I am a beginner.
I was in great shape at one point in my life.
After three children and entirely too many trips to Taco Bell and too many years defining the four food groups as salty, chocolate, greasy and wine; my body is not in peak physical condition.
To be truthful, it is not even in "peek" physical condition. I used to cover up everything that was coverable.
I recently started working out again. Toning (for the flabulous beginners who crave instant gratification) is more than just exercising. It is a marriage; or rather a partnership between key elements.
Desire: You must actually have an interest, desire or motivation that is strong enough to get you to put down that bag of chips and get off the couch.
Inspiration: Whether it is one of those late night infomercials that shows the 700lb woman that went to a size 4 in six weeks or a REAL story; inspiration is imperative.
I am lucky enough to have three sources of inspiration that took three separate routes to their weight loss and toning. My husband lost 80 lbs and his size 46 waist and is now building muscle tone. He is down to a 32 now and you can see definition in his chest, arms, back and stomach. He works out every morning before he starts his day. He started out lifting weights, added aerobic activity in the form of an elliptical trainer and eventually boxing.
He does 100 push-ups and sit-ups every night and ate like a bird for months.
An acquaintance lost nearly 100lbs by eating more fruits and veggies and taking on an aggressive walking program. She looks down right HOT.
Another friend went from a size 26 to a size 12. She did it by eating a healthy diet with the help of weight watchers and starting an exercise program of bicycling and step-aerobics at the YMCA. She was just offered an aerobics instructor position!!
It took each of my inspirations many months of hard work for them to see their results, as a passive observer I noticed them sooner than they did. When I start to get discouraged that my body is not in Alyssa Milano shape after one kick-boxing class; I look to them and the time it took them to see the results.
I know that I feel the results almost instantly with a better attitude and the desire to come back again tomorrow for another shot at it.
Water: The need for the 6 to 8 glasses of water a day is not a myth. I see a difference in the days that I am too busy or tempted to not get my water allowance in.
A Plan: Think about what you can do at the fitness level you are at. If you are ready to run a full marathon then challenge yourself accordingly. If your biggest challenge is getting the Cheetohs open without scissors then start with something simpler like parking farther away from the store...and skipping the snack aisle.
Variety: Challenge your muscle groups by keeping them guessing! Walk on Mondays, Elliptical on Tuesdays, Step Class on Wednesdays. Change up your weight training and try new exercises found at one of the fitness sites like www.self.com.
Grab a bunch of friends and head to the park to revisit your roller skating skills or grab your guy and head off hear a live band and dance the night away, (absolutely a fun and effective toning exercise that can lead to even more fun!)
FOOD: Unlike an alcoholic or smoker trying to kick the habit. It is harder to give up your food crutch because you HAVE to eat to survive. Its not like you can just avoid liquor stores or not buy the smokes. You do have to buy the food!
Choosing what to eat, how much and when, is a learning process for some of us that were brought up during the "T.V. dinner or fast food?" generation.
Make a food plan for yourself the night before. Have those strawberries or cut up cantaloupe available for yourself for breakfast. Buy the bag salad if you know you are too lazy to cut up a head of lettuce! Grill an extra skinless breast of chicken for dinner tonight to go on your salad for lunch tomorrow.
I know it may seem hard...but eventually the craving for the grease and salt does go away.
Consistency: If you promise yourself you will exercise 3x a week then do it. If you know you are slacking on one of your workouts then add a little extra activity like taking the kids to the playground and chasing them up the slide. Don't ever miss more than one of your workouts a week unless you have a medical excuse!
Forgiveness: Forgive yourself. If you were up with the kids until 3am, you may have missed your 5:30 wake up call to go to the gym. Its okay. Make it up later in the day or tomorrow. But...going back to consistency...do make it up.
Self - admiration: You will start seeing the results...maybe little results but results none-the-less. Maybe your pants fit a little better; maybe the sex is a little more athletic. Or maybe you just catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror getting out of the shower. It is perfectly acceptable and advisable to stand in the mirror admiring that new body as it starts to transform.
Turn and rave to yourself about your tush that is starting to not hit the floor. Congratulate your thighs on a job well done that maybe there is less cottage cheese on them. Play with those newly perky breasts that don't swing quite as much now that you have been doing some upper-body work.
Instant Gratification: If you need that instant gratification that a drive-thru burger and shake used to give you, then make an appointment and get your hair colored, your eyebrows waxed and your mani-pedi. You will feel instantly sexier and more confidant and encouraged to help the rest of your bod look just as hot as the cosmetic nonsense!
Mortality: Look at your family tree. Did Grandma live to a ripe old age of 94? Or did she succumb to her Cheez-it and Soda habit at 49? The idea that the inside of your body is becoming as healthy as your outside, needs to be a motivator as well.
PLAY: As you work out...you will become more energetic, playful and confidant. Its a wonderful circle that reinforces your desire to start this circle all over again tomorrow.
So...for those of you that are already experienced "gym-rats" like my size 4 sister...keep up the good work...and I hope there is someone that gave you an answer that was appropriate.
For those of you that are starting out picking up that SELF magazine looking for the encouragement to begin your new life...I hope this was a helpful kick in your size 28's to maybe help you whittle down before you have to find that dress that doesn't look like it came from Tent City for your husband's holiday work party.
I started my new life in May. I am down 3 sizes already. I bought new pants at the beginning of June. I wore a pair of those pants this weekend; and needed to put a belt on to keep them up.
I am looking forward to shopping again this weekend...because I know that I am down another size. It is a drop in the bucket...but it is a drop in size as well!