information regarding healthy lifestyle changes as that is where it starts. I also included some links for toning and working out as that should be incorporated as well.

The main thing is to decide on your goal or objective. Ask yourself a few questions, do I want to firm up the body that I have? Do I want to lose weight? Am I happy with my weight? Why exactly am I working out?

Make it fun. Sometimes a partner helps, even if they aren't with you physically (although that is more fun) even if they are doing it at the same time or going through a same program that you are.

You should definately incorporate cardio into your routine as that is important.

Remember the benefits will not only be visible (eventually) physically but mentally and physiologically as well. Changed lifestyles have improved, weight, shape, mental attitude, depression, sleep, self-esteem, etc.

Make sure that it is something you will enjoy and want to continue.

Good luck in your endeavor.
Hermosa bori
2007-07-31 06:53:54 UTC
These are my favorite questions. As bombarded as we are with all these machines, perfect ab work outs, the best diets, we feel as though if we do not look like the person in the commercial or picture soon enough, we feel as though we are not doing something right. Looking in the mirror after every work out does not work. Only gets you more discouraged. I have been an a work out freak since 1976. You will never see results in a work out unless you are Soooo on point, tand never do ANYTHING OTHER THAN, for at least 6 months. You will loose from every place else, THEN you will see the loss where you finaly wanted it. Ther are NO quick look terrific schemes. Only hard work and DEDICATION! A life time of it. looking the way you want, whether its firming up, great abs, muscular arms, this is a life style! Not a momentary thing. Genetics play the most part, and you work with what you have. Eating right. Not just counting calories, and eating salads alll the time. Balance! IT will take at least 6 months or more. No short cuts. determination, and hard work. Good luck! I am 51 yrs old, and look 31! No surgery, or lifts. I weigh 141lbs.- 5ft3in.
2007-07-05 10:33:42 UTC
+weight - reps = size

-weight + reps = sculpting/toning

That's one of the basics.

Then there's the other thing about doing reps: many people simply machine-gun the reps (ie. doing it fast for the numbers). That's why some people can diligently go gyming for an entire year without getting results.

What I do to prevent that is to use counts of 4 for any exercise.


Push-ups : 1(down), 2-3 (hold), 4 (up)

Any weight machine: 1(pull), 2-3 (hold), 4 (release)

The idea is to ensure that you are actually doing some work instead of simply racking up counts.

As to whether you want to add aerobics to weights etc etc...I leave it up to your believes. Many people have gotten similar results with different combinations.

Just remember:

+ muscle = + fat burning = + calories burnt

weights does not = big muscle. (remember the -weight + reps formula?)

It's good when you can feel the strain. Even better when you have aches here and there. A good indication of using the right no. of reps or the right amount of weights is that by the last count (ie. 15..or whatever) you should be straining.

Oh, and for protein, I got this from an award-winning body-builder. Try to use Whey. Soya is good but because it mimics eastrogen in the body, it also holds fat. Well, not like it's gonna add or prevent weight loss or anything but its additional information that might proove useful.

So food is also important. Obviously. However, don't go will only end up getting destructive cravings. The idea is control and balance. Eat less of what you want but is unhealthy, and eat more of what is healthy. So, if you like KFC, have it once a week, instead of thrice. And, if you're very disciplined, for every unhealthy meal you have, replace it with 2 healthy meals.

If you believe in supplements (not replacements), do take them. I will not go into the details but it's proven that we will 'NEVER' get enough vitamins and minerals even on an extremely healthy diet when taken into account all the enviromental and personal factors.

These vitamins and minerals are essential in the body's ability to metabolise energy.

Read: Metabolism = energy conversation = calories burnt.

Nooo......this doesn't mean that you can get thin by simply getting more of the good stuff. It's just one of many factors...

Hope I helped
2007-07-30 11:21:18 UTC
If you go to a gym, find a good personal trainer. These people in most cases know what they are doing. Do your homework and get an idea of what you are doing. This will help you select a training that is right for you. Understand proper nutrition, should you not have the materials to build or tone you body will not. Your body needs specific nutrients, proteins and carbs. Visit a nutritionist. Drink plenty of water when you work out. If you want to tone then do muscle strength exercises, muscle endurance exercises and cardio exercises. Do all of these. I use the weight machines for either my legs, abs or upper body alternating days, but I always make sure I do some sort of cardio exercise every day. That is how I tone. Take specific measurements of your body and stay away from the scale. Use a tape measure for arms, legs, waist all over. Record you findings. It sound rediculous but get naked and look at yourself in the mirror every day and determine the areas you need or want to work on. Take notice when clothes start to fit better. Have your significant other give you feedback as to how you are looking. Accept with grace and humility what they are saying if you want the truth. Working out has gone scientific and you realy need to research and educate yourself on all the ways to do this. There is and never has been a magic bullet, instead it is an individualistic culmination of various things that work specificly for you and your lifestyle. There is no boilerplant blueprint that works for everyone. Its hard work, accept it and drive on to your fitness goals. Once there maintain that lifestyle. Yes, it is a lifestyle and lifelong commitment.
2007-07-17 19:53:18 UTC
People tend to think that it takes heavy weights or thousands of miles on a tread mill to get results - - IT DOESN'T!!

Diet is the key to becoming tone, light and frequent exercise will keep you tone.

Begin your diet - - 12x your current body weight is the max caloric intake on a daily basis. Keep to about 20 grams of carbs per day, and completely cut out ALL SUGAR (no sodas, candy, sugary toppings, etc.) I'd also avoid diet sodas as well - -too much sodium will cause you to retain water.

In the gym or at home, plan out a weight lifting regimen that involves very light dumbbells (there isn't a body part that dumbbells can't work.) The idea is to employ high repetitions using low weight. E.g., arm curls - -3 sets of 20 reps using no more than 5 lbs. There are quite a few books available that can help you identify various dumbbell exercises to use. Note that exercise should be conducted at least three times a week (more if you have the time.)

The combination of diet and exercise will cause you to see physical change -- -in fact if you remain serious about following this suggestion, you'll see a difference at the end of one month.

Good luck.
2007-07-17 16:15:31 UTC
I find that if you work out 2 to 3 times per week with free weights or weight resistant machines at the gym you will see results. I don't know of any other way to change the body. Cardio burns the fat, but you will still have the same body just with less fat. So squats and lunges are the best for the lower body. You can also use 2 - 8 pounds free weights and work the upper body. Also, Pod Fitness which airs on Lifetime TV has some of the best personal trainers. I've personally have had great success working out 5 times a week with the trainers on that particular show. I have also had other personal trainers and their is no comparison. These personal trainers really know their stuff and the results you will see will blow your mind. Also, you must eat healthy. I personally eat nine servings of fruit and veg tables, grains and of course proteins. I avoid sugar like the plague. So if you eat healthy 80% of the time, do your cardio and your weight training you should have great results.
2007-07-15 08:53:27 UTC
You the person doing the exercises won't be able to see most of the results because you see yourself all the time. It's the other people who are seeing you now and again that should notice the difference.

Just keep up the great work and before long, you too will notice the results of your changing body.

What that great work is, is doing calisthenics and weight training exercises on a daily basis.

You can get a book on the topic from the library to get specific ideas for your routine.

There's no real need to go to an expensive gym or Y to get this accomplished. Although, a lot of people want a "push" to start, but usually we don't even go to these places after joining.

Could you imagine how jam-packed these exercise gyms and Y's would be if everyone who joined them, went all the time??
2007-08-05 15:08:26 UTC
Determine your level of commitment and set some realistic goals then develop a routine that is adequate to your body needs and stick with it until you accomplish your goal. Everyone metabolism is different but something that works for me is on the standard rower or the elliptical machine for 15 to 30 minutes, then I light weights small amounts of weight any where from 15 to 20 pound just increase the number of reps and then I jump on the step master for another 15 minutes, the step master for another 15 minutes the reason this technique works is because after weigh lifting your body releases fat that it can be easily burn by performing cardio, don’t forget to exercise you abdominal muscles you should not spend more than an hour at the gym in order to exercise effectively you will have to come up with a work rest cycle or some type of schedule but I'm sure you already know that, just don't try to do too much too quick.
2007-07-30 05:31:55 UTC
Well, you need to start by reaching for the weights. Thin body types don't always see a lot of results at first so be patient. If you have a muscular frame you will probably see results in about 3 to 4 weeks. If you have a large frame you may not see results right away, but they will come and you will feel better about yourself. It's also important not to compare yourself with the others in the gym. When I first started doing this (about 39 years ago) I used to look around for someone who was in worse shape than I was. You can do that and start thinking you're really not that bad. Big mistake! You won't be as motivated doing that. The best advice I can give is assess your body type and be patient.
2007-07-15 10:31:28 UTC
Well, I live in rural Arizona and work in an office in town 40 hours a week; Despite exercising and living an active life on the weekends, I was losing my muscle tone rapidly until I got a Lab puppy just before last Christmas. The Lab and I (and my other dog) hike the hill behind us EVERY MORNING, regardless of how much or little I feel like exercising that day. The Lab is merciless and will not take "No" for an answer! We break it up and sometimes just do the jeep trail, but sometimes we scale the highest part of the mountain I can find. Because it's so much fun to be with the dogs, I never notice that my thighs and butt are burning from all that climbing. (Believe me, if I was in a gym using the stairclimber, I'd jump off at the first sign of exertion.) I guess it's true that you have to go for the burn a little to tone all the muscles in those areas. Just need to find something so stimulating you forget about the discomfort.

i just came back from boating on Lake Powell, where I wore a bikini all week and got cat calls up and down the lake. Oh, and I'm 55 and I have younger people coming up to me in the office and asking what my workout secret is. So, now you know...peppy puppies.
2007-07-12 14:51:51 UTC
I would say you answered your own question with the question.

In order to "see" results take a picture. Make that "pictures." Take a picture before you begin any dieting or fitness routine and that will probably be a bigger surprise than you realize if you're truly in need of work. Then take pictures once/week once you've begun your regime. Post the pictures in order on your refrigerator, by your computer or somewhere you'll regularly see them. Better yet make duplicates and put them in all those places! After a few weeks of having a change in your diet and adding a fitness routine you'll definitely be able to see a difference. ....Also be sure to take the pictures in either a bikini if you're a female or just gymshort if a guy. You want to have the most amount of skin showing without propping up nudies of yourself.....NOT a good idea.

I would also take measurements and keep a journal of them. Record these on a weekly basis as well and watch the numbers go down. Add your weight to this as well. Only once a week though as our bodies definitely fluctuate.

Another idea is to get a scale that measures ounces along with lbs. I have a friend who has lost around 25 lbs (alot considering she's only 5'2") and she said her husband purchased a new set of scales at Christmas that had the ounces included and before she would be frustrated because the scales would show the same weight but now knowing she may not have lost a lb but she had lost some ounces kept her going. She now looks incredible!

If perhaps I read your question the wrong way and you're not looking for a way to "see the results" but rather a way to attain them then I'd suggest tossing out sugar altogether and eating only the minimum amount of carbs needed so you have energy to workout. You need to start counting your calories or at the least, eat foods that aren't processed and are good for you and keep a diary initially if needed so you realize how much you are eating. Be sure to include drinks in there as well.

Secondly you need to add an exercise routine where you work up a good sweat for at least 30 minutes 6 days/week. In addition to your cardio routine, workout with weights 3x/week. If you're not familiar with just what to do then have a personal trainer at the gym help you.

Be very diligent and before you know it you'll have one awesome bod! ...with pictures to prove it to yourself although you'll not need them due to the attention others will be giving you!:)

........It also never hurts to add some sort of sport (tennis, running, etc) that you can do as a group and be able to have fun at the same time. The lbs will fall off while you're enjoying yourself!
2007-07-05 07:05:04 UTC
Some principles apply to both genders when it comes to total fitness, workouts, diet and other health matters.

Perhaps the answer isn't in the workout methodology per se', but in the overall life pursuit of that one goal, whatever that goal may be.

Let's hypothesize that the goal is a well toned ab set. (Not necessarily 6 pack abs for the guys or something similar for the girls.) If the work out has all the right ingredients for that particular goal, then the answer as to why the results aren't there, may be in some other aspect of the person's lifestyle.

Take for example the missing component of the amino acid Leucine, which needs to be supplied via supplementation or some other way via the diet, since it cannot be created or stored in the body for any significant length of time. As I am sure you are already aware, this amino is critical for losing the fat, while keeping the muscle.

Am I making sense with this concept?

This example is just one of many within the total health and wellness context, the workout and results thereof being just one ingredient in the recipe.

And speaking of recipes, maybe what someone is cooking (or not cooking) at home may be offsetting the results at the gym?
2007-07-04 18:41:17 UTC
Hi Lucy,

Are you gonna use this for a magazine article? just curious, would be kinda neat to say that yahoo users polled gave the following suggestions or something like that.

My answer is you can't do the same routine all the time because the results will be the same. You have to vary it. Everyday do something different and mix it up so you work the whole body, then when you notice you are getting toned but still need specific areas toned up, work harder on those.

Day 1: prewalking stretches and walking

Day 2: stretches/warm up, weight lifting

Day 3: pilates

Day 4: stretches and jogging

Day 5: aerobics

Day 6: gym exercises, remember those from school days? squat thrusts, sit ups or crunches, jumping jacks, ect.

Day 7: some sport you like or swimming something enjoyable but that is still exercise.

then mix up the days and add new things like hula hooping tones the waist/hips, ect.
Kara Michele
2007-07-23 11:17:40 UTC
It may be hard to believe, but you can work out and eat a well maintained diet everyday for months, and still weigh the exact same from when you started. Trying to accomplish anything such as losing weight, toning your body, quitting smoking, or even finding a mate is all in the mind. Your mind controls your life. I am not saying that the physical work and the good eating habits are not good, because anything helps to be healthy. My point is, the mind controls the body. For example, if you are in a bad mood more than likely you will have a bad day...right? Hold the thought that you WILL tone up or lose weight and sooner or later it will happen. Your mind works in mysterious ways, you just don't know it. I heard about this guy that was in a horrible accident and the doctors were positive that this man would not walk, talk, or even flinch. The only thing that he was able to do was blink, and that was hard enough for him. His first words after the accident were "I will walk out of here by Christmas." By the time Christmas came, he was walking out of those hospital doors. It wasn't a miracle, but the POWER of the MIND!!!
Brad Morris 9
2007-07-12 08:31:21 UTC
Lucy - there is no mystery to effectively working out. It is a mathematic equation consisting of three variables, which are diet, cardio and resistance.

If anything, diet is the most important. We are, literally, what we eat. If you don't feed yourself properly, you can work out all day, but eventually you'll plateau and see no further improvement.

Getting into, and staying in shape, is not a one-shot deal, but rather a lifestyle change.

Eating properly is really easier than it seems. In the absence of a nutritionist, remember these simple rules - stay away from fried or processed food, eat food as close to its natural state as possible, and eat only until full, not because the food tastes nice. No snacking, and don't eat within three hours of going to sleep. When you sleep, your metabolism slows down.

Which is not to say you can't splurge and wolf down a pizza or a fudge sundae every now and then. Absolutely. Go for it. But only every now and then.

Resistance training - in other words, lifting weights. I cannot overemphasize the importance of this. Any athlete, in no matter what sport, should cross-train with a resistance regimen as a supplement to their athletic disciplines.

This goes for you and I also. Read some books, or talk to a GOOD trainer, and design a weight-lifting routine for yourself. It should take no more than fifty minutes to an hour, effectively training your muscle groups so that you are perspiring at the end of it.

To gain the maximum benefit from weight lifting, discipline yourself to at least three times a week, and when you walk into the gym, focus on the work in front of you. DON'T waste time talking to your friends. DON"T be interested in what other people are doing, and DON'T turn it into a system of constant water breaks. If you're working with a trainer, or are training with a partner, DON'T allow your training session to degenerate into a yak-fest. Execute your training plan. Which is why I personally prefer working out alone.

And no, weight training will not 'bulk you up'. That is a genetic impossibility. You don't have enough testosterone in your body. Those muscular chicks you see in some magazines - they're pumping steroids, or have a hormonal imbalance.

Cardio - best bet, buy yourself some good shoes and start running. Forget this hogwash that running is bad for your joints. People have been running for millions of years. It's the purest form of exercise there is. Run effectively, though, don't jog leisurely for an hour, rather run briskly for thirty minutes until you're tired and out of breath.

Don't wanna run? Take the Spinning classes at your gym. I enjoyed them so much that I became a Spinning instructor. It's a fun, exhilarating form of exercise, and extremely effective, and since I started teaching, I am in the best cardiovascular shape of my life.

A good idea is to also check out the exercise classes at your gym. The right body-sculpting classes will satisfy your resistance training needs, and participating in different classes, whether they be boxing, cardiokickboxing, or whatever, will make your time at the gym infinitely more fun and rewarding.
2007-07-10 15:11:48 UTC
In order to see real results when working out, it is important to mix up your routine. Don't do the same exercises everyday. Alternate them. For example: try jogging every other day while strength training on the days that you don't jog. Another important factor to consider in order to avoid the discouraging feeling you get from putting in all that hard work and not seeing any physical change, is to avoid looking at the scale every day. Avoid looking at the scale every week if you need to. Always remember that muscles weigh more than fat and there are times when you will hit plateaus during the weight loss. Just don't give up. Real toning results will eventually happen--it just takes time.
2007-07-05 11:11:04 UTC
Well.. I'm training for a competition coming up in August. I've only been training for about a month and I've noticed a huge difference. I too used to get frustrated because I eat healthy, go to the gym 5-6 days a week, lift weights, do cardio and never noticed a change in my body. I hired a trainer who completely modified my diet and workout routine and in a month, I've completely leaned out and noticed a huge difference. While the scale says I've only lost about 3lbs, I've gone from a size 4 to a size 3 in a month. The change is going to involve discipline, tons of cardio and when it comes to weights, repetitions, repetitions, repetitions (i.e. one exercise I have to do for legs is 4 sets of squats... first set of 25, second set of 35, third set of 40 and last set of 50 all with a dumbell weight). My workouts are at least 2 hours long, three days a week (cardio is incorporated after each body part workout) and cardio 6 days a week. If you REALLY want to see results quickly, you have to be totally committed and disciplined. It might be worth it to hire a trainer who is going to not only put together a workout program that's right for you, but also one who can help with the nutrition part as well.

Good luck!
2007-07-05 06:21:49 UTC
I limit myself when I work out. What I mean by that is that I only do 30 minutes on the treadmill and 2 sets of 15 reps on the weight machines, and then I go home and go about my day. When doing the weights, I do upper body one day and lower body the next, and when I'm doing weights, I look at the illustrations on the machinery and focus on the intended muscle groups; if I feel muscles aching that aren't supposed to, I try to relax those and focus on exercising only the ones that the machine is supposed to exercise. The reason that I do this is two-fold: first, I don't get burned out, which can happen when you work yourself to the point of exhaustion every day and don't see immediate results; secondly, my muscles actually get more out of the workout, because they have time to relax between workouts. I workout five days a week and take the weekends off, and I don't beat myself up if I have to miss a day during the week (although I try not to let this happen very often). I workout in the morning, so my metabolism is affected for the entire day, rather than just for the few hourse before bedtime. Finally, if the evening comes and I am still jumping with energy, I will go back and take a yoga or pilates class, or something that is low-key but that works my muscles. This way, I am actually getting twice the workout on those days, without killing myself in the process. Oh, and because I am working out sensibly, I don't even bother with dieting; I eat whenever I'm hungry, so my muscles can work properly. I try to eat as healthily as I can, but I DO allow myself the occasional treat when I've been especially good to myself.
2007-07-05 00:42:53 UTC
I think you feel the results before you actually see them. Aches and pains begin to go away. You can walk up three flights of stairs now instead of one and not break out into a 50 mile sweat. It gets easier to tie your shoe laces. Your muscles feel toned and looser. You can reach up higher.

This is all "stuff" that cannot be seen - by anyone - only felt by you. AND this is the start to staying fit and the hints and clues that your body is changing and that it can only get better if you continue. The machine needs to be well lubed before it can take on a long voyage to new and exciting places.

What to do to see immediate results? Or show other people the results of your working out? Maybe this is the question you're asking. Some of the immediate results you can feel are listed above. Some results that others may be able to notice are your increased agility. After a good workout the oxygen stays in your face and you glow... this is glow that others notice. You start to look better. You may not have lost and obvious pound to others but everyone who knows you will begin to say that, "I don't know what you're doing but you sure are looking good!" What they mean is better than before. Walk up that extra flight of steps with your office mates - challenge them! Invite your friends and colleagues to the park for a bike ride or a game of volley or base ball. Share your better health with others.

Anyway - back to your question - sorry, I get excited when I talk about better (physical & mental) health and how it works hand in hand to peace and serenity. The immediate results are real but cannot be seen...they are felt.
2007-07-04 16:27:11 UTC
After putting off exercise for years, I finally joined a gym 4 months ago. I am curretly 30 years old and was an athlete in high school and college. I needed to make a lifestyle change because frankly, I don't have energy during the day and I feel like an old man. It's frustrating because you remember how you "used" to be and now, you can't even run a quarter of a mile without huffing and puffing.

I've done extensive reading on the topic of exercise and nutrition since getting back in shape. My best advice for toning up would be:

1.) Weights. Find different exercises for each bodypart. Make it interesting and challenging for each muscle. There is such a thing as muscle memory and if you do the same exercise over and over, that muscle part will become stagnant in growth out of redundancy. Change up your routine every other week or two weeks and keep an eye out for new exercises.

2.) Diet is just as important as exercise. In fact, if you eat healthy and have relatively low bodyfat, you can look tone with minimal exercising (ex. just doing pushups and sit-ups). Diet is always the hardest part about getting in shape and looking tone. It really takes a lifestyle change to accomplish the job.

3.) Cardio is a no brainer. It expedites the process of getting a toned body because it's the best way to lose bodyfat. Same thing with weights, try to do different activities and have fun. I personally hate running on the treadmill for 30-40 minutes. So I do sprints outside my house, play basketball, and do cardio kickboxing. If you have low bodyfat, I suggest you stick with weights and do cardio on occasion. Most of us, on the other hand, can stand to lose a little bodyfat.

With exercise and nutrition, it can get very technical. The items listed above are just the foundation of getting in shape. Your exercise goals, age, current health, and medical history all come into play. The best advice anyone ever gave me in the gym was to "just show up". Seriously, it worked for me because who would show up to a gym and not do anything?

We're all going to have bad days working out. Maybe we didn't get enough sleep last night or our mind is somewhere else, but the important thing is that you showed up and still did something anyway. It's not just about building muscles but building character in and out of the gym.
Is it Friday yet??
2007-07-22 06:59:18 UTC
Great question but not an easy one to answer given we don't know all the variables but, here goes!

If you're looking for a longer, leaner look as opposed to building muscle mass you need to move. You want to try and add some cardio along with body shaping or sculpting. There are a million cardio routines out there so pick one that works for you. When it comes to sculpting, use lighter weight and do more reps say 12-15 each exercise. If you're trying to bulk-up, use more weight and less reps say 6-8. Whichever path you choose your last few reps should be difficult. If they're not than adjust your weight so they are. For flexibility add some yoga and always stretch/warm-up to reduce the chance of injury.

NOTE: No body part(s) should be exercised more than 3x per week or you risk muscle damage and fatigue that will hinder your results.

In training everybody hits plateaus, those times when we no longer see results or they are minimal at best. This is normal and frustrating. When this happens it's time to change your routine~muscle confusion is the key! I would suggest that you consider modifying your routine every 4 weeks or so. The changes do not have to be drastic either, more weight or reps, adding a few minutes to your cardio routine, etc.

Diet and exercise HAVE to go together if you want to see any results at all. If the commitment to diet is not there neither will the results you want. We are what we eat! Again, this varies to a great degree but a few basics,

Get your metabolism going, naturally! Eat 5-6 small meals a day. This keeps your metabolism going which in turn will help you shed fat.

Do not eat anything within the 3 hour time period before you go to bed. Hungry? Have a nice cup of hot green-tea or similar and this will help reduce your hunger pains. In addition, and here's the great bonus to this, your body will begin to burn stored fat instead of digesting a late meal. Talk about fat-burning! This step is KEY!

If you exercise you NEED carbs-period. Carbs will fuel your workouts so you need them or after a while you will have no energy reserves and your workouts will become more difficult .

These are a few of the basics that helped me a great deal. Again, this info is very general but I hope you found some of this helpful and good luck in meeting/exceeding your fitness goals.
2007-08-13 13:19:04 UTC
At the gym I belong to there is one girl who, over the past year has made incredible changes. She went from fat and insecure to WOW.

So the other day I let her know this. (tactfully of course) and asked her what her philosophy is.

Diet was the biggest change. She eats clean. This was the hardest part, changing her approach to eating.

That said, she stated that muscle building is toning for her. She made the best changes when she started a muscle building mentality as apposed to "toning" .

She feels that muscle building is toning. This, along with a cardio program that basically is...20 minutes on whatever machine you like, and getting after it. Never missing a workout also is her secret.

Her results are incredible. But they did take a while.

So...don't give up. Discouragement is part of the deal

Good Luck.
2007-07-16 21:03:35 UTC
Well if you're not seeing results that you're satisfied with, then you might be working at a pace that your body is too used to. If you've been working out for a while and you got results and then you tried getting more results and you're not getting any, then maybe you should turn your workout program up a notch. Do a few more bicep curls. A few more double crunches. Run on the treadmill for a few minutes longer.

Or maybe what you're doing aren't effective ways of getting results. Many people will do exercises that cause pain, but aren't really toning anything and won't give you results. Put more variety into your exercise program that will help you get results quicker and more effectively.
2007-07-07 06:40:24 UTC
It will take 3 to 6 months to see a drastic improvement. Usually, within 1 or 2 weeks a minimum improvement is visual. If your not doing the right movements you could work out all day and see little improvement. Get together with an instructor at the gym and ask if what your doing is correct and if you need to change your approach. The important aspect of anything good is not to stop. Set a plan in motion and carry it out to the end with modifications as you go. If your planning to look better except what you are now first. This will make it easier to build on what you want to be.
Joe M
2007-07-05 08:12:27 UTC
If you are serious, and actually put yourself through a really hard exercise routine on a regular basis, and balance it with a proper diet then you will notice changes much more quickly.

Most people that are out of shape can't really do a hard workout - because they get out of breath too quickly. Even if they put themselves through a slightly more difficult workout, it will just leave them exhausted and sore - and more likely to skip their next scheduled workout.

A lot of people in this country don't know what 'hard work' is. They spend all day sitting in front of a TV or computer, drive around in their car, eat ridiculous portions of unhealthy food, and then wonder why they are tubs of lard. Then they make a half-hearted attempt at getting into shape and whine 'That's too hard'.

Once you start working out - you have to set goals, so that you can see the progress you have made. You shouldn't expect to see anything for the first month or so - though if you are working out sufficiently hard and often, you will usually drop a few pounds pretty quickly as your body starts burning fat. It is easy to gain these right back if you stop. After working out for a while, you will stop losing weight as fast - but it is partially because you are gaining muscle.
2007-07-05 07:45:44 UTC
Cardio, Cardio, Cardio! It can be done on a daily basis, whereas with weight lifting it's good to take a day or two off in between working certain muscle groups. Cardio is by far the best way to burn fat, be it running, walking or biking - these are all excellent for the body and can be done at the gym or outside. (Even running up and down the stairs in your home a few times a day will work!) Cardio is especially effective with resistance. Running/walking/biking in a upward slope will get results even faster. Once you've gotten down to your desired weight, then you can start a more aggressive weight lifting routine. (Muscle weighs more than fat, so if you're lifting aggressively before you've reached your desired weight level, you may notice that you're actually gaining weight as opposed to losing it, which can discourage many people.) Once you've began your lifting routine, be sure not to work out the same muscle groups every day, switch it up a bit. And while you're doing your reps, when you think you can't do any more, do just one more. (When you're muscles are sore the next day, Good! That basically means you've torn your muscle and provided it more room to grow - however, protein intake is essential, it provides the muscle with the neutrients it needs to grow faster and stronger - so after a heavy workout, protein, protein, protein!) Once you've reached the desired size and tone that you want your muscles to be, decrease the weights by ten pounds and double your reps. This will keep your muscles toned without really adding to what you already have.

And yes, diet is important to an extent - but once you've reached your desired weight level, if you continue to work out as you did before, your food intake shouldn't play as big a part as in the beginning. When you work out you also increase your metabolism. And while your body does need a healthy diet to get the proper neutrients it needs, you can also feel more comfortable treating yourself to some ice cream or french fries, because if you stick to your routine, those callories will be burnt off in as little as one session. Also, a healthy snack before bedtime will increase your metabolism as well. It keeps it in check as you sleep, so something like a bowl of cereal, an apple, some grapes, anything simple - will keep your metabolism working as you sleep, which will increase its ability during the day.

Working out shouldn't be dreaded. And usually once you get into a good routine you'll start to enjoy going. But having a healthy body also doesn't mean that you have to give up the things that you love. (Example: I love chocolate.. a lot. Ice cream. French fries... McDonalds..) It's all about self control - you can eat these things, still. Just not excessively.

You can have a healthy body, but without a healthy mind it means nothing. I try to devote at least an hour of my time for at least three days a week to meditation. Mind, Body and Spirit are one. If you intend to exercise one, you should exercise them all. One is no good without the other.

Teach your soul to smile and your body won't have a choice!
2007-07-05 01:34:45 UTC
Low weight high rep workouts are a key as well as eating well and recovery time.... low weight helps get oxygen to ur muscles almost same effect as running. one thing is once u finish with one set u keep on the same station do not move until u have done the station at least like 3 times allowing little time in between for muscles to recover but not all the way (10 seconds should be enough) once done with that go to another station that attacks a different part of the body helps balance the attack. Afterwords u should see some increase in muscle size minimal but there will be some. oh also make sure to stretch helps muscles out a ton!
2007-08-04 17:09:19 UTC
This seems to be a very good question. There is a lot of participation with this subject matter, whether it be reading or rating someones' question here. I'd be lieing if I said I eat right, even though I've been able to keep at or below 130 pounds all of my life. Keeping the weight off is never a problem... my body just doesn't seem to gain weight. But on that matter, it becomes hard to tone up and for me, its just as bad in my image to be skinny than for someone who is overweight. You hear a lot of people talking about their big weight issue so in a way I don't relate, but yet I do. I want to weigh more, but I dont want to eat more food to do it. Exercising hasn't given me physcally visible results, however I will say as I got older, I got lazier. I don't like being the slim guy who could break like a twig, but the good looking big and muscular gentleman who also has a heart and gets compliments from the ladies. People in general like a good looking person, so generally speaking, having a good heart is not enough. So, to answer this question, how do you get real results? Well one way, and I promise you as crazy as this may sound, its going to get you results. Go to boot camp. Back in my 20's when I joined the Army, I went from 120 pounds to 150 and it was all muscle ( In less than 6 months after my stint in the Army, I was back in the 120 range.) I kid you not. I think the problem with a lot of ex military as they age is that they tend to continue the same eating habits they had in their 20s so alot of ex military gain a lot of weight as they get older. 3500 to 6500 calories a day.. and you see what I mean. Which brings me to this.. lowering your caloric content some, eating a well balanced diet and taking time away from the TV on the weekends and the computer for that matter is the answer. Get out there, eat well and just for giggles, exercise.
Mad Money Mike
2007-07-05 07:24:54 UTC
A lot of people, women especially, go to the gym regularly and don't get results for two reasons. One is the importance of a good diet. The second reason most do not see results is a poor workout.

You can work out everyday but if you do not have a proper diet you will not see the results of your work. In order to lose weight you must eat 5-6 small healty meals a day! Yes, eat 5-6 small meals a day. A good diet alone will yield good results over a long time.

The second reason people do not see results is because their workout is not as effective as it could be. A lot of people are not performing the appropriate exercises, reps and sets mixed in with the correct about of cardio exercises to be effective. A lot of people are not pushing themselves during their workouts. If your are not sore, you're not working out.

Check out
2007-08-05 15:53:49 UTC
Sometimes our expectations of the timing of "results" are unrealistic. My first experience with this is when I was in my 20s and started taking dance classes three times a week. I was really frustrated at first, but I decided to make it about sticking with it and trying to do the exercises as "honestly" as I could (i.e. not just throw my arms and legs around but the "push" through the motion with what some people call "intention".)

A year later, I had lost 30 pounds and my body looked amazing (lol, that was 30 years ago, so forgive the bragging!). It *seemed* to have happened overnight to me when I noticed it, but only because I had long ago stopped looking for a payoff but put my efforts into doing things as well as I could.

Now I am back at the gym, but it's not about how I look; if I make it about that, I will quit before I even give myself a chance. It's all about fitness and moving into my senior years with an alert mind and a healthy body. My body "knows" how much work I need to do to get more lean muscle and I have a general idea of what working reasonably hard should *feel* like, so I am doing the footwork and leaving the rest to my metabolism.

I am also trying to get in more water (exercise helps!) and eat Weight Watchers recipe meals I make at home, and also get regular sleep.

also, I found that I am more likely to get to the gym if I do it around 8 am. So I got my boss to change my work schedule to allow for me to come in 1 hour later. It's turned out to be a win-win for both of us :)

Just throw your expectations out the door. Check with the people at the gym to make sure you're doing the exercises correctly and at an approriate level of resistance.

Good luck :)
2007-07-16 09:48:08 UTC
You need patience to see the result. For some people the result will be quick.For some others it takes time. More over the extra calories resulting in a lot of extra flesh all over the body will start melting and the areas like belley,theigh etc will be the last to show the result.

Another point is how the extra calories get stored..For some people it goes to the bones and for some people to the muscles.That is why some people eat a lot but still look lean. In the same way work out results are quicker for some.But for some it takes a lot of time.Patient and routine work out give results ultimately.
Felt B.
2007-07-15 07:25:27 UTC
Well, first off, if you can afford it I would recommend hiring a personal trainer. The trainer will work with you to define what exactly your goals are: whether it is to be stronger, have more endurance or in your case be "toned."

The key to any workout program is time. Don't expect results after one or two workout sessions. People generally see significant results after six months of constant workouts - two to three sessions per week. Also the type of works you do have an impact on how you will look too.

For example if you only worked out your upper body and neglected your lower body then there would be a look of disproportion. You many have come across guys with huge arms but their legs are a bit scrawny. Well the reason for that is they trained only their arms.

So to clarify: to see results you will need time and balance in your work routine.

You could try Yoga and swimming. If you followed this combination for six months you will no doubt look toned.
2007-07-13 02:37:27 UTC
Throw away the scale and hide the mirrors. The change will be gradual and you will not notice it. If you stick to a proven formula you will see your results when you meet someone you have not seen for a long time.

Remember also that you are not only working out for vanity but you are working out for your health... and a lot of times that is something that cannot be seen.

If you are going to keep a record of how you are doing then it should not be a daily task. There are going to be fluctuations and having a 'bad' day could do you more harm than seeing some successes. If you measure yourself every couple weeks (preferably monthly) then you should be seeing results in your records.

If you are not then it may be wise to consult a professional and see if the routine you have set for yourself is working for you personally... there may be some things you need to change. Every person's body is different and therefore there is no one magic plan.

You have to also look at yourself and make sure you are not cheating or trying to circumvent what you have set out to do.

Good luck... I know you can do it!
2007-07-12 05:13:41 UTC
It is funny, but I just started working through this kind of frustration. The results started happening when I combined toning exercises w/ aerobic exercises. I don't even go to the gym. I walk between 2 1/2 to 4 miles early each a.m. - usually w/ light hand weights. Then in the a.m. and again, in the p.m. I do exercises that focus on my personal trouble areas (middle age upper arms & hips/thighs.) For a while I was just walking and walking w/ no result. Adding in the toning exercises - oh, and cutting out the fat in my diet - has really helped!
2007-07-11 19:42:52 UTC
Good posture, keep your stomach tight and make sure your face is relaxed. Its truly all about how you work out that determines the results. If the exercise calls for 20 reps and you can only do 10 then its better to do ten the right way. You increase reps as your body adapts to the workout. Never give up and each time you workout do it a little harder a little longer and the pounds will come off. It worked for me!

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2007-07-05 09:16:35 UTC
I do a variety of aerobic exercises each week. From cycling, to swimming, to running.

I also have started eating healthier. I don't drink soda. I try to cut out the high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, and animal fats.

Once I started doing these things, I've noticed that my body tones up a lot faster than when I was eating whatever I wanted and only swimming. I love the way I look now! And this is after having a child! I know my body still has some imperfections here and there, but overall I feel great!!!
Aaron G
2007-07-05 06:48:38 UTC
Unfortunately you can't get around the diet as the primary way to get the best visible results from your time in the gym. Fat is what typically hides your muscles. However, focusing on the gym as your only time to tone up can short circuit you. Use time outside the gym in small amounts. I like the walk 10,000 steps a day program, which is a good way to keep you active and burning calories outside the gym, and is easy enough that anyone can do it. All you really need is an inexpensive pedometer.

When you are in the gym I suggest concentrating on complex or compound exercises, meaning that you are working as many muscle groups as possible with each exercise. It really helps to maximize your time and burn more calories/fat. Also, add 10 minutes of jogging at either end of your workouts and you'll ramp up the fat burning. Keep your reps above the 12/set range and you'll start seeing some great tone to your muscles.
2007-07-04 19:01:56 UTC
Well, I'm not an expert. But coming from my own personal experience, toning results come from lifting light weights with more repetitions AND eating healthier. The combo will give you quicker results. Lifting the heavier weights will only make you larger. As far as eating healthier, we're not talking eating bird seed here. I'm definitely NOT the diet type. However, making wiser choices when eating makes a huge difference. You can still have your piece of cake and eat it too - just don't eat the whole cake! The crazy diets are what cause most people to yo-yo with their weight, which can be dangerous in the long run. Drinking lots of water, eating more veggies and fruit and decreasing your meal portions will keep your metabolism regular and help with toning results. Baby steps, commitment and patience will also get you results!
2007-07-04 18:40:23 UTC
all the exercise in the world will not do you any good if you do not accompany working out with proper diet.

That will need to isolate muscle groups and alternate zones every 3 days. Your muscles need a break of that long so as not to insult, damage and otherwise injure them. Try for example focusing on the buttocks, hips and thighs one day, always finishing with at least 20 mins of cardio, try abs the next day ending with cardio and then arms chest etc. then start over. That does not mean that you cant use some of these muscle zones at some point during all areas but the main focus should be different.

AND make sure you are doing them properly. I see people all the time going through sloppy motions over and over with no results essentially wasting time and risking injury.
2015-05-04 12:03:15 UTC
In the gym or at home, plan out a weight lifting regimen that involves very light dumbbells (there isn't a body part that dumbbells can't work.) The idea is to employ high repetitions using low weight. E.g., arm curls - -3 sets of 20 reps using no more than 5 lbs. There are quite a few books available that can help you identify various dumbbell exercises to use. Note that exercise should be conducted at least three times a week (more if you have the time.)
John H
2007-07-31 03:40:21 UTC
Try keeping a training log. A 3x5 inch notebook works great. Just write down the name of the exercise along with sets and reps. For example say you do dumbbell bench presses with 20 lbs. Write down dum. b.p.: 20 x 10,10,10 (this means you did three sets of 10 reps). On your next session you're going to want to improve on that. Let's go for 25 x 10,10,10. Then maybe the next session would look like 30 x 8,8,8. Then the next: 30 x 10,10,10. In other words, you want to try to improve on what you did each workout session by either adding more weight or doing more reps, preferably a combination of both. By writing down everything in your note book, you can always flip back a few weeks or months and SEE IT IN WRITING how much progress you've made. Then it's only a matter of time before you start seeing it when you look in the mirror. The most important thing you can do right now is to be consistant with your workouts keep it up.
2007-07-19 13:03:47 UTC
Exercise: 2 to 3 days of strength training, which includes weights, you can do pilates as well, lunges, squats. Then, about 3 days of cardio. On the days you just do cardio, work up to 45 minutes at a time. You can change up what machines you are using or if you are using videos or just walking outside (sunshine does wonders for the mood!). On the days you do weights, cut back your cardio to 20-30 minutes. Do the cardio before the weights so your muscle will be warmed up and ready. In addition, watch your fat intake. Ideally only have 3 grams of fat per 100 calories. Make sure you are eating enough protein, but don't overdue it. This is the tried and true way. There is no easy way, just a realistic approach. The rule of thumb for weight loss/toning is 3 days a week to maintain, 4 to lose.
2007-07-16 15:09:41 UTC
If u want to see real results you got to exercise every day for about 1 hour. You can't expect to see results immediately. A way to work out and having fun at the same time is to always have someone with you. If you bring a friend you both can talk and exercise at the same time.

To expect faster results you must eat more vegetables and fruits. You can still eat sweets but not more than once a week. Another way to lose weight is to run every day at morning, when you run you use exercise all of the muscles in you're body.
Mike T
2007-07-05 12:01:53 UTC
The key words are moderation and nutrition.


Ease your way into a work out program, and consult with a personal trainer if possible if you are a newbie to the gym/weights/machines/cardio equipment.

Don't go willy-nilly into an ultra-intense regimen right out of the gate. instead, focus on some light resistance training (12 to 15 reps per set), along with 25 to 30 minutes of walking, jogging, eliptical trainer, or staionary bike (at 60 to 65% of your max heart rate). Max heart rate, generally speaking, is 220 minus your age. So, if your are 40 years old, your max would be around 180 bpm. Using that figure, calculate 60 to 65% of that number. 110 to 120 would be the right range for this example. Work at this level for 30 minutes ( for 4 or 5 sessions). If you feel that it is not challenging enough, bump up to maybe 70% of your max heart rate.

Be patient. Your fitness will gradually increase. You will be off and running at faster paces and longer distances soon enough. Just take it easy in the beginning, and you will avoid injuries and frustrations that are easily avoided.


Don't go on a diet. Reduce the sugar and fat in your diet as much as you can without feeling seriously deprived. Eat more whole (unprocessed) foods. This means that you should stay away from "packaged" dinners that are found in a cardboard box at your grocery store. Eat naturally occuring foods (like unprocessed meats, cheeses, vegetables - without drowning them in sauces - as well as whole grain rice, pasta, nuts, and even a baked potato without all the goop on top).

Eat smaller portions.

The most important part of a solid nutrition plan is to PLAN. Don't set yourself up for failure by being on the road, in your car, and starving. You'll end up in the Mac Donald's drive thru before you know it.
2007-07-05 09:24:49 UTC
You can't just do weight training and expect to see a change. You have to commit to achieving results, and change your lifestyle. You need to do cardio exercise to burn calories and eat less (change the diet) to lose fat/weight. You won't see the toned muscles if they're hiding behind a layer of fat. So, you should do weight training while you're losing weight, but don't expect to see it until the layer of fat is gone. Generally, you should eat between 1,200-1,600 calories to lose weight and aim for 1-2 hours of exercise at least 5 days a week. Don't get stuck in a rut because your body will adjust to the workout, thus leaving your body with fewer, if any, results from all the hard work. Just stick to a good diet and exercise plan, and eventually you should see results!
St. Nagelkopf
2007-07-04 23:20:36 UTC
In my experience, a combination of exercises is most helpful.

Running 10k three days per week, swimming >2.5 kilometers three days per week (a mix of consecutive sprints and distance swims), and lifting weights three days per week (aiming for general upper-body fitness, do 12-15 reps on each machine) can be helpful. Take one day off per week, and, if possible, ride a bicycle to the gym. Remember to do more reps, run farther, and swim faster until you reach an acceptable level of physical fitness (and keep at it) --but don't try to do too much too quickly! Rome wasn't built in a day, so you're not going to look like Ms. Universe within 24 hours, either, so when you decide to push yourself a bit harder, do it cautiously at first. Warm up and cool down properly; stay hydrated to avoid cramps.

Since this sort of regimen is quite taxing, a good diet is necessary. Contrary to popular belief, carbs are good --I suggest whole-grain baguettes, perhaps a few croissants. Protein will also be necessary to build new muscle tissue, so eat salmon, smoked ham, or tofu. Fresh fruits should constitute at least 2/3 of your weekly snack allotment; eat salads after lunch and dinner to promote healthy digestion. Potassium, too, is important.

Wine, tea, coffee, and juice are good; milk is great if you can handle it; beer and wine in moderate quantities are okay, but SODA is bad! I'm not saying it will kill you --however, if you must indulge, soda made with real cane sugar is better than that nasty corn-syrup stuff. I'm sure everyone has experienced that nasty "crashing" sensation that comes from consuming too much soda pop, and that's the last thing you want to feel when you're in the middle of a swimming pool!

I hope these tips are helpful.
2007-07-04 13:18:34 UTC
1. Schedule one training session with a personal trainer each 4-6 weeks to keep you motivated, accountable and working on a real/effective routine.

why? I see many people at the gym that go but have no plan. the first step is to get in there, but with a workout designed with your goals in mind you will see results faster.

2. The routine must include a full-body weight component. Cardio may burn fat, but it's weight training that changes your shape.

3. Have the trainer help you figure out your basal caloric rate- if you don't really know how many calories you need per day it's hard to adjust your diet.

4. Be realistic. This is for the rest of your life not just for a few months. For it to last that long you need to make changes more slowly than you would prefer. A new habit takes about 3 weeks to stick, and one new thing/change may be introduced about every 4 days.
2007-08-05 09:55:33 UTC
well if your working out and don't see results then it might be because you just haven't done it long enough yet losing weight takes time also you might just be doing some thing wrong so ask some one who works there to tell you the correct way to do it and only weight your self on a scale once a week people who weight themselves every day are usually the people who give up on there diet because there not seeing a difference it's healthy to lose 2 pounds a week so don't get sad when you see you haven't lost that much but if you keep with your diet and work out 3 or more times a week you should be seeing the results you want

2007-07-23 19:40:01 UTC
You need to measure your body and find out where you need the most change in your body and work on these problem areas. Don't jump around all over your body try to get some of these problem areas first and if you notice more as you get into your work out , then slowly work them into you're schedule,until you have accomplished what you need.

And you cant accomplish this all in a day, give your self time over a 6 month period. You will start to notice some good results. You work hard and you will see results.

Good training helps , lots of encouragement. And pride in your self, And one thing lots of people leave out lots of water,lots of fruits and vegetables, good 8 hours sleep. A good nursed well rested body can take on the world.

Go for it there is no limit to what you can do, this is a free world.

Get your share, never give up, until all rocks in the path has been turned over, an threw out of your way.

Queen Bee
2007-07-14 23:32:56 UTC
1 to 3 factors come in to play when you are not seeing results from your workouts. First is you may not be training enough. Second is, you might be training too much. Third is your diet. So let's address the first and second issues combined. If you are training too much you are not giving your muscle enough time to recover. Then you are constantly tearing down the muscle structure which will result in not acheiving the tone you want. During your workout if you feel you are too tired to continue, then you probably are. Not listening to your inner voice when it comes to fatigue will lead to overtraining and negative results. If you are not training enough then your muscles are not being tested which will also result in no toning as well. The truth is while one exercise works for one person, it may not work for you. If you are doing a specific exercise and it isn't working for you after a week of workouts then try an alternate excercise until you find what works best for you. The last and most dominating factor is that nasty four letter word called the diet. WebMD at one time was offering a free food program designed for individuals based on your height, weight and what kind of body type you have so check them out. Drink 8 12-16 ounce glasses of ice cold water per day at two hour intervals to help boost metabolism, flush away fat, and keep your body hydrated. Get 8 hours of sleep. Take and keep a mental picture of your body being toned and use your mental picture of yourself during your workouts to help you acheive your goal.
Erving H
2007-07-12 19:05:42 UTC
How do you get real toning results when you work out?

We all know how frustrating it is when you go to the gym, but don’t see your body changing. It can be discouraging to do all that hard work and not see any physical change. What can you do to see real results when you work out?
2007-07-05 10:29:09 UTC
Do your research. Know what you want accomplished and take the necessary steps to reach your goal.

Want to cut fat and lose weight? Read about the ways your body reacts to certain types of food. Why does your body store fat? What's your resting metabolic rate? What's a safe amount of weight to lose each week. What should I be eating, protein, carbs, fat? What type of exercises should I do, weight training? Long distance cardio? High Intensity Cardio, like sprints?

Trying to gain muscle mass? How much should you be eating? What types of exercises should you start with? How much protein do you need? How often should you rest? Do cardio or no cardio? High reps and sets with ligher weight or lower sets and reps with heavier weight? Should I stretch?

The answers are out there, and are so easily accessable. Many people don't take the time to learn about their body and how it reacts and functions. Then they wonder why they haven't lost a pound or put on a lb. of muslce after a month. In this day and age, their is a wealth of information out there at your disposal and all it takes is 10 minutes to read. All the questions I asked I know the answer to, I have no formal training, yet I know it's right because I've seen results. I've done my research and all it's taken is a few moments from my day.
Teresa S
2007-07-05 08:35:43 UTC
I have been going to the gym for going on 3 yrs now, and I did not see the results I wanted until I starting doing weight training. I like to run, so all I was doing was cardio and I did not see the results I wanted, so I incorporated weight training and the core ball into my routines and have been pleased with the results it is showing in my body. There will be a change! Try it!
michael k
2007-07-05 07:00:53 UTC
You seem to be in a hurry to see results of your workouts.It does'nt work that way in life.First is,figure out your body genetical make up.Are you an ectomorph,endomorph or a mesomorph.For once you have established that you will be able to figure out what to do.The second thing that follows is the kind of workouts that you do.In general running and swimming offers the best toning results (and especially swimming since the whole body is made active).The third point to consider is the kind of foods one eats.This is very important since the body needs natural nutrients to restore the already used once and so you should try to eat foods that contain the most natural ingredients.

Another important point to consider is the psychological aspect of your workout.If you are working out and still "feeling" not toned,the results will keep being the same since that is your belief.You may work out your whole life but if you don't address the root core of your belief it will be pointless.The proper approach would be for you to make your workouts a joy to engage in and so relax the attitude of seeing results within a particular time frame.Working out to have a toned body should be a process and not a destination.It is not something to achieve and then slide back to the old ways,it is a way of life and that is why many people give up along the way and end up frustrated.

Another thing to consider is rest after every workout,How much rest does the body get to allow adaptation to take effect?Most people overload their bodies trying to squeeze as much workout as possible without enough rest and they end up even much worse and sometimes ill.Give the body enough rest.You will just know when to head for another session of workout by the feelings of your body and another thing I almost forgot is alternating the exercises.Don't do too much of one type of workout.

As I sum up,I emphasise patience in onself and incorporating enjoyment in each workout inorder to reap maximum benefits.

Best of luck.
2007-07-05 04:27:32 UTC
Working out is a small part of the big picture. The best way to see changes is to modify your diet to what you want to see from your body. If you are trying to get lean while maintaining muscular tone and strength your need to eat 6-8 times per day. Just because you are eating that many times does not mean your calories need to go up. Your body is less likely to store food as fat if it is constantly getting small amounts of energy through out the day. Instead of 3 larger meals. The human body is designed to store fat based on evolution and how our species was nomadic and never really knew where food was coming from next. However, today we always have food available and excess food easily turns into fat. You also want to eat an amount of food based on your activity level and energy needs. On non-workout days your body does not need as much food. If your on the right diet plan and workout plan you should see results in as little as 6 weeks. Best thing to judge how you look is have a friend take pictures of before and after. A picture can not lie and speaks a 1000 words. Use it for motivation and a template of where you have been, where you are now, and where you are going with your physical appearance.
2007-07-04 23:30:53 UTC
There are alot of answers here that somewhat repeat themselves...and alot of information that is out regarding health is misinformation. The diet and exercise business, books, supplementation..makes more money with absolutely no check and balance as to whether any of it works. People try a routine...and if they dont see immediate results...move on.

I myself have been in or around a gym for twenty years. After a hiatus (becoming a parent..yada yada yada) and having to lose almost fifty pounds of excess weight. I can give you some advice that may help.

1. Dont concentrate on your body. When you come to the gym, wear clothes that hide you. The people that make the most results the fastest are the ones that want a tangible result. IE: I want to have more energy/endurance/strength. Working out for aesthetics is the worst way to approach exercising because we live in a "microwave society" that demands that results be immediate. And if you have spent ten years being unhealthy, it wont take "twelve weeks" to become Sly Stallone.

2. Resistance. Once you know your resistance exercises...never do them one exercise at a time. Do curls with shoulder presses...10-15 reps for the first exercise and then 10-15 the second, three to four sets per exercise. In fact...if you really want to add a twist..time yourself (I only have thirty minutes to do resistance). Your intensity will skyrocket..and so will your health benefits.

3. Cardio: The oldest and largest arguement do mid level intensity for a long period or a high intensity cardio for a short period. I myself have seen RAPID change when I do both in the same workout. The first thirty minutes I will do the eilliptical trainer at a high resistance (but slow going)..just to keep me moving and get my temperature up. Afterward I will jump immediately to a treadmill and start doing wind sprints with as little time between rest periods as possible for fifteen minutes. Your metabolism explodes when they get the best of both.

Finally, diet. I know, it sucks. I came up in the bodybuilding generation that believes in "eating dry"..meaning you only eat essential...and that is basically what I do. I will point out that although there are great ways to spice up your should start eating dry (protein and complex carbs, 50/50 ratio that both portions should be able to fit in the palm of your hand) six times a day...and learn why certain spices like salt...have adverse effects on you. From there...start to spice up your you will have gotten used to the "NEED TO FEED" on bad foods. And the effect of good eating is immediate.

My routine is a five day a week, one bodypart a day routine. If anyone is ever interested I can type it up and send it...its very effective. Also I can give my diet. It may not be exactly what you like, but it can give you a basis to start your own routine.

Remember, never follow anyones routine to the letter. If it doesnt work for you, it doesnt work.
2007-07-04 22:58:43 UTC
Your body is what you make it. Believe it or not, your mind can stop you from moving forward. When your looking in the mirror everyday and dont see change, dont let that discourage you because then you think you aren't doing anything when you work out. I don't know your workout details but if your breaking a sweat that means you're working something out. NOW, as to simple steps of progression, when you feel you're at breaking point challenge yourself for just ONE MORE, if it doesn't take too much effort then do another. For example, when you do crunches for toning repitions are more important than adding resistance like medecine balls, so go to as many rep as you can and then on that last one take a breath metally prepare yourself and let out that extra gas(not literally cuz it can happen ^_^).

Now as to seeing more results, diet is 50% of the battle. Filling yourself up with carbs and saturated fats can really add up if not paid attention to. You might be building and toning muscle, but whats the point if theres more fat added on top of it? Dietary wise, make sure you pay attention to the daily recommended values,serving sizes and etc. Make sure not to be confused by serving sizes as they make a calorie value seem small when the serving size is like 1 teaspoon. Also try and split meals from 3 big ones to 5 small ones. When your hungry eat a sandwich. A small meal is like a lean cuisine in my opinion. the reason why is that eating more meals helps stimulate your metabolism. Think of it this way, your body is always burning at a rate that goes up from exercise (and other physical activity even walking) and progressively goes down at a much slower rate. When your body has nothing to digest the process it takes to convert your body to burn fat is slow. But when it does have something to digest, it stimulates your metabolism making your body burn calories faster. So every time you eat, eat until you feel 60% full then drink water, and when you feel your tummy rumble repeat steps.

2007-07-04 19:08:08 UTC
People spend too much time in the weight room and not enough time on the track. There is no efficient way of losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time. It's either one or the other, and for most people, losing fat should be the priority.

If you consistently do cardio for 60 minutes a day and you eat right and limit your calories, and you also do some light weight training to maintain your muscle strength, you will see results quickly. Depending on what your starting point is, a six pack will not be far off, but you have to be consistent and you have to have the willpower not to eat too much. It's tough not to be able to treat yourself to the occasional cookie or ice cream, but just think of what Gandhi went through and suddenly it's a lot easier.
2007-07-04 19:01:38 UTC
Want to get results? Follow a sensible diet and, as dumb as it sounds, do The Firm. I played sports for 15 years and was in great shape but The Firm was finally the thing that got me noticeably toned and defined. You will see results, no question. It is very easy to follow and they even give you a monthly schedule. As with any workout, you get out of it what you put in. Be warned - they can be tough workouts and you will feel the burn (you up the weights) but if you do what the dvd says, you will get results. If you think the exercises are easy, then you are not working hard enough.

Get The Firm and best of luck!
2007-07-04 15:41:11 UTC
It is challenging when you look at your body everyday, expecting something different than yesterday. I am a product of our society, I want it and I want it now, thank you. If in a few mouse clicks, I can have loads of information or pay my bills, why can't I transform my body so quickly?

How do I see real results? In the way I feel. Although it is not a tangible, put your hands on it result, I feel so much better when I've been working out. When I step on the scale with bad news or fight my skirt on the morning, I focus on how I will feel after my workout. I love that feeling, a mix of satisfaction, pleasantly tired and genuine hope that all this will pay off. It is almost addicting after awhile. I want that mild euphoria that comes from knowing that I am trying, I am doing something, which drowns out all the bad energy of not seeing the results I want. And I want now.
2014-07-22 19:02:34 UTC
it comes as no surprise that this phenomenon is well documented. Fitness professionals will, for the most part, agree that if an individual has been active and been in good physical shape for long periods of time in their life, even if they strayed from this path later on in life, they should be able to return to this lifestyle of fitness fairly easily. It is more difficult for someone who has had more trouble with being overweight and/or not led and active life. If they can change their diet and stick to a daily exercise regimen, though, they too can see results fairly quickly, but should also be concerned with other factors, like blood pressure, heart rate, losing weight too quickly, etc...., just like anyone undertaking an aggressive program to change their body for the better.

So, just to recap, by realizing how healthy you are to begin with, you can know in advance how fast you can see results. It's also important to know when to stop and take a break. If you're already in great shape, you should realize that new gains and going to a more advanced plateau and to a level of fitness that you haven't attained yet will naturally be more difficult and take more time. You should proceed with more caution to avoid personal injury.
2007-08-14 13:31:15 UTC
Well, I go to the gym to thin myself down and work myself out. I dont go to tone myself. However, I do happen to know pretty muchly everything that goes on at my local gym, because my mother is a staff member there (and boy is she good at it!).

My local gym offers aerobic classes such as Ab Lab, Zumba, Rep Reebok, Kickboxing, and others. Each of these classes are good for slimming, toning, and just getting exercise! We have some trained Aerobic Instructors teaching every class.

We also have programs where trainers take you through weight lifting. You gain points for everytime you come up to the gym to lift, and when you get a certain amount of points, you get to a higher Fit Level. Its called Fitlinxx.

We have weight areas upstairs and downstairs, and there are several machines used for cardio.

Just ask the employees at your local gym what classes you can take and what programs you can participate in to get the results you want.
2007-07-30 00:40:39 UTC
Are you watching what you are eating. Diet and exercise together are very important to lose weight. Just because you are exercising doesn't mean you don't have to watch what you eat. Your body may be thinking it needs more food when exercising. It doesn't. A constant exercise program is useful. Most won't see results right away. About 6 weeks is a good time to re-measure. A weekly measurement isn't going to show results that we want and discourage us from continuing on. Also, muscle weights more than fat. You may be tone the muscle you have and making them bigger.
2007-07-11 10:33:26 UTC
Working out is good, but eating right is even better. If you combine the 2, you'll see change. Make sure to eat a balanced diet and work out on a regular schedule. Lift weights for your arms, and hit stair climbers for the legs. Do you have any equiptment at your home? Use that too. If you work out then go home and eat cake, ice cream, and cookies, it probably won't help... at all. Also, try adding spinach leaves to your salads. Don't add bacon or cheese. When you make a quick stop at McDonalds to order a "healthy" salad, make sure the chicken is grilled in stead of fried. There are so many little differences you can make to get a healthy body. Just start picking those differences & ideas out. Think things through before doing. You'll see what I mean.
thomas m
2007-07-05 08:37:11 UTC
You have to go for the pump. The blood has to go into a muscle faster than it comes out. So this will require some work. Pick a basic exercise and use a light weight . I like 20 lb dumb bells. Do circuit training. Example. Flys, Bench press,and pull overs. 5 sets of 10. No rest. Repeat 5 times. Next, military press,french curls, regular curls. Repeat 5 times.Next Squats, Calf Raises, Bent Over Rows. Repeat 5 times. Result you worked your whole body you burned fat you tore down muscle cells and you are pumped. The pump helps you grow. Now to warm up for this do your Abdominal hip and buttocks in your normal way. Make sure you rest the next day except for your abs hips and butt. and do this routine 3 times a week. Rest completely on the day of your choice. but only 1 day a week.
2007-07-04 20:42:55 UTC
First check with your doctor to see how many calories you should have if you need to lose weight ,tone.Exercise cardio is good to burn fat.You should lift weights after your in your 30s 3 times a week .Start out slow then keep building the weight in pounds and then the reps.Make sure you know the right way to lift so your getting results.You will see results if you watch Denise Austin in the toning your arms .Diet is important no more than 2000 calories a day and 1500 if you want to lose.
Lori A
2007-07-04 13:18:29 UTC
To begin with, fastest visible results come from weight training but using tiny weights and high reps doesn't yield great results. Almost anyone is going to see great results quickly if they are "lifting to failure," which means working in 3 sets of 8-12 reps so that it is nearly impossible to finish the last rep or two. Then up the weights when you can complete three sets.

It doesn't require massive amounts of time or hundreds of different moves, but working to failure with each of the major muscle groups is enough to see fast results.

In addition to the rapid toning and usually a drop in clothing size, adding muscle helps any diet plan by increasing the person's base metabolism.

Diet does matter and poor quality food choices will make any fitness plan move slower, but your question was how to get real toning results and weight lifting does it better than anything else out there.
2007-08-15 09:14:19 UTC
Some times it depends on your age. If you are 40++ then you may be beating a dead horse. Skin does not tighten up like it did when you were in your 20s to yearly 30s. The answer I can give you is this, "Slow down". For the next four weeks try this. Lets say you are doing arm curls and you lift up then down in the count of "One One Thousand" you are going too fast. It should take you Six seconds to do one curl. Three up and three down with no stopping. It should take you 48 seconds to do a rep of 8 with a 45 second break between the three sets. Total time to spend on are curls 5 minutes. You will find it much harder and you will get better results
2007-08-13 14:37:22 UTC
Studies have shown that your body doesn't actually begin to burn fat until you've warmed up for at least 15 minutes. That means, a half an hour of cardio really only equals 15 minutes of actual fat burning.

Try warming up by stretching and lifting weights before you begin exercising. To adequately tone, lift a small amount of weight multiple times. Lifting as much as you can will cause your muscles to bulk up quicker, but wont leave that toned look.

While performing cardio work outs, don't use the same resistance the entire time. For example, run fast for 5 minutes, then walk 10, then run, then walk, etc. This will cause your heart rate to jump back and forth and will result in the maximum amount of fat burning.
2007-07-29 05:07:00 UTC
It may take a while in order for your body to "update" itself from all of the work you do in the gym. If you over-do it, you will not see good results because your body doesn't need too much exercise. It just needs a certain amount of it. If you work out at least once a week, you should see some good results soon.
2007-07-18 20:49:25 UTC
Since exercise is supposed to be part of a healthy lifestyle one shouldn't put too much focus on specific results by a specific deadline or within a certain timeframe. Exercise is cumulative - results and changes to the body are noticed over time with consistency. Many people get discouraged when they don't see results so instead of being patient and consistent they lose motivation and perhaps stop exercising all together. Then they become constistent with unhealthy habits and thus suffer health problems...lo & behold they were being consistent about the wrong things!
2007-07-04 17:06:29 UTC
There are some work-out machines that are specifically designed for toning legs and the stomach area, as well as any other part of the body you want toned. You definitely won't see results while you are working out or when you get home. If you continuously have a good diet and work on a regular basis, you will have a very toned body. I suggest trying yoga too. It worked wonders for me!
2014-11-08 08:01:22 UTC
In order to "see" results take a picture. Make that "pictures." Take a picture before you begin any dieting or fitness routine and that will probably be a bigger surprise than you realize if you're truly in need of work. Then take pictures once/week once you've begun your regime. Post the pictures in order on your refrigerator, by your computer or somewhere you'll regularly see them. Better yet make duplicates and put them in all those places! After a few weeks of having a change in your diet and adding a fitness routine you'll definitely be able to see a difference. ....Also be sure to take the pictures in either a bikini if you're a female or just gymshort if a guy. You want to have the most amount of skin showing without propping up nudies of yourself.....NOT a good idea.
2007-08-15 11:04:21 UTC
If you're not seeing changes, it can be one of three reasons:

1) You're not using the correct form when you're lifting weights or using the machines. (Ask for help from someone who works at the gym.)

2) You're using too light a weight for your body to get results. (Increase the weight by a few pounds so you can just barely eek out the last 2 reps. Once you get used to that after a few weeks, increase the weight/resistance again.)

3) Your body has gotten used to the same old routine and your muscles aren't being challenged anymore. (Change your routine to include different machines and different exercises.)
2007-08-09 19:03:50 UTC
This is the problem. Diet and exercise do not offer instant results and it's hard work. Hence the reason it is so hard to stick to a good diet and exercise program. They say it takes 3 weeks to develop a habit and 3 months to really see the results. Consistency is key. You must do it all consistently and you can't cheat or take a break from it. You also have to be patient. I will tell you that I saw really quick results from pilates. I swear by it. It change my body and it didn't take long at all. Good Luck!
2007-08-04 20:32:12 UTC
The first key is to be positive don't let it get you down. I've found that using lighter weight along with more reps hasn't given me definition. I focus on one muscle a day. Be sure to allow that muscle to completely recover before working it again. Being sore is good! If you can find time during the day, do 20 push ups or some knee raises from your chair. It takes like 2 minutes and WILL make the difference. Stictuitiveness and optimism make a lot of difference as well.
2007-07-21 22:21:34 UTC
Maybe it's a matter of perception. You see yourself everyday. When you wake-up you look at the mirror and see yourself. Nothing has changed from the day before. Before you go to bed, you look in the mirror and see that nothing has changed from the day earlier. But if you truly are working-out properly and maintaining a reasonable diet, your body is changing. But it is changing little at a time that you don't notice it. It is only when we see a big drastic change that we say there is change. Maybe what you need is another pair of eyes that have not seen you for a long time and not a new workout program or diet (although changing your workout around every now and then does help because it forces your body to adapt in a regular basis).
Davis Wylde
2007-07-16 19:55:24 UTC
The truth is if you're looking for things like toned striations in your muscles you have to drain most of the water from you system- something even body builders do ONLY in moderation.

Problem with the body is it is made to adapt, anticipate, and normalize physical activity which means your best bet is to always keep the body guessing as to what is coming next. Simply change up your workout every 4-6 weeks to see results in every area of your body. However, don't be discouraged as you will still see plateaus and you will still see certain times of weight gain which are normal. Don't become mentally defeated- it is your mind which will defeat the body and its limitations and you should never lose that sense of control.
2007-07-15 10:07:52 UTC
Get a personal trainer for a day. Tell him/her what you want and they should show you the things you can do at the gym to obtain your goal. But doing cardio for a minimum of 30 minutes at least 2 days a week to get rid of the fat and show more muscles/tone. Weight training. Do several different types of weight training each time you work out in a week. You should do weight training atleast 2 times a week. And more repitition to burn the fat. Eating properly as well. Just because you are working out doesn't mean you can eat more or whatever you want. It all depends on 50% workingout, 50% diet. And make sure you push yourself!! And break a sweat! If you keep it up, you should see results in about 3-4 weeks. Keep it up!!
2007-07-13 08:12:00 UTC
If you're not trying to gain muscle, just definition, then the best thing you can do when working out is to use low weight and higher repititions. Pay specific attention to proper technique and don't rush the repitition. Doing slower more focused "correct" repititions will cause a more focused strain on the muscle groups you're working increasing your definition and tone. Do 15-20 correct reptitions per excercise and in a short amount of time you should see some pretty good results, but remember to pay specific attention proper form. 10 proper reps are much better for you than 15 improper reps. Hope this helps.
2007-07-10 02:39:38 UTC
I find that if I change, or increase my cardio workouts every two weeks I notice the changes faster than I would if I was to only change my routine once in a while.

I like to up my cardio every two weeks by ten minutes, and change my strength training by reps, or use different machines all together. Just as long as they are all working the same areas as before (arms, legs, and abs.) Eventually I take my cardio down ten minutes a week, and replace it by another activity I can do at home. So then I still know I'm burning calories, but I'm just not going at the gym as long as I did the week before.
2007-07-04 22:44:57 UTC
I'm currently a student at the University of Illinois at Chicago a semester away from my degree in Exercise Science. After all the research, trial and error, discussions and lectures, the best answer to that question is one no one wants to hear because they already know the answer to it. The simplest way to explain it is best described by an ad. I saw a while back in a muscle magazine. "Shut the **** up and lift." So simple but so powerful. Research in resistance exercise continually shows that lifting weights and performing any type of weight bearing exercise is benefitial not only for muscle mass, but also to boost metabolism. With a higher rate of metabolism comes a faster burn of calories needed to perform any type of physical activity. I've often found that performing circuit style exercises give better results. In fact, at times I've been able to see results show within 2 weeks of the start of an exercise program in my clients. Choose about 4 exercises involving upper body muscles, then pair each of those exercise with any lower body exercise. Try choosing multi-joint muscles such as squats or bench press, where more than one muscle is working. The resistance should be at about 50-75% or the participants max amount of weight he or she can push. Another important aspect for this style of workout is the rest period between each set and pair of exercises. I tend to superset (Following one set-to-failure rest for no longer than 10-15 seconds then perform the lower body exercise paired up with it, and repeat for a total of 3 sets for each exercise) each exercise resting exactly 1min before moving on to the next pair of exercises. The entire workout should last about 45-50 minutes, leaving anough time for a short session of cardio. Diet is important as well. Make sure it contains a variety of healthy, nutritious foods, and keep the portions small while eating often.

Hope this helps!

Ben Alonzo
Duane D
2007-07-04 20:24:54 UTC
Maybe it's due to your exercise regimen. Maybe you should try using lower weights with larger numbers of repetitions and sets. ALSO, don't forget to constantly change your routine...when you keep it the same, the body gets acclimated and plateaus. You need to keep challenging the muscles so they can break down and rebuild. You won't see results DURING your workouts, because the results stem from the break down of the muscles (during the workout) followed by the rebuilding phase (afterwards during the rest periods). Remember that a bit of rest is integral....if you work out every day and do not allow the muscles any rest, then you're doing more harm than good.
2007-07-04 19:40:49 UTC
You've had some great answers here - lucky you. This much good advice would cost you a lot if you got it through a personal trainer like myself.

This is what I'll tell you. Number ONE - you have to LOVE what you are doing. If you are having fun, enjoying your exercise, the results will happen fast because you can't get enough - essentially living for your next workout. In my clients that enjoyed working out, we saw results fast.

Number TWO - you need to be STRICT on yourself, but be understanding and loving of your needs and patient with yourself. Fitness is an often-elusive goal, and you might have to pick yourself up from the place of "I'm going to quit the gym" more times than you'll wake up thinking "I can't wait to scrape the ice off my car at 6 and go to the gym!!" It's about your relationship with yourself - and test of character on FOLLOWING THROUGH with goals you make for yourself.

Life is only a series of road blocks. Being a winnner doesn't always mean you are the first to finish, to fit into those jeans or to be the busiest or most popular. It means that you get up after you are knocked over. Life will knock you over, and over, and over, but you just get back up. You keep going.

The results will come if you learn that one lesson.
2007-07-04 19:17:24 UTC
well you must incorporate a good diet of course. The two together is the key. I do alot of different types of workouts on a daily basis, weight training 2-3 times a week......I have to say that the best most effective work out for me besides the weights has been tae bo amped. That work out is awesome, and also walking 30 minutes a day helps alot! I just think our body sometimes hits a plateau and changes in our routine is needed for results!
2007-07-04 18:11:40 UTC
More reps. Decrease the amount of weight significantly. Say, for a female, you lift about 20 lbs for a given exercise when you are working out an arm muscle, decrease it to about 10 lbs and do more reps. Cardio makes you look tone as well, but the cardio should come after the light lifting. If you go to the gym at 10am and tone for about an hour, you should see some results later that night.
2007-07-04 15:41:07 UTC
If I just exercise for the health it brings to my body I find that all the other factors coordinate to the extent of the effort I am willing to give it. Some people ignore this and do no allow any other factors to coordinate with what the good health is all about. Thus the slow response to the the objective. Some people run just to counter all the other factors and then just end up in a confused and disillusioned mind set that tumbles slowly back to the inert state. Having got nowhere but right back where they started.
2007-07-04 20:48:29 UTC
Depending on your body fat percentage, you may or may not see results quickly. To find out your BFP, ask your gym for a body fat calculator. A less reliable method is to sit in a chair with your feet flat on the floor. Using your thumb and index finger, gently pinch the skin on top of your right thigh. Measure the thickness of the pinched skin with a ruler. If it's 3/4" or less, you have about 14% body fat - ideal for a guy, quite fit for a woman. If it's 1", you're probably closer to 18% fat, which is a tad high for a man but desirable for a woman. If you pinch more than an inch, you could be at increased risk for diabetes and heart disease. As you see your body fat percentage decrease, you'll see an increase in the amount of visible muscle. Experts say that in order for your abs to show, your body fat needs to be between 8 and 12%.

I believe this is the most effective fat-burning plan. Focus on these 3 things at least 3 times a week: abdominal groups, big muscle groups through strength training, and speed intervals with high-intensity cardio exercise mixed with periods of low-intensity. Also, eat regular meals with healthy, light snacks. Keep in mind foods that are packed with protein, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, fiber and calcium (almonds, beans, spinach, fat free or low fat dairy, oatmeal, eggs, turkey and other lean meats, peanut butter, olive oil, whole grains, and berries). Don't forget to have an occasional treat about once or twice a week so you don't become over obsessed with whatever food tempts you.
2007-08-11 17:55:24 UTC
If you're looking for tight, and tone, but not real big and bulky, you want to do a light weight several times. I would take two or three areas a day that you want to workout and do as many as you can with a light weight, then move to the next area you want to work out and do that, then the third.. giving time for the first one to regain strength. Then do it again. Repeat this as many reps as you can do, three or 4 times with each muscle. Its alot of work, but 3 or 4 workouts a week and you will see results
2007-08-03 12:36:25 UTC
Try taking a picture of your self every 2 or 3 weeks. Compare them from time to time. If you're honestly following a good fitness program, you'll see results.

Note "good fitness program" is both a balanced diet and actual physical activity. If you go to the gym but don't actually get your heart rate up then you probably won't see results. Similarly, if you work out like a mad but eat like mad too.
2007-07-21 04:56:43 UTC
I get best results when I walk around 2 miles at least 4-5 times a week. I walk in the evening around 7:00 pm. I carry 3 lb dumbells which might be too heavy for some but I'm a male, 6'2" tall. The dumbell workout as you walk really help to keep the upper body, such as chest, arms, and shoulders get into shape. I started this due to a recent set back from a rotary cuff surgery in my right shoulder where I really lost muscle tone, this workout really seems to be working. I also have one challenging hill which really works the legs and buttocks area. Periodically, I will jog for short distances during my walk to improve my respiratory system and to increase my heart rate. This is also soothing for the mind. After my walk, a cool down, a shower which helps me to relax and get a good nights sleep.
2007-07-19 23:25:43 UTC
The reason that people don't see results immediately is because they don't know what they're doing, and all too often they don't ask for help. I've been working out for 19 years, and retrospectively, I didn't really understand what I was doing for at least 6 years. Of course there was progress in that period, but there wasn't any real knowledge of what I was doing. That doesn't mean that it has to take a person 6 years to figure out what works and what doesn't. To this day, I still learn new things, and I probably always will. But during the first few years of my workouts I was one of those people who didn't ask questions. Finally though, curiosity overcame ego, and I started asking everyone about what this did, or how that was developed - and I started reading about it. It's important to keep in mind that we have access to all the teaching tools that we need to learn about what ever we want to understand or accomplish.

To see a physical change in your body you have to put in the time, on a consistent basis. It's not going to happen on one or two workouts a week. It's simple: what you put into anything is what you'll get out of it. It's not about prolonged workouts. It is about consistency and effort. Three one and one-half hour workouts per week are great , but five thirty-minute workouts are exponentially better, and it saves your time and energy because you end up expending less of your time for a better result.

What you do to get the result that you want depends on what you like doing, or if you don't like working out at all, then you need to know what your options are and pick your preferred activity. You have to figure out what it is that you want to accomplish with your body first. Then you need to know how you're going to accomplish that. If you don't know how, look it up online, get some books on it, or hire a good trainer to show you how. But don't lock yourself into one method. It's essential to vary what you do so that you approach fitness from different angles. Using more than one type of method to develop fitness always ends up working synergistically. The modalities work together to build each others weaknesses and enhance each others strengths. Learn what your body responds to well, and expand on that.
2007-07-14 23:15:14 UTC
The best way to get real toning when you work out is to keep your movement in each rep as tight and controlled as you can. Do your routine in slow motion and use resistance bands so you are not controlled by the restricted movements of the circuit training they offer at most gyms. Making you muscles control the resistance in a free motion requires you to use muscles that you usually wouldn't need if the rep is controlled. Your diet is also very important try cutting carbs out of your diet and eating pure lean meats, never fried,only baked or broiled. Fish is a great source of protein that is used by the body faster than trying to digest all that red meat. Also drink more water than you ever have in your whole life this will help transport the fat you burn out of your system and cleanse your colon where very bad things are stored. Colon cleansing is very under rated in the weight loss game. Don't forget to change up your routine so your muscles have time to heal. Good luck
2007-07-12 15:56:12 UTC
To have the look of your body change significantly as a result of working out, you need put a lot of work and discipline into it.

You gotta give it some time, but also you need to watch what you eat because some foods can cause consistent storage of an amount of fat under your skin tissue which will be covering the muscle sculpture even if you will be working out a lot.

Depending on what kind of body look you want to get there is a science to it. There are people that know exactly what to do

and how to work out to obtain a particular body look.

You have to be aware that to obtain really sharp look you may

need to work out very, very hard, causing your self quite a bit of discomfort in the process. That's just the nature of things if you want to have the structure of your body changed.
2007-07-05 11:24:06 UTC
There are many things that you can do when getting to the point of frustration during a routine.

1. Change your diet slightly to lower your fat/carb intake.

2. Change your cardio routine to one of many variations; I would suggest a program which would alternate the intensity from high to medium to low and then high again. To burn fat it must be a routine over 20 minutes since you start to burn after the first 20 minutes.

3. Include weight training and cardio together. Two bangs for the buck.

4. If you are only doing weight training then your rest period should be short while using light weights to get a cardio feel.

5. It takes time so commitment to diet and routine is a must!

6. To control your weight, you must change your eating style for life and future health.

7. Good luck, sincerely Ray.
2007-07-05 10:24:28 UTC
Real toning comes from the quality of the exercises that are being implemented. For example, I could do over one hundred crunches, but will that give me the sculptured abs I am looking for? What I would have to do is mix it up to exercises that really target upper and lower abs such as the reverse crunch, etc. By focussing on how I am doing these exercises, making sure they are done correctly instead of seeing how many I can do in a minute's time, is the key. One good exercise done correctly is worth more than 100 reps of another exercise.
2007-07-05 08:37:11 UTC
well if you want to see things happen WHEN your working out do your lifting in front of a mirror. But in terms of toning changes that will take place over a few weeks when your muscels are recoving after lifting. I would suggest if you are toning to use 100% whey protein (can get at GNC, Target, Wal Mart ext.) and mix that with skim milk when you are done working out. I would suggest 3 cup fulls of that because contrary to popular belief when you are toning you need MORE protein than just builiding for mass because chances are you are trying to limit your carb intake so your body will start burning protein to help with engery. So by taking some extra protein you will not get the dreaded bulk of a guy (if your a girl toning) In fact you will actually tone better and faster and be able to get away with cutting down on carbs.

also the type of lifiting you do will have an effect on your toning. Make sure you are doing high rep low weight sets...however this does not mean that you should be doing weights so light you dont feel any thing burn or something like that. If your doing a set of 16 by the 13th rep things should start to get pretty tough. Make sure you are doing the lifts the proper way as well.

Then of course you need to make sure you work your core as that is often over looked at the gym. An easy way to get a good core workout is to do 3 sets of 75 crunhies (each different ways) as soon as you wake up in the morning...when you finish your lifts...and finally before you go to bed. It only takes a few mintues and if you do that 4 times a week (like you lift) and then do extra core and running on at least one of the extra 3 days you have you will see good results.

Speaking of running make sure you run and run enough. Also make sure you run AFTER you lift...because GH (growth hormone) is pretty low throughtout the body...and is over looked as a PROTEIN! However GH plays an imporant part in liver health, muscel growth and toning, as well as fat burning. GH burns fat faster...when you lift GH is realses to help build your muscels back up...therefore you can get your GH level to peak and and then go running so you burn fat quicker than ever. (GH levels overwise peak while your sleeping which is why you need 6-8 hours of sleep)

Your diet is also imporant if you want to see results.

Lastly get yourself in the right mindset...

No one said it would be easy...because is it was everyone would be doing it... you cant give need to stick with will help you.
2007-07-05 08:02:07 UTC
How old are you? young people get results differently than old people. Young do 2 or 3 sets with only 30 seconds rest between sets. Old only do one set and move on in 30 seconds to a minute.

The stress has got to be progressive. The let down has got to be SLOW. Choose weights that you can lift eight times to exhaustion. As strength grows you will be able to do 12 or 15 . when you can do 12 or 15 increase weight to get you back down to 8.

The slow let down in the lift cycle is VERY important. The way the muscle fibers work in the let down is different and generates higher growth hormone levels.

Do you look in the mirror? Look in the mirror and focus your attention while doing the exercise. You get a much better neurotransmitter load and quicker growth from looking in the mirror.
2007-07-05 00:54:07 UTC
Hey, I think you have a wrong idear that going to gym is for changing you body, make you more strong or more slim,

I guess that we goes to gym for happiness, we can get happiness from doing some exercise, and keep healthy,and that's all, and we appreciate it if at the same time our body is changing, but if there are not so much obvious changing in our body, we should feel happy too, not frustrating, at least it will goes worse if you keep going to the gym.

good luck .
2007-07-04 19:48:08 UTC
Exercise on a regular basis combined with plenty of rest and good nutrition are the keys to good health as well as keeping toned. You really need all three to get good results. You can exercise all you want but if you don't feed your body with the right fuel and get enough rest all your hard work will go to waste. First you have to decide which kind of muscle you want to build. Long, lean muscle are best built by aerobic exercise like distance running, cycling and swimming. Large, thick muscles are best built by anaerobic exercise like weight lifting and other resistance exercises. To quickest way to build large muscles is to use weight training. As you get used to lifting a certain amount of weight, you add a little more muscle. Over time you will get stronger and your muscles will adapt by getting larger to handle the added weight. You see the human body will adapt to whatever stress you regularly put it through. If you stop exercising on a regular basis you will see that your muscles will lose all the strength and size.
Amanda E
2007-07-04 15:32:48 UTC
I think the biggest thing you can do is do something you love doing. Think about what kids do outside for "fun" which really is usually some kind of exercise. When I was a kid I loved climbing and swinging and skating. I tried for years working out in a gym and I hated every minute of it. Eventually I quit going. Now, when I take my son on the playground, instead of sitting on the benches with the other moms, I climb and slide and swing, just like the kids. I even bought my son and myself roller blades and taught him how to skate. It makes exercise, not really exercise, instead it's fun, so I don't really get discouraged, cause everyone likes to have fun. Make exercise rewarding in other ways (not just health benefits) and it never gets old.
2007-07-04 15:03:54 UTC
focus your mind on the body part you are working, picture the change in your mind and imagine you already look like that. This is a technique used by successful body builders to help them grow thier muscles to huge proportions and it works for people who are trying to tone too! You need to do some resistance work, even if it is only using your own body weight, and when performing the exercises think about all the blood and nutrients rushing to the muscles you are working!

Oh and eating plenty of protein, vegies, dairy products and carbs is essential to get results from your exercise. 6 small meals a day including a high carb post workout meal. Finally you need to get plenty of rest, days when your not training in between and sleep, cos thats when your body repairs and remodels!
2007-07-04 14:56:04 UTC
Alot of discouragement may come as a result of people needing to "see" results, and see them now. Maybe we should re-evaluate what results we are looking for because if we all want to look like unrealistic athletes and movie stars overnight then we will only be discouraged. I think the results we should look for is long term meaning "forever" results, which means we need to come up with an exercise program we can live with forever.
2007-08-02 20:39:28 UTC
Anyone is going to see fast results whenever they start an exercise program. That is why most fitness places and exercise equipment manufacturers use the term "see results as soon as....etc or your money back". The real challenge is 3-6 months after starting an exercise routine when your body reaches a plateau.

Most people don't see the results because they aren't pushing themselves they are working out in comfort mode.
2007-07-30 08:43:32 UTC
This may be happening for 2 reasons:

1. Sometimes the toned muscle may be hiding underneath a layer of fat. The best thing to do is eat either a low-fat or low-carb diet or both, and supplement it with cardio training. My formula is to eat a low fat diet with most of my carbs by 12:00 noon. For dinner, it is low fat & low carbs. Sugar should be avoided as much as possible, especially at night. You don't want fat to form at night while we are inactive.

2. Muscle is not being toned because it is not being challenged. This is a common mistake. Basically most people stick to a "count rep" routine. For example: Suppose someone does bicep curls with 15 pounds. They may do 3 sets of 10 reps every time they do curls. However, the biceps may be 100% in tact, and not be broken down to adapt and build more muscle. The best way to tone is to challenge your muscles until they cannot lift anymore. In my previous example. The individual may want to use 20 pounds of weight and curl until they fail a rep, say 12 times. Then the next set, the individual may only get 9 reps. and so on.

The best way to tone is actually go down in weight, while keeping the reps steady around 10. For example. Suppose in my first set, I can curl 25 pounds only 10 times (11 or 12 on a good day). Then in my second set I went down to 20 pounds, then I did again about 10, then in the 3rd or possibly 4th sets, I continued to adjust the weight till I get 10 reps- all until the failure rep.
2007-07-16 21:27:21 UTC
Consistency and hard work are absolutely essential, but even when this happens to the best of us it is still discouraging when you can't see the results. The problem is that the changes come gradually and are slowing developing over time. Taking pictures once a week always helped me when I was training heavily. Seeing yourself everyday is a difficult way to notice the changes, but taking pictures really shows the hard work and motivates you even more to stay with it.
Draga M.
2007-07-13 05:45:04 UTC
It can be frustrating initially when you begin to workout not to see immediate results. It depends on what body parts you are working on, but for toning, more reps of light weights (or using your own body weight as resistance) is the best method for toning. Many people will do the aerobic exercises, but for true toning you need to also lift weights. Weight-lifting will not make you "huge" if you stick to lower weights with lots of reps. What it will do is allow you to build muscle which burns fat more quickly and tones the body, which aerobic activity alone will not do. Exercises such a walking lunges, push-ups, ab crunches can be done without a gym membership. You can reuses empty water or soda bottles filled with water (or sand) as your weights. Just be sure to warm-up and cool down with a good 15 minutes of stretching to decrease chances of injury and to maintain flexibility and to wear a sturdy pair of sneakers.

The best routine is at least 20 minutes of cardio at least 4 times a week plus 30 minutes of weight-lifting three times a week (doing different body parts each day). The more reps you do (12-15) with light resistance per set will help shred existing muscles and build them stronger and leaner.

Last, it's not initially how you look in the mirror but how you feel. Give yourself the time and be patient, and in weeks you're clothes will fit better and you'll start to see visual improvements, too!
Manuel III T
2007-07-31 22:36:05 UTC
I am not into body building (having really big muscles like Arnold). But i do have firm and toned muscles because I regularly (at least 4x a week) go to the gym to work out using low-impact program. It uses lighter weights with more repetitions. Don't go for the number of counts instead, focus on achieving muscle failure by tightening the targeted muscle as you try to lift that light-weight dumbell or whatever object you may be using. If you are at home, you may use your own personal body weight and strength to tighten up your muscle and achieve muscle failure.
2007-07-28 07:36:53 UTC
Walking really DOES show effects- I remember one time walking twice a day when I wanted to lose extra pounds- everyone was asking how I lost it. I don't diet but take care to eat the right foods. Walking daily or every other day should show effects after a few weeks. Don't expect to lose anything the first weeks as your body is adjusting to the exercise. Sure enough though eventually you will see the effects. be consistent in keeping the walking up. Only after a few weeks should you recheck your weight.

When you are hungry and want a snack fill a plate with as much fruit as you like and replace candy with a bowl of grapes or any other small fruit. If you feel like something savory go for crackers or a cup of soup.
2007-07-25 10:10:34 UTC
When you go to the gym, your first reaction shouldn’t be...'I'm going to look different' just like that. When you really feel the burn during your exercises, work with that pain and then you'll see the results. The only time during a work out when you can get real results is when you start feeling it in your body. If you [give in] to that emotional/physical pain, you will get absolutely no toning results. If this helps, I usually hum in significant pain; it takes my mind of the stress around me and internally. Balance working out and a healthy (somewhat sugar free) diet, then results will come more quickly than just exercising alone.

And say this when you are in the middle of a workout,

"Feel the Burn, Love the Burn!"
2007-07-23 02:44:50 UTC
I have been a trainer and member of Gold's Gym for 30 years and my husband has a room full of trophys. You need to do some kind of areobic's or tread mill to get your heart rate up then use the machines or freeweights starting with a comfortable weight. Perform 3 sets of 10 with each machine. Also be sure to switch muscle groups every other day. I make it simple and do the lower body (below the waist) and the upper body the next day. You will hit a plateau where it is hard to lose more weight and you fix that by throwing in some yoga, dance or something different to surprise your muscles and they will tone up. Get a trainer for a day to make sure you are performing the exercises correctly and most peoples mistake is to forget to exhale with the effort and breathe from the diaphram. Your muscles need fresh air to build and tone. I find that music stops me from talking to others and prevents them from talking to you. Concentrate and put a pix of the body you want on your frig. Also remember to warm up for at least 10 minutes by stretching and warm down after. Best of luck.
2007-07-18 11:55:27 UTC
With my time schedule I can only work out at night but as long as I get out to the gym or go on a long walk that's all that matters to me. What I do to get results is keep a tight restriction on what kinds of foods I eat before and after I go for my exercise. Carbs and calcium are great for energy, but only if I eat the right kind so I don't eat anything right before I work out but whole grain foods, lowfat dairy products and veggies. During my other meals (I try to eat 6 light meals a day to reduce stuffing myself 3 times) I will stick with a diet of minimal carb intake by eating a fresh selection of fat burning fruits and veggies and having the right amount of lean protein to balance my diet. By drinking plenty of water it helps keep my feeling more satisfied after I've finished eating and helps keep my system hydrated and ready for all the sweating I do during my exercises. I get the best results when I have a good mix of both cardio and weight training, not one or the other. I take two step classes and one body challenge class which is my weight training each week. When I do not go to the gym I will go for a walk or run and most times I will mix the two together so I get a healthy range of intensity put into my workout. I never walk /run on my own for less than an hour and I would say that 2-3 miles of that is walking and no less than 1 mile is at a steady paced run. Other than sweating a lot I have never noticed the results immediately, but give it enough time and my plan is showing great results. I have lost 22 pounds so far and I am down 2 pant sizes and I have not felt this energetic for the last two years. I am 21 and my current weight is 176 and I want to lose 10-15 more lbs before my wedding in October. I know I can do it with hard work and the right kinds of foods. My ultimate weight goal is to get close to what I was in high school when I weight 145 and I was in the best shape ever then. It sounds like I would have been overweight, but I walked 5 miles every other day, I ran 2-3 miles almost everyday, and I helped at my parent's farm where we had to unload hay bales and carry 5 gal. buckets of feed and eveything else that can make you sweat. If I can get back down to that weight or get to 135ish then I would say that eating right and excerising frequently is what will give you results.

If anyone reading this is someone who has plateued or has just been gaining for a short while you may want to closely examine your life what you are eating, because exercise alone will not make you lose if what you burn up at the gym is not more than the amount of calories you eat throughout the day.

If you are gaining and you are stressed, DO YOGA AND MEDITATION or else it will be imposible to lose because stress only causes the hormones and chemicals in your body to retain the weight.
Suzanne S
2007-07-10 14:21:02 UTC
Put your measurements on a chart. Always remember to measure in the same spot which may require a diagram and some wording. Aroebics is used to burn fat and lifting is used to build muscle. Hopefully you started with lower weights and high numbers of repetitions and now you are doing more weight with less repetitions like 3 sets of 6 to 10. Are your clothes any looser? How your clothing fits is usually more reliable than the scale because muscle weighs more. You won't drop in all areas at once either so be patient.
Armay G
2007-07-05 05:13:23 UTC
You can't really see the result right away after 1 week or 2 for sure. Even if you start to loss some weight, it's just the lost of water. But you do feel happy and healthy after you finish everyday.

Many of my girlfriends work out, going to gym regularly, and most of them are having their own trainer. They all look amazing, and after few months ( 2-3) there are changes, great improvement, they are not the fat type of people, belong to the slim group, but I can see that there are so much improvement, shape up. And after 1 year, 2-3 times work out per week, 2 hours each time, they are now incrediblely healthy, no extra fat at all.

I have to add, we all eat very healthy food, never fast food, no deep fried, no cakes and sweets. Lots of mineral water, green veg and fruits, fresh seafood and fresh cooked meat everyday. This is very important if you want to maintain great shape, follow those rules.

I hope I have answered your questions well. There is may be a tip for loose more weight when you work out, few of my friend told me that exercise in the morning makes you loose more weight than working out at any other hour of the day. I have never tried that, I am not a morning person.

In long term, the secret of keeping yourself young and sexy will be exercise from time to time, follow the right instruction from your trainer, focus on area you want to improve, bottom lift, better shape always healthy food, healthy food are never boring, fresh and delicious. Stay in love, be happy!

I wish you all the best.

2007-07-04 18:29:36 UTC
Do high repetitions (5 sets of 15 to 20 times) with a lower maximum reps. Breathing & counting properly is very important each set slow (ie. when doing a bicept curl count slowly on the way up 1,2,3, hold for 1 then 1,2,3,4,5 seconds on the way down. Work your- whole- body. Legs first, back,chest,shoulders,tricepts,bicepts, stomach, calves (if you want to do it 3 or 4 days a week. Don't overwork one muscle group; although you should work your less developed muscles a little longer. Focus, and visualize each individual muscle group while working that particular muscle. If you wanted to work a 3 day cycle (day 1:chest,tricepts,legs) than (day 2:shoulders,bicepts & forearms,back, stomach) than a day 3: rest. Remember cardio, and eat right good luck
2007-08-14 15:52:31 UTC
honey, you wont see the results right away. i've been going to the gym for almost about 3 months and a half now and it took me 2 months to see result... in the beginning i felt that way as well.. but when i started weighing myself once every week i saw couple of pounds dropping. Also friends that i havent seen for a while kept telling me i look a lot smaller... you dont really notice it... nor the people who are around you too much. all i can tell you is that dont give up, you are getting there... it will take time for us to see the changes... but we must push through... i hope this helped... keep up the good work.. dont lose hope.. i believe you can do it... just believe in yourself... one luv good luck... God bless.... and more power to you
2007-08-03 07:33:10 UTC
If you want to see real change on your muscle tone, then you have to weight train and not do cardio. Cardio is good for overall health, but you will not gain the muscle results you are probably looking for.

I did a program of starting with something like the stair step type thing for a couple minutes and then move onto weight machines and then find a cool down that works for you.
2007-08-01 14:47:22 UTC
Work hard, stay in the gym for an hour a day, do lots of cardio, and stick with it. Remember, 30 repetitions of a lower weight will get you more toned than doing 5 reps with a heavy weight. Consistency is what counts.
2007-07-26 14:58:07 UTC
You can't spot change from workout to workout. Body change doesn't just happen in the gym. It's also made in the kitchen, so forks as well as barbells.

I like to establish a workout routine, and promise myself regardless of what I see on the scale or in the mirror, I'll follow it for 12 weeks. I feel that any workout routine beit walking on the treadmill regularly or doing an intense lifting program will show result in 12 weeks. Normally the change is enough to continue or even setup it up a notch.
2007-07-24 23:48:43 UTC
Toning is a lot more than pumping iron. Firstly grab your diet mags. & throw them out.

There is no point going to the gym if you don't eat right. And I don't mean high protein diets, or the like. You need to eat a balanced diet of all food groups otherwise any good you do in the gym will only be short lived.

The only way to achieve a healthy, fit & toned body for any real length of time is to drink plenty or water, eat a well balanced diet, excercise and lose your stress.
2007-07-22 11:19:59 UTC

Literally results don't happen overnight. It is a long process of daily workout, exercise and diet.

I've lost 73 pounds since last September (2006). Diet is eat everything except breads, potatoes, and pastas.

Three times per week I can have an ice cream or snicker bar.

Exercise is walking with motion. Arms up, down, moving. Feet walking one in front of the other like a model walking a ramp. Move those hips.

I've gone from a 22 to a 10-12 and am on my way down. When I lie in bed, I do leg lifts, half sit ups. It's working. Toning and firming is up to the elasticity of your skin, and age. It comes slowly...nonetheless, it comes.
2007-07-20 06:44:10 UTC
It takes time. How long ? Depends on how hard you work out, but in time you will see the results. Don't look for any changes in a day or a week, but after a few months, you will notice that you have taken off the the inches and put on some pounds. That's because muscle is heavier than fat.
2007-07-12 06:49:40 UTC
One of the most important things you can do when working out, ironically, doesn't have much to do with the actual activity of working out.

One of the most important things you can do when working out has to do with what you think, and realizing where you are in your exercise program. For instance, I know from experience that when I work out, after not exercising for quite some time, that I will notice good results after only a week or two. Why? Well, that's because I had always been very active and in good shape in my younger years, so, when I implement exercise programs now that I've gotten a bit older, I notice that I have good results right away and can find the impetus to stick with my fitness program.

And it comes as no surprise that this phenomenon is well documented. Fitness professionals will, for the most part, agree that if an individual has been active and been in good physical shape for long periods of time in their life, even if they strayed from this path later on in life, they should be able to return to this lifestyle of fitness fairly easily. It is more difficult for someone who has had more trouble with being overweight and/or not led and active life. If they can change their diet and stick to a daily exercise regimen, though, they too can see results fairly quickly, but should also be concerned with other factors, like blood pressure, heart rate, losing weight too quickly, etc...., just like anyone undertaking an aggressive program to change their body for the better.

So, just to recap, by realizing how healthy you are to begin with, you can know in advance how fast you can see results. It's also important to know when to stop and take a break. If you're already in great shape, you should realize that new gains and going to a more advanced plateau and to a level of fitness that you haven't attained yet will naturally be more difficult and take more time. You should proceed with more caution to avoid personal injury.

Of course, diet is another important factor in how fast you can begin to notice the results of your efforts. Avoiding foods with fat, cholesterol, salt, sugar, and foods that you're allergic to will allow your body to speed up the processes leading to noticably leaner and healthier you. Aerobic activity and drinking more water and avoiding over eating will also speed up the fat losing process.

Now, find a good trainer, reading material, gym and other resources to show you the way to some of the finer methods of fitness routines like confusion principles, shocking your muscles to respond, and finding out the minimum amount of exercise you need to at least maintain your fitness gains, and you should be well on your way seeing real results real soon.
2007-07-05 08:57:34 UTC
When I do strength or resistance training, I like to workout in front of a conceited as that sounds = ) It allows me to actually see the definition & tone in my muscles, plus I can ensure that I am executing the move properly. When I can see muscle definition, it not only motivates me to keep on working out, but it also shows me how much I have progressed.

When I am doing cardio, I like to push myself that extra step just to see how much I can handle. When my time improves or when I run farther than normal, that shows me that I have progressed.

I think that you CAN see results while working out....when you do more crunches than normal, or last a full hour in that spinning class, or lift 5 pounds more than before. These are all results of previous hard work.
2007-07-05 08:25:44 UTC
I have always lifted weights to keep toned. I do not believe in anything but free weights. Reason, you can hurt yourself and not know until it is to late. You work the upper body one day, then the lower the next day. You break down and the muscles they redue themselves tighter. If you do both in one day you are defeating your purpose. I was a child athlete and this is personal experience. You will notice a difference, if you keep it up. Don't be disappointed, because it will show all of a sudden. But, your eating habits really make a difference. You can't work out then go to the ice cream store.
Robert K
2007-07-04 21:20:06 UTC
Regarding cardio work, it is worth noting the amount of calories that you are burning compared to the amount that you intake daily. It is difficult to lose weight by just doing cardio alone, it takes longer times or a higher intensity level to get smaller from just cardio, adjusting what you eat can have more effect in that regard.

If you are frustrated with results from lifting weights, here are few tips: coordinate your breathing with your motion inhaling during contraction of the muscle and exhaling during the release of the muscle, time the breath to flow during the whole of each motion. Slow down your motion. Don't swing as you lift weights. Work pulses into the motion in addition to full extension, stop at various spots during the motion for pulses and make sure that you feel from the pulse in the right part of the muscle that you are trying to work. Have you tried taking walks carrying weights? Try walking 2 miles or so carrying dumb bells, as you walk do various different motions including bicep and triceps curls.
2007-07-04 14:39:47 UTC
It probably depends on genetics more than anything. Some people can see it fast, others work out all the time and don't seem much difference altho they are building muscle too. The real difference is in how you feel. If you work out all the time, you will notice that you are getting stronger. Everything physical that you do will seem easier, even just walking. That is worth all your effort and is a goal worth pursuing.
2007-07-30 22:06:25 UTC
it usually needs at least 3 weeks of consistent workout every day. plus you need sleep. and if you have a little flab to cut through that will need to come off 1st b4 you will see the tone however you still look good. another thing is some of us need a different kinda of workout. not all can do with a cardio kick boxing routine. men esspecially usually get it best with a weight lifting combo of cardio between lifts as this has been proven to been the most calories and increase muscle density. the next thing is you need to work both sides of your muscle group( like you dont just do bicep curls and then move on to lats, after you finish your curls then work your triceps and fore arm and shoulder then your lat. this will make each muscle group double its building flow with tons more blood to recover and re-build you body stronger and better than ever.
2007-07-19 14:54:28 UTC
you're not gonna see the results during the work out. What working out does is t tears the fibers in the muscle and when you rest those fibers reconnect but twice as strong. To get this tone and muscle build up you should use resitstance training which is the repeated lifting of weights to increase muscle fibers and mass. So i would recomend about 3 sets of how ever many reps you feel are necasary. not untill you have to drop the weight but untill it fells hard to lift (felling the burn). also protein will help because that will fill with the fibers that reconnect to form a stronger muscle. Good luck.....
2007-07-18 14:09:29 UTC
Very slow, calculated movements up & down. Paying attention to what my body "says" so that I do not overstrain, yet, my body tells me that it feels sensations of progressive burn. Proper use of body mechanics is essential. Not over repeating - too many reps. Just enough to do the job and rest. Not too much weight. Enough to feel progress, but no overtaxing of muscles or joints.

I prefer to limit the use of machines. I believe that gravity is an excellent tool to use to your benefit. When you do exercises, doing the correct body mechanics, then gravity can enlist several muscle groups, in different areas and give workouts in areas that machines can by-pass.

Never be in a hurry. The slower, the better, the harder the muscles are worked. And before you realize it, you are another Michaelangelo - sculpting your own body with minimal effort. When your body at 45 yrs old looks 10x better than it did as a teenager - that tells you that you are doing it RIGHT!

071807 4:10pm. Answerer # 598 / Tab 21
2007-07-13 08:52:42 UTC
The way to get the best results when you work out is to have variation in each task that you are doing. For example, If you are using free weights you should variety amount of weight as to allow your muscles to work harder in the work out.

Start with an average weight move up to a larger weight after normal reps and then move down to a smaller weight or back to the last size weight then after that rep cycle move up to a weight that is not as easy to lift for a couple of reps then back to normal weight for normal reps.

The idea here is if you always do the same thing every time whether it be in running, weight training, or aerobics a well rounded changing level routine is best for the body to know that it must work differently.
2007-07-12 13:01:55 UTC
In my opinion there are a number of things, poor diet which causes body fat to be distributed throughout your body and it's difficult to remove from some places more than others. Then, there's the wrong kind of exercise for your body mass, and all u do is waste time. So, this must be figured out, some people go to a physician, others take to commercial promising diet miracles or just figure it out yourself, i believe no one knows me better than me. So you must change your diet, and this means finding the food that helps you burn more calories, and fat , this is common on people who exercise and eat right and then reach a plateau where they don't loose anymore weight.

The other thing is change your exercise routine in a couple of ways. Don't just take heart to the gym, take it outside, to the boxing ring, and add more weight to the one that u are lifting with at this point. . Eliminate all sugars and carbs that are not natural. Read up on article about isolation of the mustles. Hope this answers your question.
2007-07-11 11:06:10 UTC
I find that I don't see physical results when I am "just going through the motions" and not really pushing myself to the limit and beyond. But unless you can afford a personal trainer you need to design your own program so that it works as many different areas of the body (I had a personal trainer for a short period of time and he had a 3-day program - 1st day was cardio, 2nd day was lower body, 3rd day was upper body) and you just continued to repeat the exercises for the specific day of what you were working on. I felt that work really well because if you skipped a few days you still knew that tomorrow would be day 2 (or whatever) and you didn't feel that you were just working on one area or too much on one area. Good luck and God Bless.
2007-07-10 13:29:00 UTC
I don't know. I think a lot of it depends on your body composition, how regularly you work out, what you do to work out, and how often you change your routine.

I tone really easily. I do aerobics and weight training. I add pilates/yoga to the mix when I can. I go to the gym on a regular basis. I love working out. The results that I see just spur me on. Because I am thin, I see the results pretty quickly. I've also been working out a long time. I'm 33.
2007-07-05 07:21:31 UTC
In the past humans integrated work and exercise, for example, hunters would exercise during the hunt, and gatherers would exercise while gathering. They didn't have to go to the gym after work. So I started a curbside recycling company in my town. I now have about 300 customers and I spend all day lifting and moving their full recycling containers. I also spend all day climbing in and out of my truck. I have lost about 20 pounds and can feel the difference in toning all over my body. I recently went hiking in the Rocky Mountains and was a little out of breath from the altitude, but as far as climbing rocks and hiking goes, I didn't suffer at all as I had in the past. So for me it works to have a job where I'm always moving stuff. I've lost weight and I'm better toned and it shows (although I still need to lose a little weight). When I'm done I don't have to go spend an hour at the gym so it gives me more time for other stuff. Of course this won't work for everyone, but it works for me.
2007-07-04 22:08:41 UTC
I personally have found so much good come from doing yoga at least every other day (if not every day) for toning and overall well-being.. Yoga keeps me toned and in shape - not only physically but mentally as well, and yoga also teaches you to balance many different aspects of your life. Part of the balance is eating a balanced diet!! Nutrition is such an important part of life in general, and yoga really brings you to realize it.

I know that many people are hesitant to try yoga because they think it's "weird" or "too slow", but just try it once or twice and you just might change your mind like I did and end up loving it and swearing by it!!

At times it just feels good, just like you are stretching.. But the next day you are totally sore and you FEEL like you worked out.. And results come quickly!!
2007-07-04 14:39:33 UTC
There is a reasonably short answer to this question. All the suggestions about nutrition, diet, rest and proper execution of the exercise itself not withstanding, the answer lies in the intensity of the workout. Working out in a fitness center on a regular schedule I see the same people day after day week in and week out, month after month. I don't see much if any progress in the way they look. The heavy men and women are still heavy. The twenty somethings that dominate the dumbbell area show no more bulge to the biceps than they had six months or a even a year ago. So many people come and go from the fitness center toting their towels and ipods as a regular healthy habit. It's the routine like ordering the grilled chicken salad instead of the hamburger. Are they getting closer to looking like the mag cover model? Not one iota.

If you want to see results, to change the way you look, to improve your current condition, you must push yourself hard enough to force that change to happen. If you want to look like an athlete you need to train with the intensity of an athlete. People need to put down whatever they brought to the gym to read during their workout secession, and learn to limit chit-chat between sets on the machines to, "Sir, do you mind if I use that machine you're resting on, I'm trying to change the way I look today." Understanding that everyday you are competing with your bodies resistance to change. Every repetition, every set of reps is not just a check off item on a list. It's a personal challenge between you and the exercise itself. Regularly winning that challenge is the key to success.

Pushing yourself is of course relative to your current condition. It's not enough for the middle aged man with the spare tire to feel like he's pushing himself, he actually has to be pushing himself. His body doesn't care that he hates sit-ups with his whole heart and sole. When he quits after a few sets he feels he's pushed his limit when in fact he needed three times that to get what he needed. I'm telling you to find out what real intensity is not imagined intensity. Again, reach that level regularly and you WILL see results.
2007-08-17 04:39:32 UTC
okay what would help is instead of going to the gym you can get a work out tape and do it at home and watch people on the video get results over time so you know you will too! and it's like your not alone but when your at the gym you have no support! and if you still want to go to the gym then just run a lot more! you will eventually see changes! i promise just don't give up! wait until you make those first few pounds! there is no easy way to work out just pace yourself push yourself and have fun!
roy m
2007-08-16 17:03:56 UTC
I think every body is different to others, but for me what worked in past is, not by mass, but repetition, I used to wear a back pack, put drinks, and light food, then I wear 10 pounds of ankle weight , and carry extra weights in back pack, after walking for an hour, you will feel it in your entire body, when your muscle is warmed up, I put weights on my wrists as well, while I'm walking, I would do curls , many as I can, then give a break, then repeat . It usually comes to 100 curls, and strait arm lift, and so forth, This style of workout, within 2 weeks you will see results,

I would see definition appearing on my shoulders, and also legs. Walk for 2 hours, each day. for 2 weeks,

you will notice, the fast result. but don't wear weights on

the wrists too long, It can pull ligament. That's why I carry

backpack, Legs are strong, so it can handle hours of walk.
eil ashti
2007-08-11 19:52:03 UTC
Low Carb Dieting Tip

Your rate of metabolism dictates how many calories you burn. Heredity, gender, age, body size. diet and nutrition, activity level, and your overall health factor in on determining how high or low your metabolism is. It is normal for metabolism levels to lower as a person ages. Because of this it is important to begin stepping up your exercise routines in your thirties and forties.

Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

Eat Regularly - Eating 5-6 small meals throughout the day will give you energy throughout the day--helping you to burn calories. Whereas, calories eaten during larger meals tend to get stored as fat.

Maintain a Balanced Diet - Not only how often you eat is important, but your food choices are equally as important. Nurture you body with the appropriate balance of protein and carbs.

Eating whole foods rather than processed food gives your digestive system a workout that burns calories. For example: choose an apple over apple juice.

Workout with Weights - Building muscle mass will replace stored fat. As you build muscle tissue your metabolism increases.

Don't Forget Cardio - You need to get that heart rate up and breathe a little heavier. Twenty to thirty minutes of cardiovascular activity 5 days a week is recommended. Brisk walking or swimming are good. Or utilize exercise equipment (exercise bike, treadmill, or elliptical trainer).
2007-07-22 17:49:47 UTC
As an A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer, I can tell you that there are hundreds of thousands of men and women who go to the gym or fitness center every day, and once there proceed to waste time and energy focusing on incorrect, wrong or useless forms of "exercise" such as sitting comfortably on a reclining exercise bike reading a magazine for a half hour, or doing the elliptical machine at ZERO resistance for ten or fifteen minutes, and holding the unmoving stationary bars to boot, avoiding any upper body movement!! Exercise needs to be intense , high energy, CONSISTANT movement, or it is a complete waste of time;and that is why utilizing the expertise and guidance of a certified Personal Trainer is so important to get the absolute most out of your time and money investment in your fitness endeavours! I'm 57 years old, and have worked out regularly for over 35 years; I'm always taken for mid-late 30s, early forties tops, have the strength and stamina of an athletic 26 year old, and have achieved this condition by simply being consistant in my exercise and nutritional regimens. Bottom line-if you aren't realizing the results you desire, GET A TRAINER-he/she will put you on the right path to progress!

2007-07-20 11:34:43 UTC
You should always measure yourself before you start working out. That way even if it doesn't LOOK like you've changed you can still be encouranged not to give up when you see that you've taken even the tiniest bit off your target area(s).

Also, keep a journal! Sometimes it's hard to remember how we felt last week. If you keep a detailed account of what you've done and how it feels, how your body feels, how easy/difficult it is then you can "see" results somewhere other than a mirror. I know when I look back at my journal and remember the energy level I had and compare it to my energy levels now I can see that I'm making progress.
2007-07-12 18:02:59 UTC
Lifting lighter weights and doing more reps with them, and stretching (Pilates), will help tone you more than anything.

Working out should be more about gaining strength, and strengthening joints and muscle attachments to bone, not just your personal appearance. If you keep at it, and don't eat too much of the wrong foods, you will see change. Everyone knows that diet and exercise is how you lose weight, but many want a gimmicky, easy substitute. Well, there isn't one. You either want results for real or you don't. . . .
2007-07-12 08:18:11 UTC
Well, in my opinion, I think you need start eating very healthy, and have a nice long work out. If it's for weight loss, than don't have any sugar. Well, I don't eat meat, so I naturally loose weight and it's easy for me to see results. Try eating something like carrots and peanut butter.Than, go work out for a while. If you don't eat after you workout, that might be why. YOU HAVE TO EAT AFTER YOU WORK OUT! Or you you won't see results. You should be hungry after a long hard work out, because your muscles need fuel from food. And if you don't eat after, you won't get any muscle. Maybe about 1 to 3 hours is the most you should be doing at a time. Well, I hope me, and everybody else helped!
Andrea A
2007-07-05 07:25:48 UTC
In order to become toned ((no matter how in shape one already is)), one must ask the question "WHAT IS BEING TONED?" In most minds, being toned means having ENOUGH MUSCLE and LESS FAT in order to create a defined surface of the body. Artists would define "tone" as SHADE in many cases. In order to become more toned, one must usually gain muscle, and loose fat. HOW TO GAIN MUSCLE: strength training. HOW TO LOSE FAT: cardiovascular exercise ONLY. Many women are afraid of getting huge muscles when they strength train. This is not true. Women have to work very, very hard to create large muscles like men can develope. If you are participating in a strength training program, and you are a women, you will not develope huge muscles, only enough to make you stronger and more TONED! But you can not skip the cardio if you strength train because you will have all this muscle and you will not be getting rid of the fat. PS LADIES, when you strength train, do not worry about your weight. Muscle fibers are HEAVIER than fat fibers, so if your weight stays the same, or increases a little DON'T WORRY you are only building some muscle which is what you NEED to become TONED!
2007-07-05 00:49:49 UTC
Change your workout routine every couple of weeks and add weight if you pump iron. Your dilema is not yours alone. Everyone who goes to the GYM regularly experiences the frustration. But don't give up. Maybe hiring a private trainer for a few sessions would help you get quicker results. Just don't give up!
Normand V
2007-07-04 21:18:38 UTC
The most important thing about seeing a change in your body is your diet. You can go to the gym x number of times in a week but without a proper diet and a cardio of I say at least of 4 days a week you may not see that change that you want. Diet is going to be 90% of your challange to see change. If you do follow this you may see a change in your body in about 3 weeks. It seems like alot time but good results are slow results and train yourself to good eating habits that you will continue to follow even after achieving your desired results will ensure you keep the body you want!!
2007-08-09 02:42:18 UTC
Real changes take time.The real changes are for keeps.It is not the quantity of training but the quality of training that give you good results.

Are you training everyday?

Are you training for about six months to a year.

Do yo get any advice from your gym trainers.

Speak to the old timers and the gym trainer they are there and they can see your strong points and weak points and they are better equipped to help you get good results with out getting frustrated.

Good luck
Kit K
2007-07-31 12:16:10 UTC
In addition to the excellent answers by the top contributors, it is a great idea to confuse your body by having a "cheat day" on which you intake an unusually high amount of calories. This is a great way to break a weight loss plateau. It also allows you to eat your favorite foods once a week so you won't have to be totally miserable while you're dieting. For example, if you're eating what is generally considered to be the safe minimum of calories each day (1200), eating 2000-2500 calories on Saturday ups your metabolism.
2007-07-21 21:21:31 UTC
You don't always need to go to a gym, especially if you can't aford it! Working out with Pilate's is an excellent way to tone up your body!!! It takes a lot of balance and strength to be able to keep up at first, but after about three months of doing it at least 6 days a week, you'll be amazed at what you see in the mirror! Then you should add the rubber band to the workout to increase and define your muscle tone.
2007-07-17 01:40:38 UTC

A lot of people go to the gym and don't see a lot of results because many many people do cardio when they hit the gym.

Cardio is good for your body, but it uses energy and if you didn't eat enough before you start to burn up the muscle instead of fat. might be losing weight...but don't look trimed and toned at all.

The best way to trim up and get toned is to build muscle by lifting some sort of weight. Whether it be your body weight, dumbells or a weight machine.

The more muscle you build, the more calories you burn...EVEN when you are not working out.

Also...make sure you're eating sensibly. Try to eat all your carbs before you work you can actually burn them instead of store them. Ingest a heavier protein diet...but still maintain a healthy balanced diet.

So next time you hit the gym...try lifting for 15 mins and running for 30 instead of running for one whole hour.
2007-07-14 22:33:43 UTC
Blood, sweat and tears. Body mass is a funny thing. You probably do have changes and they are subtle. Your strength, your flexability, your cardio and your pursuit of a healthy habit have increased. But, seriously, the change may not come in weight but in fractions of inches. It may show in percentage of body fat. I noticed on "Buff Brides" that they had serious, personal trainer level workouts 5 days a week. When you go to the gym once or twice a week, run for forty-five minutes on a tread mill or catch an arobic class followed by thirty minutes on a bicycle, that isn't going to show "magic" results. Diet may also be a factor. You may be going two steps foreward and one step back. Sometimes, you work and work with nothing then bam--- you loose seven pounds in one week like your body is catching up with your effort.
2007-07-05 05:30:19 UTC
Hi Lucy--wanted to say that I LOVE your magazine; I get several fitness mags, but SELF has become my fave :)

I think it's different for everyone, but for me and my body, the quickest way for me to actually SEE results is to focus on strength training, including both weights (for my arms) and calisthenics/body-bearing exercises (like squats/lunges for my lower body).

The way my body works, my upper body tones up MUCH faster than my bottom half. So if I am diligent about lifting weights 2-3 x per week, and do push ups and tricep dips as often as I can (daily is ideal), fairly quickly I will actually SEE my arms and collar bone area improve. Seeing this progress then spurs me on to work towards lower body improvement.

But I sure wish I could speed THAT part up...I'm going on almost 6 weeks of steady 5-day-week exercising, and the tape measure hasn't budged a quarter inch even, and the scale has only inched up!! And that is depressing! But I feel stronger, and my arms do look shaplier...maybe another month or two??

Thanks for all your efforts with SELF, keep up the excellent work!

2007-07-04 18:30:44 UTC
Sleep has a big part to do in fast results. You should get at least 9 hours of sleep, for best results 10 hours.

Also for a good work out, instead of pushing a heavy bar up, have a spotter and put on a lot of wieght (your max) and do like 12 reps of resistience. Just try to slowly let the bar down, then make your spotter help you lift it up. repeat. It works the best.
2007-07-04 16:35:40 UTC
i don't work out any more cause of disability and life situation.

but i used to go slow and regular and expect results starting to show in three weeks ..

not instant.

many reps with smaller gets muscles longer leaner tighter.

bulk is heaver and fewer reps

some people do the bulk for losing and don't "see" the weight loss or redistribution.

one way to see results is use the same pair of pants and tight shirt put on before start and then once a week and watch how they fit.

each week there is a very nice change if you do it that way

so don't ask for instant

moderation is the key to all things.

so first thing is work on your brain to get rid of the instantaneous gratification thing.

so hope you can first work the fast and fat out your head

if you cant do that ..give up now. stick with the fast food and keep your fat and instant grats!
2007-07-15 17:39:52 UTC
Hi Lucy, I find the best way to tone and see the results does not come just from going to the gym but a few different things.

Personally, for toning purposes I find these the best used together: running - longer distance helps to keep muscles tight

swimming - you use the whole body

bike riding -

weight lifting - more reps, less wight because your not trying to add bulk but tone.

I don't speak for others but only what works for me and that's what others have to find out. What works for them, what do they enjoy.

Have fun working out and toning.
2007-07-30 12:57:05 UTC
youre probly getting results, but because its ur own eyes (which by the way are THE MOST critical) criticizing urself, its hard to see the true results. if you have a really good friend who wont be bias (spouse or best friend), ask them to tell you the truth. other than that, dont weigh urself, it might drive you crazy. just keep working out and break ur comfort zone. by that i mean whatever you do for excersize, push urself a little harder. if you run or jog, find out how long it takes you to run 2 miles. at the end of 2 weeks, try to have that time beat by 10-20 seconds. eat healthy, dont torture urself by restricting ur diet to no snacks b/c after a while, youll go crazy and splurge. have a treat once in a while but dont over do it. for your initial timed run, wear light running shorts and a tshirt or tank top. for the next week, wear sweatpants to run and push urself. for the second week, goback to wearing running shorts and a tank top and push ur self. ur time will go down and you will definetly lose weight. good luck.
2007-07-28 03:24:02 UTC
First of all, you will never get any good toning from working out in a gym. All you will get is FAKE & UNNATURAL muscles, your body really have no use for. Not to mention alot of time waisted on a hillariously egoistic way.. I dont know who you are, or why your asking this question.. You got to realize that not everybody on this planet have the time, money or even have a acctual gym to go to... I think you have a real luxary problem here! Real results you get from in example working in your garden.. Chopping wood! Walking instead of driving etc.. Hiking in the mountains... Having good sex....
2007-07-22 21:03:49 UTC
I was told by a trainer and a doctor to do no more than 30 minutes of cardio a day. To challenge myself I vary the levels. I also take body sculpting classes to compliment the cadio (2 - 3 times weekly). I have seen great results since I joined the gym two months ago.
2007-07-16 19:14:34 UTC
the fastest way to change your body is to combine cardio training with resistance training (and a sensible diet) A few years ago, I got into it in order to control stress. I wasn't really doing it to change my outward appearance, then one day while I was working out, I caught a reflection of myself in a window. My reaction was "who the heck is that"? My best results came from a short but intense bike ride (using the lowest gears and pumping hard, not far, 3-5 miles), followed by a complete routine of free-weights. Later, I augmented this with running and free-weights. I completely changed the way I looked in a matter of a few months. Went down 4 inches in my waste, cut my overall weight by 20 lbs while increasing my muscle mass.

And I am an old guy! I started this in my late 40's.

Diet, don't have to go crazy with dieting but eat veggies, including raw veggies. More rice, less mashed potato's yogurt with active bacteria, drink fruit juices (natural), watch the portions, cut back just a bit and let your metabolism do the job.
2007-07-16 15:20:48 UTC
You can try developing a scale to measure your improvement in exercising, such as number of reps that you can do on weights or distance for a specific time of running/jogging. Keep track of them to see improvement. In order to see physical change of your body you must also have discipline in your food consumption, not necessarily changing the things that you eat, but controlling the amount that you eat, called "portion control". This can bring the results that you want. Try cutting all your portions in half, save half for later, drink a lot of water and your stomach should feel full even with less food. Changing your body is not an overnight thing; remember how long it took you to get "out of shape" and don't dispair when it seems to take awhile to get back in the body shape that you want. One caveat, as we get older our bodies change somewhat anyway; realistically you may not be able to go all the way back to a former state but you can make improvements. Keep at it! ;o)
cn s
2007-07-14 07:00:35 UTC
The result of a work out need not necessary show body changes. If one feels that the work out has been doing something which reflects in your inner thoughts and brings peace of mind it could be considered reward enough. When we do something expecting miracles, we will only be disappointed and come to lose faith in ourselves. It is therefore better to feel a change for the better than hope to see some change in the body. Doing something in expectation of a reward or fruit thereof is very unreal and may result in disappointment.
Daniel Alfredo R
2007-07-05 10:25:12 UTC
First of all you need to lose all the body fat and then you might want to try toning your body by more reps in a routine of 6 reps + 6 reps then another 8 + 8 and to end 12 to 25 reps + 12-25 on each series
Lori W
2007-07-05 06:07:09 UTC
I change some aspect of what I'm doing. I'll add just a bit more activity to my day (gardening for an hour or two), reduce my intake (water instead of diet soda), or pop in an exercise video after my usual workout (I love the old Buns of Steel series). It's not always a great idea in my opinion to focus on increasing the workout burn. That leads to frustration and failure, in my opinion. Instead, I find places throughout my day where I can change little things that could make a difference. It makes me feel more positive about my workouts when I find other ways to look and feel good.
2007-07-05 04:40:58 UTC
I'm definitely going to save this page of responses to your question about toning and working out. I began an exercise and healthy diet regimine a few months back. 35 or 40 minutes of walking and jogging with my dog most mornings of the week and then some toning and 2 -10 minute segments of aerobics in the afternoon. This has helped me to lose about 20 lbs. in the last 4 months...safely. Now I'll take advantage of the excellent advice from you all, here on Yahoo Answers, to give me more motivation,dedication,and patience that will enable me to reach the goal of a 30 lb. weight loss, and a healthier lifestyle.
2007-07-05 01:11:33 UTC
To tone your body, you need to stick to high reps with light weight. This will also build up your core strength. Pilates or any self resistance workout will work wonders for toning and core as well. Speaking from personal experience, I myself am a skinny yet toned male, and my core strength is quite good for my size due mostly to throwing in the light weights and high reps as well as the self resistance workouts.

Also, joining a type of martial arts gym such as kickboxing, boxing, etc. will also give you some phenomenal results.
2007-07-04 22:20:43 UTC
Normal Swimming Is Better Than Any Gym Workout And You Will See Results
2007-08-07 19:52:52 UTC
Well working out is good but you may need more working out at home....If you have time 5-15 min at home on a regular basis to work on the specific areas is good...when you go to the gym/aerobics, they tend to work all areas... When you have a committment at home 3-7 days a week 5-15 min a day to hit just those areas. This works especially if you tend to over eat a little.
2007-08-03 11:39:24 UTC
Mostly keeping at it and being smart about the physiology of your body. There should be a trainer available free of charge at all gyms to minimize injury.

Combine cardio with weight training...right now, your nemesis is fat and fat has to be metabolized. Cardio raises your heart-rate and metabolism for a short period of time and then ACTUALLY GETS BETTER AT NOT LETTING IT EFFECT IT'S performance. Whereas weight training, muscle building type exercises require the repair of major muscle groups which means your body WILL be burning calories around the clock trying to repair muscles and get them back into shape.

I feel like I can't go into enough detail here. Look into catabolic foods, and make sure you provide the proper fuel for you body. Someone put it correctly when they said, "people workout so they CAN eat... athletes eat so they CAN workout." Your body is an awesome machine and you need to treat it properly.
2007-07-26 08:33:29 UTC
There are tricks to realizing you've lost weight! If a person is insecure about their weight, or if they just are more concerned about their weight, women look at the mirror and say they still dont look any better. I think if it's something you worry about, you set your standards too high and you're unable to see what you've actually accomplished. This is only for some women though, mind you.

Also I'd like to tell you a secret. I dont go to the gym! Instead, yoga is my way of losing weight and getting myself into shape. Yoga makes you feel a lot more comfortable, and it's fun, also peaceful. You can be very sucessful doing yoga in a class, or even at home! :)

Hope I helped!
2007-07-23 04:37:39 UTC
I don't have that problem. Work hard in the gym, and work intelligently.

Watch your food intake...try to eat the proper amounts of healthy foods...for example, oatmeal for breakfast with lowfat milk and a banana, instead of bacon and eggs and all that.

Sometimes, though, I splurge and eat a real bacon and eggs breakfast....but generally, it's oatmeal everyday.

A good book to read about working out and how to get the best results is anything by Ellington Darden Phd. Ellington Darden is a disciple of Arthur Jones, the inventor of weight machines (the first ones, in the 1970s, were called Nautilus)
2007-07-18 21:10:31 UTC
The problem is that it takes people x amount of time to get not

only out of shape, but in the bad shapre they get themselves in.

The other problem is they expect instantaneous results the very next day or not too soon afterwards. If they would realize

that if it took 3 years to get the way they are, then it might take

at least a month before Any appreciable real results are able

to be noticed.

As far as them getting 'frustrated' with 'no' results overnite - the

best definition of 'frustration' I heard is "you expect the world to

be on Your timetable".

Thank You

2007-07-16 09:20:55 UTC

The last time I saw results was when I was working 45 hour weeks hard physical labor and eating one meal a day because of developing food sensitivities.

I looked great but I was exhausted.

I quit that job and gained fifty pounds.

I eat my vegetables. I can't eat wheat flour products or milk products. I eat rice, I eat beans, I eat vegetables, I eat fish, I eat chicken, I eat salads up the yin-yang. I have four dogs, I walk two at a time going around the whole neighborhood every round. I jump on my mini-trampoline, I ride my stationary bicycle, by all of the above theories I should at least weigh 125 lbs. HA HA HAH HAH HA! No, I weigh 165 lbs. and have been in a size 16 for the past 5 years. So far my only solution is shoveling sand eight hours a day and eating one salad at lunch. I'm beginning to believe all this diet and exercise advice is nothing but a big pile of the stuff I should be shoveling...
s a v v y__44
2007-07-14 16:56:31 UTC
Ask your trainer about measuring total body fat as a baseline. Then re-measure it in 3 months after a 30 minute aerobic work out 5 days a week.

Also walk up 3 flights of stairs briskly. Then repeat it in 3 months.

I'll bet you see a difference. Stamina and fitness trumps physical change early on. Be patient and you will see a difference.

Also, have Blood lipids measured before and later.

And simply stand in front of the mirror after your shower and tell yourself. " Be patient, you're doing a good job. You are adding years to your life"

P.S. Also eat healthy and "always fasten your seatbelt"
ryan m
2007-07-05 10:59:38 UTC
the BEST way to work out is as follows:

work on 1 aspect on 1 day such as upper body/arms

on the next day, work on another area such as legs/lower body

these will MAXIMIZE results because it allows rest time for your mucle fibers to heal over.

You wont see results instantly no matter how you exercize. You wont look thinner after running a marathon either but it will eventually pay off. Some thing with working out. This method maximizes results leading to a stronger body quicker
2007-07-05 02:54:53 UTC
I thought of something, I think its kinda catchy. But its not how much you eat, its what you eat. You can eat a huge bowl of Raisin Bran cereal and be fine but eat 4 cookies and that will add a lot of fat and calories.

Plus its important to increase the weights regularly. I mean increase the amount of weight on the machines or free weights.

If you don't challenge yourself then the results will be slow. Most important thing is your diet. It's so easy to eat something that tastes good and bad for you, but you must resist.

One last thing, there's always a substitute with food. For instance, if you want sweets like cookies, chocolate, or ice cream. Eat non fat or low fat yogurt, dark chocolate, or fruit. Should supply enough sugar to stimulate the craving. For anything bad food you can do this.
Matthew V
2007-07-04 21:57:17 UTC
Don't expect results to happen right before your eyes. It's like the parking lot snow pile at Sam's Club in April. It won't melt away in one hour, but it'll melt off, a little bit more, a little bit more, a little bit more.....

My advice: Stop looking to see change everytime you work out, make a mental note of your progress maybe once a month, and you WILL notice change. To notice change, you have to look at the big picture and be patient, and not pay so much attention to it. You know the old saying, a watched pot won't boil.
2007-08-13 13:55:09 UTC
By increasing your repetitions and decreasing the amount of weight. That type of workout not only burns fat faster, it also builds lots of lean muscle. In time the weight will increase and you will continue to do the same amount of reps. It wil burn fat like never before, even when your at rest. Even if you give it a rest for a couple of months, you will notice that the muscle you built has kept the majority of fat off.

Also, put special emphasis on your legs, where the biggest muscles are located. i have found that doing squats and Romanian dead lifts work your upper legs completely and you wil see definition you never saw before. The larger muscle will allow you to consume more and burn fat continuously.

Of course your diet also has a lot to do with it, but with this kind of workout you can get away with the usual flaws in he diet.
'Sunnyside Up'
2007-07-24 05:39:13 UTC
There are three stages to getting slim and toning. The body actually gets in shape by tearing the muscle and then rebuilding it stronger. If you do that too much, your muscles will stay in the tear down stage all the time and never get a chance to rebuild. Your metabolism has a part in that process as well and if you plateau (level off) during your toning, it will just stalemate your progress as well. Your body also needs a rest period in order to adjust to this rhythm. To get the best out of this process, you need to incorporate walking/jogging and resting into your muscle building routine. Another piece of input you need to know is that when your body gets into a routine of the same things each day, it will also quit producing results. Muscles need at least 48 hours to rebuild. Therefore, only do your muscle work out 3 days a week. Your body needs cardiovascular workouts to strengthen the matabolism too, so on the days you muscle build, incorporate a smaller timed walk (20 minutes) into your routine. On the off days for your muscles building, do a good 1 or more hour vigorous walk and one day a week rest and do nothing. To keep your body from knowing what you are up to so that you keep from plateauing, never do the same routine the same way each week. Change your program around so that week one you may start with the muscle building first and week two start with the walking first. One week put the rest day on one of the middle days in the week and the next week put the rest day at the end and so on. And, to even get more results, on the walk days, change that routine too. One day, just walk starting moderately and working up to a fast pase and then slowing at the end. The next time, start and stop your fast and slow paces all through your walk. The next time, do some upper arm exercises or stop and do some leg lifts or knee bends during your walk routine and so on. Never do the same thing the same way more than once or twice. Do that same thing with your weight lifting as well. Change the machines you are using around so that you never go to the same machines the same way. By doing this, you will prevent plateauing and by keeping your weight lifting to only 2 to 3 days a week and giving your body a day off too, you will see better and faster results. Walking will trim your muscles up, especially in the hips, legs and waist faster than any weight lifting will, so keep your walking agenda going good through it all too. You may also do a bike ride instead of walking on a day during the week as well. Good luck.
2007-07-23 00:47:18 UTC
I don't work out much, but you must be doing something wrong if doing a lot of hard work at the gym and don't see any benefits. Do you feel results?, like a happier attitude, sleep better, work out those bad emotions better breathing while climbing steps, better heart rate, lower blood pressure, better appetite, more confidence in public?; well if these things are happening that is definitely a plus that may off set any disappointments in your photographic view of yourself. Good luck in attaining the type of results you are trying to attain. .
2007-07-22 20:46:11 UTC
First and foremost you need to commit your life to being healthy for it to work. A person can't eat an unbalanced diet and expect 30 minutes of exercise three times a week to do the job. Next, see a natural dietician for your personal recommendations. Be sure to combine aerobics with strength training for maximum results. Remember to keep pushing. When you get to the point your routine gets comfortable, push it up a notch. If you don't challenge your muscles you won't see the toning results. ... Good luck!
2007-07-21 20:01:03 UTC
I just saw the trainer on Extreme Makeover say that it is 20% exercise and 80% what you eat/drink. I have had the best toning results by using a pilates tape along with walking/jogging. I changes what I ate to lean proteins, usually peanut butter, added milk, and lots of fresh fruits and veggies. In fact at one point I had to add more food because I was losing too much weight in a week. I also found out that weight lifting isn't all about the amount of weight. It is about form and the number of reps. As always it is important to add lots and lots of water to your diet. I like to add the propel powders to it or lemon.
2007-07-12 13:21:59 UTC
It would depend on your target areas.Waist, butt, or thighs? Any cardio exercise? We all reach a"plateau" when it seems that we have reached our max !! if this is the case,then you need to increase reps and cardio. Our bodies,essentially, has it's own mind when it comes to our body weight!! To go beyond this, increase cardio!! It can be a simple as taking a walk after dinner or increasing reps vs.weights.It a normal response. Just stayed focused and don't get discouraged ( easier said than done). But, you're on the right track. It's best to be more determined than giving in !! Trust me, you will see more results !! Losing weight is alot harder than gaining weight ! I hope that this helps and Good Luck ( be patient )
2007-07-11 05:30:33 UTC
Well for some people they may not see results beacuse their eating habits remain the same when trying to tone your body you have to change your eating style cutting out a few sugars fats and drinking lots of water you shouldn't eat after nine and never eat then relax its not good for you also when trying to tone your body you have to be consistent with it or else it won't work right now I'm also toning my body mostly my thighs so I make sure I DON'T DO THE SAME EXCERSISE OVERAGAIN beacause after a while your body is adabt to it so no change will occur, good luck.
2007-07-10 14:40:42 UTC
I had heard that it takes up to a year to see good results but to keep at it I tried the gym but it costs money and walking and running are free but I don't understand it because sometimes a woman can gain lots of weight in her stomach for no reason
2007-07-04 22:56:34 UTC
If you are going to the gym regularly and working out with any kind of intensity and still not seeing results it usually boils down to your diet. I suggest adding at least around 500 calories to your diet and attempting to eat as much lean fish and meat as possible to gain the protein necessary to build the muscle. Also make sure you are using correct form when you lift the weights.
2007-07-04 17:55:17 UTC
Most of these answers are essentially correct but, on the right, get plenty of rest, and exercise!!!! There is no super formula or pill to look and feel great except in what you percieve in yourself and the effort that you put forth.

Cardio training is great and weights are better...most women are afraid to lift weights in fear of gaining "HUGE" muscle like men...wrong. You will notice muscle growth but, ususally it isn't significant enough to panic. There have been studies where cardio and weight lifting where "pit against each other" Guess what folks!!! The studies show that even though areobics burns fat so does weight training!!!

The metabolic rate only last for about an hour up to maybe two hours after you exercise. But, when you utilize the weights in your training, the metabolic rate last for up to 15 HOURS!!!!


So, Eat right, Plenty of rest, EXERCISE!!! Honestly it takes a lot of discipline to go into a gym regulary and make yourself uncomfortable and to sweat but, folks remember this....."THERE IS NO COMFORT IN BECOMING SUCCESSFUL" You Be You and You Will Change Those Things You Do Not Like....

feel free to email me for questions...
2007-08-14 00:46:47 UTC
Build some muscle, it doesn't have to be a lot.If you do have muscle burning fat will be much easier.The muscle doesn't have to be noticeable just enough to burn some fat. When you start exercising the actual losing weight will start happening in a few weeks.In the first week you may lose alot of water and not much fat, but don't get depressed the next week if you've gained a bit it will just be water. Set yourself a time frame you can't expect to lose 10kg in a week maybe 2 months is realistic even after you have lost your weight you should still exercise regularly.
2007-07-05 06:21:46 UTC
I feel your pain. My problem is that I cannot do anything for

long without seeing results. So the gym is not my kind of place. What I do is incorporate any exercise I do into my life

so that when I am finished I see something accomplished.

For instance walk for crippled children, walking to the store,

digging in my garden, When I am through with any of these things I see something accomplished, and surprise, surprise

while I am NOT paying attention to how many ounces I lost,

and how hard my abs are, They Get That Way.
2007-08-16 04:04:10 UTC
I just let the gym people show me the ropes with the machines and free weights and within a month of going between 3 and 5 days for about 45 minutes I saw differences. Plus I never even changed my diet!. The building of muscle will cause you to gain weight at first but its good weight then you will get smaller because all that muscle will be using up you fat to get energy. Its really great!
2007-07-28 11:07:07 UTC
Great question. One I asked for years. It is a combination of of things. First having balance and a strong core before you work out with weights. Secondly, in your training lift the heaviest weight you can while still performing correctly. If you have to ramp up starting with lower weights for the first set and the second set higher and the third even higher that is great for beginners.

Then believe it or not DIET is key especially for abs the rest is genetics and accepting what you have knowing your doing all you can.
2007-07-27 12:08:37 UTC
Typically it takes about 6 months to increase metabolism, especially if you are female because of hormones. Don't give up. Continue to eat healthy foods in small portions 3-4 times a day up to 1200 calories per day. Increase the amount of protein in your diet. Work out at least one hour every day. Watch Gilad on fit tv channel 368 on direct tv. You may even buy his quick fit system videos to do at home. Buy some hand weights 5 and 8 pounds. Resaults are gradual especially if your family has a history of diabetes, hypothyroidism or obesity. Do not take diet pills, they can give you tachycardia and make you feel sick and messes with your body chemistry.
2007-07-26 16:50:25 UTC
Hello i don't go to the gym any more, but I'm toned from doing different things at home. You must be consistent, meaning every other day no matter what. What ever part of your body you are working on listen to that part and you can fill it. Stretch before and after every work out. Good Luck
2007-07-22 06:41:23 UTC
Keep at it! This country is downright obsessed with instant results, and weight loss/fitness ranks right at the top of the culture of impatience. As countless yoga instructors have said--health is a path, not a destination. Furthermore, some results and benefits are simply not visible, like a lower resting heart rate, or not getting winded when taking several flights of stairs. Stop focusing on how you LOOK, and instead consider how good you FEEL.
2007-07-21 09:47:22 UTC
Obviously your not working you body hard enough, if you want results faster. By the time you leave the gym your muscles should be worked and exhausted in the area where you worked them. Not more than 1 hour of working out, any more and your wasting your time and to busy talking or watching. If you want more tone and definition to your muscles, (like body builders) you lift higher reps, if you want bigger muscles, heavier weight will make you bigger. But realize in order to see results you have to be consistent with your weight training and increase you weight for bigger muscles and more tone and definition. Muscles grow when they are stresses,strained and worked to the point of exhaustion (where you can't life any more), when this happens, blood starts flowing to these area and cause the muscles to swell and become bigger. Be careful though, you not trying to hurt the muscles, you are trying to get them to grow. And grow they will if you work them. God Bless and Good Luck.
2007-07-18 07:41:24 UTC
If you want tone, then try weight lifting moderate weight a lot of times. something like pull ups do it 20 times and 2 sets. This will help sculpt your body. On top of that bike riding and running are great toning methods. You see change in about 3 weeks. It takes a long time for great things to happen.
Eden S
2007-07-16 10:45:16 UTC
One thing that might help is to take measurements before you start and then maybe every couple of weeks. Chances are that you'll usually feel the results before you see them. You can also see the difference in the way your clothes fit. The most important thing is to steadily increase the duration and/or resistance and to not give up until you see the results you want to see. Then you just need to find a good maintainence routine.
2007-07-15 05:32:38 UTC
Watch your calories, carbs, protein and fat intake as well. I have been doing this as well as exercising- and face limits due to a disability, yet this has been very helpful. I am seeing major changes- especially since my blackberry has a program intaking the info and giving me a scale of results (including weight loss). HOWEVER, I am not expecting large amount of lose immediately as this is something that would be a threat on my health. I still have dropped a size-or 2- in the last 2 months.
2007-07-13 10:27:08 UTC
The reason we don't see changes is, they are so gradual. The worse thing to do is constantly watch our bodies. Take a photo once a month and the cahnges will be more visible. Personally, photos are the best at revealing our real selves. Many people began weightloss after seeing themselves in a pictures. Likewise, photos continue to inspire us as we see the changes. Much better than a mirror.
2007-07-12 12:46:09 UTC
Usually, you can't because it is a real slow change. Take a picture of yourself before you start, then after you work out for about a month, look at the results. You will be very surprised.
Angel Gleed
2007-07-11 12:21:55 UTC
Aside from working out religiously in the gym, you need to be very cautious of what you are eating. Moreover, for a much evidently toning result, you can use firming lotions which you have to apply 2 times a day. After you take a bath and after your regular work out session.


Angel Gleed
2007-07-05 11:23:08 UTC
For those who say that diet is important - I totally agree. To lose weight is a simple formula - expend more calories than you eat. Also, make sure you take in "good calories". Whole grains, vegetebles, lean meat/fish/chicken. 30 minutes of cardio at 70% of your max heartbeat 3 times a week. Weight training 30 minutes 3x a week. Not brain surgery. And by 30 minutes I mean 30 minutes working out, not talking and walking around.
Ray 888
2007-07-05 06:34:02 UTC
1st identify what changes you are looking for, the usual work out is not area specific.

2nd If you are over weight and any toning will be covered by fat, everything can come back to diet.

3rd this is the hard bit.... intensity & continuity i.e. to tone your butt train your butt, hit it hard aerobicaly and anerobicaly, this means 3-5 times a week.

whilst the above is not for fitness or good health, we live in the real world and it will cause a body change.
2007-07-05 04:38:30 UTC
I don't think you can see results when you are working out, It would be great if you could do a workout and look down to see your flabby tum toning as you worked but this is never going to happen, wish it would though as it wold keep me well and truly motivated. I get disheartened as results are slow and I expect to have the perfect toned tum by the end of the week hehehe. I do see a slight change though and I am definitely starting to cut but its just a case of being patient!!!!
Mark V
2007-07-05 04:21:01 UTC
I work out at the gym as well and I have a personal trainer to help me. Results are not going to come over night, and in fact it can take months before you see real results, so don't fret. Try this routine: One day do nothing but work out with the weights, and the next day do cardio training only. Give your muscles a day to relax in between workouts and you'll see results faster. If you do weight training everyday your muscles have no time to repair and therefore, they won't gain mass. Alternate between weight training one day and cardio training the next. There's also nutrition: Eat as much as 5 servings of protein a day. Eat before you work out, after, and 3 other times a day, and eat healthy!
2007-07-04 20:38:49 UTC
Besides the norm on cardio work, weight resistance training is important plus abds work.

Most important, when we excercise, its crucial to have good & correct form rather than cheating on a move by swinging the body while lifting a weight.

Correct form will leads to changes and thus result!

My body is the proof of doing the correct form & posture.
2007-07-04 16:25:16 UTC
Hang in there and keep doing your work out. It's not easy to do but with proper eating also you will see results. When I started my work out, it took weeks before I saw any reuslts. I lost 20lbs. and gained muscle. Now, over a year later I am still holding my idea weight, looking good, and stronger. All this came because of work and dedication and desire to have a more healthy body. I enjoy my work out, hope you do too. If you hang on you won't be disapponted. God bless.
faraz t
2007-07-26 09:56:29 UTC
If any body wanna see a Real change by heart then work hard it may be difficult for some time but, believe me its my personal experience . No Pain no GAIN.

on the other hand Diet is a main factor and its timing when and what you fullfill your body's need. Sleep on time give your body proper attention incredibly positive results will be found .
Irene S
2007-07-14 21:05:07 UTC
My husband's believe is: it took him over 30 years to get his belly and waist he has now ( / \ -figure ).

So if we exercise it takes also some time until it shows, too. But in my eyes the more important change come first and this is that YOU FEEL BETTER much long before we see any physical change.

Try running: maybe at the beginning you might be able to run 5-10 minutes, then you might feel exhaused.

Next week you might be able to run 5 minutes longer...

The following week maybe another 5 minutes etc.

krystal b
2007-07-13 05:29:01 UTC
For most people, the core of your body is the toughest to see results. A good general workout to use is warm up for about 10-15min (a light jog is easiest) just to get your body temp up and the blood flow to your muscles everyday you plan to workout. Then, depending on what you want to focus on most... alternate days of focus. For example if you want nicer your arms and core mon,wed,fri then your legs and back tue,thur,sat. You should always give your muscles a day to "heal" and your entire body a day to rest (sunday is usually best for most people.) After your workout, you may want to jog another 15-30 min to cool down. You will never physically see the change during your workout but you may right after. Sometimes after a really good workout, your muscles will not only be soar but may also be a bit swollen. If you want to bulk less reps with more weight. To more reps with less weight. Hope this helps.
2007-08-03 11:26:35 UTC
There is no such thing as "tone" in the sense you say it.

Tone just means how hard your muscles are, NOT HOW THEY LOOK.

As for body shaping lift weights.

It will make you look more lean and boost your metabolism.

Also don't be afraid to work hard.

Alot of women are afraid to do this because they think you will turn into a ms.Olympia type freak.

Remember they take steroids, you don't. Also women don't have enough testosterone to build that amount of muscle anyway.
2007-07-27 09:06:16 UTC
Personally, I go to the gym to FELL GOOD about myself...and to have more energy and stamina. Not so much for my body changing Physically.

Sometimes "physical" results won't show right away..... But I am pleased with the extra jolt of energy I feel in the morning when I start my day!
2007-07-19 07:37:47 UTC
The only option is to work harder. I heard female celebrities do 1000 sit-ups everyday before they prepare themselves for any action containing movies. After you exercise vigorously, you only need to feed yourself with some proteins and give your body some rest. While resting, your body responds to all the demands you have allowed it to encounter and from this it can alter your metabolic rate and create changes in your physical appearances based on the intensity of your workout.

You will not see a very conspicuose change initially but as time goes by you will encounter these changes as long as rest and nutrients are provided. Think of it as growth, you dont grow very fast instantly initially but only so if nutrients and rest are provided.

Hope it helps :)
Live, Laugh, Love
2007-07-13 11:03:55 UTC
i guess that i dont really " workout" persay, but before my old basketball team broke up, we used to have practive 3-5 times a week. at the end of a very hard practice, we would have to run about a dozen siucides. ( those are when you start at the baseline, then run to the freethrow line, then back to the baseline, the to half court, then bask, then to the other frooethrow line, then back, then to the other baseline, and back) as fast as u can. we also had to do defensive slides, and other hard drills; not to mention conditioning out on the track every saturday morning and 3 games a weekend if we had a tournament. basically, for anyone who wants to get in shape, i would suggest joining a basketball team with a though trainer /coach. if the coach/trainer isnt very hard, then you wont get very good results. after that team broke up, i joined another one and gained 20 pounds!
ajit s
2007-07-12 04:58:51 UTC
Dear, First Step For Body Change is Mental Piece,Not Gym so used Spinach eating in Morning, Use Mild Hot Milk with Honey, Meal shall be taken less as u required for.

This will always Help u Keeping Body Change.

Kind Regards'

2007-07-10 14:42:58 UTC
It takes real conscience effort to actually isolate a specific muscle during a workout. The body always wants to compensate by using all its resources - ie. other muscle within a localized muscles group. If you want a specif result in specific area you must train yourself to mentally focus on only using the muscle you are targeting during a specific exercise.

Just try to concentrating on only contracting the muscle you want emphasized during each movement. You will immediately notice the difference in the form of that old familiar muscle burn...
book writer
2007-07-09 19:14:12 UTC
Getting your heart rate up(most think twice the rate your heart beats when you are at rest or inactive) Some people think you have to feel the burn to know you are really doing good....I don't think the burn is all it's cracked up to be....the burn as you call it destroys muscle tissue, and Dr.'s will tell you that once muscle tissue is destroyed those muscle cell will never regenerate, they're lost for ever and other muscle cells will have to do more work to make up for the lose. When you are young you may not notice the lose as much as you will when you get older(maybe) I don't know how you can see results each time you work out, but you will always have the confidence that you are doing all that you can to try to be as healthy as you can be... Good Luck Always
2007-07-05 06:26:14 UTC
The problem is not so much in seeing instant results as finding a routine or regimen that is enjoyable. The exertion should be pleasant. Noone goes from beer belly to six-pack in a single workout. Toning comes after muscles are awakened and used for a period of time. The regular workout is only going to be returned to and become regular when it is fun to do.
2007-07-04 17:19:07 UTC
Hi Lucy:

I don't know how old you are, but I'm 49 years old. Everyone that see me never can believe it. They truly think I look in my mid 20's. I don't believe in spending any money on gyms and gadgets of extra equipment for making the body look good and toned.

Here's a natural approach to looking and staying toned, and healthy: (At least this method has worked for me)

First patience is a key factor! Nothing happens over night or even after a few weeks. Give it a couple of months. Second get adequate rest, sleep is important, depending on your age 6 to 8 hours is good. Also, it's important to drink lots of water daily.

Always eat something healthy for breakfast: whole grain cereal, juice, and/or fruits and nuts. Followed later by a good lunch, and light dinner. Use the pyramid chart and eat everything in moderation. Never over eat until you’re feeling stuffed. It’s not good for the digestive system.

For toning arms and legs I use the stairs. I have a two story house, so to tone my legs, calfs, and thighs, by going up and down the stairs for a total count of 10 up and 10 down. I sometimes alternate the steps by taking two at a time, this helps strengthen the inner thigh muscles. For my arms, I stand at the foot of the stairs and do two sets of 10 push ups. The first set of ten I place my arms at breast level and push up from there ten times. The second set, I extend my arms up past my shoulders and push up from there for 10 counts. When you really get the strength in your arms, you will be able to do push ups with one arm each for a set of ten. It’s a challenge, but you can work to get to that level. When you do reach this level, you will have a natural tone to your arms that looks firm and cut when your arms are in there natural state. That’s what you want. Then people can just look at you and might ask if you lift weights or work out often.

For a toned stomach, waistline, hips, and buttocks, I use the simple old fashion methods of the twist. You can twist to music (which is really fun), or when you’re just standing around at work, you can twist to anything. Jumping jacks and leg lifts work great also. You can stand straight up and lift each leg out to the side for a count of 20, do this again for each leg, extending it backwards out towards the rear. Do not bend the legs, keep them straight.

All of these exercises take under 30 minutes, and you can do them everyday. It does not strain the muscles like you can do if you use weights. These are all natural methods of just using the limbs, and muscles and keeping toned and in shape. Walking everyday for at least 15 to 30 minutes is another natural toning method. Have fun TONING.

Hope this helps!
2014-09-18 13:51:02 UTC
In training everybody hits plateaus, those times when we no longer see results or they are minimal at best. This is normal and frustrating. When this happens it's time to change your routine~muscle confusion is the key! I would suggest that you consider modifying your routine every 4 weeks or so. The changes do not have to be drastic either, more weight or reps, adding a few minutes to your cardio routine, etc.
2015-01-07 19:15:49 UTC
Here are quite a few links that you may find useful when doing your research. I included information regarding healthy lifestyle changes as that is where it starts. I also included some links for toning and working out as that should be incorporated as well.
2007-07-24 19:46:47 UTC
Wow! There's alot of people answering on here, and I don't even know who you are! lol

Anyway, you won't see real results for a long time, you just have to keep working out and working out, also try and eat healthy, or if you eat eat something fattening just eat a real small portion of it....portion control and excercising is the true key to weight loss!!

The main thing is, just don't give up!! Once you change the bad habit, it gets easier and easier.

Good Luck!!
Lets all play know it all
2007-07-24 18:05:59 UTC
Work on a part of your body that can get tone really fast like your arms or legs! Never the belly! It's so hard to get rid of the flab there especially if you have a lot of it! forget those love handles for now!!...You will see the results there quicker and it will give you the encouragement you need to keep going!
2007-07-24 10:46:18 UTC
When I work out, I try to convince myself that although physical changes will not be automatic, mental changes will be!! I love the feeling after I take a long run or even do 15-minute ab exercises. I KNOW that if I stick with my routines, physical change will be inevitable. It's the mental and emotional changes that come from working out that really make me feel great.
2007-07-16 11:08:54 UTC

I say this because everything is not for everybody! I may not eat any bread for two weeks drink alot of water, try to walk about 3 to4 miles everyday. I may not loss a pound! Whatz up with that!

Now when I walk to work stop eattingalot of sugar- I loss about 2 to3lbs. a week(I think that is good).

I am a single mother I work 20 to 25 hours a week. I do alot of walking!!! I don't wait for the bus no more.

Some of us can't get to the gym--we don't have the time.

I walk 1 hour every morning before and after work and playing with my children (I do this everyday)


I think if we love ourself and be true to ourself and try to still in CONTROL of GOOD healthy eatting habits ...WE ALL CAN BE TONE.

Teaching our children good and bad ways to be fit (or toned)

Make it fun(a group thing)

We can do together if we try...Everything takes time
2007-07-11 19:35:54 UTC
I personally believe it all starts with your attitude and the way you look at yourself.

Keeping an upbeat, positive, healthy attitude will do wonders and take you far in your journey.

The physical change will come much quicker when a mental change is applied. It's amazing how we look at ourselves when we're working toward a positive goal. Weather it be our health, a trip, a long awaited reunion with a long lost friend... a spark to ignite the fire that we know is kindled inside of us.

So we all need to look on the bright side of life, set our goals, and be happy with whatever progress we have made. Take one day at a time and look at yourself with a smile everyday.. You'll be amazed at what it will accomplish...
2007-07-04 17:00:47 UTC
Drink lots of fluids (not sugar) and eat sensible when your not exercising. But before starting your routine get your heart rate up, your not burning fat until your heart rate is up. Once you do that, less weight (5-10 pounds will do) and more repetitions. But not every day because your body needs time to heal, if you don't let your body heal you could do more damage than good. Try it, I promise you will see results soon.
2007-07-28 09:30:24 UTC
I like pilates or a yoga pilates mixture. I have doen Windsor pilates for 5 years and during all my pregnancies. I have a litlte notebook that I keep track of what I eat and what excersise I do and I took my measurments of my arms, thigh, waist, hips ect before and then I have a 8 week goal so I will take them after to see the diffrence. Some times I dont feel/see a diffrence, but after I see the diffrence in my measurments I feel better. Good luck!
2007-07-27 12:11:48 UTC
I think there are a ton of good points and suggestions above, but the best way to "see real results" is get positive feedback from others.

We stand on the same scale day after day. We look at the same mirror day after day.

Ask a friend who haven't seen you in a couple of days. It is surprising how much a positive comment will help. They will see the change because they are not "used to seeing" you every day.
Queen Integrity
2007-07-24 19:07:54 UTC
You have to make sure you get your strength training, muscle training & aerobics in. Make sure you stretch before & after each workout. Walking 30 minutes a day makes a difference. One thing I have learned is: our body get use to certain types of exercise routines. So if you lifting weights, maybe you need to up the weight a little. You can never go wrong with walking. You also have to make sure that your intake in food is great nutrition options and not bad food options. Look for inches lost b/c building on muscle is diff than building on fat. I exercise pretty regularly. What I learned at first was that I wasn't losing weight but I lost inches & built on muscle.
2007-07-21 21:22:21 UTC
I have found that adequate protein in my diet along with alternate days of strength training & aerobic work outs do it the best for me. Would like to use a gym, but live to far away to make the expense worth it. So, sticking to the city streets with my dogs on twice a day routine. Along with eliptical trianer for aerobic. And hand weights with stretching exercises. I learned it was all about giving your body time to rest! Muscle is actually built at rest, not with use.

Have lost & maintained 70lb.s, this way.
2007-07-18 16:14:28 UTC
I have always seen real changes when I work out with weights. I can do cardio exercise, which helps get my metabolism going, but I really see the changes with weights. Sometimes this is hard, and I am not consist with it. I can tell I am changing by how much clothes fit, even when I don't see it in the mirror.
2007-07-18 06:21:40 UTC
As a rule, a muscle has to be toned after a workout !

One must be on the positive side during a workout.By positive side, I mean, the demands of an exercised muscle must be fulfilled ie of oxygen of proteins adequate rest time to drain out the harmful metabolites.

The quantity of each depends which muscle or the group of muscles one wants to tone up.

If all these 3 requirements are fulfilled, a muscle has to be toned !! It is as simple as that. 'Adequacy' is the key word guiding your work outs.
2007-07-17 19:32:55 UTC
You don't see instant results from working out, what you can do is check yourself, my friend told me that if your body feels sore after work-out, it's a good thing for your muscles (I've been told by my friend who is owns a gym that if I feel pain while work-out I should push more) So, when you're working out make sure you feel the hurt! :)

Just think of the long-term results and eat healthy, you cannot just work-out and eat junk food. In a matter of time you'll see the results and love it.
2007-07-16 11:40:14 UTC
Sometimes we go to the gym and work out and we do not change our life style,we eat the same things in the same quantity. i am telling you this from experience, i go to the gym after work sometime i leave the gym at 7:30 and when i go home in the nights i have my dinner and after eating because am so tired i go straight to bed, on weekend i would have my ice cream i would drink sodas and sweet drinks and snack around every time i feel like and after a month at the gym i got so frustrated because i wasn't loosing the weight. so to get result you need to change your diet.
2007-07-15 14:24:28 UTC
Frustration comes from expecting that a two or three week exercise program will produce miraculous results. Not realistic! People are too used to instant gratification. Results come from a lifestyle of eating right (not dieting) and

being active. It is a way of life, and it is continuous. Toning results will show with a healthy, active lifestyle.
Amy m
2007-07-14 20:41:42 UTC
The healthiest I've ever been is when I've worked physically demanding jobs.The lazyiest people I've met are the go to the gym types.Workout plans and diets are all fine and dandy but if you really want to see results do the jobs illegals say we are to lazy to do.When working tough jobs diet becomes a non issue because you burn high calories.Also because these jobs pay poorly you won't have to worry about eating to much.
K. Nicole'
2007-07-12 03:39:18 UTC
Im not the best but my momfelt the same way for months! All sshe did was eat right ,rest, and she used the ablounge2. It worked awsome on her and she went on jogs with our dogs. In about a week she saw a diffrence not much .So thats all i know to do .Oh ya Didnt spend money on a gym she spent it on something that the money doesnt move it was $30.00 dollars or something.But with gyms the money adds.Think about it.
2007-07-11 16:50:10 UTC
Some people say, it's 50% nutrition and 50% exercise - if you don't burn off more than you consume, you won't see any difference other than you are keeping yourself from getting any worse

Some people argue it's related to dehydration and our balance of water to salt in the body

And there is the argument of how much oxygen is actually being consumed relative to any activity, for example, two people who do the same workout and eat the same things if one has sinus problems, the person with sinus problems will be taking in less oxygen therefore won't see results
2007-07-11 14:35:38 UTC
I have the same problem. I have two ideas for you.

1. About 15 years ago I went from a desk job to construction work for about a year and a half. I went from a mushy 195 to hard as rock 175. (problem is my mind went to mush and my wallet went flat). Real results take real time and effort. That leads me to number two.

2. Subjective relativism. We compare ourselves to airbrushed pictures and people with completely different physical and chemical makeups. It is the epitome of apples and oranges comparison.

If you really want to be beautiful start working on the inside (your head and your heart). That's what counts long after the tan turns to leather and the muscles fade to flab.
deva s
2007-07-05 15:29:21 UTC
One of the problems could be what you are doing at the gym and your lifestyle in general (at work and home), not just the going there. It matters how intense the workouts are and how often. If you are still panting going upstairs after a few to several weeks of working out, then you should have a follow-up with your doctor or someone at the gym who can help you determine what's going on and what you should do aout it. You might need to increase how often you are working out and what you are doing.

One way to see results is to measure and weigh yourself on a regular basis. Another way is to see how much further and harder you can push yourself to reach that state of feeling that good sense of tiredness. Another to help this process of toning up is watch what you eat and how much in addition to the types of exercise, because you can still workout and keep the fat that covers your muscles, so that when you look in the mirror you won't see the changes as much. When you hit a plateau or slump, then change your routine and step it up a bit. Do something new and exciting that you really want or haven't done yet. I have learned that it's not always about the weight you lose but more importantly how you fit your clothes better, especially as muscle weighs more than fat; and if you gain muscles, you will gain muscle weight. You can take pictures of your front and back, and when you are starting to wonder how you are doing, take more pictures under the same lighting and conditions and compare them carefully. Keep doing this for several weeks.

Do not diet per se, but permanently change your life eating patterns and practice weight bearing and aerobic activities on a regular basis with stretching and warmups. It requires patience to continue to the 4-8 weeks that it takes to really see the muscles building, and it does pay off.

Almost all people won't notice a change overnight. That's why when there are reality type specials on television about people losing weight, it takes weeks before their wedding, and one show takes 12 weeks to change the people's lifestyle habits and to show how much healthier they are becoming and looking. There are also going to be some people who have to take the slow and gradual changes; if it took them months to get out of shape and bigger, it can take perhaps months to lose that excess weight and to get into great shape. If there is no change at all after a few weeks, it could be time to get your thyroid checked. One woman worked out as much as she could, increasing her intensity and how often, and theoretically was supposed to be losing weight and looking slimmer, but she ended up having a thyroid problem that caused her not to be losing the weight that she wanted to drop.

But in most cases, you should be able to "see" the results with strong determination, persistence, time, and ongoing patience.
2007-07-05 04:49:51 UTC
How I always see real results when I work out:

- Dietary Change

- I started looking at the number of calories in different foods and started steering myself towards foods which contain less calories. I do this during the week but let myself eat what I please at weekends. I actually found this very easy to do and went from an appalling diet to an excellent diet which after a couple of years has become a very ingrained habit.

- Multiple muscle group workout

- I only go to the gym twice a week for 1.5 hours but the key is what I do whilst I'm there. My exact set consists of the following:

3 sets of 8 pull ups

- Latissimus Dorsi, Biceps, Shoulders

1 set of 15 dips and 2 sets of 10 dips

- Triceps, shoulders, pectorals

3 sets of 10 crunches on thera crunch machine with 35kg

- Abdominals (this machine is outstanding)

3 sets of 10 straight leg lifts on the dips machine

- Abdominals

3 sets of 8 pull ups

- Same as above

1 set of 15 dips and 2 sets of 10 dips

- Same as above

4 sets 8 on quadricep extension. 150 LBS 1st set then

steadily decreasing.

4 sets of 8 on shoulder press with 80 kg

40 minutes on cross trainer on level 2 resistance.

- Glutes, calfs, hamstrings, quadriceps

Obviously somebody who is unfit will have to work upto this. When I'm at the gym I push myself as hard as I can and thus notice improvements every month. My results are very obvious and all my friends and family have noticed a significant body change. Most of the workouts above are focussed on multiple muscle groups. The muscles burn fat to grow and hence (with the addition of a lower calorie diet) you will see big differences within 3 - 6 months. One of the most beneficial parts of this workout for me was the cross trainer. I found (because, rarely for a guy, I have a large behind and legs) the cross trainer dropped more weight and improved my shape much more than using the treadmill. This is because it resists your motion and hence leads to more muscles being worked harder than during running.
fireman sam
2007-07-05 04:45:59 UTC
work out specific muscle groups using weights or gym equipment, mix this in with cardiovascular work. Do this 3 times weekly and results will be clear to see within a couple weeks maybe.

Keep going! Good luck!
2007-07-04 14:51:45 UTC

there are several books you can read that tell you how the

body works, one is nutrition for the serious althelets, here

are just a few pointers.

1. your body burns fat, only when your stored energy from

the liver is uses up, so the longer you work out, the more

results, for example if you work out 1 hour, you just

use up the stored energy, after 2 you start to use about 25%

from fat, after 3 hours it's something like 75% energy from

burning fat. so work out 3 hours or more.

2. you body needs nutrition before and after working out,

so eat some carbs before you work out, and some

protein after you work out. the carb give you energy

the protein will help repair muscles.

3. cardio cardio cardio, either running, or hicking up hill

will brun the most fat, so make sure what routine you

have includes something that is high paced, for a long

period, personally i found out hiking up hill has the

best results in giving you results.

4. drink lots of water, take vitamines, and include some

suppliment, there are suppliments than increat your

bodies ability to have better endurance, cafeinee believe

it or not helps. there are also pills from HIgh Health named

X-Rated which help the body burn fat, it works, but it may

not be for everyone, increases heart rate.

5. in terms of diet don't have any soda, carbonited water,

sugar, carbs lik pasta or bread (stick to whole wheat

breads). also include vegetables, greens and fish.

6. have 7 small meals, that helps keep the metbolism up.

that should go a long way to help you, so to summerize

long cardio like hiking for 3 hours, not sugar or bread or

soda, lots of water, and eat before and afer work out

and keep your meals to small portions, and 5 to 7 times

a day.
2007-07-04 13:19:59 UTC
It can take a long time before you see results, and you have to be patient, but for toning, more reps and lighter weight is key. It also helps to keep a low carb diet (or at least be sure you aren't taking in more than you need), especially after 5pm. I used to get most of my carbs in at breakfast, snack, and then lunch, then use a low carb protein bar for an afternoon snack, and have next to no carbs with dinner. Lower the carb intake, boost the protein intake, and keep a regular workout schedule. Be sure to do cardio, as well. Although I think this made little difference in the end, you may also try using (in addition to all of this) l-carnitine supplement. Liquid form gets absorbed best - I recommend getting a flavored version (GNC makes one) and adding it to juice or your protein shake. It helps with lean muscle mass.
2007-07-11 02:14:39 UTC
I hype myself up by showering and wearing a cute outfit. That way I have less to worry about when I'm at the gym. I always look in the mirror and make sure that my form is correct, and I ALWAYS push myself so that I won't have to find ways to see results...they'll just be there.
2015-02-05 21:09:39 UTC
Many times dreams are fulfilled because a person has a specific goal that they can focus on and actually monitor on a regular basis. An organization teaches a person to make specific, concise and obtainable goals on a weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly basis. An organization will constantly challenge you to improve yourself, your performance and your well being. If you can take these lessons in making your specific goals outside the office and into your life, then fulfilling your life long dreams is absolutely a possibility.
2007-08-10 20:57:26 UTC
It change , I meant your body, but never fast enough, I have the same problem and I go to the gym everyday for the past 12 years. Respect a good diet and do a lot of walking it will help.......
2007-08-07 19:21:26 UTC
Major changes in your body take weeks, its a price you have to pay. If your toning problem is mostly fat and not "flab" then do heavy cardio by running, jump roping, or ellipticals. To tone for strength, try the triple set method. To tone for size, go heavy and less reps(p.s., don't be afraid to eat more right foods, you're not going to gain fat because its a carb, trust me). To tone for endurance and twichness strength, try the tabatha method. Please consider this method, its a must to get in shape with any muscle group. Its too lengthy to explain so just google search it(it will be in the first few results). Please let me know at for more details for anyone.
Laurence W
2007-08-04 22:25:39 UTC
Pretty simple.

To see results, means having less fat hiding more muscle.

To have less fat, you have to reduce fat intake and increase fat burning.

To have more muscle, you need to do strength workouts.

For results, then

daily less fat intake, fewer total calories than needed.


workout days 1,3,5 all long cardio, maybe with a few short intervals.

workout days 2,4,6 doing strength weight work, 3-5 sets, top out doing no more than 10 reps of major muscle groups. When easy, increase the weight 5-10%.

day 7 rest, or light cardio
2007-07-29 10:10:50 UTC
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2007-07-28 13:00:00 UTC
You will not see the results on yourself. I did not notice it until my clothes were falling off of me. Also, if you feel that you have hit a break wall, change your workout routine. Try new things. If you never done Pilate's, go ahead and start that up, etc. Ask the ones close to you (a loved one or close friend) if they notice anything different. You will be surprised.
2007-07-25 14:16:47 UTC
Never Give Up

Beleive in yourself, keep trying. You have to be working for at least 18 consecutive minutes before it makes any changes. And yo won't see them within 5 minutes of your workout. Just know that you WILL lose weight, it just takes time.

Another good thing is to not just exercise, eat right. Its ok to have a nice juicy burger once in awhile, but you will definitely pack on the pounds if you do it regularly.

Good luck!

And why are you asking this? You're not fat!
2007-07-15 11:10:48 UTC
going to gym alone will not bring you a body like actresses. you should concentrate on your diet too. to tone up the muscles u must do weight training. you cant expect the result soon unless you spend 3 hours per day 3 times in a week. when you do the exercises in beginners level you cant see improvement. you must modify the workout and intensify as days go by.
2007-07-14 05:43:22 UTC
For everything there is a required time. Don't be in a hurry.It will take at least 2 to 3 months to see the result. Diet also should be properly planned. Regular workout ,Constant ,slow and steady req. diet will definitely show the result.
2007-07-11 13:56:54 UTC
Well what worked out for me was instead of just going to the gym and work out randomly read up and take on a regiment that suited to your body type. Remember to adjust your diet because eating unhealthy and excercising won't give you much in the way of results.
Ke Xu Long
2007-07-10 15:02:31 UTC
Lucy, looking at life in this manner is a prescription for disappointment. When you look at your life--all things considered, in a light that holds your self up to unrealistic expectation, then there is bound to be problems. "Luck" is something, which neither has meaning nor scientific substance. "Coincidence", the paranormal and the spiritual world hold more interest in observation and interpretation of tenable thought. What purpose does it serve is an even more fascinating proposition than the question of faith. This attitude toward the inevitability of problems in life is a sure way to open the door to depression or to the precipice of the event horizon of it. There is, and I say this as somebody who is probably older than you and has seen a few things, the distinct possibility that things, people, feelings, etc., that we wish to get in return for our efforts--regardless of what they are, the dimensions, parameters of which can be as closed as the corner of a dark room or as open as the sky; there is in our hearts, dreams, aspirations and the fact that we are able to express our needs, concerns, and desires in the hope of a free society, quite enough--no, very more than I am able to handle at any particular time or endeavor, pursuit--whatever. THAT is in and of itself truly awesome! Think about it with your heart--not your head for just a moment. And there is a sweet redemption in even the mere thought--a breath of air, which holds so much bliss and promise that it is beyond description in words. "Listen more to things than to things that are said, C. And ride on into the sunset with the secret of it's charity in your heart. Hold it there like the treasure of a great story--the stuff that dreams are made of. What's it worth? Priceless!"
2007-07-05 11:40:02 UTC
Less weight and more reps will get you a toned look. A good system would be 14 to 15 reps at a reasonable weight. If you can do more than 15, and not feel a burn, add weight. Remember, when toning, it isn't about power, it is about endurance
2007-07-05 08:15:39 UTC
YES its super frustrating to the extend i will always give up...dependinf on the types of workout u r doing....after you have done the workout consistently and properly. after a month times you will see the result.

for example last time i tone my leg everyday for 40 minutes and after 1 week i can see the result... however, for workout like situps, u will probably require 1 month..
2007-07-04 14:06:58 UTC
I'm not a good example because I'm very lazy and hardly ever exercise BUT I burn calories very fast and build muscles very fast as well, so I usually see results pretty fast (after a month, I'm in great shape).

That being said, the food is definitely important. Good healthy habits are good for several reasons: you'll lose fat more easily and your training will be more effective because you won't be as tired.

Someone said that "people who succeed in healthy weight loss typically treat food as medicine: something to be consumed to fuel the body, versus something to "treat" yourself". I sort of disagree. It's true that you should definitely try to have a balanced diet and cook meals which will make your body respond better to your workout, but you should definitely take pleasure in what you are eating. Otherwise, you'll end up eating junk food again when there are great recipes from around the world which taste much better and don't necessarily imply putting on weight. But then again, I'm French and love food, so that's why I find the idea of eating ONLY to give your body fuel appalling!

I know, this post is more about dieting, but since you asked how to see faster results... Motivation being one important component...
2007-07-04 13:09:20 UTC
You say "when" you go to the gym. In my opinion, organization is the key to a successful weight training program, toning, or for that matter anything related to improving you body. Try going to a professional, one who makes the body their life, personal trainer, etc. Write the stuff down and follow it, diet, exercises. Don't skip out either, treat it like part of your job; to be healthy. If you can't see the improvements on your body, at least you have them on paper.

I see these new machines now that have PIN numbers in them, seems like with one of these the computers can keep track of your workouts, all you have to do is keep finishing them. Beats a clip board and paper.
Dr. J
2007-08-03 07:14:56 UTC
I guess you could use those funky cameras used in shooting germinating plants etc. Since the change is a very subtle one, this will come in handy as you will be able to see real muscle growth as you are working out. And in realtime too! What's more, you can have the family and guests watch that instead of those family holiday videos that no one really likes to watch.
Jimmy DaLefty
2007-07-17 14:10:11 UTC
Toning your muscles requires more reps in the exercise you're doing. Building muscles mass requires more weight during the reps. If you're trying to tone your muscles and not build them, complete your exercise with more reps per set, rather than with more weight. For example, if you use a 30 lbs weight for your arm curl and you complete 3 sets with 8 reps in each set, use a 15-20 lbs weight and complete 3 sets with 16 reps in each set. Last bit of advise. Results don't happen overnight...they don't even happen over the course of a week. It takes time to see results. Try taking a photo of yourself and marking down your current weight on the back. Follow your exercise and diet program for a full month or more. Then take another photo of yourself and notice the differences. Patience is key...even if it causes frustration.
2007-08-14 12:01:43 UTC
The last time I had visible results was when I was 18yrs old. I'm now 45! But I went to the gymn and used weights, nothing too heavy and ate lots of protein and took care of myself. Then after about 3 months it became noticeable.
In God We Trust
2007-08-02 20:14:47 UTC
You need to get some serious recommendations from friends, associates, church members and any person that you find worthwhile. Then follow through with that advice. Remember this, What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? - Romans 8:31. The Lord daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah. - Psalm 68:19. The people on this website can most assuredly help each other. Folk that you can personally meet and ask for help are also available for you. Peace and God Bless.
2007-07-17 10:13:49 UTC
Many weight machines at the gym don't work all the small muscles that give you fine motor control. An Ice skaters legs look fantastic because they use all the muscles not just the major ones like a leg press machine works on. toneness is also just in the genes, I have a ripped belly but it is covered up by my spare tire :)
2007-07-05 09:07:47 UTC
I use weights as i work out with both cardio and strength training.

I use THE FIRM and love everything that they have produced.

I am currently alternating between the firm with fanny lifter and the firm transfimer series. I am currently waiting on my shimpment of the the firm transfirmation the newest addition to their whole series. They also have plenty of tapes that they sell individually like for abs and lower body (thighs hips etc).

I promise you if you use it atleast 3 times a week and obviously modify your eating habits you will see and feel results. I lost inches before I lost pounds but definetly noticed results w/in about 2-3 weeks.
2007-08-04 15:27:14 UTC
Your body adapts to exercises rather quickly you have to constantly change your routine. Also, make sure your regimen includes cardio, strength, and flexibility components. In addition to that your diet is a major factor, take time to address your entire effort and your see why you are not getting the results you want.
Briana C
2007-08-04 10:01:52 UTC
Try just working out and eating well and don't get on a scale or look in a full-length mirror. Others will notice more of a difference because they don't see you every second and by not looking in the mirror you will notice a bigger difference when you look in the mirror after a month or so.
2007-07-31 13:11:00 UTC
Erase the word toning from your vocabulary. Muscles either get bigger or smaller and people either gain or lose fat. By toning I assume you mean more defined. To do this you need to lose fat and increase muscle tension.

Incorporate a good diet and excercise weights and 20 min. or cardio. If you skip out on the weights you'll gain all the fat back off that you lost. Try to limit your carbs to 20% of your calorie intake.
2007-07-30 12:00:07 UTC
When you go to workout, do a variety of exercises. Try to do things for as long as you can without hurting yourself. If you can no longer do one exercise becase you are getting too tired try to make the exercise a little easier, and then keep doing that until you cannot continue, then switch to a different one so that you can exercise different mscle groups as well. Eating healthy foods in the right amount helps as well.
2007-07-29 17:23:40 UTC
Are you leaving the gym and pigging out on three jumbo hot dogs and a coke? LOL

always remember the key to losing weight is burning more calories than you ate.

Are you weighing yourself? STOP

when you build muscle you gain weight while slimming down. It is the slimming part you want right? So who cares what the scales say? trade in the scales for a measuring tape. One square inch of muscle weighs more than double one square inch of fat.
2007-07-29 11:19:31 UTC
dear lucy, really so boring &frustrating when no physic. change after a lot hard work and gym . Although I am not physiotherapist but myself realised that for person whose body's water requirement is comparatively less do not get the output of hard exercise. he must try yoga therapy, particularly "kapalbhati,matsyasan and sheetli pranayam".physiotherapist suggests 'drink more water' but it could not be applied for all.process of pranayam if followed properly, not only brings bodily change but mental piece too.
Lionel M
2007-07-29 09:27:21 UTC
lets face it those so called expert instructors are designing a program for you based on an old format of exercise program and nothing else,I have been lifting weights since i was 18 and with limited success,so i decided to take matters into my own hands and designed a program based on my daily food intake and activity,your instructors in the gym will always give you some sets of programs with 12 reps.or so or cardio for some minutes,but you will never get the sense of accomplishment once your done doing that program,except getting tired.what you need is to empower yourself,dont let your instructors design a program for yourself, thats only good for people who started going to the gym recently,start reading fitness books and nutrition books,and design a good program for yourself, your the only person who knows what works best for your body so take charge of it but dont remove your instructors,they can help you implement your own program,and goodluck
2007-07-21 06:23:02 UTC
We believe that a fitness routine that is incorporates stretching, aerobic and weight resistance ultimately will provide the proper even toning over time. Quick fix is not a good practice for anyone as it tends to cause a yo-yo effect to the bodies overall capabilities when forming muscle mass and storing/burning fat. Vary your routine so that you have a fresh view and overall positive attitude and avoid stagnation when planning a long term health and fitness lifestyle change.
2007-07-21 01:03:43 UTC
To see the real results u have to do more effort and don't be discouraged b/c hard working is the solution of every thing.
Elizabeth P
2007-07-20 16:24:41 UTC
The best way to see changes is through better eating habits. Pushing away from the table is the only exercise, other than brisk walking , that really helped me. The stomach is the size of a fist, and stretching it by eating too much will only lead to trouble. I maintained my bad eating habits while excercising, and didn't lose a pound. So I had to excercise will power and saw results.
2007-07-14 23:05:38 UTC
the more you will get frustrated the more you cannot feel and see the result, think positive and dont give up easily, perfect result is the product of patience and lots of hardwork, if the gym eqiupment and going to the gym doesnt work for you,will try some other work out like yoga or pilates it really works.
2007-07-14 10:18:55 UTC
If you don't need to loose weight, but only need to tone - you need to do long and short muscle toning - with a concentration on your core muscles and flabby areas. Lots of repetitions, low resistence to start. Build resistence and reps as you progress.

Combine with a long (60 + minutes) walk (3-5 miles+) or swim (1-3 miles +) daily. You will see results in 30 days.
One Odd Duck
2007-07-13 23:41:01 UTC
It is about changing up a workout to get all the aspects that one's body needs. Toning is a combination of lengthening muscles through stretching and exercises like yoga or Pilate's and weight training. Lifting weights gives Resistance to your workout and it builds muscle. Cardio burns fat, but unless you are targeting a particular muscle group, you won't get toning results without some weight lifting.
2007-07-11 12:46:26 UTC
You are putting a lot of emphasis on one's body looking a certain way. You don't necessarily SEE a difference from working out, but you will certainly FEEL it. If we would stop focusing so much on how our body looks, and realize we can be completely healthy without that "perfect" body, we can feel the changes in our health that come from exercising regularly.

So I guess my answer is, stop worrying about visual results.
2007-07-05 11:56:45 UTC
Most people go to the gym to work on strength exercises. This will help with muscles, but you won't see those muscles when they're covered with a layer of fat.

You definitely need to balance your strength exercises and your cardio exercises, otherwise you won't see the results you want.

But, you should definitely try to alternate daily. Thirty minutes of strength on one day and then thirty minutes of cardio on the next. This would help you balance it out, and if you stay on track, it'll go much faster.
2007-07-05 11:53:19 UTC
well thing is, is that when u r in a gym, u don't see ur body changing unless u rest. this is because when u r asleep all ur muscules switch off letting the body change for u. thats y we have to sleep for up to 12 hours for a child and 10 for a adult. Adults find it harder to grow thin because there puberty has stopped unlike kids.
2007-07-05 09:30:22 UTC
SELF magazine is really good to read while you're dieting and working out and not only it teaches you how to work out so you get toned but not really big, it also teaches you to eat well and healthy...and it has a website where you can discuss your results and your problems with other girls. It's really nice because it helps you keep it up and it's not superficial, it's REAL.
Janey from Louisiana
2007-08-01 11:25:52 UTC
take a picture before you even begin your training and a picture a few weeks into the training and then from there a picture once a month. Keep a weight loss chart (remember muscel outweighs fats; so it might seem you are not losing but gaining instead.) keep up the good work do not give up is the main thing.
Lisa P
2007-07-05 09:45:52 UTC
I get good results from mixing up my workout and challenging my body. Doing the same thing everyday won't get you optimal results, adding more weight, doing the elliptical instead of the treadmill, trying some new exercise class, things like that challenge your body and also keep things from getting boring.
Marty Wrin
2007-07-05 06:36:45 UTC
I see the best results when I combine an hour of aerobic exercise at least 5 times/week with an hour of resistance training 2 or 3 times/week with a healthy diet that contains fewer calories than my normal eating pattern.
2007-07-28 06:49:43 UTC
Work out programs work diffirently for each individual. What works for me may not work for you. A lot depends on your body structure (weather you are tall or short) and what you inherited from mom or dad.

If you haven't added weights to your program already, than maybe you should. If you have than maybe you need to change your routine.

Our bodies tend to get comfortable with certian routines so we have to wake it up or shock it with something diffirent.

For instance. If you are doing weights and you are curling 15 pounds for each bicep, (maybe doing 5 sets of 15-20) if you are seeing no results after a while than maybe you want to go to doing pyrmids. Take 8 pound weights do 20 curls than 10 pounds do 15 curls than 15pounds do 10 curls or go from high weights to low weights.

Another thing you can do is change the time of day you do your work out. Or you can do high impack workout until you get your heart rate up and bring your heartrate down a little with some weight reps than go back to high impack than to weights, and rotate that for a 30 minute work out.

The important thing is to surprise your body with diffirent routines. Try to find things that you enjoy doing for your work outs. Playing ball with the boys or girls which ever you prefer (weather it be foot ball, basket ball, soccer, volley ball) Go for walks or runs, ride your bike, horse back ride, go swiming. If you enjoy it, you will be so focused on the fun you may not realize how much exercising you've been doing until that favorite outfit is too big for you.

Of course, if your aren't already doing it, make sure you're eating right.

Have a nice work out :)
2007-07-27 15:11:32 UTC
Change your whole life. Take the fat out! I once had a Tante Jet who said we are so spiritually fat!!!! She was sucha super fit tall energetic woman no cellulite on her long 83 year old legs and nothing but laugh lines no ugly worry wrinkles. She road her bike to and from work in Amsterdam....What a gal with such a really great figure too. and that long full white hair, what a beauty in the world of women. Beauty is in how you live not how you work out. Take a walk on a himilayan trail...get some beauty into that effort...Come on.
2007-07-27 15:01:28 UTC
first things first you can always use a scale check your wight before and after because if you don't see a change you are not working hard enough for the weight to change when you see sweat you know that your body is changing well shrinking but not everybody has the same kind of body and wont do as well but it will happen you can make it happen
2007-07-27 09:58:12 UTC
It can take a little time, too. If you concentrate on eating healthy and living well, you'll find in a short period of time, you are no longer waiting for the changes because you are thinking about how you look and how you got that way and more about what is going into your body and how good you feel and how much you enjoy what you are doing. Good Luck.
2007-07-26 22:31:29 UTC
well going to hte gym doesnt nessiserly help you all that much i meen shuer its a help but you still should work out do some crunches before bed time eat right maybe even try the flirty girl fitness it gives you the exersises for a body thats great if you keep doing those little exersises on the side you will seee the difference maybe ide gie it bought a month
2007-07-25 11:33:30 UTC
Calisthenics in between workouts has made me more tone. I used to workout with a trainer and him and I would lift free weights, like if we worked on our arms we would do side bends or crunches in between each workout, that is the best I ever felt or looked. I am almost 40 and I still do the calisthenics when I am just hanging out at home and I have not lost that toned look.
2007-07-24 16:01:01 UTC
Don't do the same work out week after week because your body will get used to it and the work out will not be as effective. This is also called the PLATEAU effect. Try confusing your body with things like yoga, boxing, running, weights, aerobics, etc. Just do different things like every two weeks such as boxing for two weeks and then yoga for two weeks etc. That way your body wont get used to the same thing and that means results. Let me know how it works!
2007-07-18 02:55:58 UTC
When working out at the gym something a lot of people don't understand is the ammount of weight you lift doesn't matter. The most important things are form and reps... that will help you a lot. Try different routines... Just because one routine works for a certain person doesn't mean it will work for everyone! Try your own thing!
Rob J
2007-07-14 18:34:49 UTC
I have been there. I have lost 50 pounds but get discouraged every once in awhile when my weight goes on a plateu... until I go shopping and find my pant size has gone down two sizes and I can fit very nicely into a smaller size shirt! Then I feel it is worth for watching what I eat and exercising!!
Hirise bill
2007-07-10 17:05:51 UTC
To get real satisfaction out of toning you have to do reps. Don't use heavy weights, do lighter weights with more repitition. If you stick with that you will see results in 2 -3 weeks.
2007-07-10 04:22:48 UTC
I don't believe going to the gym is the answer. As we age it is critical to reduce calorie and fat intake and maintain a high activity level with things like walking. Going to the gym is great but daily life can interrupt and cause you to miss so i think it shouldn't be the only thing, it should be a tool that helps your daily life strategy.
2007-07-05 02:08:06 UTC
Resistance Training
2007-07-04 19:00:48 UTC
You have to push yourself and work out with weights that are challenging. If you are trying to tone up, make sure to incorporate cardio and weight lifting in all your routines for at least 45 minutes a day 3 times a week. Also, make sure you are watching your daily calorie intake...because that is also a big factor in weight control/loss.
2007-07-04 17:57:36 UTC
I did 60 crunches per day for about a week and it made my abs more toned and my stomach smaller. I don't see results during the workout though. The results are in about a week or so.
Lãzý Šmû®ƒ
2007-07-04 17:53:01 UTC
Any workout which you do now will be noticed in 2 to 3 months time, just be determined and stay on course and the results will appear when you look at your before pictures.
2007-07-04 13:44:19 UTC
'Toning' is not an appropriate goal for a workout program because there is no way to measure it. To succeed in any endeavor, you need to have a way to keep score, so you know when you're making progress.

Using the scale as your benchmark isn't very useful either, because it is a negative measurement. "I'm not as fat (bad) as I was last week".

Positive measurements and reinforcement are always more effective. "I covered 3 miles on the treadmill in 30 minutes today, my best previous was 30:32"

Set short, medium and long range positive goals for your physical achievements that are realistic and measurable. Train for a 5k, 10K, or maybe a century ride. Work up to a 5k swim. All of those goals can have 'toning' or weight loss as a byproduct, although before long you will probably find that you're caught up in the new goals and forget all about 'toning', even though its still happening.
Cecile F
2007-08-14 06:05:31 UTC
well what i do is well ok i work out in about the middle of the day in a gym at my house or whatever. and then i go on with a normal day and i get a good nights sleep and then when you wake up you see results well thats for me. ever tried DDR?
2007-07-14 09:52:24 UTC
first of all, age is a factor which cannot be reversed. With age your body grow, for eg in your childhood and teens your body grow linear, after it stays (maintains itself) in steady shape, after that it strats growing horizontal. Theres really nothing much you can do about to maintiain a shape for lifetime, its all physiologic.

Next, workout is basically not to maintain your shape, it is basically to tone up your body and keep it healthy, so don't be discouraged if it dosen't show any physical change...but your body becomes fine-tuned and more healthy from inside, right from boosting up your immune system to mental health.

Just stop worrying about ur physical look, thats something everyone loses out with age, focus on fine-tuning your body!

hope this helps you why workout is meant for.

Have a healthy and lovely life..!
2007-07-13 11:36:42 UTC
I definitely know the answer to this question! When your doing cardio, switch it up as much as possible! It takes about 20 min of cardio to get your heart rate up and burn fat, so I suggest three different cardio workouts for 20 minutes each. For example: The elliptical trainer, treadmill, stair climber each for 20 min. Also, when your weight training, lower your weight and do higher repetitions, instead of doing three sets of 15 reps, do two sets of 30 reps, or three sets of 20 reps at a lower weight. These will surely help. Also using resistance bands and machines will give you the best results.
2007-07-04 22:48:52 UTC
that depends on your goal. you should work towards your goal. make a plan. as a fitness instructor to make you a work out program for toning your body, then after a month or 2 make sure to have it change. you should do cross training too. what is your favorite sports? workoout during M-W-F then do your sports during Tuesday and Thursday. but make sure you have enough rest as too much fatigue and a body that is not well rested will never have a good result. it is ok to eat but be sure to eat only what your body needs.

knowledgeguru - knowledge is power
nivea s
2007-08-14 10:10:18 UTC
When you work-out , you have to understand that your body is going through changes. You may not see dramatic weight lost but you may see a change in your overall mood , willingness to work out and eating healthy . These things will lead up to your weight lost.
2007-07-28 11:36:46 UTC
you want to see real results? try joining the army and going to basic training. other than that don't make the gym a routine. your body will adjust itself and stop "growing." the only advice that will work is the advice YOU give YOUR body. what works for one person may not work for another. KEEP YOUR BODY GUESSING.
2007-07-26 19:22:51 UTC
Weight training! Lifting weights is THE best exercise. It burns more calories, raises your metabolism, holds it high for hours after your training session, and the more muscle you have the more calories you can consume and still lose fat!

Women want to be long and lean. Do light weights, lots of repetitions and lots of sets of those reps. You'll get toned, fit, strong, have energy to burn. sleep better, be able to eat more and be thin too!

I'm 53, and still extremely hard and strong. Most 25 y/o men don't hold a candle to me. I'm on a see food diet, I see it, I want it, I eat it. I've never had a weight problem. That's weight training for you!
2007-07-17 11:50:49 UTC
Focus on certain areas and once you've notice an improvement move on : work on toning your upper body one week then your lower body the second week. Also, running is a allover workout. Remember you'll have better results if you improve your diet as well: lower your sugar intake, stopeating fast food, it's so bad for you! Drink plenty of water and regulate your calorie intake.
2007-07-16 11:07:49 UTC
When starting any toning at a gym or exercise routine, you won't see your physical change right away, because it is working on changing the fat to muscle and muscle can weigh more than fat.

but know that with in time and perseverance you will eventually start showing weight loss and endurance, when you can last longer each time.
2007-07-13 18:17:34 UTC
well this is what is working for me i'm on an eat clean diet (look at this book:The Eat Clean Diet by Tosca Reno) I also drink at least 3 cups of chinese oolong tea everyday(it burns fat better than green tea)I also drink at least 3 liters of water a day (i know it sounds like alot but it helps so much with sodium bloat) i also do weight training 6 times per week and in order to see the muscles you are building you must do cardio to get rid of the top layer of fat. I also take these supplements:

fish oil,flax oil, CLA, and a scooby doo vitamin.

(ive lost 30 pounds)
Twinkie Thief
2007-07-12 18:10:49 UTC
it can be frustrating.. there are specific exercises to target the muscles you desire to tone,, eating a nutritional balanced meal plan is really important... you can do all the exercise in the world and eat like a junky and still be flabby,

having mirrors to see the muscles performing and ensures you are exercising correctly, is a plus...the mirrors in gyms are not just for muscle bound hunks to drool on themselves but gives you the opportunity to see you muscles in action...

i recommend getting accurate measurements and allow yourself time...say 30 days between measurements and keep up the good work...

remember even if you never get the results you wish for the exercise will help you live a long healthy happier never, never stop.....
2007-07-11 22:51:15 UTC
Find a hospital ( Ha ha!!!) or other building with flights of stairs, Start climbing ...Keep working out - go back to the steps a week later - wow !!!...will you ever feel the ease in going past the first week's result.

In checking your number of flights' results you can see the results of your workouts by by-passing last week's flight of stairs like spider-girl feels great going down those extra flights of stairs week to week also !! Look out SEARS Tower here she comes !!
2007-07-11 17:19:18 UTC
Being dedicated to me is the key. What is the use to do a hard work out once a month? You have to keep going, even when your favorite soap opera is on or when the bed is really comfy and you are sleepy. Going along the hard journey with a friend can keep you dedicated and you can do the same thing for him/her. You also need a goal/reward system to keep you motivated or else what are you working so hard for?
2007-07-11 12:17:31 UTC
Good question. I know it is one that many americans struggle with and need answers to. The best way to get toned and fit is to do aerobic exercises at least five days a week and eating a balanced diet rich with vitamins and minerals. Drinking plenty of water is key, and getting plenty of rest and eliminating stressors from your everyday life is also imperative. Consulting a personal trainer would also be beneficial, if the funds are available. Overall health is key to becoming fit.
2007-07-10 12:59:17 UTC
do aerobics actively for a atleast a month im pretty sure u wilsee massive difference in body tone . aerobic is one of the fast burning calorie killer. its a real result only if u do it atleast 1 or twice a week for a month, u see the change . aerobics is very enjoyable too so have fun and lose weight. its great! i havent done this for a lonnnng while and i think i need to get back to it cos its fun and we can lose weight effectively!
2007-07-05 03:53:04 UTC
The gym used to give me all kinds of excuses not to go so i decided to do it in or outside my home at times convience for me.I visualize and see myself strong and with a great body just before i start to workout.Everyday in the late afternoon i step on a machine that also allows me to do arm excersise each day 1 minute longer , i dont focuss on the quick results but i focuss to enjoy every step i take and i feel my muscles getting toned it gives me also a mentalboost.i open a lot of windows as well breating in fresh air each breath gives me energy so positive.also i squat a lot 3 x day espec before sleeping .furthermore i drink at least 1 liter water a day, try to chew as long as possible on my food ,little meals over the day with no salt and no sugar, coffee only in the weekends, no drinking and no smoking , lots of biking and walking my dog.running is too bad for my knees i want to be able to walk when i am really old.But being commited and full of compension is what really makes a difference.And only start looking in mirrors after the first person made you a compliment on your new looks also take in consideration simply your age and metabolism.....
Blip B
2007-07-05 02:22:50 UTC
I did the power 90 program and on alternating days you do toning exercises. This is using resistance bands and being consistent with your movement. Pull up slow, push down slow, move out and in slow at matching speeds. This program has been upgraded to something else, but you may be able to find it on ebay or something. Excellent 90 day program.
Miss YSL
2007-07-04 16:28:40 UTC
First, by not asking the general public. Just because, everyone is going to have a different answer to this question. You need to go to your nearest gym and interview the trainers and tell them what you are looking for in a work out. Let them tell you what to do, because there are lots of different advice to what your looking for. It worked for me. Here on yahoo answers, you will get answers to what worked for these people ,but you need professional advice if it concerns your body.
golden sephiroth
2007-07-09 19:40:36 UTC
Most women lean toward cardio workouts when they would get better results from increasing their muscle mass. This is done by using heavier weights with fewer reps. As their muscle mass increases it will burn more calories for them throughout the day when they are not at the gym. This factored in with a high protein diet will bring faster results.
2007-07-15 22:30:34 UTC
I get my body mass index measured. The BMI gives a view beneath the surface to reveal the amount of muscle to fat ratio. Although, it is not yet visible; the BMI result may encourage one to keep up the work. The BMI is real. The results change based upon the amount of work one does.
2007-07-15 12:42:14 UTC
I felt the same way when I started to work out. You know that you need to have a good healthy diet as well as exercise. Pay attention to the areas that you want to tone the most and make sure you remember that you are going to lose more inches before you actually lose weight...
2007-07-10 09:22:20 UTC
Use light weights and high numbers of repetitions to gain muscular definition (cuts). Drink tons of water. Walk two hours a day. Eat many, small meals consisting of fruits and vegetables. Eat carbs couple times a week (spaghetti, etc). Avoid junk food completely: no chips, pop or fast food. You will have energy, good muscular definition and lose lots of weight.
2007-07-04 19:45:34 UTC
If you're using weights.... less pounds, more reps will tone better. More pounds builds those big muscles.

If you're doing plyometric kinds of exercises.... just keep doing em!

Little fact that I know: the tricep is the fastest "growing" muscle, meaning you'll see results in your triceps before any other muscle you work out
2007-07-04 19:26:33 UTC
1. First, start off with a healthy diet.

2. Do more cardio (running, jump-roping, walking, swimming, etc). at least four times a week.

3. Do weight-training 3 or 4 times a week.

4. Drink more water.

5. Limit your food portions
2007-08-15 03:47:57 UTC
eat reallly healthy food and eat 5 fruit and veg a day and drink atleats 3l of wter a day when u work out try 2 keep chaunging the obstacle u work on so that it will excersise all of the body then u will start seeing results. try to eat smaller portions of a meal and try to keep under 1500kal a day ..... good luck
2007-08-09 12:58:07 UTC
depending on what you mean by "body Change" : if you're referring to muscularity, just keep in mind that there are two schools of thought. Work the muscle, or work the weight. If you work the muscle, you won't need to use excessive, potentially injurious weights; just do slow, "as near perfect as possible" repetitions and bring the muscle to failure, not fatigue. Remember--slow, graceful; feel the muscle working. good luck
2007-08-07 19:42:32 UTC
by toning, i presume you mean losing fat and gaining muscle.

strictly speaking, you can't do both at the same time.

in order to change the way you look, you need to lost fat and/or gain muscle. if you're a girl, you probably want to lose fat more than you want to gain muscle.

however, the more muscle you have, the more fat you can lose. muscle is metabolically active and when you lose weight, you ALWAYS lose both muscle and fat, so the more muscle you have to lose, the more fat you can take with it.

so, the best way to "tone" up is to lift weights and eat slightly more to increase muscle and then cut back on calories and maybe do cardio to burn off the fat [you'll inevitably lose some muscle in the process].

i've read that if you cycle with 2 weeks up [anabolic-gaining weight] and 2 weeks down [catabolic-losing weight], this is the ideal for changing body composition positively [losing fat and gaining muscle].
2007-08-06 09:39:53 UTC
Pilates is what gave the most noticeable results for me. I tightened my stomach by 3 inches, and got a nicer rounder shape to my butt. My balance also improved and my calves are killer, now. Not bad for a 53 year old former couch potato. Admittedly I didn't lose weight. You have to add cardio and diet for that.
2007-08-06 04:23:48 UTC
well you can like tense up a section of your body when u lift weights, and that works it out, you have to do quite a bit of something for you to see a change, and u feel the results in time, or like one area of your body will be sore
Pineapple Princess
2007-08-02 19:51:14 UTC
Focus on working one area of your body each workout with weights - that is a really great way to tone and get results. Work it till you feel you can't any more and then give yourself a few days rest before working that area again. While you're resting that part, work on another part.
2007-07-17 08:11:24 UTC
You need to go to the gym everyday but also change your diet smaller servings. What i do is eat no breakfast and when i get hungry for lunch i work off my hunger and go on the treadmill for an hour. Then for dinner eat a smaller serving but healthy food like a salad with no dressing potatoe with no butter or other topping.
Emmeline B
2007-07-16 14:44:12 UTC
I've noticed a difference in just a few weeks of working out using a very simple routine that I found on You do 5-6 simple exercises that don't require any special materials. There are two routines. One for upper body and one for lower. I liked it because it was simple and each exercise hit more than one muscle group so it was extra efficient.
2007-07-09 15:23:34 UTC
Sit down in front of a mirror after a work out; are you exhausted, are you sweaty, are you just plain beat?

If so, you can see the results. The results are, you did something great for your body and your body will thank you for it. LIFE IS NOT ABOUT INSTANT GRATIFICATION, And, I wish people like you would stop trying to encourage people to think they deserve it by asking questions like this.
2007-08-16 05:41:54 UTC
My own experience says that cardio is the only way to reduce hard to burn fat. I like to do isometric exercises twice a week and run 4 times a week (about 5.5 miles). It wasn't until I started running that I became toned around the middle...and it didn't take long.

2007-08-15 08:50:32 UTC
Actually, for a woman, it is really hard to see the results. You need to count at least a weeks before you could get the results. What you really need to do is to discipline yourself in eating foods and do the excersise regularly. Stereotype in your ear but its a fact.
2007-08-14 11:54:44 UTC
toning results typically take much longer than results from cardiovascular activities. if you do aerobics, you will definitely feel different, but it may not be as noticeable to the eye. muscles take six weeks to start building and re-shaping, so be persistent. don't give up if you don't see results immediately. it will work i promise! just up the reps and weight the easier it gets
2007-08-06 09:58:19 UTC
Stretching and posing exercises like Pilates or Yoga before or after a regular workout give you quick results... and also help improve body posture -which also helps a person look and feel more fit
2007-07-29 20:41:16 UTC
Work out in a swimming pool! That works really well. However you do work out, follow with a good warm sauna session, then a relaxing massage (if you can get one).

My best routine ever was:

l. Belly dance for one hour; shower;

2.50-100 laps freestyle in the swimming pool;

3. Sauna one hour; shower;

4. Work out at the gym one hour; shower;

return home;

5. Sauna one hour; shower;

6. Belly dance for one hour; shower.

This routine brought me the quickest, best results EVER!
olivia w
2007-07-22 18:37:14 UTC
consult with a nutrionist they can advise you on the proper diet and also look for signs of a problem why you arent losing weight if it appears you are really doing all you can. consult a fitness trainer. you dont have to hire one just ask someone at the gym you go to for some advice. they can help you find out if you are doing exercises that are really appropriate for you. then if that doesnt work consult your dr. you may have a problem with your thyroid or another problem internally keeping you from losing weight. if you can do the diet/exercise with family or a friend. the extra support for each other can really help you stick to the regimen.
2007-07-20 16:23:53 UTC
Well, there're lots of do..

or do a diet.. (eating light food)

or working hard without being nervous

or going 3 o 4 a week running through the avenues...

regards from Buenos Aires, Argentina

Richard D
2007-07-19 22:34:30 UTC
The best way to get results in isotonic exercise is to never let your body know what exercises your going to give it on any particular workout. I was Mr ELP. in 1984 and the best way to exercise your body for tone and to build muscle tissue is never let your body know what to expect. I actually change my workouts in a variety of different ways. Once your body know what exercises to expect it has an unbelieveable way of adapting to the exercises you do and the results become slimmer as it adapts to regular exercise routines. Always keep your body guessing!
2007-07-14 13:14:25 UTC
you can look into taking some of those high performance work out shakes and pills but be very careful. I have personally known someone who died from not taking care of themselves(I.E. not drinking enough water, and knowing when you have reached your limit.) It will take some time but try not to be discouraged and make sure you aren't stopping right when you feel your muscles get sore that is when your muscles are actually breaking down from your workout. But be sure to give your muscles enough time to rejuvenate and repair themselves ( normally a day or two) before you workout those same muscles again.
gabriella ελλαδα
2007-07-12 10:12:11 UTC
Well,i think that all it takes is to have faith.You must be decisive and not give up.People go to the gym,work out for one week and then stop.That's not willpower.They can't lose weight with only one week.

I recommend to eat a little from everything.i do that.i am 49 kg.perfect.
2007-07-12 08:50:52 UTC
Flexing, its not just for egomaniacs anymore!

During your workouts one should always be focused on tightening or flexing the muscle groups being worked. This aids greatly in stressing the affected muscle and can improve your overall workout exponentially.

After your cool down continue to flex your worked muscles, mirror not required, to persuade blood flow and the repair of the affected tissue.

Adding flexing to your workout will double the effects of the same workout minus the flexing.
2007-07-18 19:21:43 UTC
To see real results when you work out? Drink plenty of water, and control your diet. Eat more fruits and vegetables.

Exercise alone will not give real toning results. There needs to be a balance to both exercise and diet.
2007-07-14 17:21:52 UTC
Hire a trainer to help you at the gym. I am curruntly working at 24 hour fitness and their trainner when you tell them the results like gain 10 pounds, get six pack abs, etc they will tell you what to eat, what to do at the gym. They are a lot more affordable then major trainners that the Celebrities have.

I want to lose the little bit of fat off my stomach not that much that I have and get six pack abs, to do that I have accepted that I will need help to get their from a trainner that will help me get their. I highly reccomend a trainner if you have any memberships to your local gyms.
2007-07-14 13:19:33 UTC
Unless & until person really works hard & keeps a good control over his/her mind (eating habits), one will not get results till at least for 1-1.5 years. One has to adopt strict vegetarian diet, avoid binges over Fatty foods, & by restricting calories to 1200 Kcal & Exercise comparable to at least 10 Km jogging daily + toning exercises without depriving Protein & Vitamins and Anti-oxidants intake.
timothy h
2007-07-09 18:30:44 UTC
You can't really see the toning happen til you recover. The best way to make your muscles stand out more is to do a little less weight and a few more reps. Do like three sets of ten. That works for me.
2007-07-05 03:02:10 UTC
I'd say rest your muscles (the ones you're working) between sessions. By that I mean a day or two break between gym visits.

And doing it slowly - just don't hurry!
2014-07-01 07:50:18 UTC
It should be physically draining,intense and require you to dig deep. You will not see results with mediocre effort. You have to push yourself. I would guess-timate that at least 60% of the people in the gym are working well below the level they should be. Kick up the resistance or intensity and I guarantee you will see results.
ignacio b
2007-08-15 21:10:30 UTC
c most of the people try to do a lot of exercise or do as much as they can but the rs the problem i remember when i was little n older guy toll me not to work out fast always do slow exercise cause that's how u target most of ur muscles well that's all i got try that n ull c faster results
kedrick g
2007-08-12 12:25:16 UTC
some bodies respond to work outs better so i use weights and it really takes me a long time to see the kind of results i look for
2007-07-31 10:02:18 UTC
You should be yourself,remember you went to that gym with a purpose.Also play it cool,don't listen to those who wanna discourage you give them a deaf ear.Remember nothing good comes from a better place you have to toil for it as long as you are determined person with a goal to achieve in life my dear friend.
2007-07-29 18:31:03 UTC
I find that if I work on my arms, I can see results very quickly there. I need work in lots of other areas - areas where changes don't show up so quickly - but seeing improvement in one area helps me stick with my program.
Blazin Gwen Cullen
2007-07-28 19:26:54 UTC
You can lose weight by doing weights 3 days a week and cardio the other days. When you are doing cardio on weights day do 20 mins before and 20 mins after. And when you are on your cardio days do 45 mins. Also drink plenty of water.
2007-07-28 06:55:00 UTC
I think it helps to be honest with yourself. You can't tell yourself that "well, I went to the gym, so I guess it's okay to eat these fries". Its really easy to overdo it. I also try to tell myself to look for other ways that my fitness has improved. Can you climb the stairs faster/easier/without getting winded? Can you do more reps at a higher weight than when you started? Does your heart rate normalize faster than before? Lots of things improve before your physical appearance, and if that can tide you over until the visual benefits appear, you're a step ahead of the game.
peter c
2007-07-27 17:17:45 UTC
Real results take time. Too many people want instant results--that ain't goin' to happen! When " working out" don't think of it as WORKING. Find exercises that are FUN to do while at the same time they tone the bod!
2007-07-25 16:07:40 UTC
Give it time. The case may be that you are changing but you don't see it because it's that unneccessary fat turning into muscle and it looks that same. And you have to take into consideration of your body type. If you really want to see change find a trainer and work hard. Don't give up!!!!!!
2007-07-13 11:46:51 UTC
even though you might not see any physical change, it's important to feel change in yourself. if you feel stronger, for example, your gym exercises are working. if you can lift 20 pounds no with no problem instead of the 5 pounds you started with, you have results. as others have said, diet is important in achieving, and maintaining, lasting results
2007-07-11 12:44:05 UTC
Stop eating processed foods, period.

All the "food" I observe at the super market, are not really food at all, but pictures of food, on slick packages, with big flashy writing telling me it's Healthy Choice, or All Natural, but really the food industry is a big sham. They have no shame, or care about what they are doing to americans. What we get for their greed is a nation of obese people who ask, "why am I not losing weight?"

The foods they label healthy or healthier, are nothing of the sort, they are loaded with chemicals (disguised as a chemical called natural flavor) trans fats (these are the big culprit in no weight loss) and other junk the body cannot or will not deal with.

Try shopping at local farmers markets, eat plenty of fresh fruits, Organic is best, but even that is becoming corporate slang for bigger profits.

Between the food industry, that makes you what you eat (remember?) and the Drug companies ready to treat symptoms only, it's no wonder we are one of the sickest, fattest, and at times dumbest nations on the planet.
2007-07-04 23:31:50 UTC
It can be helpful to take measurements of your arms, waist, thighs, etc. to be able to chart the progress of our work. Another great meaure is to get a calcuulation of your boday fat. I am in this crowwroads at the moment. I have lost around 20 lbs, but have platued becuase of the change of fat/muscle. Hard to chart progress with out these things.
2007-07-23 09:23:55 UTC
Slow moving resistance training works best for me. I use light weight bar bells (5lb), breathe like I'm in a Yoga class, and watch closely in mirror. Hold your best posture to the extreme (pretend like you're the instructor on a TV video). Start with reps of 10-13. I believe the slow moving, intense breathing is what makes it works for me. 3 times in a week, and I see a nice difference in my upper arms, so there's my incentive to keep going!
2007-07-15 09:55:05 UTC
I don't think you can actually see the results when you're working out, but it really helps me feel better about myself and my body image. It takes time for the changes to come.
Mutya P
2007-07-13 01:31:05 UTC
Just go on with your work out plus this one..... All you have to do is simply get rid of carbonated drinks, sweets, spicy, fatty and salty food. Then eat only friuts and vegetables. Then drink 10-15 glasses of water everyday. This is so effective. Try it!

I lose weight from 75kilos to 63 kilos in 3 months and I am still doing it for a year now and I am just maintaining my weight from 63kilos-60kilos.

Have a nice day and GOD BLESS :)
(Changed my name)
2007-07-31 16:15:33 UTC
I can lift weight, like a lot.. but not as many as i can with small amounts of weight.. i lift about 10 pounds maybe 150 times in each arm.. may different ways that isolate different muscles. i saw greater results that way.. gradually increase the weight though..
dan h
2007-07-28 23:05:03 UTC
Just like a lot of the people who said, its just not the exercises that does it, its the diet. Raise your protein intake and lower your carbs ( such as white bread, sugar corn syrup) eat real food like chicken, fish, veggies. stay away from the fried Chinese food, McDonald's etc. Those foods give you a temporary good feeling then soon after you're hungry and tired and feel and look bloated. also stay away from MSG and hydrogenated oils. They should be illegal
2007-07-24 12:14:26 UTC
at some point everyone hits their plateau that's when you have to change your workout routine. Diet and intensity or huge parts of seeing results if you can talk while your doing it its not challenging enough. Food should be seen as a vitamin you only take it because your body needs it. Food shouldn't ONLY be about enjoyment
2007-07-23 17:21:28 UTC
quit looking for results in the mirror and think about how much better you feel and how much good the exercise is doing you on the inside. when we look at ourself, we don't always see what is there , we see what we want to see. like am I handsome, I look in the mirror and no matter how much someone tells me I am handsome, I just see me. same way with your body. you just see your body that you have spent your entire life looking at. change your mental image and you will accept your body. it took years to wreck your body, it will take a while to fix it. but knowing you are on your way should be an incentive to continue.
2007-07-20 21:03:13 UTC
Your workout starts in the kitchen. You can spend countless hours in the gym and see no results if your diet remains the same. Have a clean proper diet, and if you are looking to tone, slowly lower your caloric intake, you should begin to see results in two weeks.
2007-07-20 20:27:45 UTC
alot of low impact exersising. Make sure you eat 7 times a day of little portions. It keeps you metabolisum at a fast pace. Drink plenty of water. You can also were garbage bags during exersise it s real quick results it shrinks you from water retention. Don't ever starve yourself thats where people go wrong. Your body grabs energy.So keep it flowing and it will come off fast. good luck.
Tasha H
2007-07-19 14:26:45 UTC
Cut back on your daily calorie intake, be consistent with your workouts, and have patients. If, after a good period of time has passed and still no results, maybe you should extend or complicate your workout a bit more than what you are already doing, making sure that you are getting in a good cardio method.
2007-07-18 11:57:30 UTC
ican relate 2 that 2

but, then, i read an article on working out

doing one type of exercise wont help u rlly build muscle all that much

it said that u should switch around exercises on ur abs or watever muscle u want to see results on

so i tried it and saw more progress


resting between every 20 sit ups helps u see results faster 2

since u c the results when ur resting
Katrina D
2007-07-17 10:36:55 UTC
I've been using Mona Vie juice for about a month after my cousin gave me a bottle and now I cant see as much cellulite, my whole back side looks more toned and the skin is tight, I heard about it on Operah and in a few magazines but never paid attention till now, and I live it!
The Tribune
2007-07-17 08:36:44 UTC
If our working out is in accordance with Rule Book, the results would definitely be visible and encouraging. On the other hand when the mind is bogged down with worries, fears and uncertinities the results would go tangential!
2007-07-12 06:45:15 UTC
If you keep working out you should get results it's just that sometimes it takes people a little longer. I did simple curl ups for

5 mins. everyday for a month and I already notice a difference. You might just need to get a trainer or make yourself a more intense workout.
2007-07-11 20:33:38 UTC
It takes time at least 2 months to see a big difference and if U wanna see muscle or get tone is all about what U eat

Remember UR what U eat!!!
2007-07-11 01:45:58 UTC
u will only see results in six weeks of keeping up with the exercise that you start with but you need to do the machine exercises and stay with them for at least 6 weeks to even notice anything! do the same amount for both upper and lower arms and legs
2007-07-09 18:57:23 UTC
Do a ton of reps but only on less weight. Instead of working on your biceps instead of qoing ten reps on 30 do two hundred onfive pounds. But never loose the chance to have fun when you work out playing an hour of sports feels like ten minutes an hour on a trea mill feels like a weekend at trafic school.
2007-07-05 10:11:53 UTC
Light Wieght
optomist prime
2007-07-05 09:50:29 UTC
high cardio workouts( at least 30 minutes per day). Light weights, more reps. decrease your calorie intake. Definitely get the result seek. Must be consistent with work out regimen.
2007-07-05 01:53:58 UTC
CARDIO!!!! Don't lift to much weight. Stick to light weights more reps. The heavier u lift the more bulky/big u'll get. Running ALWAYS helps.. or try walking a couple of miles before u lift. A a tan will show more definition (shadows)

Invest in spray!!
2007-08-16 02:00:31 UTC
If you dont see results....youre either not doing your workouts correctly or youre at the point where your body builds muscle...and not losing fat cells. Drink plenty of fluids...make sure you have a good diet to go with your excercising and ALWAYS....ALWAYS STRETCH BEFORE and most importantly AFTER workouts. Its crucial. TRUST ME! But dont get discouraged. It happens to a lot of us. It takes time...sometimes more than others. SO HANG IN THERE! ;)
2014-06-03 08:05:12 UTC
Setting specific goals and plans, a week, for example, can allow people to actually carry out the plan. Example: Run every day for 20 minutes and cut out dessert this week. Next week: Run for 30 minutes, find healthy dinner recipes, etc.
2007-08-02 09:16:51 UTC
Dedication and will power, there is no shortcut way to toning results. Also it cant just be physical it has to be internal as well, like what type of stuff you put into your body. Are you equaling it up with a healither diet?
2007-07-30 17:36:25 UTC
First you have to motivate yourself that you are sexy and you must be sexier.Do it by keeping it on your mind that no matter how ppl think of you,you are sexy,dress up each day which would make you feel comfortable and sexy as well.Dont let anyone intimidate you,Look for a kind of exercises and diet that is good for your health and easier for you to keep up.And most especially do it not only for yourself but to thank God for creating you
2007-07-27 14:55:18 UTC
my ex taught me this one. he's in the army so know's what work's. to make your tummy thinner.

lay on the floor on your back. stretch your arm's straight up over your head hold onto something solid like slip your hand's under the couch something that will hold your weight'. keep your leg's straight raise your leg's about 6inches to one foot off the floor hold it as long as you possibley can. do this for about half an hour. by the end of the first time you do it, you'll see result's cus you walk around with your ab's sucked up kind of like holding in your tummy but it happen's with out you trying. by the end of the week you will have an hour shape figure. i mean it will look curvery at the waist line.

this excercise will get you screaming ouch and yay at the same time. you'll love the result's but it is awfully painful but you get use to it.

good luck
2007-07-25 16:40:10 UTC
what i have noticed is that most people go to the gym and just workout. they don't make an effort to change their diet which would bring that physical change quicker. also gym activity increases for people ant to get into shape for "beach season" but when winter rolls around they forget about the gym and their muscles turn weak. it all revolves around the diet. during the summer everybody eats healthier, but in the winter people make comfort food meaning lots of fat and other things you wouldn't even think of eating during the summer.
2007-07-25 09:48:38 UTC
in the 1st wk of gym u would find aloss of wt could reach 4 kg but u should be more patient to see good results

after few wks try old closes that became tight on u

u will see the diffrence and if not do not worry it is sure that exercise with good diet control will help u loss wt
2007-07-25 08:00:01 UTC
If all the exercise doesn't seem to be paying off I think you should take a closer look at what you are eating. What we eat plays a very important role in toning and losing weight and if you are not eating proper foods this is going to show.
2007-07-24 13:13:33 UTC
1. Flex and feel your muscle after the exercise, it'll feel harder and tighter...a very good sign!

2. After your last set, lift the first sets weights a few times, they're now much lighter than before...movin up in the world!

3. "Air Lift", Go through the motion of the exercises you just completed, without any weights or resistance, see how fast you can move?! making progress ; ]
2007-07-21 22:20:25 UTC
With all due respect I just don't think there is any quick way too start looking toned right off the bat. It's as simple as that. What a heartache to huh? So God Bless You and have a great day!
Stefanie K
2007-07-21 16:23:48 UTC
In the past six months I have lost 35 pounds and cannot physically see the change in the mirror. However, I do see it in my clothes. Clothes that couldn't fit before are now too big--it is very encouraging to go the mall and fit into clothes four sizes smaller.
kirsten c
2007-07-19 03:43:41 UTC
I've had great success in using SELF magazines work out videos. One titled "Sleek to Slim" is perfect for all, beginners in particular. The exercises target specific areas, without any impact on knees or joints. Results are as quick as two weeks.
2007-07-09 18:58:52 UTC
Train hard,eat 5-small meals a day, 60 % protein,40% carbohydrates,make sure the carbs come from potatoes, yams,and not pasta.Remember to rest 24 hours between work outs.Good luck.
2007-07-09 17:32:21 UTC
Well I do the Chris Freytag walking work out videos. the walking ones are great for me because I can't get down on the floor, I have arthiritis. She's figured out how to firm the stomche by walking, and lifting weights while working the heart and burning calories. She's good, do you put out any walking workout videos? I'm always looking for new ones.
2007-07-05 10:13:29 UTC
My secret weapon is pilates mixed with some yoga. I still workout at the gym regularly but the scretch techniques define and bring out a nice sculped look.
2007-07-05 08:49:48 UTC
You've heard it a million times.

Use a weight that you can lift about 8-10 times for 3-5 sets.

Do compound exercises: Squats, presses, lat pull-downs, etc. Squats (and lunges) will give you GORGEOUS legs and a VERY interesting bottom.
2007-07-04 23:06:06 UTC

Do Winsdor pilates, the best excersize/workout out!

Its awesome you will feel the results immediately!

And you only need to do it for 20 minutes 3 times a week!

Do it, i swear by it.


2007-07-10 03:46:26 UTC
Primary results is the tingling sensations one feels and the visual results naturally follow after some time.
2007-07-28 02:41:51 UTC
Building muscle tone as you work out will show improvements. Try a different exercise program until you find one that is right for you. Everyone is different. Try walking alot it helps. You will find a program that works for you if you explore more opportunities. Try a swimming program it also will build muscle tone. And will change your physical appearence.
2007-07-17 14:58:57 UTC
the results don't come right away! you have to work out reguarly for a long time and stay fit and active before you can see physical changes in your appearance. It's not like you can work out for 5 minutes and expect to have broader shoulders and huge muscels!
2007-07-05 08:20:19 UTC

it is wonderful !! so intelligent and well written.

i have been weightlifting/pilates/yoga for many years

it has kept my body young.

sometimes our bodies hit plateaus..adding more reps..more cardio helps..also changing food intake...and then it comes down to our body type.

many times people work out thinking that they are now allowed to eat anything they wish...

this is just not true.

it takes 3 months of daily intense workouts and changing eating habits to see real results.
2007-07-04 16:07:11 UTC
first of all, change in your body can be slow. in a common workout, there will be not much change in muscle mass. instead, it tones the muscles, making them stronger and healthier. only an extremely vigorous workout with very heavy weight will produce a change in muscle mass. also, the most important thing you can do is eat healthy. processed food and diets high in sugar and saturated fat will hinder your muscle building and fat reducing. eating a steady diet of healthy food is the best way to change the shape of your body for the better.
2007-07-04 14:39:09 UTC
2 qts of water a day.....check.

Alternating upper body & abs Mon-Thurs (with 20 minutes of cardio all 4 of those days).....check

30 minutes of hard cardio on Friday......check

I lost 30 pounds in 3 months easily that way and started noticing good results in a month. Nothing is done in this world without hard work.
2007-07-30 07:34:17 UTC
If you're in that scenario, then you're probably doing the wrong thing for the wrong reason. Perhaps the vanity isn't worth it. Play, dance, have fun, and work the muscles in a way that you enjoy, and the question won't come up.
2007-07-29 06:56:01 UTC
You need to do cardio and weight training a couple times a week. but you need to do weights while doing cardio a few times a week. if you tone up, but still have some flab, you wont see the results
Bond 0
2007-07-29 00:12:53 UTC
well, u can see or feel the success of the result after u work, u can notice that u are pushing some thing forward without u feel, but u can feel the success so u can notice yr work out...

lol.. I hope that I write some thing understood.
2007-07-26 01:29:05 UTC
It's really easy.. like anything else long term benefits requires patience. If you dont want to be frustrated dont always look at yourself and your improvement. Dont weigh yourself every day instead wait for a month so that you can see the result.
deb j
2007-07-25 13:40:43 UTC
Remember that stretching before and after a work out is vital

for total over all composition and results. When you stretch your maximizing your potential and toning the insides too. Think about yoga.
2007-07-21 06:43:53 UTC
Yes, sometimes, you see no bright side and wait for weeks for that sunshine to pop on front of your eyes. I try sit-ups, usually it works, but then I eat it up with a big ol' hamburger. I also run alot, it works. Anyway, you'd eventually, eat more sugars, because the glucose in your blood can get low, from running all that much.
2007-07-16 22:04:51 UTC
You may not notice much of a change but it is still beneficial and will tone your body, but dieting also has to go along with the exercise and you will feel better and be in condition regardless if it shows that much or not....bettyk
2007-08-14 06:40:42 UTC
I worked on my arms in the gym, with a trainer 10x3 times of all the arm workout thingys..and in only 2 days, muscles came up and all the flaps went away!! =D...

But you wont loose weight, because the muscle fat is waaay more heavier than the fat in our body...


You should melt away the fat. then start working out for muscles for imeadiate effects.
2007-08-13 12:59:00 UTC
.more reps of less weight but not to many or you just end up being able to endure it for longer thats all also make sure you vary your routine your body will become very good at doing the same move over and over! you need to shock it into growing muscle! this is sometimes referred to as a plateau.
2007-08-05 10:32:40 UTC
Do not do everything in the gym blindly. Do spot work, i.e., work out on your weaknesses first and increase the # gradually. Ask the coach to help you at the gym.
2007-08-01 11:00:07 UTC
You can do the simplest exercises and tone up. I use to dance to lose weight with a baton after I had my youngest daughter. That was years ago. And it really works can do it right in your own home and cost you nothing.
2007-07-27 05:13:22 UTC
Pilates! Of course, you must add enough cardio to deal with the fat above the muscle, but pilates will definitely take care of thhe rest! It is not a magic pill and still requires consistent workouts and attention to diet, but the results are well worth it!
Answers to Nurse
2007-07-21 11:52:48 UTC
I think the real answer is to engage in an exercise that you enjoy, so that you will be more likely to do it. If you are doing an exercise on a regular basis, you're bound to see some results.
2007-07-20 11:39:03 UTC
I'm a bodybuilder my self and is hard to hear people say their body is not changing maybe for several reasons not eating,sleeping properly it could also be your muscle tissues and muscle fibers. You dont need heavy weighs to tone up if you still dont see any changes consult with an anti-aging doctor they know how to treat bodybuilders,athetics people who have difficulties toninig or gaining muscles.
2007-07-19 12:12:40 UTC
get some protein shake stuff that says on the tub, for lean muscle production or something. Take this after each gym workout. also you need to cut out all junk food. they thing thats hidding the muscle is the fat. remove that fat and ull be a toned monster... see some more info here:
2007-07-15 14:45:46 UTC
When you work out, the best way to see results is to do target exercises for the part of the body that you want to work the most. For example eliptical and other weight training exercise regiments can be exetremly beneficial for the arms triceps and bicepts
2007-07-13 10:38:38 UTC
If you want to build mass - increase weight until you max out at 5-6 reps.

If you want to tone and elongate muscle masses-stretch and increase reps at the expense of using less weight.

Some people pack on mass fairly easily when the work out - unfortunately for me, I AM one of those people.

My problem is, I am a woman. I don't want big muscles - so I use lighter weights and increase my reps. Along with stretching (Pilates and Yoga) - I have trained my body to strenghten and tone my muscles, not build them.
2007-07-09 17:32:38 UTC
The only way to see results is to work the inner muscles first then work the outer muscles. You will see results very fast. Even without dieting.
2007-07-05 02:20:08 UTC
well if you mean changings in weight thats hard at first becuase you might gain weight because your gaining muscles. Try playing aerobics you'll see change in your muscles tones and work on your stomach with some exercises because you'll see fast progress.
what's up?
2007-07-04 16:59:36 UTC
The DVD I love is The Bar Method Designer Scuplting. After just one week, I saw results!

After two, I saw toning and weight loss.

That plus walking has really worked for me.

(walking 40 miles per week)
2007-08-07 12:14:21 UTC
Maybe you need to change up the routine at the gym. Also, make sure you are eating healthy!

Good luck and keep going!
2007-08-02 10:09:26 UTC
In other to get real results you have to in-cooperate many different things like watching what you eat, a exercise raiment of cardio, and strength exercise and I fine that when you run it is really easy to see results and tone up.
2007-07-25 11:20:41 UTC
need to do 4 things. #1. Eat SENSIBLY!! No splurging/binging but also not deprevation. Everything in moderation. #2. Weight training- light wts and high reps. done for toning and strength NOT BULK AND SIZE. #3. Cardio training- stairclimber, treadmill, walking. or AT LEAST 20 MIN. #4- Stretching/Yoga- Keep your muscles loos and flexible.
2007-07-21 21:19:49 UTC
I think that you probable wont see results right away seeing that you are the observer, just ask someone else..... If not, maybe you need a trainer to make sure you're working out right. don't do anything drastic, for example go on those nasty horrible diets. p.s. diet coke and anything diet only makes things worse
2007-07-20 09:20:06 UTC
keep good posture_butt tucked in-Shoulders back,bending slightly at the knees( if NeedBe. ) and tighten up your core muscles,before you start exercizing. try to keep your body 'in line' while you exercize (I like to Dance,sometimes with light dumbells). you might have to stop a lot , at first, and ReStance,yourself.but it makes a difference (think-basic yoga)

. and Don't stop at sucking in your gut,either. keep tensing,from straightening up your upper back, right down to the keigels. the tighter everything is pulled in, the better.

if you keep it up ,all during your exercize session, your body ..

well, it kind of 'remembers' to keep those good muscles taut , for a while,anyway, afterwards.

another really easy thing you can do.. straighten up and consciensly suck in your tummy,a bit ,when you walk. It's not vain (as i used to assumed it was :/) it's Good Posture for your core abdominal muscles.

and the big perk of that is, so even tho you haven't acchieved Your permanant results, yet , you are able to see what your results will eventually become . IF you keep Using those Muscles (suckt in , whenever you think of it. ... so they can remember on their own,eventually)

even when you are sitting. seriously.

Try it.. sit up ,straighten your spine, tuck your buttway underyou,and stretch those shoulders back (go ahead -if you've got room and outstretch your arms too.really stretch..... right down to the fingertips. right now.

now relax up , just about halfway , and see if you don't Immediately feel ( and look ; ) a lot better*.


~Laurie < 174.5 lbs /size 12 (*and sitting up straight again,herself)
2007-07-19 03:32:22 UTC
Definitely weight training. You can target any one part of your body you would like to tone. Adding some weight lifting in the desired area to your daily workout will give results.
greek hulagirl
2007-07-13 08:03:03 UTC
Don't stop working out---throw in some serious walking, and forget the dieting. The more you walk, you'll soon find that " the end of each Thinwalking Day, instead of being 'one pouind short, like you were on a diet, you find that you're 'no pounds short - but still one "pound skinnier". This really works!!
2007-07-10 14:27:02 UTC
what can you do to see real results? not eat the 7 twinkies before hand.

best thing ever is seeing someone jogging down the street whilst eating a bag of chips.
2007-07-10 07:42:56 UTC
Watch your eating habit to ensure that you dont nullify the supposed effect of exercise on weight reduction by eating heavily. Also, avoid eating outside meal time and heavy eating but you can eat very small meals and early enough before going to bed to ensure that digestion has taken place. It shall be well, dont give up.
2007-07-04 12:58:23 UTC
The best results I ever had was from cutting the grass with one of those old fashion, no gas, lawnmowers. The muscles on my front were so tough that if anyone had ever tried to hit me they would have walked away with a sore hand and arm. For I pushed it not only with my arms and legs, but my stomach was pushing against it too.
Honey T
2007-08-12 20:45:11 UTC
Well you just have to cut the mount of food that you normally eat pre day also try out physical exercise to help you through plus also eat lots of green veges to help you prevent. so why not try it and see the result.
2007-08-08 04:35:25 UTC
try to cut down to less weight with more repetitions this works because your muscle is getting strained gradually and using up glucose if you use heavy weight you will not do as many reps and will only get a short outburst which doesn't build muscle or create tone
2007-08-07 20:50:07 UTC
honestly im not going to gym.. i just always walk for every single day within 30 minute in the morning. it's work!!! my body have changing now .. last time my weight is 92 kg.. now is 53 kg only .
2007-07-29 18:43:57 UTC
intense workouts... everyday!! drink lots of water (a half gallon of spring water or more a day) stretch until it burns, do the reps even after it hurts and you think you need to quit... remember no pain, no gain.... that is the truth.... you will notice a difference... but if you're looking at yourself everyday in the mirror, someone else is likely to notice the results before you do....
2007-07-19 11:08:37 UTC
I like to base my results on endurance. If it is getting easier to workout or I can last longer than I did when I started, then I know I am getting in better shape. I also like the way I feel when I am done. I have more energy and I feel better about myself. That is a great feeling!

~Have a great day!
2007-07-17 15:29:12 UTC
I wish I knew because I diet and exercise and nothing happens. Its a hormonal thing (midlife), depression and some very big changes in my life over the past year (hubby had a stroke). So dieting and exercise are on the bottom of my to do list because it just causes me more grief than it is worth.
Rashad M
2007-07-15 03:05:49 UTC
well hi lucy danzigar it very easy to see physical change insted of going gym doing hard exercise make shape less body what iam doing early morning warm up your body 5 klms run come back have gls of orange juice (fresh ) have a brekfast with cronflake with banna then cup of tea then usualey in night before sleep have a cocknut water ( fresh ) then see yours changes .
2007-07-14 12:23:33 UTC
One way to get real results is to see if your clothes have gotten loose on you. If they have you're having a physical change in your body; if not, your body hasn't changed.
2007-07-12 16:44:53 UTC
First of all, I would just like to say that you and your wonderful team of experts at Shape Magazine have put together a wonderful collection of reading material for both men and women. I wish more men would pick up and read you magazine; even though that's alot to ask considering it's hard for a magazine to capture a large target market.

Anyway, so what can anyone do to see results when working out? The answer to that is simply, it depends. It really depends on where the person is with their weight at that point.

If the person has around 1~5 pounds of fat to take off, then they need to realize that this will be the hardest fat to take off; so the last thing they need is more negative thinking! (Both men and women), walk into the gym with an outfit to wear afterwards, (make sure it's your favorite outfit "the one you feel most attractive in"). Before you start working out, take a good look at the areas you want to tone, and your overall body. During the workout, remind yourself of how you looked like before you started working out (but at no point during the workout, take a look at your body). This is very important, because it helps create a sharp contrast. It's kind of like looking at your face from day-to-day, where you can't notice a reasonable change. But if you look at your face from week-to-week or month-to-month, you'll start to see a clear change. This is what you need to do, just work out, and when you're done, take a good look at your body. It's good to note that your body is fully worked out at this point, so the stress levels your muscles have should already make you look more toned, and notice a sharp contrast! Now, before you leave the gym, change into that outfit! It's more important to "feel" the change in your body, than to "see" the change in your body. Since your body has just had its dose of endorphins (the body's natural "feel-good" chemicals), you should have no problem walking down the street more confident and happy about yourself and your body.

Now, for people with 10~25 pounds waiting to be burned off, do the same thing as what is mentioned above, but instead of looking at your body that same day, look at your body every (other) day. If you have a sarcastic spouse at home, don't tell him you went to the gym that day. The next day, bring your favorite outfit to the gym, and after you're done working out, take a look at your body as a whole, and focus on the areas you've worked out the most that day. You should see a significant change; significant enough to notice! That's a sign of improvement, a reward for all your hard work. That calls for putting on your favorite outfit, and a smile on your face!

Now, for people with over 25 pounds of fat waiting to burn off; the first thing to note is that (impossible is just a word; and if it's not in your vocabulary, then it's not in your life). After Law School, I reached to the point where I was 35 pounds overweight, and there were points when I thought that it was impossible to lose weight; but it's only when I stopped thinking like that, when the actual weight started to come off. Now, besides the right attitude, motivation is next in line. If you have a spouse that puts you down, or unsupportive friends, ignore them and stay away from them. It's not that they mean harm, but they don't know that you are truly serious about losing weight yet! Follow the same routine as listed above for everyone else; the only difference is, (you're not allowed to look at your body until the end of each week!). At the end of that week (bring a bag with you, which contains the outfit you wish to one day be able to fit back into. Then, try to see how much better that outfit fits, or how much closer you are into fitting into that outfit. You will notice that after one week, there is a large enough change in how well that outfit fits on; that reward is worth the world, and is more motivation to continue and FINISH your goal the completion.

I hope someone finds this helpful, Best of Luck.
2007-07-05 06:40:56 UTC
Work out 5 to 6 days a week..with 1 day in between for cardio only!! Sunday!
2014-06-28 08:26:23 UTC
When I exercise, I usually do crunches (or whatever toning exercise I want to do) at home and then I hit the gym and do cardio there. The next day, I rest, and then exercise again on the day after that.
2014-06-17 19:53:06 UTC
diet is not always a key to getting in shape. Before you actaully start a diet, try just trimming your food portions a bit and try to eat heathier. You may get results from that. ALWAYS talk to your doctor before starting a diet.
subhasish g
2007-08-12 08:13:46 UTC
any workout requires eating lunch or dinner it is to be practised everyday.offcourse with variations like with music watching tv or videos.

you will offcourse see the change after 15 days if you do it seriously and minimum for 45 minutes .
2007-08-06 14:43:38 UTC
combination of cardio and weight training is the best way. cardio to burn the fat, and weight training to build the muscle. you cant see the muscle if its under a layer of fat, and thats where the carido comes in, such as running, swimming, biking, dancing, etc. but cardio alone doesnt build muscle, and building muscle is essential for burning fat. so a combo of both, plus a healthy diet and you wont miss the results!!! cardio 5 days a week, and weight training 3......back and chest one day, legs one day, and biceps and tricepts one day.
Frank R
2007-07-29 14:22:40 UTC
eat right , sleep right, start your work out with a cardio warm up use only resistance machines at end of work out do cardio warm down do this 3 -4 times durring week. relax on week ends and you will get quickest results
2007-07-24 21:29:00 UTC
You the key to losing the weight is aerobic excersise and lots of it. To build muscle, use weights. If you want tone but not bulky muscles, use lighter weights and do many more reps. That way you won't put on a bunch of bulk but firm up the muscles you have.
2007-07-22 15:20:28 UTC
This happened to a family member of mine. Usually, I pattern I often see, is that they work work work for a few weeks and don't see a difference...and then after that, the weight FALLS off. basically, that's when they see the muscle going up and fat going down.
Heidi T
2007-07-19 14:08:42 UTC
We all can eat less and exercise more. We all need to drink a lot of water while we are exercising. We also can hire a personal trainer or when you go to a gym ask someone who works their to help you out and tell you what exercises that you need to do.
Tommy Knotts
2007-07-19 08:18:33 UTC
it depends on what results you're looking for. Most people go to the gym to lose weight, but they don't like to sweat. Some people go to the gym to build muscle mass, but they don't like to indoor pain and this is your problem, with seeing results. find a way to do what you like and like what you do. ps. It must become part of every aspect of your life, for it to make a difference.
2007-07-19 06:23:44 UTC
i use to go to the gym and saw great results after about two months. now i ride bike, roller blade and walk with our dogs which i think is a great way of toning ur body and getting that much needed cardio.
2007-07-18 19:56:46 UTC
You should change your exercise routine, by doing more cardio and lighter weights in rapid succession. You should also change your diet to the ration of 2:1 / protein to carbs. You should see yourself losing inches in about 45 days.
Zuko's mom
2007-07-13 07:31:22 UTC
You can't see results immediatly after a workout, you should also eat and sleep well and continue exercising. Most of all, you have to stay confident, or else you're body will most likley not work with you.
2007-07-12 14:25:33 UTC
You have to use weight traingin. I use a bowflex and Its the only thing I can physically see is when I am toning muscle.

You can not judge your weightloss by using a scale..the scale can be more damaging than anything else. You need to judge it by how you feel inside and out.
2007-07-12 08:49:51 UTC
Hmm. You could just not look in the mirror for a while until your pant size has changed. This is actually a good and hard question to answer. Hope you find the right answer!
I run...
2007-07-11 13:13:31 UTC
many people think all they need to do is cardio and they'll begin to look thinner... however, if all you do is cardio, yeah you'll lose fat, but there's no muscle under the fat to make you look toned and lean. It's really important to mix cardio and strength training into your routine.

Or, if it's the other way around, all you do is strength, then it'll be impossible to actually see your results because they'll still be covered by the layer of fat you had before
2007-07-11 06:25:41 UTC
You aren't going to see results right away, usually it takes about 2-3 weeks on a typical person.
Laura F
2007-07-09 18:10:09 UTC
Don't do just aerobics or track, or spinning. Incorporate weights. If your not seeing a change in muscles tone in a week or ten days add weight the challenges your muscles, but not to the point you strain yourself and get hurt.
2007-07-04 22:29:50 UTC
Three things contribute to getting the results you need....

1) Cardio- running, elliptical, biking

2) Weight training

3) Having a balance diet so that your metabolism is burning that fat.
2007-07-04 13:59:57 UTC
If you are working out regularly and sticking to a healthy eating lifestyle you will have results. Whether or not you can see the results right away is immaterial. Just keep in mind that you are on the right track.
2007-07-04 12:22:29 UTC
It's very simple, consistency is the key. exercise at least every other day, you will never see results overnight, keep at your program for 6 weeks and you will. Don't just work one part of your body, find a workout that works your entire body.

if you want tone without bulking up, increase the number of reps as your endurance goes up rather than increasing the weight.

If you want to bulk up, progressively increase the weight you can handle in a given number of reps without increasing the number of reps.

If you want a little of both, get yourself toned first, then continue with same number of reps gradually increasing weight in steps over a longer period of time (increase weight every two weeks or so) til you have added the desired amount of muscle bulk that you want, and just continue with that program without increasing weight or reps

I used to do weights, cycle and aerobics classes (all in the same workout session), but these days I like a combinaton of nordic track for overall tone (and can do at home while watching TV) and weights.
2007-08-15 14:48:22 UTC
Try to eat right and drink lots of water as well as running 3 times a week it should help
2007-07-25 00:01:08 UTC
beside the gym you should follow a diet to see results on your body. The results need time!!!
2007-07-23 00:57:50 UTC
to see new results all depends on you,you don't see the results but others do and for you to tell youself that you don't see any results would cause you to send a messege to your brain telling yourself that nothing is changing and that is wrong,motivate yourself.

but than again it depends on where you don't see the results,maybe for example you want to see results on your bums,but you aren't doing the right workouts for your bums,so find out where you wanna see results and work on that part of the body and remember,results doesn't come overnight.
2007-07-22 11:56:44 UTC
Get a personal trainer. If you can afford one meet with one once to get a good workout routine then follow it. Some gyms also have trainers available to give you tips for free, since you already pay the membership.
2007-07-19 10:59:26 UTC
At first you may not lose pounds but you may lose inches. Also, you create muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. The way to see results is to keep working and not give up. Also, modifing your diet also makes a difference.
2007-07-15 23:27:03 UTC
I don't work out at a gym but I believe that most people that do, do not need to! And physical change is not good! unless for the better.
2007-07-11 11:25:24 UTC
It's simple eat right and choose wisely to drink excersing in the gym does not always there are alternatives

like riding your bike or run and jog.

and remember bring water or a sport juice i prefer Gatorade.
2007-07-11 03:07:12 UTC
When your muscles start to fill liking melting pudding, give it one more round. That little extra umph will get you the results that you are looking for. Also, find a role model. An achievable role model to look up to for what you want to look like. That's it!
2007-07-10 19:50:16 UTC
yes you do not see the results your self , but they are their .some people are more defined with muscles,but if you were to take a picture of self and then one in 1 month, i am sure you will see more of what you were looking for
2007-07-10 11:27:11 UTC
What we don't realize is we cant tell the difference but the people around us do. I work out daily and my mother says she can tell but then i discount that as my mother dint want to tell me the truth. What i am getting at is it has a lot to do with self esteem too. Lately I measure myself once a week and i am beginning to see what my mother has been talking about.
2007-08-17 10:53:25 UTC
Its a matter of working past the 'burn point'. Merely achieving a sweat isn't anything. When the target area begins to ache and 'burn' -rest it the next day or two, then back to work in the same muscle group.
2014-06-12 19:47:32 UTC
speed walking or running are another form of exercise that will help you slim down over all and achieve a 'fit' body.

swimming is also important since it will keep you in shape without putting stress on your joints.

although working out is important, its also important that you eat well.
2017-02-28 08:26:36 UTC
2017-02-05 07:30:34 UTC
while going out to restaurants attempt to have a healthier alternative
Gaby R
2007-08-01 08:06:42 UTC
Go to the gym for a longer period of time.

Walk to the gym
2007-07-27 04:25:10 UTC
No need to loose your confidence. Surely you will see the results. The changes in the body is visible to others first. systematic and calorie food / balanced diet play an important role in your change. please go through the guidelines found in the following website.
2007-07-24 04:27:02 UTC
I don't buy those (self) and other tabloids anymore. Waste of cash.

I would say join a gym, pick up weight training. Supposed to tone up faster, and gain some muscle.
2007-07-18 10:38:34 UTC
I've lifted weights for about a month and couldn't see anything but was pushed to continue by my peers and shortly after i could see definition in my shoulders. it was the BEST feeling in the world to see that definition. For anyone waiting to see it, i encourage you to keep with it, you will see change in a matter of time, don't give up! :->
2007-07-12 22:54:44 UTC
if person doesn't see results that means that they don't work out properly,that is why very good idea to have first session with personal trainer,that he will show you the right way to work out,and you take over from there,i also don't believe in diets,the person should eat what they like,only in moderation,and than,to do physical things that they like for example like dancing or play sport,i can guarantee you that hard work out will pay off,and defiantly you will see results.
2007-07-05 06:13:50 UTC
It would behoove you to discuss your dietary and fitness goals with a dietitian and personal trainer. That said, I personally believe in the goodness of GREEN TEA! Drinking anywhere from 5-8 cups of GREEN TEA (sans sugar!) can increase your metabolism, provide the body with dis-ease fighting nutrients, and clear your skin. Note: If you're sensitive to caffeine, 5-8 cups of GREEN TEA will make you sick (please discuss dietary changes with your doctor). By working out CONSISTENTLY, watching your calories (do not dip lower than 1200 calories if you're a lady), and incorporating 5-8 cups of GREEN TEA into your diet, you can lose UP TO 14 pounds in 8 weeks! Do the research. Give it a shot! What do you have to lose (other than the fat!)?
2017-03-11 20:55:23 UTC
Make pancakes even healthier with the help of mashed baked sweet potato, a few pureed spinach and blueberries, or maybe cooked quinoa.
2017-03-06 13:56:29 UTC
Exercising each day compared to evening
2007-08-10 12:32:44 UTC
you may not see the results yet but your body is changing if you exercise regularly, also if you lift small weights and do alot of reps you can get toned
2007-07-28 03:04:39 UTC
When we take care of all substances that are really necessary for health building we would really get fruitful results. There are various ways to get it, it all depends on your own physique, nature, habits, daily diets, mental fitness, rest, general state of health and personal life. Now you can think of yourself that what kind of are you to accomodate the fitness within you. You better discuss your problem with a physician to allow the excercises that suit to you.....

hope you got it!!!!
Mariyah A
2007-07-22 23:03:29 UTC
Have patience with exercise.Don't give up.You'll see results.Try using a medicine ball, resistance bands and theexercise ball(one of those huge balls)i think thats the name.These are great tools for weight lose and toning
Nicholas L
2007-07-09 15:51:33 UTC
You can try light weights, curl ups, push ups, jumping jacks, bending your knees as a few exercises to get real results. It is always good to eat right. Someone told me to stop eating after 8:00 PM.
2007-07-04 16:53:20 UTC
you need to do both toning and cardio exercises . you need to focus on the cardio to burn fat . for example you can have a six pack underneath the fat on your stomach and unless you get rid of the fat you will never see the results . so make sure you focus on fat burning and it will help show all the toning work you have been doing .
2016-07-11 17:28:45 UTC
Aim for a 300- to 400-calorie meal.
2007-08-15 17:51:47 UTC
The most important thing is to be patient , if you get frusterated you might slack of then you will never see results . But the best way to tone up is to work EVERY specific body part from your neck to your ankles work each part with at least 2 exersices and do 12-15 reps for toning along withat least 30 mins of cardio an hour if you have the time and wind. plus be sure to eat 5-6 nutritional meals a day which speeds your metabolizam due to the fact it has to work harder .here are some exercises for each body part



front delts - Alternating front delt raises w/ dumbells

front delt raises a barbell

side delt - standing side delt raises

lying side delt raises

rear delt- bent over lateral raises

trapezius- dumbell shrugs

barbell shrugs

full shoulder military press

upright row



Full Pectorial- bench press ( or chest press machine)

chest flys ( with free weights or a machine)

lower pecs- decline bench press

bent arm raises

upper pec- incline press

cable crossover



entire back - wide grip row

lat pull down

lower back - lower back machine


pully dead lift



biceps- preacher culs

dumbell curls

EZ bar curl

Alt. curls with dumbells

triceps- dumbell kickbacks

lying tricep extentions

cable pull down with rope attachment

foreams - wrist curl

reverse wrist curls



leg press machine


leg extention

lug curls

calves- seated calve raise

leg press machine toe raises

standing calve raise

glutes - duck squats

glute kick back machine ( not sure what its call)



lower abs - Hip raises

leg raises

upper abs -crunches

reverse crunches

obliques - trunk twist

dumbell side bend

oblique crunches

dont do all these except the ab section but split them up into to body parts a day and like back and triceps legs and shoulders and chest and biceps and do them once a week do about 3 sets of each exercise you choose about 2 exercises for each body part and 12 15 reps with lieght weight . i gaurentee you will see results if you diet right and use this workout .
2007-07-28 08:52:30 UTC
Learn as much as you can about proper nutrition. Also, I have worked out for a while and never see women who really push themselves physically.

80% nutrition/ 20% training= results
2007-07-26 11:42:35 UTC
Keep at it and keep upping it at least 5 weeks. Then you'll see a change and be motivated to make a habbit of working out.
2007-07-22 18:54:59 UTC
2007-07-21 18:33:07 UTC
I don't pretend to have all the answers, but I saw best results when I concentrated on the targeted areas and also concentrated on my breathing. While lying in bed, try deep breathing. Oxycizing (getting oxygen) to the muscles helps.
2007-07-13 18:41:52 UTC
Hello.. You want fill your body tighting up .You want strong body and get tone be actived don,t ask someone do things for you.Learn be actived do things that involes bending-moving body all up and down and strieghting Dancing very good for your body ,that makes body move up and down right or left and hips and legs all get great tone work out.
2007-07-11 15:31:44 UTC
ok i know i have been working out for like 2 weeks but no results and u have to tell urself it will take time so just keep working at it because it keeps u fit and healthy and eventually it will show results.

ps i am a big fan.
2007-07-04 13:10:53 UTC
I agree. I go to the gym almost everyday of the week. I haven't noticed any results besides weight loss. Thanks everyone for posting this is really helpful. I thought that the higher weight on the machines would get you results faster.

2007-07-22 21:20:28 UTC
Measurements tell the real story. Measure the arm at the bicep(relaxed). The thigh at largest point. And eat a raw foods diet that will really trim off the puffieness and water weight.
2007-08-02 13:52:23 UTC
All you can do is monitor yourself. Measure parts of your body before you start a routine.... thighs, shins, butt, abs, chest, arms. Once or twice a month measure those parts again, and see your progress. It will be slow going, but evenutally when you look back at your before measurements, and your measurments 6 months later, you will see the difference.
2007-08-10 02:49:33 UTC
when you go to the gym dont talk with anyone & give the supplement you will see real result & take the tips from your gym coach .
2007-07-12 05:51:24 UTC
Without spending for costly Gym fees or steam baths For weight loss or bulging belly or sagging breasts, tired knees or laziness whole days. For all theses, I have one prescription of simple exercise of spot jogging to be done in four stages. Or 15 minute each. And that too for first 15 minutes to be done spot jogging. Second stage sits down with crossed legs keep your both hands on waist. Wide mouth, chin touching pit of collar bone at mid of chest. Sway you upper part from left to right, bending up to left knee and keeping in this situation move head to right knee and straighten the upper body. Do this for 15 minutes.

Third part is to be lying down on floor keep eyes wide open, starring at ceiling imagine stadium size clock and your eyes are moving on periphery. Roll your eyes fast on periphery in circle.

Last 15 minutes close eyes; relax body and lying on floor.

Get up after 15 minutes, take warm or hot water bath.

Eat sprouts, boiled vegetables.

Do not eat curd, banana or sweets, or iced foods,

Avoid saturated fatty foods, beef, mutton, meat, fish,

Take natural juice in limited amt.

Take honey 2-3 spoonful with half lemon juice mixed with water to make it one glass

Avoid junk food, pastry, snacks, and irregular intakes.

Regular sleep and food will bring drastic change within 21 days. And continue for 6 months together without break and report at my email
2007-07-29 03:41:43 UTC
it is a matter of time. that type of physical changes get moire time. so keep up ur hard work then u ll find the real result. amila
2007-07-20 02:29:48 UTC
work'll see results but don't eat too much otherwise your doing all those exercises for nothing...and i know that you shouldn't eat anything 2 h before and after you go to the gym
2007-07-19 07:48:45 UTC
I like to take a "before" picture in a swim suit and take my measurements. I also like to calculate my BMI because you can sometimes see that change before you notice any physical changes. Overall I usually notice that my clothes will fit better even before I see any physical changes.
2007-07-18 00:22:23 UTC
Your wardrobe tells it all. You will see a difference in the way your clothes fit. Also go shopping and try on some stuff and than in a month or so do it again. Forget the scale.
big ben
2007-07-13 01:24:46 UTC
you need more understanding towards your own body . know about your body and then focus on your diet and start working out more and very important ask the person in charge of the gym about which kind of workouts suit your body the most
Top Alpha Wolf
2007-07-12 06:28:36 UTC
Take your measurements.

Seriously. Before you start your workout regimen, measure your thighs, your biceps, stomach, etc. Write it all down in a notebook. Do this every week and it helps you see the progress you're making.
2007-07-10 06:04:31 UTC
Even i am also facing that problem.....My height is 5'11" but i weigh around 57 kgs only.......But do u think doing Gym can increase the weight or does it help in only bending the body into muscles
2007-07-04 16:21:41 UTC
Just stay consistent with your exercise routine. Most people will start an exercise routine, but then a few weeks into it they stop. To stay fit, means to stay dedicated. Eating right is crucial too. Cheers!
2007-07-04 15:25:58 UTC
depends on the gyme and you .do you work repetisiously?do reps till they burn then build up to more reps. my self i use a towel to work everything but my abs .isometric excersices with towel work because its conveniant even without a towel u can do them standing or sitting. abs i do with ab wheel start short for first few weeks and work your way out .looking at your picture assummingits you you should be able to stretch out there full length in no time do em till they burn
2014-10-28 14:29:43 UTC
the positive effect there will be on the endocrine system.

too many people focus just on calories and not the source of the calories. the foods that you consume have a direct effect on the endocrine system and the endocrine system governs the human body. it will respond accordingly when healthy foods are consumed regularly and when heavily processed foods are consumed regularly. the healthier the diet the faster results of exercise will be seen

2016-05-02 05:55:19 UTC
Remain faithful to an increasingly slender protein/green veg diet regime
2016-01-25 05:54:29 UTC
too many people focus just on calories and not the source of the calories. the foods that you consume have a direct effect on the endocrine system and the endocrine system governs the human body. it will respond accordingly when healthy foods are consumed regularly and when heavily processed foods are consumed regularly. the healthier the diet the faster results of exercise will be seen
2007-08-06 13:16:03 UTC
When I started breaking up my walking & lifting with some fast breaking conditioning exercises, I really saw know lunges, squats, calf lits, and step sprints.
Solomon Grundy
2007-08-02 10:08:47 UTC
You can tell by how your clothes fit you. Most people forget the diet part of it as well. You can do all the work in the gym, but if you don't change your diet, forget about it.
2007-07-22 20:04:10 UTC
I suggest that you SLOW DOWN when you do your strength & conditioning. Faster is NOT better when building muscle.

Also, keep a journal each day to monitor exercise and diet. One slip is not a disaster. Just pick up and keep going. After all, how many times did you fall trying to learn to walk?
2007-07-22 13:55:36 UTC
To keep going! Most people quit because they don't see any changes immediately. This is why most diets/exercise routines fail. There is no quick fix. Only time and perseverance will get you through!
2007-07-09 15:10:30 UTC
I go to the gym, take some classes and run. I also do the Firm at home when I can. I eat right and feel great.
2007-07-05 05:49:00 UTC
Have you tried doing yoga?

First you need to get "Power Yoga DVD by Rodney Yee" and a yoga mat from the store. Try to do it daily. You'll see the difference after 2 weeks. He's really good.

Well at least it works for me. :P
2007-07-04 17:45:18 UTC
Consistency and persistence till working out becomes a habit like eating, a part of everyday life..then u will see results.
2007-07-04 14:50:49 UTC
Cardio works wonders also you can jog or go to the gym and look up the web to see what you should eat.
Afrodite B
2007-07-17 10:58:38 UTC
One answer. Weightlifting. Maybe you aren't challenging yourself enough. I need to do that in order to see real results. Also cardio to burn fat and a good diet. This way it will be easier to see your hard earned muscle. There are no secrets.
2007-07-04 23:04:33 UTC
you do what is called a full-body workout routine. which is usually done 2-3 times per week and it works out the entire body and builds more tone than strength.
2007-07-04 13:52:33 UTC
a regular (4/week) 30-40 minute workout with 20 minute cardio and 10-15 minute weights will tone ur body slowly but surely.
nana .
2007-08-03 06:37:42 UTC
u wont see the results right now later u will see as well as others will see that your body had changed...

and dont give up and feel uncouraged b/c later u will definitly see the changes
2007-07-30 17:59:46 UTC
well. your body gets more tone.

if you cant tell your body does that, then maybe take a picture of you now. work out for about 3 months or so, take a picture after that. then compare them :).

you will def. see a change.

good luck!!:)
2007-07-30 14:06:30 UTC
umm...........its really annoying when just because someone is a celebrity or whatever they they get thousands of answers

if a "normal" person asked this question than they wouldnt even get 50 answers......

and im sure nobody is going to even read this since its going to be like on the 50th whatever i dont know the answer

all i know is how i feel when celebrities get thousands of answers....when "normal" people only get a few
Frances B
2007-07-27 19:44:55 UTC
For me, eating right and lifting weights. Also aerobic training, but I see the best and quickest results when I lift on a regular basis.
2007-07-19 10:43:02 UTC
There's not a way, because change, regardless of what kind, take time. But if a person doesn't have a belly button, a person might never look thin, when sitting down. That is my problem. What can I do?
2007-07-17 19:51:00 UTC
I just found a weight makeover program that does just that.

It is called the sixweekbodymakeover....and they teach you how to do stretch tone exercises for any particular area of your body....I am taking it also for how to eat right, etc. look it up on the I love it!
2007-07-10 15:24:10 UTC
The key is CARDIO... more then 20 minutes, at a pace you find comfortable, since you only burn sugar the first 20 minutes and start burning fat later on.
2007-07-04 17:56:08 UTC
I use 8 pound weights for my arms and do lots of lunges for my legs and butt. I started seeing results within 2 weeks.
jackie r
2007-07-26 07:57:47 UTC
You also need to diet as well as exercise,eat 3 well balanced meals a day,or like me i have sugar so i have to eat snacks but can still lose weight,by the way if you want a tan lay out when weather permitting but swimming is both good exercise and tanning
2007-08-14 11:24:44 UTC
its proved that your muscles dont develop at the gym

they develop when your sleeping

so you should sleep at least 8 hours

do 30 to 60 min of excersises

and eat right

2007-08-08 11:29:33 UTC
to see real results when you work out work hard on your target areas and if you are trying to tone up do more reps with less weights but if you are trying to get "bough" do less reps with more weight
2007-07-22 13:44:35 UTC
Why dont you try water aerobic they really work fast and it is double the effective rather than running and jogging and all that sweaty stuff, besides you have fun and u stay fresh while your body works out every muscle...
2007-07-19 10:21:45 UTC
My answer is long. Hope thats ok. Ok when I work out, you feel inside your changing, you feel powerful, tired, restored and knowing.

You know what you did is right

You know you'll be sore in the morning

You know you can say No to the brownie

working makes you know
2007-07-18 12:31:39 UTC
dont work out one set of muscles more than one day in a row. you need to give them time to build back up or else you'll just keep breaking them down and end up worse off than you were, eat lots of protein if you work out alot because it helps build musle. if you want to be toned not built, you need to do less waight and more reps. and also do worm down excersizes like running, crunches, or stretching. it will make you feel better and more energized after workin out enstead of tired and beat.
Denise W
2007-07-10 16:52:58 UTC
measurements only

never step on the scale

Did it for months- and it was the KEY to solid happiness.

Im muscular and weigh the same weight as I did really fat, but my body is Hugely different, like four sizes smaller
2007-07-10 13:42:01 UTC
I don't go to the gym. All I see is the waistline on my slacks getting more of a gap. The answer is to stop eating and drinking.
2007-07-05 01:11:02 UTC
A large number of reps with a moderate weight...The least liked part of the answer is...You have to change your eating habits, and this is going to lead to cardio...You have to burn more calories than you intake...
mis Long1
2007-07-16 00:13:44 UTC
I think the question should be what do you see when you are not going to the gym or working out. Lately I have had bursitis in my knee so I have not kept up with my walking routine. it seems as if everything is a bit flabby.

let this be your inspirations
2016-02-14 23:04:00 UTC
Paleo diet its a diet based around eating real food unprocessed
clearly no idea
2007-08-02 19:08:26 UTC
You can expect to see a change in six to eight weeks... but you really have to try... that is you should feel the muscles you trained the second day after training
2007-07-31 20:30:04 UTC
You will have to include weight training to see physical change. Good luck!
potamal s
2007-07-23 03:15:25 UTC
toning result comes if you do the muscle building excercise correctly.

get advise from a good trainer, also try to the repeatation the right way,eat plenty of vegitables,proteins and fruits.
2007-07-19 16:16:02 UTC
you will not see instant results . stick with it knowing you didnotput it all on in one day,the fat has to turn to muscle first.

muscle weighs more than fat .so you have two things going on at the same time ,be patient and all will work out just fine

good luck,sid
2007-07-19 09:55:58 UTC
youll only recognize the changes in the long run,but for a short period of time youll never see the changes.just continue working out and youll see the changes
2007-07-13 03:38:00 UTC
Well try to figure it out for each limb or body~part !?! For instance the arm `s`.,can swing around 360 degrees !?! they are retract`able, !! so you can find many ways to excercise the arms!!just be sure to both stretch them before&after working a muscle!! & do breathing tech's before starting any full-body work-outs !!-~!!! `'R"r,r'r`r.'.-
da sickest chick eva
2007-07-13 03:21:14 UTC
you won't see results while you're working out. it's impossible. it's as saying how can you see you're gaining weight as you're eating. you don't! it happens as the days go by. fat will slowly but surely start melting. your eating habits start changing. you don't necessary need to stop eating all bad food over night. but gradually eat smaller portions. and keep working out! you will first start feeling good and then you will start seeing the changes. guaranteed! :) but know it won't happen over night. remember you did not gain the weight over night right? :) be patient.
Zakyia T
2007-07-12 02:03:25 UTC
Well, I think that you might not notice it at first but when you are really getting used to working out alot then you'll notice that you liked the diet foods, you like the heathly snacks, and you size is getting smaller. thats when you notice it
Confident Girl
2007-07-11 23:55:57 UTC
english language is my mother tongue but i ll try to answer in a possible way

well, I think that when you go in the gym and you don't see results perhaps is that the way you try to keep fit isn't enough

maybe someone must change the way he or she eats
2007-07-05 16:18:09 UTC
Try pilates.

If you do cardio at the gym, it is not easy to see the results. It helps your heart and weight loss. your cholesterol etc.

Working with weight will help you see results but pilates is best.
at work
2007-08-16 19:01:47 UTC
Elliptical. Trust me on this. do it 3 times a week, 20 minutes per session.... in a month you'll see it.
2007-08-08 16:27:23 UTC
sad to say, but you really only see results after you work out, usually a long time after, it takes awhile.

Also sometimes, you really don't see any change, cuz really, you don't expect it to work, at least, that was my problem!

Good luck!
milwaukee brewers
2007-07-29 20:02:29 UTC
first off stay slim in the first place... and second if your not seeing results after working everyday your doing something wrong
2007-07-21 07:15:16 UTC
Moderately increase a variety of exercises. I use to, when I was young and physically fit, start with a swim to warm up; and end with a swim to cool down.
Kayla S
2007-07-12 20:00:19 UTC
Well it wont happen over night, but I would advise you to drink ALOT of water and do ALOT of cardio. Cardio really is the best way to getting that six pack. But make sure to drink that water as well. I hope I have helped you, Good Luck
2007-07-10 10:50:22 UTC
circuit training. if you are focused on toning, this is the best thing for building muscle.

also interval cardio is great. i burned off much more fat doing this, than simple cardio. what i mean by interval is 2-min low intensity, followed by 1-min high intensity, and repeat.

this strengthens your heart muscles, as well as intesifies fat loss
Chris P
2007-07-09 13:39:53 UTC
The quick and simple answer is to to lower weight and more reps. Be sure not to over-train. Give your muscles time to recover and use of a protein supplement helps.
2007-07-04 18:25:03 UTC
During your workout, you start to burn fat after 30 minutes. So lets say, if you do some circle training (without stopping) you start to burn 500 cal per 10 minutes.
2007-07-25 11:40:23 UTC
your abs are really hard to notice because most people think that you have to go all the way up but really after you get past a 45 degreee angle then other muscles start to get involved like lower back muscles
2007-07-25 06:44:01 UTC
well you dont get results right after working out, you get them like 2 weeks later. believe me ive tried it too and i got awesome results a few weeks later. so keep working out , your body will change soon
2007-07-24 16:35:30 UTC
It will take a few weeks to actually see results. But if you want to see results faster you should take extra protein, L-Carnitine, and Green Tea.
2007-07-18 09:11:11 UTC
upper body start out small and go to a set limit nothing to crazy you don't want bulk up to look like a butch -cycling great for the legs.mate the with a healthy diet
Ahmed K
2007-07-18 00:46:33 UTC
from my personal experience, you can eat your ordinary food, just replace soft drinks with diet or sugar free ones, eat salad, food containing olive oil and vinegar, and instead of just doing a regular work out, you can change the way you do your work to involve more movement, for example, walk instead of using car for places that are near, get things by yourself instead of asking someone to do it for you. and above all, believe that you are getting results, and you will get ones.
2007-07-13 21:15:40 UTC
i know this sounds strange, but weight urself everyday. if u don't see a 1lb drop by week's end, u know ur not doing enough. i did it for about 2 months, and believe me, it kept me on the straight and narrow so long as i did it. the instant i stopped, and tried to just do willpower, i started to gain it all back.
2007-07-13 12:08:08 UTC
Work out naked. You will definitely see the results more clearly and immediately, and other people will also make more comments about your body, thus encouraging you.

It might be a problem if your dingleberry or wum-wums get in the way.
2007-07-11 08:14:31 UTC
When we work out we would got draining.Wealth and Health run by measure the toning.We always look after our work out and gym.
2007-07-11 06:14:03 UTC
you know i have just started going to the y.....and they have water exercises and it is not as hard as doing exercises here at thing you are in your bathing suit and keeps you cool........but it does seem to help doing aroebic exercises in water...i still think a person needs to work on their legs, quadriceps and all parts of their body......i have workout tapes i use..........but i also think if you start slow you can get your self up to where you want to be and you will get feeling better and tone your body up...i am 54 years old and i know it my age it is harder to keep me looking fairly good without the exercise and i do not think a person feels good about themselves if they just let their body may start out slow but just keep working at it and do not give up..........but i just loved the exercise in the water........i am a firm believer though to that your diet and your exercise should go you do have to watch your calories especially as you get is easier to get on and harder to get off.....
2007-07-10 09:59:58 UTC
It take @ least six weeks to see results and you have to combine cardio and muscle toning to see real results.
Beauty Expert
2007-07-10 09:13:24 UTC
You know its working when it hurts. After Pilates i feel soar for a week and i can feel results. I have danced 14 hours a week for over a year and i still get soar after dancing. I see it when i feel it.
a bush family member
2007-07-09 18:33:57 UTC
Change of diet is most important in building muscle. Many body builders say about 75% of muscle building is proper diet. No junk food and lots of high quality protein (eggs, poultry, fish, etc). Egg whites are actually the best source protein for the human body.

Soy is not high quality protein and it has phytoestrogen which limits or reverses muscle growth. Also, I read that most soy protein is the left over pulp of the soybean after it has been processed to make tofu or soybean milk. In Japan, that stuff ends up in the garbage, but here in America it is used as "filler" and is called "soy protein". Only the extreme poor in Japan used to eat it when it was mixed with bits of fish. Now the stuff is in American products throughout American grocery stores.

For aging men over 50, it is important to get testosterone levels checked. Or to take natural supplements (L-Arginine Pyroglutamate + L-Lysine HCL) that help to stimulate the production of human growth hormones which dramatically decrease yearly after the age of 40. That same supplement also works for women ( unfortunately one of the side effects is it can be a aphrodisiac for women when taken for over a month, according to university research). And just like the topical cream palmitoyl pentapeptide ( , ) , the supplement has been proven to thicken skin, increase elasticity, and grow collagen when combined with proper diet. The supplement has also been proven to help children to grow taller.

Also, we must be sure not to be tempted to use steroids like baseball players and illegal aliens do. Illegal aliens use of steroids is said to be one of the reasons why they commit so many violent crimes (murder, serial raping, violent robbing, etc). Over 25% of all federal prisoners are foreigners reports the U.S. government (even when they make up a small percentage of the population). That number is even higher in Southwest states where the most wanted lists are made up primarily of illegal aliens.
2007-07-06 12:30:10 UTC
use a tape measure and measure yourself and then in a month ot measure yourself again to see inches that are lost. Also use your clothing as a guide, for example, if you put on a pair of jeans that are snug and in about a month and a half or so, they aren't so snug, then evidently, you must be doing something right :D
2007-07-25 20:09:30 UTC
you should go to the gym for like 5 hours and then when you go home fill a tub up and put icein it alot of ice and put your legs and arms and down body in the tub axept your head then go to sleep your muscles will fell rested and you will fell like they hurt but the tub thing helps your muscles get ready for the next day's workout. they fell sore when you sleep but its good for you.......the next day you fell a change..
Golden Ivy
2007-07-11 18:41:36 UTC
Increase your protein intake supplement a meal with soy and try a more complex workout targeting different areas at different weights. You can also get a trainer, take vitamins and drink soy shakes.
2007-07-11 02:19:53 UTC
Work out everyday & ask your doctor-It depends on your "tabelism".-I think mines high. I don't go to the gym-my daily exersize is getting around on a mountain bike without a choice-(no license to drive).
Old Man
2007-07-08 05:58:01 UTC
Change your routine. I think your body gets comfortable doing things one way. Changing you routine stresses your body in a different way. Worked for me.
2007-07-05 01:24:58 UTC
Jog every day with weights. That's the best total body workout you can get.
vanessa c
2007-07-04 21:39:35 UTC
i started the turbojam program by beachbody,,,its awesome,,,after a few weeks my whole body was toned up and my friends said my hips were smaller and my butt was firmed a believer! (and its fun,,you can do it at home without going to the gym,,you'll get addicted)
2007-07-04 12:28:19 UTC
my husband is a personal trainer.i have been working out with him for the last month.he gets me 2 do 15mins cardio,then do your stretching exercises.after that we do light weights.on different body parts.then we do more cardio for 20 mins.then do some stretching out exercises.then go on the bike or running machine for a light cool down.its working for me.never felt better.hope this helps
2007-07-23 09:59:33 UTC
start out with the Hollywood diet. You lose an easy ten pounds in two days and then you should be content to sit on your heels and lose a steady two to five pounds a week.
Maria Teresa S
2007-07-21 17:19:10 UTC
first a person should focus to what he/she wants to tone his/her body. Check your eating habits, if you done that and you really eager to tone your body, there are ways like detox or cleansing your body and start working out, try walking, jogging, biking, dancing, try to have fun if your married try playing with your kids running doing things around your house is a form of exercise and eventually your body will be toned. Be aware of what you eat.
2007-07-12 16:14:19 UTC
I think a pilate machine and a core ball give you overall results!I have 2 pilate machines in my home!They do an overall workout on your entire body!
2007-07-12 15:40:40 UTC
I've found a low-calories diet helps shed fat, and eating high protein protects and builds muscle. So a low-calorie, high-protein diet combined with weight training and some cardio.
judy c
2007-07-11 05:56:54 UTC
lucy, the quickest i saw results was when i joined curves, in one week, i could see a major difference in my waist, thighs,hips and stomach..but i got bored after 6 months of the repititious of their excercises, and in 3 months i was back to being flabby..not sure what one could do on a contiuous basis to get toned..with out being bored with it
2007-07-10 07:35:05 UTC
How old are you? How tall are you? What's your current weight? How long have you been working out?

"toning" is simple. Build muscle; lose fat. The two biggest mistakes people (ok women) make in "toning" is using teeny tiny weights, and not eating right.
2007-07-05 02:50:41 UTC
work out your entire body and by the time you see your sweat you'll realize the changes in your body
2007-07-04 21:34:52 UTC
Wow, I have never read dumber answers to any question on here before! I think most of these came from people who have no clue about working out and really want to pretend like they do. What kind of airhead answers this question with "just work on your arms, then you'll see results".
2014-06-21 14:32:39 UTC
I really believe that the solutions to most of the problems in the world lie within our hearts and minds, and that's where the influence of family is so critical.
2007-08-04 18:37:12 UTC
Make an appointment with your doctor and go onto sure slim. It works wonders
2007-08-16 12:00:33 UTC
for tone:more reps at a lighter weight.

do reps of 15 instead of 10, if 10 is what you normally do.

do at least 3 of those reps
2014-05-31 20:51:28 UTC
If you want to bulk up, progressively increase the weight you can handle in a given number of reps without increasing the number of reps.
2007-07-24 08:30:48 UTC
You tell about frustration and hard work. It is terrible. It therefore is not easy to advice what to do. What about not caring at all - i.e. you accept the miserable fact and start thinking about something important in life
2007-07-13 09:50:01 UTC
Eat less and I do Pilates. For Woman it's the Core that needs a good workout.
2007-07-12 20:40:46 UTC
i dont know if you know this, but only exercise is only 20% of your success. the other 80% percent is diet. a high protein, low sodium diet could change your results for the better
2007-07-12 09:13:30 UTC
Diet and exercise. Calories in and calories out. In order to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you take in. Lifting weights will tone your problem areas.
2007-07-10 15:29:36 UTC
Low reps with heavy weight creates bulk.

High reps with low weight tones muscles, burns fat, increases stamina and endurance.
Shelley L
2007-07-05 09:34:25 UTC
Step it up a notch and challenge myself. Also, you need to be aware of how much your diet effects your workout results, too.
2007-07-04 20:03:27 UTC
Everybody does all of the easy stuff at the gym, sitting, standing still, etc, ect.

RUN on the treadmill for 30-60 minutes a day. In about 3 months your bod will start shaping up quick.
2007-07-04 16:52:33 UTC
Well, you have to do cardio first if you want to see major changes. A good healthy diet and free weights.
2007-08-12 13:30:41 UTC
you can see the results as early as two weeks
2007-08-06 04:27:20 UTC
detox diet is the best diet to loose weight at home without helps u to lose 5 lbs appox in 2 weeks time by just changing ur eating habbits..

it is a great website that has many pink color links for detox diets recipes and tips to loose weight...try the pink links and loose weight fast at home without exercising
2007-07-11 13:31:34 UTC
I like to swim, because you really see the results because when you swim, you are really working every muscle in your body. In my opinion, swimming is the best exercise you can do.
2007-07-26 14:19:19 UTC
U can know trhe change by measuring your body,does your body feels lighter than before,other measure can be a chalestrol level check.
David Jayson
2007-07-24 14:11:54 UTC
I think there are a few tricks, but I'm not going to tell them.

One suggestion is to keep up the good work consistancy counts.
2007-07-18 19:23:14 UTC
never give up even if you can't see results as it will take time before you will see results. Love yourself for who you are and be patient and if you don't see results, someone else might
Miguel B
2007-07-15 00:58:25 UTC
If you want to know if your losing or ganing weight.I think you just have to take a picture of yourself.Then workout or have a balance diet.If your done with our work out or your balance diet.take a picture of yourself and compare the pictures.
lauren is fred
2007-07-13 13:40:28 UTC
when you go to the gym you can't see a difference. so that's why you get an exercising machine and get only healthy food go for walks and cut down on fast food.
just me
2007-07-12 15:00:20 UTC
u wont see a chang couse we r never satifide with r looks but other peaple do so dont worry and keep up the good work and dont give up. trust me i know. im trying to get back
Animal Lover
2007-07-10 20:13:38 UTC
I look at all the sweat and look at all the things I have done around the gym.
2007-07-10 11:40:20 UTC
Have simulataneous liposuction?

I think it's just one of those things that you have to stay committed to. The results don't happen immediately. Most of the time, the reason you don't think anything is happening is because it is happening so gradually that you don't notice it.
2007-07-05 09:30:48 UTC
Easy - WORK OUT with high reps low weight and chnage your diet to lower carbs - you'll get cut up MUCH faster than any other method.
2007-07-05 07:01:27 UTC
work hard surround yourself with people who love and encorouge you don’t be frustrated just trust yourself resist unhealthy food you will soon see the change good luck
2007-07-05 03:29:44 UTC
Body fitness.
♥•Real Madrid•♥
2007-07-04 15:42:04 UTC
for men is really easy to have big muscles....because of their

testosterone...but for women is must be real hard workout....

and the toning result always comes from a great programme!

I think talking with a professional trainer can really help for having a ideal programme!
Dawn R
2007-07-04 12:42:01 UTC
Studies show protein 45min to an hour after you workout help. But I don't think your problem is a lack of protein because my husband grew a ton of muscle while being a carb-a-holic with little protein. He got his protein from the cheese on hotpockets and every now and then some chicken. I'd say he got about 50 grams of protein a day! You should get 1 gram of protein a day per pound of bodyweight in order to build muscle. So muscle can be built with little protein.

The problem is he did that when he was young and male. It's all about the hormones. Unless you take testosterone you aren't going to build muscle that well. Not to say that girls can't bulk up without taking testosterone. A lot of people spread that lie, but just look at a female cyclist. She doesn't take testosterone and yet she has huge, bulky, toned legs. You have enough testosterone to build muscle, it's just harder because of age, gender, lack of protein, etc.

Do what people advised you to on yahoo answers. But mainly stay hydrated, eat meat, eat enough calories (you can't gain muscle without fuel), don't overtrain (if you are still sore the next time you work a muscle, you're overtraining), never work the same muscle two days in a row, don't undertrain (if you aren't sore tomorrow, you undertrained), vary your workout (if you always use the same amount of weight, same exercise, and same reps your body will not grow), and don't over do the cardio. Cardio uses calories. If you are doing vigorous cardio your body will take calories from your muscle first which means your muscle will shrink. Hardcore cardio robs you of your results from your weight training. This is because your body regards muscle as uneccessary for keeping you alive. Fat is necessary to keep you alive. Fat helps prevent you from starving and helps keep you warm. The slower the cardio, the higher percent of calories burned come from fat. The faster the cardio, the more calories come from muscle. Also, do weight training first, followed by cardio. Weight training requires blood sugar. Cardio depletes blood sugar. It robs you of your ability to weight train well when you do cardio first. A better option is to cardio weight train. That is little rest time between reps and sets, monitor your heart rate, and keep your heart rate in the cardio zone. Only use weight lifting to get your heart pumping. Cycling works very well, try it! You'll get great legs while having fun. You need to push yourself a little while you pedal. Seek out hills, take the hills slow (slower is easier and builds muscle). And most importantly, monitor your calories and workouts on it's a free site and is amazing. It's made by a billionare who's loosing money on it. He made the site just to help people like us! It's got free workout videos, free articles, it's great! It will tell you how many calories to eat, how much protein, how much carbs, how much etc to eat and how much to workout based on your age, gender, height, weight, etc to reach your goal! It can monitor like 100 different nutritional elements in your diet like sodium and vitamins. Check this out: it's been in the news and if you use sparkpeople as a guide I guaruntee you will get results. I've had people who thought they had hormone and metabolism problems who were heavy their whole life lose weight easy with the site. Everyone can get in shape, and it's easy. Check out sparkpeople, I'm telling you. It's everything. Good luck and thank you for asking such a great question, I'm sure these people's answers will help a lot of people.
2007-07-05 09:53:56 UTC
first to concentrate on what u exercise and not on result.

also u will have to change daily routine which is systwmatic and time bound with tension free mind.

apart from gym exercises u will have to changethe diet,

if u opt for pure veg fresh meals and avoid heavy food,

certainly u will c results
2007-07-22 22:00:34 UTC
Eat less work more you can see the physical changes.Coz Body require pain & more execrise.
Johnny Rocker 89
2007-07-17 05:14:53 UTC
Try drinking more water can actually work for me. I need to exercise more. When I do, I see no results. It almost sickens me.
2007-07-12 06:56:36 UTC
2007-08-02 15:16:12 UTC
you dont see results in a hurry but you do feel a change after a few weeks keep it up and then you'll see
2007-08-02 09:35:18 UTC
when i go to the gym its for toning. doing more reps with less weight on tones muscles whereas more weight builds muscle. you won't see the effects of your workout while you're doing it so don't worry about that, but i notice that muscles become tighter with repeated routine.
sitenta f
2007-07-29 07:38:22 UTC
exercise is good for your body on many levels but if we never exercise but eat right we should still see results of fat loss and your clothes be loss.
Isabel V.
2007-07-22 18:56:47 UTC
One thing you can try is taking pictures of yourself daily or weekly and compare the pictures so you can actually see what results you're getting.
2007-07-17 09:12:09 UTC
Well I have had the same problem lol, but it is possiable to see results as long as you exercise and eat right
2007-07-14 15:05:32 UTC
Lifting weights helps you tone quickly. Situps tone the abdomen.
2007-07-05 12:09:32 UTC
From everything I've read, it's healthy dieting along with weight resistance. To lose weight it's healthy dieting, with weight resistance and aerobics.
2007-07-04 21:29:08 UTC
1. are you doing the correct procedures and exercises?

2. your targeted areas and time frame?

3. your diet

4. your rest

5. your fitness level

6. your exercise frequency

7. your equipment used

all played a part or another.
2016-04-12 02:42:56 UTC
Keep cut-up fruits and vegetables in the fridge to take hold of for snacks or easy dishes.
2007-07-20 18:58:51 UTC
Do resistance training with those tension cords.. certain exercises and movement focus on those muscles to tone and sculpt. Try that.
2007-07-18 04:12:22 UTC

no matter what one does,

diet control, work out, medicines,

yoga, you name anything.. etc

the benifits are non-permanent,

believe you me,

one need no efforts to have a physical change

body is mirrior of mind and mind is mirror of heart and

heart is mirror of SOUL.....

start from reverse and thats all, or

just tell me, i know how to re-construct body

in accordance with the DNA print avaible ...

just like that...

koh raymond
2007-07-16 00:08:11 UTC
Just sharing, best way is to sit and stand strait even the person had did workout. Most of the people were stay relex for after their exercise.
2007-07-12 11:14:57 UTC
take a break every 15 minutes. That works for me and when i do take a break i eat nabs because their a small snack.

Heres some tips, too:


Core Exercises

Core exercises refer to exercises that target the abdominal and low back areas. You will find some exercise for the glutes will help, too, as these areas function together. Pilates exercise specializes in the core, but some traditional strength exercises like crunches and back extensions also are effective. You can work these areas every other day. Start with one set of crunches, an exercise for the oblique abs, and an easy back extension, if you are out of shape or recovering from surgery. Increase difficulty slowly. If you're in good shape, start at an appropriate level. Remember, you will not see abdominal definition unless you have a low percentage of body fat, but it's important to have strong abs anyway.


Exercise Frequency

Government guidelines recommend getting at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week. This is generally aerobic exercise, though vigorous gardening or housework can also qualify. Some weight training is also recommended for your overall exercise plan. Try to do some exercise every day. If you want to use aerobic exercise to control blood pressure or insulin resistance, you should do some at least every other day. If you want to lose weight, 60 minutes a day is recommended. That 30 minutes is a minimum.


12-minute Fitness Test

To get a good idea of your fitness level before starting an exercise program, try running or walking for 12 minutes and see what kind of distance you can cover. If you cover a mile or more you´re in decent shape. You should feel good about where you are. Start your exercise program at a more vigorous level if you do well. Don't feel bad if you don't get close to a mile. Most beginners can't. You just have to start out at a pace that is comfortable for you and increase it as your fitness improves.


Calorie Burning

If you see that a given aerobic exercise burns a certain amount of calories, e.g., running a mile burns 100 calories, be aware that the number is usually based on a 70 kg (154 lb) man. If you weigh more than that you will burn more calories for the same aerobic activity, and if you are lighter you will burn fewer calories.


Aerobic and Strength Training

Weight training and stretching exercises go hand in hand. It is not true that weight training makes you inflexible, as long as you use full range of motion and do muscle stretching.

In contrast, aerobic training, like running, can make your muscles tight, so aerobic athletes need to stretch even more than other athletes.


Beginner Fitness on a Budget

Fitness doesn't have to be expensive. Ultimately, any money you spend on a serious, committed fitness routine will come back to you tenfold in health, fitness benefits, happiness, fewer sick days at work, more energy, and better quality of life. But, if you're you're on a tight budget, never fear.

A fitness exercise band such as the B-Lines Resistance Band is relatively inexpensive, as are hand weights. An exercise ball can also help you achieve fitness without asking you to rip into your savings. And, let us not forget the endless natural terrain that Mother Nature provides for us to run on!


Diet and Weight Training

No fat, no muscle gain. Sumo wrestlers in Japan know this. (So does Hilary Swank, who had to eat 210 grams of carbs per day while weight training for “Million Dollar Baby”).

Before embarking on a weight training routine, adjust your diet. Try infusing your diet with flaxseed oil, high in fat (Omega-3 fatty acids), and also egg whites, which are high in protein. Drinking protein shakes can also give you energy during your weight training program.

You might not need to eat quite as demanding a diet, depending on how demanding your strength training exercise is. But as Suzanne Somers has said, fat is not the enemy. This is doubly true if you're doing strength training. “Eat your greens,” Mom's sage advice, holds true for a weight training diet as well. You'll need to add nutritional supplements, particularly if a high-protein diet (or egg whites) doesn't agree with you).


Cardio or Aerobic?

Cardiovascular (cardio) exercise refers to exercise that strengthens the cardiovascular system. Aerobic just means in the presence of oxygen, and aerobic exercise refers to exercise that lasts long enough to require oxygen. The same type of exercise satisfies both of these qualifications, and the terms cardio and aerobic exercise are used interchangeably. Aerobic/cardio exercise uses large muscles, usually the legs, in a rhythmic fashion. Examples are running, walking, bicycling, swimming, cross-country skiing, rowing, skating, and machines such as stair steppers and elliptical trainers.

Comments Tip Rating


Exercise and Cholesterol

Exercise can help improve your cholesterol levels, even if you don´t lose weight. Exercise raises your level of beneficial HDL cholesterol. This has been proven for aerobic exercise, and may be true of strength training as well.


Exercise and Diabetes

Fitness helps your blood sugar! If you have a family history of diabetes, or other risk factors, it´s time to get moving. A recent study showed women who exercised moderately or vigorously in a fitness program more than four times per week had half the risk of developing diabetes, and even lesser levels of exercise provided some protection. Other research shows exercise helps men avoid diabetes as well.
2007-07-10 18:27:39 UTC
Use weights. Start with three pounds for each arm and work up to five pounds, eight pounds, etc.
♥LuV my preppyness♥
2007-07-09 17:56:47 UTC
I just do regulare push ups and thanx for asking the public<3
2007-07-05 11:04:44 UTC
If you want to measure, use a measuring tape to ensure that changes are occuring in your body.
2007-07-04 14:44:31 UTC
do lots of repetition with challenging weights and also make you you eat lots of vegetables and fruits(helps tone body) but also make sure you have enough protein for strength and recovery purposes
Steve W
2007-07-16 19:11:50 UTC
what changes are you looking for Lucy, and how fast?

Most workout plans will take at least a month if you are doing them religiously (3 to 5 times a week).

Make your evaluations more month to month than "instant gratification." keep at it! also consider cross training, try swimming, yoga, running etc., and have fun!
Earth to Mars
2007-07-15 05:30:54 UTC
Picture before you started working out and then take another every month
2007-07-04 15:23:25 UTC
a low carb high protein diet, cardio excercise (biking walking, taking stairs not lift) and mix it with dancing when out a club - also using lateral thigh trainer and dancing round the house -
2007-08-07 21:08:32 UTC
my son is doing it at home with weights and hes using dr atkins diet. just no charbolhydrates and he eats meat, fruit and nuts all the time and hes gottenresults in one week showing muscles.
2007-07-21 16:22:59 UTC
change the workouts all the time do not let your body get use to one way. It is hoped that you feel the difference
2007-07-18 06:53:26 UTC
at the end of every week when you have worked out you can weigh yourself to see the results.
2007-07-17 05:32:53 UTC
as long as you are working on toning your body consistantly then you will see results in no time.. however; i cant tell you how to get rid of a stubborn belly...
2007-07-16 17:33:13 UTC
dont look at yourself on the outside you have to think on the inside and say hey i did really well today and im gonna try to do even better tomorrow! you will see your whole attitude will change completely! hope i helped! <333
2007-07-04 16:58:49 UTC
mix up your cardio and strength training and try drinking protein shake atleast a glass a day.In a month you should see results
Laura Block
2007-07-04 12:13:30 UTC
Well, first you have to actually be doing exercises correctly. If you want to do the things correctly you can go to a physical therapist or a personal trainer. Also, you have to do cardio and the muscle training to burn the fat. OK I hoped I helped!
2007-07-28 02:31:33 UTC
Stay off the scale and avoid looking at yourself in full length mirrors for as long as you'll notice a difference
2007-07-25 17:37:21 UTC
Try stop being curious of your training. Wait for like a month or so and you'll notice the difference one month ago.

Best of luck
2007-07-21 02:24:01 UTC
if your really working out the tone will show but dont expect immediate results
2007-07-19 15:00:51 UTC
Do lots of reps with light weights, swim, and do sprints. Drink lots of water, and cut back on wheats, dairy products, sugar, and junk food. Visit to see why.
2007-07-18 20:20:14 UTC
it takes time to see the change within a few weeks or so you will probably see your muscles are more toned and you are stronger
2007-07-18 12:53:17 UTC
when u go to the gym be sure to change your work out routine every time, be sure you dont do the same thing every single time your body will get used to it and you will work the same musles every single time!!!
billy v
2007-07-13 14:00:01 UTC
You just jump in at the Yahoo site and let the "flow" sweep you away with such a beautifull site
2007-07-10 09:52:25 UTC
Don't eat as much and have a load of fruit and work out a bit more
2007-07-04 12:21:09 UTC
Well: it is very important that we all stay healthy by doing

" Daily exercises at Family Fitness Centers also has an program with Arobic Classes and You can enjoy workouts

with their Equiptment too "
2014-07-22 20:18:41 UTC
Of course your diet also has a lot to do with it, but with this kind of workout you can get away with the usual flaws in he diet.
2007-08-14 09:05:29 UTC
Keep going and if you don't see results try watching what you eat.
2016-02-25 12:07:05 UTC
Keep cut-up vegetables and fruits in the fridge to seize for snacks or easy dishes.
Cutie Pie 911
2007-07-21 16:11:52 UTC
keep working out after a while you will see the difference.
2007-07-30 04:17:35 UTC
it depends on the person so get a personal trainer at the gym and then folow the rules exactly!!
Lisa L
2007-07-26 12:12:19 UTC
SLOW SLOW SLOW.....100 fast sit ups are equal to 50 slow if you want to see results control your movements, resist and slow down the repetition.
2007-07-23 18:55:23 UTC
you can do 100 scrunches every day of the week to build muscles in your abbs! also take a 5 mile jog around the nabor hood every other day of the week! do about 50 push ups once a day!
2007-07-23 17:14:04 UTC
how about including more than one type of work out, when i played football we had a work out program (offseason) that including weight lifting on mon and wen, sprinting on tues and thurs and stretching on friday we would stretch for about 2 hours long holds on all the stretches and alot of partner stretching.
lost angel
2007-07-22 20:32:05 UTC
for me running seem to work for me, not just @ the gym i go to the park and get a real work out with my kid,
2007-07-21 13:27:24 UTC
Well you sweat alot and you feel very fresh-not the sweating but the loosing weight-if thats ur choice I go for healthness.and you feel you want to jump off a cliff with enegry! wooo!! :D
2007-07-21 04:51:43 UTC
Let me tell u an incident-

when I was 9, my uncle was really fat. he got depressed, and started working out. But It was too much. He din't lose a bit of his weight. He stopped eating all buttery oily food, stopped having rice and having bread and all types of sweets. He lost 9 kg's that month.

Hope u understand wat I want to tell you through this story..
Starte Christ
2007-07-19 13:06:20 UTC
Do the best that you can and enjoy your body the way it is.

It could be that you are stuck just the way you are no matter how much exercise or dieting you do.
2007-07-05 09:05:07 UTC
The easiest test is to check your heart rate! Your heart rate will decrease if the effort stays the same showing that you are in fact becoming more toned.
Joseph M
2007-07-05 03:52:07 UTC
if u are slim i recommend that you use smaller weights and do 3 sets of 20 but do ur cardio first.if ur bigger use heaver weights and do 3 sets of 10.and the best way to get abs is an exercise ball.
2007-08-03 12:10:01 UTC
will its hard work but if you wanna know if you improve is when you feel the burn, feel your muscle tighen up and the after sore...thats when your old muscle cells died and build up new muscles cells thats why u tends to get sore the next day... be sure to eat alots of protein
Stevie B
2007-07-31 10:06:44 UTC
Increase the bass and lower the treble.
2007-07-25 15:27:28 UTC
Go with the new workout system called TURBO's freekin' awesome. Go to to find out the information!
jack b
2007-07-23 07:18:17 UTC
you wont see the results when you work out. it will be after working out, but it takes time!
2007-07-23 02:09:08 UTC
First of all give yourself time, second are you eating right and drinking enough water and getting enough rest? Rest is just as important as exercize in my opinion. Good luck!
2007-07-21 15:42:32 UTC
Do the actual work, the gym doesn't work...find a stadium and do stairs! Run/jog there.
■ Jessie ■
2007-07-10 16:09:48 UTC
I would rather feel the result then see it.
2007-07-05 08:56:10 UTC
Use free weights! Do it old school. Also, listen to music in your headphones that gets your agression up. Get mentally pumped to throw some weight.
2007-07-05 08:28:28 UTC
your don't see ur body change. it is slow. get toned by doing low weight alot of reps. make sure your muscles get compleatly worked. it helps if you get on a program.
2007-07-04 21:25:02 UTC
Dont be afraid to work intensely because "toning" doesn't really get anything done, its kind of like saying, "dont try very hard"
2016-12-25 07:15:57 UTC
Your body is obviously using many calories from fat, along with physical exercise making you burn off all of them faster
2007-08-15 23:50:08 UTC
id like 2 know 2!
2007-08-14 12:42:31 UTC
more reps vs. heavy lifting will help increase the toning of your body.
2007-08-09 09:00:21 UTC
Dear Lucy, Just now I answered the question which is similar to your one.Please read that and it will help you.
2007-07-25 21:42:08 UTC
Stop reading magazines about working out, and go do more working out.
2007-07-19 00:17:13 UTC
Fat loss occurs if there is a balance of Carbohydrates, Proteins and Timing of meals.

Following is FREE trial food plan. Following this will cause fat loss of 2-4 kg per month IF followed 100% without any changes. Reduce Oil/Ghee to 15 ml per day.

This plan is given free of charge by for trial.

Pass this plan to all who are struggling to be healthy and getting misguided by Nutritionist, Dieticians and Gym Instructors. This plan is developed after 7 years of study by Dr. Vinay Jadhav



7.30- Tea (Brook Bond-red label) + Sugar 1 tsp.

9.00- choices are- either one of below-

1) 40 gms of Cornflakes with milk and Sugar.

2) 200 gms of Cooked Upma.

3) 75 gms Bread + Chutney

1.00 Lunch- 120 gms of Cooked Roti + Veg ( without daal, besan or Sugar)

+ Rs. 10 worth Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate

5.00- Coffee (Bru) with Sugar + 3 Good day Biscuits (Britannia) any flavor.

9.00- 100 Gms of Cooked Roti + Veg ( without daal, besan or Sugar)

100 Gms of Cooked Rice + 1 Katori Daal (dry weight of uncooked daal is 25 gms)

+ 4 Krackjack Biscuits after Dinner.

Write a food diary, to check your own compliance. Weigh food on a kitchen weighing machine of maximum weight capacity 500/1000 gms before eating. Don’t use 2/5 kg weighing machine.

Stop Fruits,Curd, Potato and other Vegetables having starch.

Do not reduce or increase above quantities ,Do not change time nor

Change the items, to get best results.

In case you wish to walk/exercise- the time is after 5 p.m.

No exercises are needed for fat loss.

Changes in weight will occur within 21 days.

Once you are satisfied that food yoga plan works for easy fat loss

You may ----Ask for a personalized NON Calorie reduction/NON exercise food plan for fat reduction program online-

Advantages of Personalized Food Plan-

1) Quantity of food to satisfy hunger prescribed.

(Standard plan may leave you hungry or Overfull)

2) Multiple options to eat/drink.-Noodles, Pizza, Coke, etc.

3) Alcohol allowed if required.

4) Non Vegetarian food allowed.

5) Step by step guidance, for 2 months.

6) Solving all food related queries by MD Doctor.

7) Tips on weight Maintenance, which is more important

than just weight loss.

8) Special food plans for Diabetics, Coronary disease and

other diseases.

Any queries- mail to- or

Phone- +919850019590

Disclaimer- Standard food plan is NOT suitable for Diabetics, Children and Pregnant mothers.

Take Vitamin and Iron supplements in addition.

Please forward this plan to all people you know. Let the world be free from obesity and its complications.

2007-07-14 20:08:21 UTC
I don't think you will see real results unless:

You are consistently exercising (beyond your comfort zone).

Your diet is low-fat and healthy.

You get enough rest.
2007-07-12 22:00:52 UTC
consistance and persistance for at least half hour at least every other day. picture yourself or you will not notice change.

eat healthy and drink a lot of water there is a lot to dispose of when you work out.
2007-07-11 08:39:17 UTC
Qualty not quantity, executing excersise correctly is the key to results, slopy workout=sloppy results!
2007-07-10 04:09:45 UTC
Well, I'm a 17 year old male, so I don't need to work out. Ever. God bless metabolism.
2007-08-08 00:00:25 UTC
smoke pot. sit on the couch, and eat a whole bag of chips while watching spungebob.


just max reps 3x a day every day for six months should do it
2007-08-07 04:05:59 UTC
only working out cant make you the perfect must eat healthy while working out.and drink as more water as you can.
Fran J
2007-07-28 20:52:49 UTC
measure your self and keep a record of your weight measure your biceps ,thighs,stomach, and legs .write it all down.and once a month reweigh and measure every thing .youll see a difference
2007-07-28 14:03:03 UTC
Could be due to your lack of having regular bowel movements, or have you realized that muscle weighs more than fat?
2007-07-23 15:17:40 UTC
I never "work out". I only do pilates and yoga....that sort of thing. And i am in great shape! When i work out i bulk up too fast with muscle.
2007-07-23 01:53:38 UTC
practice make progress. Keep up the good work, and in time you will see the new you.
tarkia k
2007-07-19 13:02:42 UTC
well, i dont go to a gym, but i dance 30 min. to my fav. fast paced songs. i started to see that when i do that, i can feel myself getting less and less out of breath so early on.
α ρℓα¢є ¢αℓℓє∂ мєℓαи¢нσℓу .
2007-07-18 17:23:46 UTC
I guess to tell yourself that you are trying hard to do this and you gotta work at it and make it a commitment and not some game.
2007-07-10 09:09:18 UTC
reduce your expectation to the practical speed

The body takes its own time to evolve, and keep doing the exercises to let the body shape up.

consult professional advice.
2007-07-04 12:36:01 UTC
Start with your eating,diet,as some like to say.Just eat healthy, leave alone the junk food.Contact and I explain this.You need a workout partner,spotter,guild the weight.Start with basic workouts.Legs-Cavs,quads,hamstrings..your legs is where your strength and energy comes from.Abs-lower,upper,obliques.Your back is only as strong as your stomach.

Arms-biceps,triceps..Chest-flat bench,inclines upper,declines..Back-upper,mid,lower..Lats-pulls..Traps-shrugs..Shoulders-front&rear delts..I will fix you a workout for all these..Let you know how to do them..with my system I use.

any questions contact me..thku good luck..
2007-07-22 22:13:09 UTC
I try to work out a different area every day.
2007-07-18 19:54:35 UTC
Pilate's is great for toning, I have been doing it for two years and my body feel soo nice and tone, my arms look long and lean, my waistline seems longer and thinner. try it out.
2007-07-18 19:23:28 UTC
Consider amputating an arm or a leg. You will lose weight and the physical change will be quite obvious.
2007-07-10 15:12:17 UTC
you should be able to feel your body changing before you see it. ie added energy and vitality. if that is not enough to motive you then sorry thats all we get
2007-07-05 06:31:31 UTC
I make sure my work out is so fun, that I'm focusing on the fun and not on the work out. Example: dancing on loud music one evening...
2007-08-16 16:24:03 UTC
you might not see it because probably after you exersice you eat you shouldnt do that you should always eat and sometimes it takes a long time to make your body look differnet
2016-12-26 07:18:28 UTC
Add fiber-rich veggies, avocado, and berries to your smoothie to satiate hunger for hours.
2007-08-13 04:47:05 UTC
I did sit ups, push ups, and three different leg lifts, forward, back and side...worked wonders.
cheri h
2007-08-11 13:53:59 UTC
you need to lessen the fat content of your body to be able to see huge results
2007-07-31 17:10:05 UTC
RUN!!! trust me i lost 30 pounds in 30 days they were p mile runs tho... but it worked
2007-07-27 23:21:45 UTC
you should work hard then only you can achieve in your

life,likethat go to,search for your useless qusetion dont waste my time by asking such a question. Time is preciuos okey
2007-07-26 22:18:59 UTC
well, you can excersise a little bit more and maybe go on a few bike rides...but you need to make sure your eating healthy...see, the healthier your diet is, the smoother, and more complex your skin will be...and it will help after you excersise daily!
Sue G
2007-07-19 10:41:53 UTC
the BEST way to see real results is to incorporate eating right with daily exercise + patience..aerobics+weight training and eating right!
2007-07-14 23:46:46 UTC
maybe take a picture of your self what you look right now and a one before keep doing this you will notice your results
Kathryn E
2007-07-09 10:41:45 UTC
It takes time. It doesn't happen over night or one week. Keep at it and you will see the difference. I promise.
Rafael J
2007-08-16 08:04:46 UTC
TAKE TOTAL CONTROL w/the shapeworks program I got from

I can help you if you want ton stay healthy
2007-07-18 07:37:24 UTC
its all about the diet and preformace. you are what you eat. if you just fly through your workout and don't pay attention to your quality of reps than it like throwing it all away. plus you have to change up workouts. your muscles remember how to move. so change it up alittle.
2016-02-21 15:44:24 UTC
Keep away from polished cabohydrate supply
Fernando J
2007-07-21 01:11:23 UTC
Why I fall in Love with woman half my age and I want I can't get she one I known I feel her and she known that my heart but she not really
Sylvia C
2007-07-05 11:44:30 UTC
personaly as long as i can work out i get toned i have very high metabolisim so i lose weight easily
megan w
2007-08-11 15:03:05 UTC
eat a low fat diet such as a vegan or vegetarian or cut out fat and you should see results. or do higher reps.
2007-07-20 11:49:40 UTC
It is best to do higher reps with lower weights to tone muscels
guy t
2007-07-18 20:28:37 UTC
I know exactly how you feel. Don't let it discourage you, let it motivate you to work even harder and results will come.

hang in there....
2007-07-17 22:54:36 UTC
1)quit gymming – do banal morning exsercises!

2) set your daily budget for meals = $2;

♥ in a month the result will be amazing! ♥

3) set your daily budget for meals = $3; and keep it on!


shapes will come by themselves since you are still very young!
2007-07-11 09:34:13 UTC
Gobble Gobb;e Gobble
lam shu hoe l
2007-07-05 01:17:46 UTC
if i want to get real toning results i must just keep in with my

great mad time table
La ShY GiirL
2007-08-13 15:28:33 UTC
try contacting Michael Thurman if you have the money if not find his diet and exercise regimens on google or something.
2007-08-11 05:50:07 UTC
Do a combination of excersizes along with the main ones. also try using those MUSCLE STIMULATERS!!
2007-07-20 12:51:18 UTC
Workout with intensity, change up your workouts, make sure you're diet is where it needs to be, and get 8hrs of sleep.
dennis h
2007-07-16 07:11:14 UTC
I will eat more vegetables and fruits...after taking too many fats. I dont work out much. This way dont cause you to loose weight, but i maintain your weight ( wont gain extra weight)
2007-07-12 18:27:28 UTC
Diet is a big chunk of it, but the most important thing is to stay motivated.
♥Master of Puppets♥
2007-07-12 14:06:17 UTC
I just think positively. If you know you can achieve a goal, then you'll see results.
2007-07-12 10:22:58 UTC
I suggest carry stacks of your worthless rag to a 100 reps each day and you'll shave pounds galore!!

Thanks for promoting the love of self! (not)...whatever happened to love your neighbor as yourself!??
2007-07-11 21:17:03 UTC
High reps low resistance and then variance and persistance. Variance and variety.
2007-07-09 18:20:37 UTC
Things take time wait a month and you'll notice the difference.

and not everything comes fast of physically.

If you fell better about yourself your doing it well and right.

see yea
2007-07-09 17:34:43 UTC
Hey are u a porn model because I google you and saw your vagina really, that is weird, also great vagiana elastic, lol.

O you got one boob begier than the right

you should make cirguiry if you are try to exercise boobs it is faster by the way, I love you:), would you marry me?
2007-07-05 11:20:33 UTC
More controlled reps, less weight and give your muscles time to heal and rebuild..
2007-07-05 08:41:52 UTC
You must continue everyday even when it burns. Dont take a day off because your sore! Push yourself a little past your burning point every workout
2014-04-09 19:22:26 UTC
olha se junto com a academia vc estiver tomando suplemento entao e possivel da certo.
2007-07-11 03:25:35 UTC
I always used the Weider program it worked very well for me helped me in my skying ,etc from IAN
2007-07-29 17:24:53 UTC
you could run or do a high impact aerobics be careful of what you eat providing you are using weights do more repitions
2007-07-29 04:30:46 UTC
maybe you need to choose another form of exercise and change the previous diet.or need little modifications for your needs.
2007-07-27 19:17:35 UTC
You need to exersise lots. eventually you get results. say if you tense your stomach, it'll feel like wood. Well, as hard as wood, steel.
2007-07-23 17:49:44 UTC
Who asks a question like this. You sound like an infomercial. Way not to relate to anyone.
Uncle Remus 54
2007-07-23 17:08:26 UTC
Try harder and keep experimenting; but most of all stay committed to expecting to see change.
2007-07-22 08:25:00 UTC
I think that as long as you feel toned, it must be a great workout. =) I'm sure people will notice the difference,
Shelly Z
2007-07-12 14:54:18 UTC
Pilates four days a week and a raw vegan diet/lifestyle will work...
2007-07-10 20:14:53 UTC
Unless you also go on a low cal. diet you wont see very much at all.
wendy h
2007-07-06 13:01:23 UTC
i go to the gym and do the bodypump and bodycombat classes, they definitely tone you up, physically and mentally. if you don't like doing classes, do some weights.
2016-01-17 21:30:25 UTC
create a panel round the food store before you start looking
2007-08-15 21:53:04 UTC
mashers yourself every week and write it down and dont forget it takes time not everybody body handles weight the same and muscle is heaver then fat
2014-05-27 05:21:54 UTC
its important to also get those sweets in. indulgence is okay, but over indulgence in anything won't help you achieve your goal any faster
2007-07-25 09:00:18 UTC
i think it takes time to realizing about body changing it depends to the persons how you follow instructions.
2007-07-17 16:05:34 UTC
Im thinking that it could be something so simple like buying new clothes that would highlight you new bod.....keep up the good work!!
damon j
2007-07-16 20:42:24 UTC
lift light weight and high reps it really works try it for 3 weeks
2007-07-14 15:00:04 UTC
it takes time

3/4 sessions of weights a week over 10 weeks and I lost 6inch off butt and 3 off waist

I still feel I look a blob
2007-07-12 13:43:31 UTC
You looking for magic? OK: Abracadabra.

But nothing will show more on your bod -- or make you feel better all over -- than eliminating all animal-derived ingredients and products from your life.
2007-07-10 12:24:57 UTC
drop body fat % to about under 15% and do high reps with low weight and make sure your doing cardio and thats all you need
2007-07-04 15:06:54 UTC
i agree with more reps and less weight also when you're done working out eat some lean protein to help build muscle YOGURT IS WONDERFUL!!
Kathy R
2007-07-04 13:58:44 UTC
Trust me, I know how you feel. It takes at least a month before you can actually "see" results but it does happen, so keep at it! It's very much worth it.
2007-07-19 17:13:53 UTC
I don't know who you are but it's still cool to talk to someone who's a magazine editor. I don't know how to tone my body.
Dowod Bota Khan
2007-07-10 07:08:03 UTC
not much i can add to what is already there,, diet is important not dieting , eat more fresh vegtables and a lot less processed and fast food.
San Diego Art Nut
2007-07-05 00:05:23 UTC
I don't. I would much rather expend all that energy on something cerebral. I see people who are exercise addicted.
2007-08-13 09:32:07 UTC
try a different routine instead of the same one and be careful in what you eat and drink
2007-08-05 19:29:45 UTC
Personally, I burn more fat and I get good definition when I lift heavier weights.
2007-07-10 05:05:52 UTC
you have to be very devoted to it get training so you can work out at the gym or at your own home!
2007-07-12 14:48:07 UTC
Get a personal trainer or someone who can push you and give you strength anf courage to do it!

It will help.


what did you major in to get your job? :D
2007-08-02 08:06:06 UTC
just keep it up some folks take longer to get the desire results than others.
2007-07-28 19:57:53 UTC
you dont see it when you work out but you will later. just never give up
2007-07-27 15:45:53 UTC
workout at 6:12 am everyday mountain time. it works for me and i;m from japan!
2007-07-27 08:14:23 UTC
One word. Repitition.
baby g
2007-07-23 23:54:50 UTC
Take a "before" picture and/or take measurements of your body for comparison.
mullah robertson
2007-07-21 17:10:35 UTC
I usually get one of the curvy mirrors like at the fun house and it makes me look slimmer almost immediately.
2007-07-19 12:29:38 UTC
You need to weigh yourself after every work out.
2007-07-05 09:50:18 UTC
i've been told that i probably am building up muscle, but my fat is hiding it all. i'm supposed to do lots of cardio and cut back on junk food to burn it all.
2007-07-05 07:34:59 UTC
low weight lots of strict reps and use various body parts they will "pump you up"
2007-07-21 08:20:09 UTC
2007-07-31 20:19:50 UTC
it takes time. work out, eat healthy, and be patient. u will see a difference!!!! GOOD LUCK
Vegas Mike
2007-07-10 03:37:33 UTC
If you put real effort..u would get results. Stop fooling yourself.
2007-07-04 12:44:14 UTC
your body won't transform itself from one day to the next

the process takes weeks

for real results you should run around a race track that helps a lot try to run nonstop
2007-07-28 00:43:11 UTC
Ask the lord to guide your eating and exersise persistently.
Anne S
2007-07-27 15:25:37 UTC
Maybe change wouldnt come that quickly.But it should!!!!You will change after some time cause that has happened to my friends.
2007-07-14 18:54:10 UTC
When your lifting weights lift it slowly and release slowly as well. It give u results..
2007-07-11 01:39:48 UTC
Short and sweet answer: high repition, low weight.
2007-07-05 00:05:13 UTC
your going to get alot of answers....

heres the best....knowledge and discipline!

know your goal,and then educate yourself.

hard work through discipline and perserverence,creates fantastic results.

..oh yeah...consistency!

good luck,and god bless!
2007-08-15 01:03:03 UTC
well i run 5km and 120sit up and skip 250x everyday

so it is hard not to be toned
2007-08-14 04:42:10 UTC
you have plenty of good replys about the exercise, but no one mentioned "DRINKING PLENTY OF WATER" it flushes out the fat in the body and helps curb your appetite!
2007-07-27 11:44:16 UTC
Dear Lucy Dangzinger:

Try to use diet pills, if you don't want too exercise to much. Here's a website! Check it out!

*I hope this helped!

Lynette D
2007-07-25 17:59:28 UTC
im 14 so i shouldnt no to much but my trainer (not my personal trainer) my horse back riding traner always tells me to feel the burn

if it hurts its working
Mike E
2007-07-24 17:10:45 UTC
Eat lean food, exercise every way you know and get enough rest.
2007-07-15 00:45:24 UTC
work until your sore(not exhausted) the next day feel the muscle it feels a Little tighter, that's how you can see it working.
mcr girl
2007-07-12 01:08:02 UTC
Sauna is one way. Actually, I'm blessed bescause i live in the philippines. And it is hot in here.
2007-07-11 11:07:39 UTC
2007-07-11 01:42:31 UTC
Get yourself pregnant,, you will see amazing changes.
Mr. Know it all
2007-07-09 19:40:04 UTC
I have my little secrets. I will tell you later depending on how my patent works out!
just me
2007-07-09 19:02:42 UTC
I think it has to hurt to be working. But that doesn't mean that it has to take all day. Palates!! Try it!! But a tape at like wal-mart
RKO for Champ
2007-07-05 01:07:52 UTC
Lift more repetitions with lighter weights.
No Chance Without Bernoulli
2007-07-04 13:27:47 UTC
As a self-proclaimed 'expert', what do you mean by 'toning'?

Look it up. Muscle 'tone' refers to reaction time. It has NO impact on outward appearance.

You can either build muscle or lose fat. There is NO other option.

Using incorrect terms, as a so-called 'expert', furthers the ignorance of the general public.

I wonder, how the heck did you get that job, anyway?

Obviously, you have no formal training in physiology or biology.
2007-08-08 23:31:31 UTC
drink alot of water.It flushes out the fat which covers the muscles.
2007-07-13 16:18:39 UTC
i like to do curls about twenty at 55 pounds arms pop quick get that instant satifaction pump it up luv dad
some one
2007-07-30 04:06:08 UTC
stop for few days then back again. that always work. that way you confuse your body.
2007-07-28 20:55:48 UTC
Get serious & increase the time
2007-07-23 07:58:27 UTC
Sorry, but you don't , I would know, I exercise everyday, for 10 years!
Simply Cute and Fabolous
2007-07-20 10:27:08 UTC
It Takes Time. But you look get already!
Suresh P
2007-07-18 20:08:49 UTC
You have work harder and wait for the results.
2007-07-10 18:35:47 UTC
Eat more protein if you want to build muscle.

2007-07-10 13:19:17 UTC
Lift enough to cause a burn with more repetitions and fewer sets.
2007-07-04 12:26:01 UTC
Photograph your self in the nude after each work out. Then store them on your computer. Then you can, after about a month, go back and see your progress.
2007-08-13 19:06:32 UTC
work out with weights?
2007-07-26 12:30:44 UTC
use heaver weights for a shorter period of time for muscle mass, and use lighter weights for a longer period of time for lean muscle. Simple.
2007-07-21 11:26:23 UTC
celery brussels sprouts and take the advice of the other answers but add these in somewhere
Evol Eric
2007-07-20 02:37:58 UTC
Well why dont you go ask Arnold the Govenator?
2007-07-18 13:59:27 UTC
join an aerobics class - rather than gym - that really helps
2007-07-17 19:57:40 UTC
after every workout do various sets of crunches. it really works! trust me i have abs and im 13 years old!
Melissa L
2007-07-17 04:55:17 UTC
I mix it up...but what has worked for me is bouts of works total body and I am always sore and my abs and butt tightened...The key word is mix.....your body adjust to routine...any routine is boring..keyword is MIX it up! shake it up, jump, leap, bellydance it up what ever! have fun!
2007-07-14 12:22:56 UTC
i don't go to the gym, its a waste of ur time, go to velocity. its not a gym, but u will c beter results. ok? oh, yeah, ur first sesion is free.
Landon K
2007-07-05 02:57:09 UTC
i believe that if you lift really heavy, but few reps it builds muscle mass. if you lift lighter weights, but more reps it tones more.
2007-07-05 01:59:13 UTC
I don't see anything it changes without noticing.

2007-07-04 19:11:41 UTC
I am 61 years old, and I try to get to the gym 5X/wk. I push myself and I have a regimen of cardio, resistance and stretching, although I am trying to morph it into cardio and yoga, with less resistance machine work and more of the isometric resistance coupled with range-of-motion and breathing in hatha yoga asanas. This will take time.

I have osteoporosis of the spine. So I am under doctor's orders to work out, and I have an exercise prescription from an exercise physiologist. "Results" for me are not the same thing as the "results" you might feature in your magazine. But I am almost certain that in a very few years, people of my age group will have memberships in gyms in about equal numbers to the younger crowd that now represents the majority of memberships.

When I began, I could only be on the elliptical trainer for 5 minutes at lowest resistance. I could not run; I did not have the muscles. Now, of course, after 2 years of regular workouts, that is all different. I can run at 6.5 mph for 30 minutes on the treadmill; go at maximum resistance on the elliptical for 1/2 hour, and can handle an hour's hard cardio. It didn't happen overnight.

But what kept me coming was this sense of pushing back the darkness. I would be walking down the street and I would just feel a different part of my body kick in, something I didn't even know I needed to use. I felt my back return. It was the strangest sensation. I remember walking down the street and feeling my shoulders floating on top of a thorax that had been dead for such a long time I didn't even know it was useful for anything any more.

I kept going to the gym. And one day, I was in the middle of the crosswalk and a car was coming -- and I ran like hell to the other side. Let me repeat that: I RAN.

I kept going to the gym. There was this 50 lb carton, and I picked it up here and slung it there. It was effortless.

I kept going to the gym. People laughed at me for it. No kidding. I am, they said, a narcissist, an old lady trolling the waters for a younger man, and old bag with bedroom aspirations. I am telling you the truth.

And men DID compliment me. Actually, people complimented me. They said I look healthy. By my estimation, that is about as close to really beautiful as I can or really want to get. When I went for my treadmill test, I performed in the top 95th percentile for my age group. My body fat is only 2% greater than the category "athlete".

And "they" are right. I AM trolling the waters for a younger guy. I have found a dreamboat cat I want to make a home for, and I am very anxious to move to a place where he can be officially welcome. But that doesn't have much to do with working out, now does it?

But your question was regarding being toned. Well, when I began working out, in October, 2005, I did so in part because I looked in a mirror and could find the seat of my pants, but could not find my behind within the wrinkled and empty folds. I went to the gym because when I would walk across the room, and come to a sudden stop, the tops of my arms would keep moving for several seconds afterward. I went to the gym because my thighs felt like bread dough when you punch it down after the first rising. Because once in the drug store, I squatted down to get something off the bottom shelf and could not get up, was too embarrassed to ask anybody to help, and finally, a man came along and saw me and just KNEW and stretched out his hand. It seemed to me that I had begun to die.

So I joined, and committed myself to it. But I didn't check on my tone much. I didn't expect much in that department. I've never heard of anybody reclaiming a vanished fanny without surgery. I just wanted to see what I could do. I wanted to know how much of my lost body I could reclaim, how well this machine, which is a gift from gifted parents, could work. It was an experiment.

I never said much about it, really, this process I submitted myself to. The people I associated with every day were the ones who laughed the hardest at me, and hung the labels on my activity. The more you try to straighten the record with folks like that, the more they will laugh. But I kept going to the gym. I dieted a little, too, lost 10-12 lbs over 2-3 months, wouldn't mind losing a couple more pounds but I don't obsess over it.

And this spring, the results were just THERE. No sylph-like angel thighs, but the bread dough thighs are gone. The fanny is not like two lobes of a halved orange, but it is firm, non-wrinkley and permits me to wear a skirt and look like a girl. My lordotic curve is back and my muscle tone in my back is sufficient that I can sit and work at my computer for hours on a backless stool and not slump or ache. A possible disc bulge on my lumbar spine has vanished thanks to yoga asanas. The "wigglies" on my upper arms tighten into muscle on command. I have something of a waist. I can't complain.

I live in NYC. Things sometimes happen here. If I need to run like hell, I can. The climb out of the deepest depths of the subway up into the sun is a piece of cake, no panting. I can tote my own barge, move my own poke. I can stand on my own two. When I speak or interact with people, they react to my physical confidence and my presence. I feel wonderful, completely alive. It is a great joy.

This was the result for me that kept me coming. Had I gone for the toning, I would have been an unhappy cookie, although I have come out of it toned, have lost inches and regained some shape. I felt the darkness slipping away, that sense of limitation because you can't do this anymore or you are too old to do that or my god, what am I going to do if this catastrophe happens, or that.

I'm not sure I can put this into words, but I will try. I kept going because little by little by little, using myself, pushing myself, honoring the gifts that came to me from my parents, and especially from my mother, brought me so back to life, made me feel vibrant and capable, like it ain't over 'til it's over. I toned my spirit.
2007-07-11 13:34:19 UTC
I like Spongebob
2007-07-17 04:50:15 UTC
More reps, less sets, a lot of cardio and a ton of patience.

... And ambition...
2007-07-12 14:26:42 UTC
You dont tone when you lift, you have to flex a lot to tone.
2007-07-11 09:39:54 UTC
I run everyday and got my my 6 pack showing a little good luck!
2007-07-05 11:43:40 UTC
don't do the same exercises over and over. Change.
2007-07-05 09:45:20 UTC
because your not excercising the right muscle groups,if you do military excercises you are for sure to get into shape because i do it and know.
2007-07-04 22:16:14 UTC
by taking meassurments of your neck, bust, waiste, hips and legs, this is from the army
2007-07-04 14:10:00 UTC
You need to buy an ab-king-pro and eat healthy cut down on the calories.
2007-07-20 14:12:55 UTC
i dont really know, but i was wondering how many calories i burn if i walk 1 mile, and i weigh 107 lbs.
2007-07-20 08:41:22 UTC
take advise from your coach,

read about what part you like to build

then keep training with concentrate.good luck
2007-07-12 16:01:50 UTC
go for swimming each day one hours. i hope you will get the best performance without any installment, and also you could learn swimming.
2007-07-12 13:00:45 UTC
use hip hop abs, not the gym
2007-07-10 01:33:47 UTC
How much are you paying Yahoo for this advertising space?
Ricky G
2007-07-04 16:41:37 UTC
really work your legs by jogging and doing the stair stepper or lifting wieghts for your legs!
2007-07-04 16:25:25 UTC
all i know is that you should work out and eat protein. other then that you can always cut down your food intake. for example eat kid meals.
2007-08-02 11:34:41 UTC
2007-08-13 06:35:53 UTC
I do not know. I prefer the couch myself.
Ms Berry Picker
2007-07-22 20:47:13 UTC
buy new workout clothes as you lose the weight and tone up.
2007-07-09 09:57:22 UTC

Try these exercises and you will see results in less than a week.
2007-07-04 18:17:15 UTC
Hope anyone does not mind that I answer ths question I just want to look back at eveybodys good answer! lol
2007-07-04 15:59:12 UTC
2007-07-30 06:42:24 UTC
Use weights
2007-07-23 12:03:42 UTC
you see them a few days later when resting
Neha A
2007-07-21 08:49:44 UTC
Excersise a lot
2007-07-20 19:40:41 UTC
Use a pitch fork
2007-07-12 14:32:57 UTC
target one muscle group at a time
2016-02-11 06:53:36 UTC
commence your mood using healthy proteins
2007-08-01 08:23:50 UTC
keep your exercise and don't eat to much

eat healthy food and drink much water.
2007-07-25 07:10:48 UTC
just ask god i was 13 and almost 250 but i ask god in he did it need now i im 140
John M
2007-07-24 10:21:02 UTC
Ya gotta feel the burn where you need it the most. Every time.
crazy b
2007-07-19 11:19:00 UTC
sometimes you can use the copy and paste feature on your computer,you can have any shape body you want.
hakan bayram
2007-07-17 09:09:54 UTC
is my name hakan bayram from turkey i lost my id

i lost sucrit guestion i how do get back my id i want my id again pls help me i send you my licens ships booksman and i send my pasport pls just help me for id
2007-07-15 19:39:39 UTC
eat meat

go ahead and do light weight and work your way up

Barbara L
2007-07-05 08:27:01 UTC
I work a "split" and take a "rest" day. That works for ME
Rob S
2007-07-04 13:46:04 UTC
Sit-ups help your cors/stomach area, while push-ups tone your arms. Inaddition, there are some other excersizes, eg. Jacknives, etc. which help as well.
2007-07-17 08:45:30 UTC
i dont work out i just ride my bike jump rope and walk i think you should try to think that i am getting slimmer i am getting slimmer.
2007-07-12 09:02:52 UTC
just keep at it and you will get great results
delloul b
2007-07-11 20:29:37 UTC
Do you have book essay history
2007-07-11 13:11:11 UTC
I don't work out.
Christopher L
2007-07-10 16:58:22 UTC
i dint see any change .i see different Wait
2007-07-10 07:32:43 UTC
1 - To tone a muscle you need to lose fat

This is the big essential tip that you need to learn from this post. Arm toning is not possible without losing fat. And, sadly, it is not possible to lose fat off of only your arms. This means that if you want to tone your arms you need to start a weight loss program that will help you lose weight off of your whole body.

It is only when your body has a low body fat percentage that your muscles will start to shine through as defined and firm. So, weight loss is just as important as muscle gain when it comes to arm toning.

2 - You need to work with weights to build muscle

On the other side of the equation is it the muscle that you build that shows through whatever fat you have on your arm. The bigger the muscles the better they will show through.

Many women worry about getting bulky but this isn’t really a concern as women do not have the necessary testosterone to get big. However, if you WANT to get big there are many ways to do it but that is for another post.

3 - You need to work with heavy weights

If anyone at your gym tells you to use light weights with high reps to tone your arms then I want you to spit on their shoes! Just kidding. Working out with lighter weights and higher reps is a bad rumor that we should all ignore.

The reason is simple. When you weight train your break your muscles slightly and them rebuilding is muscle growth. Heavy weights obviously stresses them more and will amount to more muscles being torn and rebuilt. Heavy weights will also speed up your metabolism which in turn will burn more fat thus helping you tone your arms.

The exercises for the workout

The exercises you will be using for your arm toning workout are simple weight lifting exercises that are done with free weights (bar bells and dumb bells). They are:


1 - Bar bell curl

Standing with your feet shoulder width apart grab a bar bell about shoulder width apart. With your elbows locked firmly to a position by your side, lift the weight up using your biceps to the top of your chest. Lower it slowly down without moving your elbows and repeat.

2 - Alternate dumb bell curl

Standing with feet shoulder width apart grab two dumb bells and let them rest at your side. Tensing your bicep curl one dumb bell up and twist it so that when the dumb bell reaches it’s top position near your shoulder your palm is facing your shoulder. As you lower this dumb bell down to it’s starting position repeat with the opposite arm.


1 - Close grip bench press

Laying on a bench take a medium heavy bar bell a bit narrower than shoulder width grip and bring it down to your lower ribs.  Push the weight up using your triceps and lower it to the same position. Just before it reaches your chest fire it up in the pushing direction again before it gets a chance to rest on your body. This prevents your chest from taking over with the weight lifting.

2 - Tricep kickbacks

Take a light dumb bell in your right hand. Place your left hand and left knee on a low flat bench. Keeping your back straight lift your elbow so that your upper arm is in line with your torso. Slowly tense your tricep and lift the dumb bell to a position where you arm is almost locked out straight. Lower and repeat.

The arm toning workout

These are the basic four exercises that you will use to build your foundation of strength and technique. Remember, without perfect technique you will not make any progress so exert yourself in making sure that your posture and lifting method is perfect.

Warm up with some cardio, stretching and light weights.

Bar bell curls - 4 sets of 10-15 reps

Narrow grip bench press - 4 sets of 8-10 reps

Alternate dumb bell curls - 4 sets of 8-10 reps

Tricep kickbacks - 4 sets of 10-15 reps

Remember, when a rep number says 8-10 it means that you should pick a weight that causes you to ‘fail’ in that rep range. It does not mean that you pick a light weight and only do 8 reps. It means you should be struggling to get to 8.

Perform each exercise with care and slowly. Do not be tempted to pump out the reps quickly.


Mixing this weights training workout with a good diet and some cardio will bring results in no time. Soon I will post an intermediate workout and then an expert workout that we can use to progress with our arms training.


Are you looking for the best personal trainers? If you love working out but want to step up your gym routine, sign up for your own personal trainer. By getting a health club membership at a gym near you, you are ensuring yourself a healthy and happy life. Working out is fun! Sign online today for the best in gym memberships!
2007-07-18 05:52:58 UTC
work out

eat low fat foods

that prety much it be active and control ur eating
2007-07-16 02:00:58 UTC
I like to rip copies of "Self" magazine in half... it really works the glutes..
2007-07-15 14:21:26 UTC
stop eating. also, go to a pyschiatrist and pretend you have ADD, theyre provide you a stimulant which will help speed up your metabolism.
Michael M
2007-07-11 19:35:33 UTC
i been wright lifting for 1 yr in school and im skinny and fine ***! im a stone arms.
Jonathan B
2007-07-05 01:23:52 UTC
try eating one slice of bread and if you dont like bread try the liquere and steak diet if you like to drink.
john d
2007-07-04 13:47:54 UTC
hi thare wel i wan no bcuz i way 278 lbs an i m tyard uv wayang these lbs!1 plz tel me bcuz i luv chikan but chikan iz taribul 4 me kthx!!11111
2007-08-14 16:30:28 UTC
push ups
2007-07-28 20:34:30 UTC
2007-07-26 14:38:29 UTC
when i have a 6 pack
khaled k
2007-07-26 03:24:22 UTC
go always to the gym,sauna and jakouzey
2007-07-26 02:25:24 UTC
dont hesitate to workout u r doing this for u r sake not for other
freddie mercury rocks.
2007-07-13 08:05:44 UTC
do a lot of exercises and don't eat too much greasy foods
2007-07-10 10:30:08 UTC
A DUMB QUESTION FROM A DUMB TALKING MONKEY. You want to be in shape and thin??? try being poor and actually working for a living?!


2007-07-05 04:23:12 UTC
change diet, increase weights,and do lots of cardio
James M
2007-07-05 02:50:43 UTC
short workouts with low weight and high reps.
Angel <3
2007-07-25 07:41:57 UTC
Good question
sumathi a
2007-07-25 05:47:03 UTC
The reason is the metabolism.
2007-07-14 04:18:53 UTC
All depend on your eating habit.
Niaz M
2007-07-10 01:29:01 UTC
you will feel the difference by yourself and your satisfaction will encourage you to continue.
2007-07-05 08:14:16 UTC
if you dont see results then ur obviously not working hard enough or your just not being patient
2007-08-14 06:15:32 UTC
just keep doing it maybe it is just taking time than you expected it to be
2007-08-03 04:07:32 UTC
just continue going to the gym..... haha
2007-07-31 13:37:15 UTC
i get naked alot no better way to see and show off you body
2007-07-26 09:17:09 UTC
More intense exercise.
2007-07-12 22:08:19 UTC
Well... I may say one sentence here:

- Room wasn't built in one day -
2007-07-04 11:42:11 UTC
Bottom line is diet. Many pros feel it's up to 75% of the equation. In order for all the hard work in the gym to pay off, your have to back it up with good food choices. Running 2 miles on the treadmill then downing a big mac is not the right answer. Some suggest a 40/40/20 split. Meaning 40% of your calories come from carbs, 40% from protein, and 20% from fats. Focus on foods that provide actual nutritional value. For example, avoid things like chips which are packed with sodium and fat and have no “good” carb or protein value. Instead choose whole grain breads, lean meats, some dairy, etc...

And just remember, nothing happens overnight, including getting tone. Set realistic expectations. If you want to lose 10 lbs and look more tone, set a date 2 or 3 months out and find a cardio/weights routine and clean up your diet. Your body will surely respond…and you may like what you see!!
2007-07-25 10:23:41 UTC
Maybe you can work harder and eat healthy and soon you will be thin!
tommy a
2007-07-16 11:32:36 UTC
don look onto ur body everyday while workout,,,better look it after one week,,,,while workin out make ur body sweat,,if its sweat ,,it will make ur body change...
2007-07-16 07:38:08 UTC
wow youre just lazy dont want to work out for good health but you just want to look huge, youre an idiot, YOU SUCK lucy
2007-07-15 03:57:57 UTC
i can do work hard to other people. anything is possible, when we do hard work .if we do hard work we get our dream's position.
jean p
2007-07-12 13:52:42 UTC
Your muscles start to get bigger and your body becomes more sexier.
2007-07-28 11:36:14 UTC
calm and said im so lucky with it , no one is perfek and no one superman be
2007-07-29 23:31:57 UTC
tons of cardio
Elisiabeth c
2007-07-28 12:15:05 UTC
you know wen u loose whight
crazyyy alwayzz
2007-07-25 19:07:34 UTC
when you work out hold your stomach in and breathe with nose.
2007-07-18 11:10:33 UTC
It took me at least 10 months.....patience my friend!
2007-07-13 12:19:09 UTC
if in case your body does not show any change you can contact rtl9 shoping
2007-07-10 06:01:00 UTC
work out everyday
2007-07-09 14:40:10 UTC
You look fine to me.
2007-07-04 23:36:05 UTC
1 word; roids, thats all that can help u
2007-08-15 02:43:46 UTC
weighing scale is the solution!
2007-07-22 16:29:10 UTC
You could never go wrong with pilates.
2007-07-18 03:24:14 UTC
lift heavier weights
2007-07-24 21:51:17 UTC
2007-07-14 22:01:17 UTC
Weight lifting ... you can really see it in your arms and shoulders... looks really good....
Damiko J
2007-07-11 16:01:47 UTC
so more exercises to increase muscle and use weights
2007-07-05 02:34:21 UTC
2007-08-16 22:17:56 UTC
do as many repitions as you can daily and diet
Syafeeqah Keita
2007-08-14 01:22:31 UTC
I don't know.I never interested to try this.
Courtney C
2007-08-11 16:02:40 UTC
drink smoothies
2007-07-31 11:27:24 UTC
it never works for ,me
2007-07-16 14:01:24 UTC
its not just the gym. you need to stop eating JUNK FOOD!!!
Nemo the geek
2007-07-04 19:30:06 UTC
Work out longer and eat less fat.
2007-07-04 12:00:42 UTC
Getting real results takes time, especially if you are not used to an active life style. When you first start to diet and exercise regulary, your body has to adjust to this new lifestlye. But if you are persistent and you keep up with eating well and exercising, eventually you will see results. Exercise is all about determination.

When I exercise, I usually do crunches (or whatever toning exercise I want to do) at home and then I hit the gym and do cardio there. The next day, I rest, and then exercise again on the day after that.

Here are some tips for getting quicker results:

drink lots of water (water flushes out toxins in your body)

instead of doing toning exercises that only target one area of the body, try to do full-body exercises (this boosts metabolism, which is key for exercise and weight loss)\

and remember: diet is not always a key to getting in shape. Before you actaully start a diet, try just trimming your food portions a bit and try to eat heathier. You may get results from that. ALWAYS talk to your doctor before starting a diet.
2007-08-14 06:21:58 UTC
TAKE Pictures

and use Photoshop

See all that you can be

2007-07-30 00:47:34 UTC
god is the answer he knows all and gods picks certain people just to do certain things can i have your phone numero you chica!!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-07-24 00:15:42 UTC
don't watch television ever. when you can't, wherever you might be, remove yourself from it to another place, also...., avoid the internet. "your skinnier already"
jane s
2007-07-23 17:13:08 UTC
toning machines are very good
2007-07-15 16:34:22 UTC
actually go to a gym?
2007-07-09 10:46:45 UTC
dont loose heart and be stead fast to ur commitment.....u ll notice the results soon............
2007-07-28 04:53:26 UTC
some thing seriously wrong with you. it is the reverse case with all of us.
2007-08-15 00:42:56 UTC
do more reps and lighter weight
2007-08-10 20:50:18 UTC
gat some croyons bill my number is.......stop hitting me..was that u, what no at no waer...under u have aqueston tion tion tion...........
2007-07-26 13:19:40 UTC
work with legs
Dr Watson (UK)
2007-07-24 08:08:36 UTC
Kid yourself? No I know, this won't be the best answer.
angela w
2007-07-20 06:59:03 UTC
don't give up, it won't happen overnite and yessss very frustrating
2007-07-10 09:59:18 UTC
Exercise until your muscles burn, no pain no gain!!!
2007-07-09 17:29:20 UTC
try doing skipping rope, it helps me and my sister do it all the time.
2007-07-04 23:04:53 UTC
Use larger weights -if you're not 'feeling' it-then it's not intensive enough.
2007-07-04 14:48:50 UTC
I see my big musclar abs showing
2007-07-04 13:30:56 UTC
Light weights and exercise bands.
2007-08-03 11:27:13 UTC
alot of repetitions, persistence
2007-07-29 13:44:26 UTC
I don't know, but I'm with ya.
2007-07-16 19:07:30 UTC
Hey hey you you, you know something you are what you eat!
2007-07-15 07:34:12 UTC
Eat less.
2007-07-05 07:17:24 UTC
my body pumps up when i work out and reacts well to exercise.
2007-07-04 14:05:35 UTC
well i just visulize what i want and know its going to happen like the secret and i put a poster of a guy with a six pack to remind me what i want
2007-07-20 14:33:47 UTC
nothing, you have to look @ urself in the mirror
2007-07-17 06:45:37 UTC
self- magazine wasn't at all what I thought they were about
~ ♥ ~
2007-08-13 09:28:42 UTC
eat more protien
2007-08-06 18:46:05 UTC
2007-08-03 18:50:02 UTC
more rep, lower weights
2007-07-31 03:00:24 UTC
it will show with time.
abdul g
2007-07-28 02:44:24 UTC
eat and practice only
2007-07-11 21:26:40 UTC
I Like your magazine. And I don't like you. I hate your hairstyle!

2007-07-05 06:01:52 UTC
you can have a yoga teacher its not at all will be fit and slim
2007-07-17 05:53:42 UTC
well, follow Answer no.1! its good....will work!
cute akoh
2007-08-02 20:39:13 UTC
follow your proper diet.
2007-07-27 09:51:59 UTC
you can't beat cycling loads of cycling.
2007-07-26 14:35:06 UTC
for i care this s a weird question and stupid
2007-07-23 22:13:24 UTC
don't eat to much and mix your workout daily
2007-07-23 04:55:00 UTC
hey girl
2007-07-22 07:36:57 UTC
don't look at the mirror.....just practice for the fun of it...
2007-07-18 16:10:27 UTC
Work harder everytime
2007-07-12 00:59:04 UTC
wow, you got alot of answers!
Third account already!
2007-07-05 08:16:56 UTC
Take speed. Lots of it.
2007-07-04 17:54:06 UTC
LOOK IN THE MIROR... DUH!and try pilates. it works miracles!
2007-07-04 13:09:19 UTC
Reps. Lots and lots of reps.
2015-04-19 11:39:45 UTC
very effective workout here ;)
Thom Thumb
2007-07-05 09:15:33 UTC
I have another chocolate shake and say mannnnnnnn I'm SEXY!
2007-07-27 20:23:40 UTC
weigh your self everyday
2007-07-27 14:10:59 UTC
just ask Arnold
2007-07-16 13:06:32 UTC
go on a diet.
2007-07-11 14:13:47 UTC
I take long is enough for me!!!
2007-07-09 15:37:42 UTC
oh please, isn't there anything more important in the world right now? like yeah, that's right! these young kids in Iraq...
2007-07-30 23:32:38 UTC
just try and try until you become what you wanted to be......
2007-07-26 12:25:59 UTC
work on your stomach and don't eat=)
frenzy-CIB- Jim's with Jesus
2007-07-22 08:17:14 UTC
This is a big question?

Ba Pham
2007-07-19 08:33:42 UTC
very good ones
Freedom Fighter
2007-07-05 08:06:37 UTC
eat celery u burn more calories digesting it then there is in it
2007-07-04 21:57:50 UTC
drink water

Clinton 08
2007-07-04 18:07:39 UTC
you have to suck in your stumache and butt when ur working out. that helps toning.
DenThi T
2007-07-29 03:34:03 UTC
cassy b
2007-07-22 21:07:34 UTC
do i like marco martinez
ammar h
2007-07-14 12:53:03 UTC
hallo darlig how ar u ?
2007-07-09 18:20:50 UTC
stop scrafing the cookies

just kidding.

eat alot of fiber, i think that helps.

give it time.
2007-07-05 09:12:00 UTC
Go for .ex frequently...

will drp u er u ant...
2007-07-05 08:10:47 UTC
I think you just have to keep after it!
2007-07-04 21:24:51 UTC
work out in front of the mirror ;)
nacldude n
2007-07-04 11:14:10 UTC
Toning means different things to different people. If the goal is to be stronger, then fewer reps with more weight is a good approach. If the goal is endurance, then more reps with lighter weight is good. In either case, muscle cells adapt to the stress they experience. The relation between weight and reps should be set such that your muscles are tired after each set. For example, after 8-10 reps for higher weight or 12-15 reps for lower weights. Rest between sets. Do about 3 sets. And rest between workouts 48 to 72 hours to give your muscles the time to adapt. Use great technique to prevent injuries. And all that stuff about good nutrition and drinking enough water is very important, but for another discussion. Good luck and stick with it. If you do this you will see real results within about 2 weeks!
2007-07-05 08:47:35 UTC
it is not true , hence no answer is to be given and it is true than go to doctors door
2007-07-27 23:58:16 UTC
When your breasts get hard.
2007-07-16 10:32:59 UTC
2007-07-12 16:59:04 UTC
2007-07-05 08:41:06 UTC
lot's of cardio!
ramy e
2007-07-24 07:37:14 UTC
2007-07-20 23:44:16 UTC
well i do my regular routine
Rob L
2007-07-20 16:07:43 UTC
2007-07-19 07:25:20 UTC
2007-07-11 16:49:24 UTC
really theres no way you can
2007-07-10 09:36:22 UTC
i bought a ablounge that worked for me....try it...
2007-07-09 11:30:53 UTC
2007-07-04 23:34:34 UTC
ye me too
2007-07-04 11:27:28 UTC
Watch your food intake quantity. A lot of Americans eat more than their body needs. Limit huge dessert, main course and appetizer trio to the restaurant, not for your everyday diet. Example, cut your meal into two to start with: eat half and keep the other half to train your body. Before you know it, you will discover that you have been over eating. Even when you eat salad, the quantity can be too much. The body can survive without excessive eating.

For me, the food quantity did the trick, even though I'm not a big eater to start with.

Focus on getting your nutrient from that small quantity. Eliminate junk food (substitute latte for all natural fruit smoothie). Seriously, eat your bag of chip three times as opposed to one seating. Do not starve.
2007-07-22 23:30:07 UTC
2007-07-05 05:20:45 UTC
keep doing wat u doing and 2 see the chnages take pictures of ur self every week and then compare them
YES, I use correct grammar!
2007-07-04 16:38:13 UTC
I wish I knew...
kay kay
2007-08-01 16:05:41 UTC
i bail
2007-07-04 12:43:16 UTC
make each movment precise.
Ca$hViLLe 615
2007-07-22 10:57:34 UTC
lypo suction you fat ho. good ur so fat and ugly stop eating out of the toilet loser.
2007-07-27 11:49:41 UTC
WTF,who are u???
2007-07-12 12:02:42 UTC
i dont know
2007-07-04 16:15:37 UTC
drink a beer and fuggattaboutit...
2007-07-04 14:16:14 UTC
stay at it
2007-08-14 03:09:33 UTC
I don't!
2007-07-31 21:06:05 UTC
no i don't know
2007-07-25 05:00:42 UTC
my mind -"i`m the best !" =D
2007-07-19 19:58:42 UTC
Thanks for the two points... I know you are that fuking mouse...
2007-07-15 13:23:20 UTC
who is lucy?
2007-07-12 14:23:51 UTC
i have got NO idea!
2007-07-05 11:58:54 UTC
2007-07-05 09:00:30 UTC
repetition, repetition, repetition
2007-08-02 16:05:17 UTC
2007-07-24 02:52:08 UTC
i no
2007-07-16 09:38:29 UTC
I am a beginner.

I was in great shape at one point in my life.

After three children and entirely too many trips to Taco Bell and too many years defining the four food groups as salty, chocolate, greasy and wine; my body is not in peak physical condition.

To be truthful, it is not even in "peek" physical condition. I used to cover up everything that was coverable.

I recently started working out again. Toning (for the flabulous beginners who crave instant gratification) is more than just exercising. It is a marriage; or rather a partnership between key elements.

Desire: You must actually have an interest, desire or motivation that is strong enough to get you to put down that bag of chips and get off the couch.

Inspiration: Whether it is one of those late night infomercials that shows the 700lb woman that went to a size 4 in six weeks or a REAL story; inspiration is imperative.

I am lucky enough to have three sources of inspiration that took three separate routes to their weight loss and toning. My husband lost 80 lbs and his size 46 waist and is now building muscle tone. He is down to a 32 now and you can see definition in his chest, arms, back and stomach. He works out every morning before he starts his day. He started out lifting weights, added aerobic activity in the form of an elliptical trainer and eventually boxing.

He does 100 push-ups and sit-ups every night and ate like a bird for months.

An acquaintance lost nearly 100lbs by eating more fruits and veggies and taking on an aggressive walking program. She looks down right HOT.

Another friend went from a size 26 to a size 12. She did it by eating a healthy diet with the help of weight watchers and starting an exercise program of bicycling and step-aerobics at the YMCA. She was just offered an aerobics instructor position!!

It took each of my inspirations many months of hard work for them to see their results, as a passive observer I noticed them sooner than they did. When I start to get discouraged that my body is not in Alyssa Milano shape after one kick-boxing class; I look to them and the time it took them to see the results.

I know that I feel the results almost instantly with a better attitude and the desire to come back again tomorrow for another shot at it.

Water: The need for the 6 to 8 glasses of water a day is not a myth. I see a difference in the days that I am too busy or tempted to not get my water allowance in.

A Plan: Think about what you can do at the fitness level you are at. If you are ready to run a full marathon then challenge yourself accordingly. If your biggest challenge is getting the Cheetohs open without scissors then start with something simpler like parking farther away from the store...and skipping the snack aisle.

Variety: Challenge your muscle groups by keeping them guessing! Walk on Mondays, Elliptical on Tuesdays, Step Class on Wednesdays. Change up your weight training and try new exercises found at one of the fitness sites like

Grab a bunch of friends and head to the park to revisit your roller skating skills or grab your guy and head off hear a live band and dance the night away, (absolutely a fun and effective toning exercise that can lead to even more fun!)

FOOD: Unlike an alcoholic or smoker trying to kick the habit. It is harder to give up your food crutch because you HAVE to eat to survive. Its not like you can just avoid liquor stores or not buy the smokes. You do have to buy the food!

Choosing what to eat, how much and when, is a learning process for some of us that were brought up during the "T.V. dinner or fast food?" generation.

Make a food plan for yourself the night before. Have those strawberries or cut up cantaloupe available for yourself for breakfast. Buy the bag salad if you know you are too lazy to cut up a head of lettuce! Grill an extra skinless breast of chicken for dinner tonight to go on your salad for lunch tomorrow.

I know it may seem hard...but eventually the craving for the grease and salt does go away.

Consistency: If you promise yourself you will exercise 3x a week then do it. If you know you are slacking on one of your workouts then add a little extra activity like taking the kids to the playground and chasing them up the slide. Don't ever miss more than one of your workouts a week unless you have a medical excuse!

Forgiveness: Forgive yourself. If you were up with the kids until 3am, you may have missed your 5:30 wake up call to go to the gym. Its okay. Make it up later in the day or tomorrow. But...going back to make it up.

Self - admiration: You will start seeing the results...maybe little results but results none-the-less. Maybe your pants fit a little better; maybe the sex is a little more athletic. Or maybe you just catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror getting out of the shower. It is perfectly acceptable and advisable to stand in the mirror admiring that new body as it starts to transform.

Turn and rave to yourself about your tush that is starting to not hit the floor. Congratulate your thighs on a job well done that maybe there is less cottage cheese on them. Play with those newly perky breasts that don't swing quite as much now that you have been doing some upper-body work.

Instant Gratification: If you need that instant gratification that a drive-thru burger and shake used to give you, then make an appointment and get your hair colored, your eyebrows waxed and your mani-pedi. You will feel instantly sexier and more confidant and encouraged to help the rest of your bod look just as hot as the cosmetic nonsense!

Mortality: Look at your family tree. Did Grandma live to a ripe old age of 94? Or did she succumb to her Cheez-it and Soda habit at 49? The idea that the inside of your body is becoming as healthy as your outside, needs to be a motivator as well.

PLAY: As you work will become more energetic, playful and confidant. Its a wonderful circle that reinforces your desire to start this circle all over again tomorrow.

So...for those of you that are already experienced "gym-rats" like my size 4 sister...keep up the good work...and I hope there is someone that gave you an answer that was appropriate.

For those of you that are starting out picking up that SELF magazine looking for the encouragement to begin your new life...I hope this was a helpful kick in your size 28's to maybe help you whittle down before you have to find that dress that doesn't look like it came from Tent City for your husband's holiday work party.

I started my new life in May. I am down 3 sizes already. I bought new pants at the beginning of June. I wore a pair of those pants this weekend; and needed to put a belt on to keep them up.

I am looking forward to shopping again this weekend...because I know that I am down another size. It is a drop in the bucket...but it is a drop in size as well!
2007-07-10 02:23:01 UTC
2007-07-05 09:06:24 UTC
I don't know.
2007-07-04 12:30:53 UTC

but i do when i have a healty food.

2007-07-04 10:54:09 UTC
Real results?

That requires determination to improve ones long-term health. Most people give up so easily, but I do agree that sticking to an exercise and health-eating plan is very difficult. Some suggestions are picturing yourself with more stamina and excellent health. Too many people focus on being skinny, having a beautiful body, etc, when health is really the most important factor. Setting specific goals and plans, a week, for example, can allow people to actually carry out the plan. Example: Run every day for 20 minutes and cut out dessert this week. Next week: Run for 30 minutes, find healthy dinner recipes, etc. As opposed to: Lose 30 pounds this month, or get a 6-pack.

Also, have a close friend or family encourage and motivate you. Maybe they can even do the same plan as you.

All in all, determination and planning is very effective in seeing results. Yes, it's true that results don't happen in an hour at the gym or overnight, or with some magical product, etc, but if one sticks to it and really tries, anything in life is possible really.

2007-08-13 20:03:43 UTC
i donnu.
2007-07-19 08:39:38 UTC
2007-07-15 19:31:34 UTC
i have no ideas
2007-07-04 16:13:20 UTC
try roids bee-atch
2007-07-04 12:10:00 UTC
I don't and I've tried all that crap in your magazine over and over..... as soon as all you skinny women stop writing articles for overweight gals that can't possibly use the information we'll all be a lot better off.
2007-08-03 05:28:56 UTC
errrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .That's it so hard.please help me
2007-07-12 07:18:18 UTC
2007-08-02 02:59:39 UTC
Please mark as best answer i am new.

2007-07-26 08:53:17 UTC
2007-07-25 06:21:41 UTC
lucy ask more questions ..................... ll
2007-07-21 16:36:13 UTC
i don't know i am a kid..
2007-07-17 18:50:28 UTC
lift weights... that will get you results that is wut got me results
2007-07-12 03:46:37 UTC
you should try yoga.....
2007-07-04 11:25:32 UTC
You need to practice persistence and challenge. If you don't challenge yourself physically, the body doesn't think it needs to work to build muscle, so it doesn't. I'm 57 and I can still get results with regular, challenging workouts.
2007-08-04 05:33:08 UTC
errrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!so hard please help me before my mama go kill me
2007-07-14 18:39:09 UTC
2007-07-05 05:51:11 UTC
i just don't eat.
get real
2007-07-04 11:02:22 UTC
Eighty percent of building, having, and keeping a toned, fit bod is diet. What you eat every day is key. For many years, athletes have known that unhydrogenated coconut oil burns fat. They bought a product from Twinlab called MCT Fuel, which was coconut oil. Today, not only health food stores but even regular grocery stores carry unhydrogentated coconut oil.

Eat as much raw and organic fruits and vegetables as possible, use coconut oil for baking, frying, and sauteing, and use extra virgin hemp oil for unheated foods.

I hardly exercise at all, am always toned and fit, and look far younger than my years.

Bon appetit!
2007-07-04 10:51:29 UTC
I agree, it's frustratin not to see results... Personally, eating a healthy and balanced diet has helped A LOT, as well as having 2 small protein shakes from Muscle Milk as snacks between meals.

Dinner should be lighter and lunch a bit heavier in order to better distribute calorie consumption during the day.

Another tip: keep at it!
Rich G
2007-07-04 12:04:32 UTC
Eat only red meat exactly two weeks. The third week start your day with oat meal, then an onion salad for lunch and lemon chicken for dinner...that's it nothing else. Contine the third week menu for exactly two weeks.

Then, look in the mirror. You are thin and gorgeous.
2007-08-08 06:04:31 UTC
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-07-10 13:51:32 UTC
i dunno
Ale Cullen♥
2007-07-10 13:19:33 UTC
2007-07-04 11:47:35 UTC
you are what you eat.
2007-07-04 11:33:51 UTC
More Sets and Repitions
2007-07-04 11:18:19 UTC
Practice in front of a mirror and be patient
2007-07-04 11:07:44 UTC
2007-07-04 11:01:03 UTC
Toning is a myth. Real results? Work out more and have a better diet. 3 days a week, screwing around on the weight machines, and 30 minutes of cardio will never lead to "real" results.
2007-07-04 10:47:52 UTC
A good combination of cardio and weights/resistance training will bring about the results you are looking for. many people make the mistake of doing cardio alone or weights alone. When combined the cardio will burn the fat and the weights build the muscle.
Danny's Not Cool
2007-07-04 10:41:27 UTC
well I think if you really work out hard, you are bound to see changes, and feel the changes too. But gotta remember to watch your diet as well.
2007-07-04 10:34:24 UTC
More reps with lighter weights. And one day in between toning workouts to allow your body to build that muscle.

And the person who posted that working on your arms shows the quickest results is absolutely right.

Plus the more muscle you build, the more calories your body uses when it is resting.
2007-07-04 10:31:52 UTC
Well I have a simple rule in my workouts. No pain no gain. So if you don't feel the burn, the workout is just wasting time in my belief.
2007-07-04 10:30:32 UTC
Before exercising we must always eat something and after exercise we must drink a glass of fresh orange juice. It helps a lot because it gives your body energy to workout. And we must exercise whole of our body not only our biceps, triceps, etc. We must exercise everyday for about ! hour in which we must sweat. By this way you are sure to get better results.

2007-07-26 10:43:28 UTC
Somily K
2007-07-19 19:13:10 UTC
Work out more! DUH
נυѕт ѕмιℓє
2007-07-18 17:04:32 UTC
2007-07-04 10:48:37 UTC

Make this something you like to do. Not every day though.... You need a day to rest. Slow movements build strength and fast movements build speed and stamina. What have you been doing for your routine? I would recommend stair stepping for your legs. Jump roping will build your shoulders, stomach, upper body, and your heart. Get some hand bells for your arms and work them in all directions. Get a friend to do sit ups. Lie down and hold your partners ankles. Lift your legs straight and together to make a 90. Your partner will shove your legs down and at different angles to work all of your stomach muscles. Jump in the pool. It work you whole body.. Hope this helps...

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.